
The abortion clinic

Ian - Maxwell? Come on, we don't have all day woman

Kath looks at the nurse, the nurse smiles at her

Nurse - It's ok if you feel nervous Mrs Maxwell, it's perfectly normal.

Kath shakes her head

Nurse - It's a quick and painless procedure, I assure you

Kath - I don't want to kill him, i don't want an abortion. I've changed my mind

Will descends menacingly on Spike as Kelly watches with delight

Spike looks at Kelly


Kelly laughs in her face


Kelly seems surprised, she pulls Will away just in time

Kelly - Ok stop!

Will - Huh?

Kelly looks at Spike

Kelly - You're the only one who has ever asked about Tanya, none of the others cared about her, all they cared about was saving their own sorry lives

Spike - Well I care, I'm not like them

Ian is leading Kath to the car

Ian - Do you like wasting peoples time or what Maxwell?

Kath - I'm sorry, i really am. I was confused

Ian - You can explain that to Miss Raymond, I doubt she will be amused by this complete waste of time. Wentworth is short-staffed enough as it is and with Mrs Powell and Mrs Morris also out of the prison today it could ill afford to lose me as well

Ian arrives at the car to find a traffic warden slapping a parking ticket on the windscreen

Ian - HEY!

Exterior shot of a church

Colleen pulls up and she and Meg get out and let Bea and Helen out

At the same time, a flash car pulls up and a woman dressed in flash clothes gets out

The woman is Judy Bryant


Spike and Kelly are talking alone

Spike - Where did you meet her?

Kelly - In prison, we were both prisoners. You wouldn't imagine what prison is like, it's hell. She gave me comfort and made me feel I could get through it

Spike - Actually I can imagine what prison is like, I've been there myself

Kelly looks surprised

Ian is arguing with the traffic warden

Ian - I was gone five minutes! That was all

Traffic warden - I'm sorry Sir, but...

Ian - I was going to come out and move the damn thing.....come on, please. My girlfriend went in there for an abortion, can't you show a bit of mercy?

Traffic warden - Rules are rules Sir I'm sorry, you can't just ignore them when it suits you

The traffic warden strolls off

Ian is furious

Ian - Now I've got a fine to pay thanks to you, Maxwell!... Maxwell?

Ian looks around, no sign of Kath

Ian - Oh bugger!

Ian rushes off in a panic

Bea and Helen are talking to Judy

Helen - I hardly recognized you, sweetie, looks like you're doing well for yourself

Judy - I'm a millionaire now, thanks to Sheila. I'm making a fortune from writing songs and I am Sheila's manager these days too

Bea - Sheila Brady? Yeah I heard through the grapevine you were her manager

Helen - She's never out of the charts that one, I like her stuff

Bea - It's not bad if you like that sort of stuff I suppose, I prefer a bit of rock myself, give me Queen or David Bowie any day...still I'm pleased for ya Jude, it's nice to know at least one of us made it


Judy - Thanks Bea

Another couple of familiar faces are spotted walking up the road - Erica Davidson and Doreen Burns

Meg - Hey look there's Mrs Davidson and Doreen

Back with Spike and Kelly

Kelly - You were in prison?

Spike - Yes that's right

Kelly - I don't believe you, you're just saying that

Spike - I'm not, I swear

Kelly - What prisons have you been in then?

Spike - Blackmoor and Wentworth

Kelly - I was at Blackmoor for a while, I don't remember you, never saw you in Wentworth either

Spike - Blackmoor was a big place, you know that. There would have been lots of prisoners you never met. I was in the C wing with that bitch Roo Morgan, I'm sure you remember her?

Kelly - Yeah she was top dog

Spike - After she beat Marie Winter in a fight wasn't it

Kelly - Yes that's right

Spike - And she had Cynthia Leach and Mr Craven on side

Kelly - Yeah, what a pair of bastards they were

Spike - So you see I have served time inside Kelly, I do understand

A panicked Ian rushes up to a member of the public

Ian - Sorry to bother you but have you seen a woman? She had long waist-length hair tied back in a ponytail and she was wearing a check shirt, jeans and denim jacket?

