Bea flies across the room and grabs hold of Sally
Bea - You're going to regret coming to prison bitch! I'm going to kill you for what you did to my granddaughter
Sally - I did nothing to her, she's still alive, isn't she?
Bea - Doesn't change the fact you tried to kill her!
Sally - Look Bea I'm sorry I swear it! Len ordered me to do it, I was so scared of him! He threatened to kill me if I didn't do it!
Bea - You did it for the money you lousy stinking bitch! Not because you were scared!
Sally turns on the waterworks
Sally - Please, believe me, Bea, I really am sorry. I'm glad the plan failed and that Chloe is safe. Please can't we put it in the past now? I just want to get on and serve my sentence I have no intentions to cause problems I promise!
Bea - Crap!
Sally - It's not.....
Joan approaches
Joan - I'd like a word alone with Sally if you don't mind Bea?
Bea - You're welcome to her
Bea lets Sally go and looks at her with contempt
Bea -We'll talk again later
Bea walks away and Joan grabs Sally by the arm and leads her out to the corridor
Joan - What the hell are you doing here? You were supposed to stay in Perth not come back to Melbourne
Sally smirks
Sally - You should know me by now, I'm my own person don't take orders from anyone!
Joan - Oh I know you alright. I know that that crap you fed Smith just now was a pack of lies. You're not at all sorry for your actions. I didn't believe it and neither did Smith. If she doesn't get you I will
Sally - Oh I think not Joan
Joan - You just try and stop me
Sally - You'll protect me from Smith, that's what you'll do
Joan - I won't, you've got Buckley's chance!
Sally - Well either you protect me of those friends of yours, the Taylors is it? Bob and Marnie? They both cop a bullet
Joan - How the hell do you know about the Taylors?
Sally - I did some digging, see how smart I am
Joan - Well you can do what you like to them, they aren't friends of mine
Sally - Aren't they? I know you care about them, Joan. And what about their sweet innocent little daughter Tracy? I know how much you care about kids, would you like to see her get hurt or killed
Joan has a face like thunder
Joan - You piece of filth!
Sally - I'm just protecting myself that's all. Got to in a place like this. So do we have a deal?
Joan (resentful) - We have a deal. You just make sure the Taylors stay unharmed, especially little Tracy
Sally - I will Joan...you just make sure that Smith keeps her hands off me
Kate stands calmly
Kate - Agenda? What agenda?
Cheryl - I don't know what agenda, that's what I am asking you about. I know you have one. Are you planning to challenge me for top dog?
Kate - I really have no idea what you're on about
Cheryl - Stop playing games with me Peterson!
Kate - I merely wish to show you that I don't like being given orders.
Cheryl - Well I'm top dog and that means I give the orders and you obey. I'm sorry if you don't like it but it's just the way it is
Kate - Fine, you've made your point
Cheryl -So can I have your word that you'll toe the line from now on?
Kate - Yes ok, seeing as you asked so nicely
Cheryl looks at her dubiously
Cheryl - I'm prepared to forget the fact you slapped me so long as you keep your word. Think yourself lucky I'm doing that, no one hits me and gets away with it normally
Kate - Of course, and thank you. That is a very kind gesture
Cheryl - Yes well now we've had this chat I hope we can get on a little better now
Kate smiles sweetly
Kate - Yes, so do i. That would be rather nice wouldn't it
Kath is crying, Bob comforts her
Kath - You must think I'm a monster
Bob - Don't be silly, of course, I don't
Kath - I hate myself for feeling like this believe me
Bob - I think you need to give yourself more time Kath. You only gave birth a few nights ago, you need to give yourself time to get used to having another daughter. I'm convinced in time you will bonD with her and love her
Kath shakes her head
Kath - I won't
Bob - Come on Kath, how can you be so sure of that?
Kath - Because its the way I feel
Bob - Yes now it is maybe but in time...
