Marie - I'll leave you two girls to it
Marie leaves the room
Joan stands in shock
Joan -I don't understand this? How can you be alive? You were killed in a bomb blast?
Rita stares at her
Colleen screams as Frank places a hand over her mouth
Frank - Shut up sweetheart! Don't make me have to knock ya around a bit too
Suddenly the door flies open and Geoff rushes in and drags Frank off of Colleen
Geoff - You filthy bastard Burke!
Geoff lays into Frank
Graham runs into an unknown officer in a corridor
Graham - Paul Reynolds is up on the roof! It looks like he is going to jump!
They rush off
The men attack Spike who struggles around
Suddenly gunshots ring out
Neil Murray is standing in the doorway firing a gun
Neil - Ok boys back off, leave the lady alone or I start firing
Frank is laying on the floor beaten
Frank - You bastard! I'll make sure you lose your job over this!
Geoff hugs Colleen
Geoff - Are you ok?
Colleen - Yes, thank god you got here when you did, he was going to.....well you know
Geoff - Yes I know
Geoff looks down at Frank on the floor
Geoff - You're an animal, Burke!
The unknown officer arrives in the doorway
Officer - Mr Carlson there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere, we have a situation
The officer spots Frank
Officer - What happened to him?
Geoff - That doesn't matter right now....what is the situation?
Officer - Reynolds is on the roof, we think he might jump
Geoff and Colleen look at each other in horror before rushing out
Neil is alone with a distressed Spike
Neil - It's ok you're safe now
Spike - They were going to kill me
Neil - Yes I know
Spike - Thank you for what you did, I don't even know you
Neil - You don't remember meeting me once before?
Spike shakes her head
Spike - No I don't think so
Neil smiles
Neil - Well I'm not surprised, you were pretty out of it when I met you
Spike looks embarrassed
Spike - Yeah I had a habit in the past...
Neil suddenly grabs a startled Spike by the throat and points the gun to her head
Neil - Typical of dirty whores like you isn't it!
Spike - I'm not a whore!
Neil - Yes you are...I know all about your past. You were a filthy whore using men for money!
Spike - Only to fund my habit! And I haven't done it in many months
Neil - Once a whore always a whore!....whores have to die, Margaret
Roo is with Stud in a dark corridor
Stud - Damn that fool Murray, he always has to interfere where it isn't wanted!
Roo - He sure knows how to rub people up the wrong way doesn't he
Suddenly they hear a gunshot
Stud - What the hell?
They rush back towards the boiler room...
.....Roo and Stud arrive at the boiler room to find Spike and Neil struggling over the gun
Geoff and Colleen arrive on the roof and cautiously approach Paul
Paul - Stay away from me! Come closer and I jump and I mean it
Geoff - Take it, easy son, we only want to talk to you
Paul - You can talk to me but it won't change anything, I'm still going to jump
Geoff - Well that would be very foolish wouldn't it Reynolds, not to mention the cowards way out
Paul - Fine so I'm a coward! I don't pretend to be anything else. I can't cope with 25 years in this place
Colleen - What if we were to tell you that you won't have to? We're working on a plan to get to the truth behind your sister's murder...you could be a free man again in a matter of days
Paul - I'd say you're just talking bull to get me to change my mind about jumping
Geoff - We're not son I promise. Mrs Powell and I have a plan to get to the truth. We're going to help you get out of here son
Colleen - Please Paul you can trust us
Paul shakes his head defiantly
Paul - Can't trust anyone in this lousy stinking world
Colleen - Look your mother is a friend of mine isn't she. So is Mrs Morris. I want Joan Ferguson to pay for what she did to them, to Pippa, to Marty, and to you
Paul looks at Colleen with a doubtful look on his face
Stud and Roo run in to try and get the gun, the four of them struggle around. Spike and Roo get into a hair-pulling fight while Stud lays into Neil
Stud - You're nothing but trouble Murray
The gun is dropped and flies across the floor and under a boiler
The four of them make a dash for it
Back with Joan and Rita
Rita calmly walks across the room and stands by the window
Joan - Answer me, Connors! How can you be alive?
Spike has the gun, she is panting, out of breath
Spike - All three of you have tried to kill me today
Roo - I didn't...
Spike - You brought me here and stood by and watched doing nothing to help me so shut up!....why shouldn't I shoot the three of you right now?
Neil - If you had any sense of decency you'd turn that gun on yourself right now....it's the best option for you really. Then you'll finally be free from being a whore
Stud looks at Neil with a sneer
Stud - Oh shut up you lunatic! Nows hardly the time for this
Rita stands by the window, staring out at the courtyard
Rita - Rita is dead, I'm her identical twin sister Peta
Joan looks stunned
Joan - Her twin? I never knew she had one
Peta - She didn't even know herself so why would you know?