The woman looks blank, she shakes her head

The woman - Sorry love, I can't say I have

Ian - Thanks, I'm sorry to bother you

Ian charges off again in a panic

Back at the church

Colleen - You two didn't come together did you surely?

Doreen laughs loudly

Erica - No Mrs Powell, we bumped into each other at the bus stop

Doreen - Yeah small world eh!

Doreen turns to Judy

Doreen - G'day Judy, you look great. You'll have to fill me in on all the gossip.....

Erica stands with Colleen

Erica - So how are you, Colleen?

......Meg, Bea and Helen have moved inside the churchyard where they are looking at all the flowers. Bea glances over to where Doreen and Judy are chatting away and laughing while Erica and Colleen appear to be having a cheerful gossip too

Bea - Look at them, anyone would think they were at a party, not Lizzie's funeral. It's like they don't even care

Helen - Hey of course they care, Bea, they are just pleased to see each other that's all

Meg - Helen's right Bea

A Voice behind them - A lovely lot of flowers aren't there

They turn around to face Susie Driscoll

Bea - Hey Susie, hello love!

Bea embraces Susie warmly

Meg spots Monica Ferguson coming up the pavement outside and a car pulls up and Captain Barton gets out

Kelly is sobbing as Spike comforts her

Kelly - I never thought anyone else would ever understand

Spike - I do, I promise you

Spike kisses Kelly, Kelly is surprised

Ian is driving around frantically searching for Kath and not keeping his eye on the road. This causes him to nearly have an accident with another car

Everyone is moving off into the church as another car pulls up, its Greg and Karen

They sit in the car and look at the crowd

Karen - Looks like a good turnout

Greg - Everyone loved Lizzie

Karen - I know...oh look there's Monnie!

Greg - I can see Bea Smith too

Karen - Oh yeah and isn't that Doreen?.....oh look Greg there's Mrs Jackson and Mrs Davidson too!


They get out of the car and make their way inside

Two women are watching them go in, it's Ellen and Josie, Josie is now a young woman while Ellen looks a lot older and a bit frail

Ellen takes a deep drag on a cigarette

Ellen - I don't know if I can go in

Josie - Mum we have to, Lizzie was good to us remember

Ellen - I know love, she was a nice old stick wasn't she. But let's face it it's been years since we were in her life

Josie - That's why we owe it to her to go in mum, we let her down when she was alive...c'mon we have to go in

Josie leads the frail-looking Ellen into the churchyard

Back with Spike and Kelly

Spike - I can't claim to be able to replace Tanya, I can see how special she was to you and I don't suppose anyone will ever replace her, but I hope we can have something special too. I get lonely, I miss my Michelle too

Kelly - What happened to Michelle, did she die?

Spike - No love, she cheated on me with this bitch called Kath. But she may as well have died, something died in my heart the day I found out. I really thought she loved me and we could be together for life you know

Kelly - What a bitch! I would never have cheated on Tanya

Spike - I know you wouldn't, I can tell you're very loyal to the people you love

Kelly - Yes I am, damn right I am

Spike holds her hand

Spike - I'll be loyal to you I promise

Kelly - No I don't know if I can take the risk of letting a woman into my heart again, you may not cheat but you could die as Tanya did, I don't know if I can take that pain again

Ian is at the police station

Ian (to desk sergeant) - I have to report an escaped prisoner

At the church everyone is sitting down as Ellen and Josie quietly come in, Bea hears a sound and looks over and spots them. They sit at the back. Bea spots Greg and Karen also near the back and gives them a discreet wave, they wave back

Kelly and Spike emerge from the room to where Will is waiting

Will - What the hell's going on Kelly? You've let her free? Are we killing the bitch or what?

Kelly - No, we've had a chat. Margaret is special Will, we can't kill her

Will - Special? Special how?