Kath - No Bob. Time won't make a difference. Every time I see her I'll be reminded of Linda and it's too painful. But with Scott it's different. He's a boy so he won't remind me of Linda
Bob - So what do you intend to do? This isn't fair on her. She needs a mother who will love her
Kath - I know, that's why I'm going to have her put up for adoption
Bob looks horrified
Bob - For heaven's sake Kath, you seriously need to think about what you're doing. You will be splitting up Twins, denying them the right to grow up together, share their childhood together. Is that really fair?
Kath looks upset
Peta is in her cell laying on her bunk looking at a picture of Rita
Peta - I hate them, sis! Our parents! I hate them for splitting us up like that, denying us the right to grow up together. I bet we'd have been so close like most twins are. It's just not fair! I don't want to hate them and feel so angry but I do, I can't help it
Peta wipes tears off her face
Peta - We never met sis but I feel close to you. I feel we have a bond and I'll always have a place for you in my heart. I'll always honor your memory...and I'll get justice for you too. I'm taking over from Smith as top dog and I'm going to make Ferguson and Morgan pay for the things they did to you
Back with Bob and Kath
Bob - Think how Scott will feel? When you eventually tell him he'll hate you for it
Kath - He might not, I'll just tell him how I felt at the time. He'll understand why I did it
Bob - You don't know that. You could end up losing him. He'll be angry and resentful that you denied him the chance to grow up with his twin. You know how twins share a special bond
Kath - Not always. Those two boys from next door are twins and they don't seem particularly close to me.....
Jeremy is talking to Jim in the garden
Jeremy - Sure he bullies me. He is a right little bastard at times Mr Fletcher
Jim - And is it true you take the blame for him sometimes too?
Jeremy nods his head
Jim - Why? You shouldn't put up with it, fight back. Don't let him treat you like that
Jeremy - I know you must think I'm a mug and maybe I am but he is my twin. I really care about him even though he treats me so badly. He cares about me too, even if he doesn't like to admit it or show it. We have a close bond deep down
Jim looks doubtful
Jim - I understand that but it doesn't make it alright for him to bully you son
Kyle is with Des in the van
Kyle - So this little bastard at school was beating Jerry up and I rushed in to protect him
Des - That's admirable son....but why do you bother for the little runt? He needs to learn to stand up for himself not rely on you to fight his battles for him
Kyle - He's my twin ain't he
Des - You seem to enjoy bullying him yourself sometimes
Kyle- Yeah well that's just me ain't it. Can't help myself Dad. Don't mean I'll let anyone else bully him though
Bea is in the rec room with Joan
Bea - Did you talk to that bitch?
Joan - Yes I did
Bea - I hope you backed up what I said to her? She's in big trouble
Joan - Actually Bea we made our peace
Bea looks incredulous
Bea - But she tried to have you set up for murder?...
Joan - Yes and she seems very remorseful. I believe she's sorry and I think we should both forgive her and let it drop
Bea - I don't believe you, Joan! You're not the type who forgives
Joan - Well maybe I've realized it's time to turn over a new leaf...
Bea - Or she has something over you? That's the most likely thing I'd say
Sally is alone in her cell as Bea arrives
Bea - I think its time we finished that chat don't you
Sally - Go ahead, Smith...
Bea - First of all I'd like to know what you have over Ferguson? She was just in the rec room trying to convince me I should forgive you. She would only do that because you're blackmailing her
Sally - She did it because she realized how sorry I am and agreed to let it rest and no other reason
Bea pulls Sally off her bed and slaps her in the face.
Bea - Bull! I want the truth now
Sally - You want the truth do you? Ok, I'll give you the truth. I threatened to have Joan's old friends the Taylors hurt or killed, maybe even their sweet little daughter too. There aren't many people left that Joan cares about but I knew if I mentioned those people it would get to her
Bea - You're lower than a snake's belly Fisher!
Sally - It's like I told Joan, I don't enjoy making these types of threats but I have to look after myself
Bea - Well I'm gonna fix ya!