Joan - What the hell do you mean she didn't know?
Peta - We were separated at birth that's what I mean. I didn't even know myself until a few months ago when my adoptive family finally told me
Joan stands open-mouthed
Peta continues staring out onto the courtyard
Peta -as soon as I found out I had a long-lost twin sister I was determined to find her, I mean it was literally all I could think about, I was obsessed. I just kept imagining what it would feel like to finally meet her, talk to her. How would we get on? What would we say to each other?
Peta turns around to face Joan
Peta - Imagine my heartbreak when I found out she was dead, that she died in prison
Joan - I'm sorry, it must have been tough...
Peta - You're not sorry at all Ferguson! I know all about you, all about the things you did to her. It's your fault, my twin sister is dead, it's your fault I will never get to meet her
Joan - My fault? How exactly do you come to that conclusion? I didn't kill her?
Peta - You as good as killed her. I know all about what you did to her boyfriend. I know all about how you set her up to come here to this prison and a man called Craven killed her brother.....my brother too. Another sibling I will never get to meet. You were great friends with Craven I heard, standing by his side as he ordered mine and Rita's brother dead
Joan - I don't know how you found out all this but the point is none of it had anything to do with Connors's death. She died in a bomb explosion. I wasn't even there when that happened.....as for your brother I'm sorry to seem callous but he was a junkie anyway and would have died sooner or later The woman you want is Roo Morgan, she was behind your sister's death, she was behind the bomb and she was even the one supplying your brother with drugs! Funnily enough, she's here in this prison......
Peta - Oh I know all about her, and believe me she's on my list too. But that doesn't change how I feel about you ''Freak''
Joan - Now look here...
Peta attacks Joan
Spike locks Roo. Stud and Neil into a storeroom
Spike - Hope it's not too cramped in there!
Spike - Later perhaps, right now there is someone I want to see and can't have you lot interfering
Peta and Joan are fighting as Officer Bruce runs in and splits it up
Bruce - That's enough of that ladies!
Joan - Well tell her that, she started it!
Peta(aggressive) - That's right and I'll finish it too when I get a chance!
Bruce - No I'll finish it right here and now. I think you need to see the governor girly!
Bruce leads Peta out
Paul - I don't believe you and I'm going to jump, you can't talk me out of it
Paul jumps off the roof
Colleen screams
Colleen -NOOOO!
Geoff and Colleen look horrified
Peta is with Ann and Meg in the governor's office
Ann - I advised you not to go near her
Peta - I couldn't help myself I had to see her
Ann - I realize how you feel about her but I won't tolerate any trouble between you
Peta - I thought you wanted her fixed?
Ann - I do but not like this
Peta - Yeah well if you don't fix her soon I will and I mean it
Joan is alone in her cell as Spike arrives in the doorway with the gun
Spike - We have things to discuss Ferguson...and this time I mean business. No more crap
Joan looks alarmed
Meg is escorting Peta along a corridor
Meg - I still can't get used to this, it's very surreal. It's like having Rita back but I know it's not really her. You really are the spitting image of her, even the same height
Peta - Did you know Rita well?
Meg - Yes quite well. She was very popular you know
Peta - I wanted to meet her so much. Ok, I know it's silly really since I never even knew her but she was my twin. When I was growing up I always felt like something was missing from my life and now I know what it was. And now it's still missing, I'll never have it! I'll never get to meet my twin sister
Meg - Hey it's understandable you feel this way
Peta - I want Ferguson to pay...and I want Roo bloody Morgan to pay
Meg - Just remember what the governor said, don't do anything foolish Middleton
Peta - Call me Connors, not Middleton. Middleton may be my adoptive second name but Connors is my rightful name.I will change it by deed poll as soon as I can as a tribute to my sister
Spike points the gun at Joan
Spike - I want you to own up Ferguson, own up to everything you have done. Killing Marty, setting me up. It's time we put an end to this. I want my freedom back and you need to pay the price for killing Marty
Joan glares at Spike
Roo, Stud, and Neil are banging loudly at the door as Meg arrives outside the storeroom
Meg - What on earth?
She unlocks the door and stares at them bemused
Meg - How on earth did the three of you get in there?
Roo - That nutcase Marsh locked us in and she's got a gun!
Neil - She's a dirty whore!
Back with Joan and Spike
Joan - And if I refuse?