Kelly - Special like this

Kelly kisses Spike which shocks Will

Ian is on the phone at the police station

Ian - Yes Miss Raymond of course...yes I'm there right now as we speak.....they are going to search for her right away......Miss Raymond, please don't be like that!, it's not my fault, all I did was turn my back for a second........well I had to talk to a traffic warden, I got this fine you see.....Mrs Raymond?..Hello?

Ian puts the phone down and turns to the sympathetic looking desk sergeant

Desk Sergeant - I take it she's not happy then?

Ian - Not happy? She's furious, tore strips off me, I bet she'll have another go at me when I get back

Desk Sergeant - Would you like a cup of tea before you go?

Ian - I'd love one...don't suppose you can slip a drop of whisky in it, can you?

Desk sergeant - Fraid not young man, wish I could. would love a drop myself

Ian - Can't blame a fella for asking can ya

At the church, the vicar is reading out a speech

Vicar - Elizabeth Birdsworth was a woman with great energy and spirit for her age. When asked her son Arthur said his favourite thing about his mother was her sense of humour and the fact she liked a drink. He talked of how he would share a drink with her and the pair of them would put the world to rights together...Lizzie would always out drink him. Elizabeth's grandchildren spoke of a strong woman, a fighter. They spoke of a woman who wouldn't let anything get her down or beat her, a woman who was getting older and faced one or two health issues but would fight them and bounce back every time...Now I would like to invite Captain John Barton up to say a few words

Captain Barton makes his way to the stand

Captain Barton - How lovely it is to see so many people here to say goodbye to Lizzie, it shows how well-loved she was. Lizzie had a kind heart and after her release from prison in 1984 she would regularly visit us at the salvation army to help out, she loved young people and would always have time for them and their problems. She was a very sociable person and loved a chat and a drink. She had a kind heart and was a very honest person....well most of the time she was. Lizzie had a bit of the devil in her at times. One time I can never forget was when we took Lizzie out with us fundraising and she was collecting money for us in the tin, only some of it wasn't going in the tin it was going in her pocket

There is an outburst of laughter

Captain Barton - Really I should have been angry with Lizzie, but it was impossible to be angry with her for too long. I would like to ask you all to stand now to sing one of Lizzie's favourite hymns, one more step along with the world

Kelly is snuggled up with Spike on the sofa

Kelly - I am so happy I've found you, to think I nearly killed you

Kelly is emotional

Kelly - I'm so sorry Margaret, I won't hurt you ever again I promise

Spike - Don't get upset, it's all in the past now, let's concentrate on the future

Will - Yeah well I need a drink, there's some whisky in the kitchen

Will gets up to leave the room but Spike stops him

Spike - It's ok I'll go

Spike walks out and closes the door and Will looks anxious

Will - You just going to let her walk off like that? She could escape and get the cops

Kelly - She won't, relax will ya. She's my new girl ain't she

Will - So what happens now? Do we carry on with the killings or what?

The church

Everyone is singing - One more step along the world I go, one more step along the world I go and it's from the old I travel to the new, keep me travelling along with you

Spike comes back in with a bottle of whisky and three glasses

Spike begins to pour the drinks

Kelly - No I'll do that darling, you just relax. After what Will and I have put you through today you deserve to be waited on

Kelly pours one glass and Will impatiently snatches it and drinks it in one go

Kelly - Steady on will you!

Will - I'm sorry but I need it don't i. This is stressful for me, this wasn't the plan Kelly. I don't like it when things don't work to a plan

Kelly rolls her eyes and looks at Spike

Kelly - Will is autistic Margaret

Will gets aggressive

Will - And so what? Are you making something of my condition Kel?

Kelly - No not at all, I am just explaining to Margaret why you get so worked up when things don't go your way that's all

The church

The vicar - Elizabeth was one of two siblings. Her older brother Angus died in 1979. Elizabeth had children that were taken from her for adoption. She was delighted when in 1984 she was reunited with her son Arthur. I will now invite Arthur up to say a few words

Arthur takes the stand

Arthur - I knew at an early age that I was adopted and all through my childhood I thought about my real mother a lot, what she was like. What I would say to her if I met her. I can tell you now I am so happy I met my mum and got to know her, she was such a character and lit up our home with her laughter and fun. Our home seems so dull and empty now without her.....