Sally - Not a good idea. Anything happens to me and I left instructions with a friend that Thelma Donald and dear little Chloe get hurt! And if you think I'm bluffing go ahead and try!
Bea - You'll burn in hell before you try and hurt Chloe again!
Sally - Just leave me alone and she'll be safe won't she
Bea leaves with a face like thunder. Sally looks smug
Joan is shown into Colleen's office
Joan - What is it you want Powell?
Colleen - For you to show some respect for a start. The name is Mrs Powell got that?
Joan rolls her eyes and looks annoyed
Joan - Yes Mrs Powell
Colleen - That's better
Colleen sits back in her chair looking smug
Colleen - I received a phone call from Inspector Grace just now
Joan - That bastard! What did he want?
Colleen smirks
Colleen - Nothing much....only to inform me that your sentencing hearing is set for tomorrow morning. Yours and Greens that is. Of course, I'll be escorting you and I expect Meg and Paul will want to be there too to witness you receive the justice you deserve
Joan - Then you'd better hope they move me out of this prison pretty damn fast Powell because if they keep me here I'm going to come after you
Colleen - Oh but they can't move you, Ferguson. Wentworth and Barnehurst aren't high enough security for a high profile, high-risk offender like you. The only option is to keep you here
Joan - Then I'll make your life hell Powell!
Colleen is unmoved
Colleen - You won't learn, will you? I think you've earned yourself a night in Solitary Ferguson, maybe it will give you some time to remember the correct way to address me. Respect Ferguson, that's what I expect from my prisoners, a good attitude. I suggest you work on yours before the next time I see you
Bob is putting his jacket on
Bob - It's been a lovely barbeque, Jim!
Jim - Thanks mate, glad you enjoyed it. You're welcome here anytime
Bob and Jim shake hands
Kath - I'll walk to the door with you
Bob picks up his wallet and walks out of the room with Kath
They stand in the doorway
Bob - Remember what I said, you need to think very carefully about this. It's not a decision to make lightly
Kath nods her head
Kath - I will
Bob - Ring me if you need me, anytime
Kath - Thanks, I know
Bob -I wanted to buy the babies something but I wasn't sure what to get. So I'd like to give you some money so you can buy them something yourself
Kath - You don't have to do that Bob
Bob - I know I don't, but I want to
Bob opens his wallet and looks shocked
Bob - This isn't right
Kath - What's wrong?
Bob - I had $50 in here, now it's all gone
Kath - Has it? Well, three guesses who took it!
Des and Kyle are with Bill
Bill looks at Des and nods his head towards Kyle
Bill - So you brought the boy?
Des - Yeah, I thought an extra pair of hands would help us get the job done faster
Bill - Fair enough mate
Kyle - Yeah and you can trust me mate
Bill looks at Kyle
Bill - I hope so. This job is strictly between the three of us. If we got caught we'd all go down for it. You'd go to Beechmont
Kyle nods his head
Shanice is still in Kath and Jim's garden talking noisily to Matt, who looks desperate to get away from her.
Kath marches up the path
Kath - Ok you bitch, hand it over?
Shanice - Hand what over?
Kath - The money you stole from Bob's wallet!
Shanice looks like butter wouldn't melt
Shanice - I didn't steal nothing Karen!
Bob and Jim have arrived
Kath - You're a liar! Who else would do it?
Shanice - Jerry of course! He always had light fingers
Jeremy looks angry
Jeremy - I didn't take it ma! That's not true
Shanice - Oh I bet you did!
Kath - You took it! I know you did, so don't bother trying to blame your poor son for it
Bob - Kath calm down, we don't know that she took it!
Kath - She did! No one else here would have done it, she's the only bitch here
Shanice stands up
Shanice - Well I think it's time I left. I know when I'm not wanted, I can take the hint!
Shanice tries to leave as Kath blocks her path
Kath - You're not leaving this garden until you give Bob back his money
Shanice - Get out of my way Karen or I'll flatten you!
Bob and Jim step forward
Jim - You won't lay a finger on her!