Spike - If you refuse I pull the trigger
Joan - Then the truth won't come out about you getting set up will it....and you'll do life
Spike shrugs
Spike-It won't exactly do you any goodwill it. You'll be the dead one not me and I reckon I'll get a pretty cushy life in here, worshipped as the hero who killed the ''freak''
Roo arrives in the courtyard
Marie - Where have you been all morning? I was about to send out a search party?
Roo - None of ya business bitch!
Marie - I'm top dog, everything is my business. I just hope you haven't been off causing trouble
Roo - Just bugger off
Roo marches over to a corner and sits down and lights a fag
Meg arrives at the cell
Meg - I think you had better give me the gun don't you Marsh?
Joan - Yes Spike, do what Morris tells you, there's a good girl
Spike - I will shoot you!
Meg - Come on, don't be silly. What will that achieve?
Spike - Don't you want her to pay for killing your son?
Meg - Of course, I do, but not like this!
Spike - Well how then? I keep hearing you and Reynolds say you'll get this put right and nothing seems to happen
Meg - Its a work in progress, it takes time
Joan smirks
Joan - Be honest Morris, you know you can never beat me. I'd say Reynolds has stopped trying now, she did let me out of isolation after all
Meg - And I have no idea why she did that Joan
Joan - I do...she knows when to accept Ferguson's beaten her
Spike - In that case, I should just kill you
Joan - What are you waiting for then? You seem to be taking your time
Spike points the gun at her head, she is trembling
Spike - I'll do it
Joan - No you won't...
Meg - Come on Margaret give me the gun
Meg takes hold of the gun and gently guides it away from Spike
Joan stands grinning
Roo is still sitting smoking as Marie approaches her again
Roo - You again? I told you to get lost
Marie - Someone here asked me to introduce you to her
Roo looks up at the tall figure of Peta
Roo (shocked) - Connors?
Peta pulls Roo to her feet
Peta - That's right!...and you can stand when you talk to me!
Paul is carried away on a stretcher as Geoff and Colleen talk to a firefighter
Geoff - That was good work getting the safety net out, he'd be dead now if you hadn't done that
Firefighter - That's what we're here for, to save lives. He is far too young to throw his life away
Colleen - He is far too young to rot away in here for 25 years as well
Geoff and Colleen look at each other, Geoff nods his head
Geoff - Thank you again for your help
Colleen - Yes thank you
The firefighter nods at them, they walk-off
Geoff - We'll talk to Lang, lets get this plan into action
Spike and Meg are in the office with Ann
Ann looks angry
Ann - I thought you had more sense than this Margaret!
Spike - I am sick of sitting around watching while she gets away with this
Ann - Where did you get the gun?
Spike shrugs
Spike - That's Blackmoor for you, always plenty of easy access to guns, to drugs
Ann - Yes well maybe this type of thing was accepted under Craven or Leach but I won't tolerate it
Spike - There isn't very much you can do about it
Ann - I can get to the bottom of how guns get in here and who brings them in and put a stop to it if you'll only cooperate
Spike - You're asking me to lag and I'm not prepared to do that
Ann - Meg tells me you locked three prisoners in a storeroom? Why did you do that?
Spike - I wanted to go after Joan and couldn't have them throwing a spanner in the works could i
Back with Roo and Peta
Roo - How can you be alive? You died in a bomb?
Peta - The bomb that you set off you mean?
Roo - Yeah...I can't believe you're alive. You had a funeral and everything
Peta - I'm Rita's twin and thanks to you I will never get to meet her. Thanks to you and your bomb
Peta punches Roo savagely in the stomach
Meg shows Spike into a solitary cell
Meg - I'm sorry I have to do this but it's only for a few nights
Spike - It's ok I can handle it
Meg locks her in and then unlocks another door and walks into the cell. Bea is in there
Meg - How are you, Bea?
Bea - Bored but otherwise ok. Any news for me?
Meg - Winter took over again as top dog
Bea chuckles
Bea - Tell me something I don't know...what about Ferguson what's she up to?
Meg - Ann let her out of Isolation
Bea - Yeah I thought she would
Meg - Why? Frankly I was shocked that she did that
Bea - I'm not. I think they have made an arrangement together
Meg looks shocked
Meg - No Bea you're wrong. Ann hates her, she'd never make an arrangement with her
Bea - She did. I didn't kill Len, Joan did and Reynolds covered for her. Now, why would she do that?
The women watch as Roo and Peta fight. Peta is too strong for Roo and beats her easily
Peta - This is only the starter! You'll have to wait for the main course!
Peta leaves Roo sprawled out on the floor and walks away
Marie stands over Roo and chuckles
Marie- Made yet another enemy then?
Meg is with Ann
Meg - Is it true you've got an agreement with Ferguson?