........Josie is on the stand

Josie - Lizzie was not my real gran, biologically that is, but to me, she was in every other way that counts. She was warm, funny, kind, just like every teenage girl wants her gran to be. She really loved me like I was her own grandchild and I have her to thank for so much. She paid to have fixed a disorder that was ruining my quality of life. Since then my life has been so much better

Josie wipes away a tear and looks up at the ceiling

Josie - Gran if you're up there looking down on us now, I want to say thank you and I love you

Josie steps down and makes her way back to Ellen who is sobbing into a hanky

Ellen - That was beautiful love

The vicar is back on the stand

Vicar - Would anyone else like to say a few words?

There is a moment of silence then Bea speaks

Bea - Yes I would

Bea looks at Meg and Colleen, they nod to give consent. Bea gets up to approach the stand

Kelly is snuggled up to Spike as Will gets drunk

Kelly - I could snuggle here with you all day, you make me feel safe, loved

Will (aggressive) -How sweet! So do we kill any more girls or not?

Kelly - No I think we should call it a day Will, no need for it anymore

Will And what if I want to carry on?

Kelly - You can do it alone

Will smashes the whisky bottle making Spike and Kelly startled

Will - Maybe I'll just kill you both right now

Kelly - Now don't be silly Will, stop acting like such a child

Will points the bottle at Spike

Will - Maybe I'll kill your precious Margaret, right now in front of you, just like Janice did to Tanya

Will chuckles

Will - I'll enjoy that

Kelly gets between Spike and Will to create a barrier

Kelly - I won't let you touch her, you'll have to do it over my dead body

Will - That can be easily done

Will lunges at Kelly and they violently struggle for the bottle. Spike sits upright in her chair looking terrified

Suddenly the police burst into the room

Bea is on the stand

Bea - Lizzie was my best friend, I can't imagine Wentworth now without her and her infectious laugh. She always brightened that miserable dump up and was a friend to everyone. Always had time for people and wanted to help them, especially the younger ones

Bea wipes away a tear and her attitude hardens

Bea - Family, that's what we were. Lizzie and I, Dor, Jude, Helen, Maxie...all of us, we were a family and we loved each other. I was the only family Lizzie had

Bea glares accusingly in Arthur's direction and then over at Ellen and Josie

Bea - We heard some lovely words from Lizzie's so-called family today didn't we. Because suddenly they all love her and care about her now she's dead, pity they didn't show much of that when she was here wasn't it. That pair at the back there just used her for her money and buggered off once they got what they wanted

Ellen gets up and runs out in tears, Josie runs after her


Bea points a finger at Arthur

Bea - And as for him! He and his family soon ditched Lizzie once they decided she was too much of a hassle for them, too much of a nuisance. Well, she was never a nuisance to her real family in Wentworth, we loved her always. Yeah, she could be a pain in the arse, of course, she could, especially with the drinking. But when you love someone, and I mean truly love them, you put up with the good and the bad. True love and care for a person does not come with conditions, you don't decide you'll only love them if they don't drink or don't commit a crime or whatever bloody thing you don't like about them

Arthur sits head bowed

Bea - Got nothing to say now then huh?

Colleen whispers to Meg

Colleen - I think we should stop this

Meg nods

Meg - I agree..let me handle it, please

Colleen - Yes ok, just stop this before it gets out of hand

Meg stands up to approach Bea

Bea - Lizzie spoke of her family with such pride, even after they abandoned her, she was full of love for them. As for Ellen and Josie, she often spoke of them too even though they abandoned her years ago. She never forgot them and often thought about them. They didn't deserve her and they had no bloody right to be here today

Meg arrives at the stand

Meg - C'mon Bea, that's enough now

Bea pushes her away

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