Shanice - What will you do if I do? Hit me back? That's really not gentlemanly now is it, Jimbo!
Jeremy - Please ma just pay back the money!
Shanice violently smacks Jeremy in the face
Jeremy looks tearful as Jim puts a hand on his shoulder
Jim - Are you ok son?
Jeremy bows his head and gently nods it
Shanice grabs him
Shanice - Come on boy! Get your butt back indoors now! We ain't staying here!
Shanice drags Jeremy away with her
Kath looks furious
Kath - We should call the police
Bob - Just leave it, it doesn't matter
Kath - It doesn't matter? Of course, it damn well matters
Bob - But we have no proof she did it and she's not going to admit it is she
Jim - Bob's right, it's our word against hers!
Kath - It's not fair!
Jim hugs her
Jim - I know its not love
Bruce shows Joan into a solitary cell
Bruce - Home sweet home eh
Joan - What?
Bruce - Well you spend so much time up here, you must feel right at home here
Joan - Just run along now will you
Bruce - Thought you'd be grateful to have someone to talk to Ferguson. Once I've left all you have is the walls for company...all night long!
Joan looks at him with s sneer
Joan - Better company than most around here!
Bruce smirks at her and leaves. Joan sits on the bed in the dark cell.
It is dark as Des's truck pulls up outside his house.
Des, Bill, and Kyle get out and quietly begin to unload stuff from the back
Exterior shot of Blackmoor in daylight
Inside Joan is ready for court as Colleen and Geoff arrive
Geoff places her in handcuffs
Geoff - It goes without saying that we expect you to behave while we're out, don't try anything you understand?
Joan doesn't respond
Colleen - Answer Mr Carlson Ferguson!
Joan - Yes Mr Carlson, I understand
Geoff nods his head curtly
Geoff - Good, let's go
The three of them leave
Jim is wearing a suit and doing up his tie
Kath and Matt are with him
Jim - It's good of you to babysit for us mate
Matt - It's no problem, Jim, I hope it all goes well
Jim - We should only be gone a few hours
Kath looks bitter
Kath - This really is unfair, you have to go to court for breaking their stereo when they have got away with doing so much to us. It makes me feel really bloody angry!
Jim hugs her
Jim - I feel the same way love
Colleen, Geoff, Meg, and Paul are sitting in the public gallery of a courtroom as Joan and Terence are brought up from the cells.
Joan and Terence stand together in the dock and Joan glares at Terence angrily
The judge is examining some papers
The judge - These are very grave crimes, very grave indeed
The judge addresses the court in general
Judge - I believe a Mrs Morris wishes to read out a victim statement before I proceed with sentencing?
Meg stands up
Meg - Yes your honor I do
Joan rolls her eyes with annoyance
The sound of sawing can be heard coming from Des's garage as Ron Gilbert passes by and stops to listen. He begins to walk towards the garage
Meg - I hope in time you will both grow to realize what you have done, the hurt you've caused to everyone. I must now face life without my son, I have to be strong but it's hard, it hurts every day...
Joan is clearly not paying attention, she glares angrily at Terence
Terence glances at her sheepishly
Joan (whispering) - You damn fool! Look at the mess we're in because you were stupid enough to record everything! Stupid enough to open your dumb mouth to Graham Lang
Terence (whispering) - I never thought this would happen, Joan...I never knew Graham was Marsh's boyfriend
Joan - You're a fool!
The judge glances over
Meg examines the floor
Meg - That's all I had to say
Meg sits back down
Colleen (whispering) - Are you alright Meg?
Meg nods her head and looks at the floor
The judge looks at Joan and Terence
Judge - Do either of you have anything to say before I pass the sentence?
Terence - No Sir, I don't
The judge looks at Joan
Judge - What about you Ferguson?