Ann - Who told you that?
Meg - Smith did, she seems to think you covered for Joan killing Len, is that true?
Ann - Of course, it isn't...
Meg - Yes it is, I can tell. Oh I knew there was something fishy when you let her out of isolation
Ann - Look Meg she's going to agree to clear Paul if I help her
Meg - You mean she will confess to her crimes?
Ann - Not exactly
Meg - Not exactly? What does that mean?
Ann looks guilt-stricken
Ann - I'm sorry Meg, she isn't going to confess. She's agreed to set someone else up for Pippa's death to get Paul freed
Meg - Set who up?
Ann - I don't know
Meg looks disgusted
Meg - And you're ok with that are you? Some poor innocent soul taking the blame
Ann - Some poor innocent soul is already taking the blame remember! My son!
Meg - And now you're ok for someone else to go through the hell your son is going through?
Ann - Of course, I'm not ok with it but how else can I get my son out of prison? I have to put him first, I have to Meg
Meg - My god what has happened to you?
Ann - I'm trying to help my son damn it, Meg, you'd do the same!
Meg - No I could never stand by and let her set an innocent person up... And I thought you wanted her to face justice for what she did?
Ann - I did...I do.....but she won't confess Meg let's face it
Meg - And you're happy to help the woman who murdered my son to escape justice?
Ann - Of course, I'm not happy, I already explained
Meg - Save it! I don't want to hear it!
meg turns to storm out in a fury
Ann looks upset
Ann - Meg! Meg wait!
Meg ignores her and storms out of the office, slamming the door behind her
Ann looks close to tears
A Good Bargain [HIATUS]
Warren, A 34 - year old stock market trader, lived a life of riches until he's coerced into doing actions that would look good even in a 'Wolf of Wall Street' movie. As the market crashes on a faithful day in 2008, his action comes to light. His superiors make him take the fall using their financial powers. He finds himself with little to no money, disgraced and hated by the populace. He dies saving a young woman from being hit by a freight truck, pushing her out of the way whilst leaping thinking at least he'd saved a single life after everything that has befallen him.Yaksa is a god of a different world and is in dire need of souls to balance the yin and yang on his planet. His search for souls with extreme yang brings him to ask other gods for cooperation. This is how he finds our MC. He takes pity on the poor man and gives him a single cheat! In the world, he has reincarnated people develop 'gifts' that come from their desires and experiences. The cheat he gains is a 'gift' that will develop from his first life on earth! As a former stockbroker that learned how much money means in life, he gets the gift of Appraisal! Follow Warren as he starts his life in search of wealth and status in this world of power and magic! Here starts the story of the King of Wealth! "A good bargain!" - Warren
8 203Frost Mage
Frostilicus Shatterblade is a hunted man. As one of the Frostmarked, he's subject to immediate execution upon capture. But rather than throw his life away in a solitary attack, he takes his father's counsel and travels to the Northern Reach. There he hopes to master his abilities under the tutelage of the legendary frost mages. Yet as he arrives, after many months of travel, Frostilicus finds that not all is as he expected it to be.
8 64Prompt-Fills: April 2018
A collection of scenes written from prompts, featuring a blue lady and a fox.
8 173Children of Copernicus
After his parents and sister are killed in an aircar accident, Alex Sharma moves to Mars to start a new life at Kepler University, his father's alma mater. He soon realizes that his father was not who he seemed, and as he digs into the mystery that was Ben Sharma's existence, Alex quickly finds himself at the center of an entangled knot of interplanetary intrigue and personal alliances he didn't even know existed. Meanwhile, on the other side of Settled Space, Tessa Corcoran is discovering that her life in the idyllic village of River's Bend may not be as simple as it seems after her father begins to suffer from a mystery ailment that confounds medical science. As their journey takes them from Earth to Mars to the most obscure corners of Settled Space and eventually beyond, Alex and Tessa will be forced to confront startling new realities that will change not only their fate but all of humanity's. Children of Copernicus is an ongoing character-focused and dialog-driven story with strong elements of mystery and romance. I publish new episodes/chapters weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Children of Copernicus continuously introduces new characters, places, and plotlines that are all interconnected. It is most analogous to a soap opera... of the future... IN SPACE.
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After the death of her mum, Amy has to adjust to a new life with new people. She meets the newest member of her life; Cassandra who she slowly creates a bond with.
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Your are a 24 year old who knows about a power hidden on Earth. the DEO's Director named Hank Henshaw recruited you to become an Agent along with Agent Alex Danvers. This was when you moved to National City and met your neighbour Kara Danvers. She was a very kind girl with no story to tell. What happens next?
8 56