Joan - I have only one thing to say.....I don't regret any of it! I only regret getting caught
The judge sighs
Judge - Very well...Terence green for the murder of Pippa Reynolds I sentence you to life imprisonment. For the act of arranging Marty Jacksons' murder, I again sentence you to life imprisonment. Joan Ferguson for the act of colluding with Green and giving him payment to arrange the murders of Pippa Reynolds and Marty Jackson I sentence you also to life imprisonment. Terence Green for the act of framing Paul Reynolds, Margaret Marsh, and Jennifer Hartley for crimes that you committed I sentence you to three years on each count, sentences to run consecutively. Joan Ferguson for the act of colluding with and paying Terence Green to commit these crimes and frame these people I also sentence you to three years on each count, again to run consecutively. Joan Ferguson for the murder of Len Murphy I sentence you again to a term of life imprisonment to run concurrently with the first life sentence. I am recommending that you both remain in prison for the rest of your lives with no option for parole. Neither of you has expressed the merest hint of remorse here today and i feel that you are both a danger to the public and that the safest place for you both is in an institution for the rest of your lives
The judge turns to the court guards
Judge - You may take them down now
The guards approach Joan and Terence and begin to lead them down to the cells as Joan angrily attacks Terence
The guards pull them apart and drag them both away
- In Serial21 Chapters
System Prime
The legend of System Prime is one that has been told and retold many times over the eons. About how she, along with her trusted partner, travelled the worlds of Ahunna (a.hoon.a), sharing the [Gift of System] to all who needed it. It is a great story. Somewhat factual too. As long as you overlook the fact that System Prime was never a woman. —— If this story seems familiar to you, then congratulations, you're psychic. Well, that or you've read it before on my old account, Eli8iR, which I had to delete because of a probably silly reason that will need a shitton of weed to make me spill. If you don't recognize this story, then unfortunately you're not psychic. On the bright side though, it has been scientifically proven that reading my stories might make you psychic. Or blind. But that only happened twice, and those guys should not have badmouthed my work. Enjoy.
8 327 - In Serial7 Chapters
God of the Apocalyptic World
A cursed boy with the power to assimilate souls is found in a wrecked laboratory. Cover image is not mine. If you are the owner and want it taken down. Please let me know.
8 104 - In Serial26 Chapters
The Three Keys
I'm not interested in continuing this any longer.
8 146 - In Serial42 Chapters
My Good Friend Murphy
***Disclaimer*** I wrote and am writing this purely for my own amusement. That means that this could have major revisions done to it sporadically, it has more grammar errors than even the most mentally stable grammar nazi could withstand, and will not update at all regularly. This is an ad-hoc fun experimental work with forced motives, plotholes, and static characters. Don't expect too much. That said, this mutated mistake of a short novella follows a ditzy MC who has been transported to a new world with the dubiously useful skills origin and enigma and the obnoxiously imbalanced skill, traveler. If you'd like more incentive to give it a shot, you will never get spoilers about the plot because there isn't one (Actual synopsis coming soon, relative to eternity)
8 119 - In Serial27 Chapters
Fate - Destiny
"This life is just a mere competition of power and authority. They will use that for you - to manipulate you... to enslave yourself in fear and terror - and that's why... I'll give them the taste of their own medicine." That was the most painful realization of the boy who used to be deterministic and tries his best just to prove himself to others that he isn't the boy they think he is. Meet Fate, a boy who had potential but lost it all. The boy who struggles to do his best just to prove himself to everyone, slowly realized a painful truth from the Teran Government - a truth so painful that it snapped him and slowly took his former self. As time pass, as he gain experience, and as he grow older, the fire of determination from his heart slowly faded to the point that he cannot even know who he really is. Fate only knew one thing, though... And it is to end the cycle of fear and manipulation...
8 73 - In Serial41 Chapters
(Old) The Time of Night is Midnight
All she has known for all her life was to run, run from her problems. Until she ran into something that would be considered a wish granted. Midnight might have found someone who could love her for being the monster she is, a monster who was forced to kill. Sideswipe was one of the first to show her kindness and love her. Hopefully, his twin follows to or she'll be left heartbroken.
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