
Bea and Reb are in reception as Meg comes in

Bea - Hey g'day Mrs Morris!, hows Lizzie? I can't wait to see her, I bet she's been worried about me the silly old coot!

Meg looks horrified

The governor's office

Pat is on the phone while Colleen sits waiting

Pat - I see thanks for telling me

Pat hangs up

Pat - That was the police again....they've pulled the body out of the water, It's not a woman it's a man, they believe it's Websters brother

Colleen looks surprised

Kelly is with the man

The man - What happened to you? You look terrible

Kelly - Thanks, you ain't no oil painting yourself Will!

Will - C'mon you know what I mean! You've been fighting

Kelly starts to cry

Kelly = Rob's dead Will, that bitch killed him!

Will - What bitch?

Kelly - First she stole my Tanya from me, now my brother! I hate her I HATE HER!

Will - Kel please....what are you talking about? Who killed Rob? Tell me what happened?

Kelly stares into space


The clifftop

Kelly - If you don't jump I will push you....after I've tortured you for a few hours that is. Rob is quite sadistic when he puts his mind to it, he could do some pretty sick things to you while I watch. So it's up to you, jump now or we go back inside and you will feel more pain than you could ever imagine....then you still die anyway. You can't say I'm not fair about it can you, at least I have given you a choice...

Janice looks at the evil expression on Kelly's face and then down at the rocks below the cliff

Kelly - What's it to be Raymond?

Janice - Look Webster, can't we at least talk about this a bit more first?

Kelly - What's to talk about? You killed my Tanya and that's the end of it!

Janice - You kill me and you go down for life

Kelly - Oh but I ain't gonna kill ya am I, you're gonna jump!

Janice - And you honestly think they won't realize that you forced me to do it? Get a grip girl

Kelly - I don't intend to go back inside anyway, now I'm out, I'm out for good

Janice - You're dreaming, most escapes don't last long and you know that

Kelly - I'll have to make sure I'm one of the few who does then won't i. now, are you going to jump, or do we go back inside and have a chat with Rob? I know he's just dying to hurt ya

Rob can be seen watching from the front door of the house

Kelly points over

Kelly - In fact there he is waiting see

Janice glances over



They both chuckle and while Kelly is distracted Janice jumps her and they fight over the gun, they are dangerously close to the edge

Janice - You dumb slut! You can't beat Janice Raymond that easily!

Rob runs over in a panic

Rob - Get off my sister Raymond!

The three of them struggle around and Rob gets the gun. Kelly stands and backs away as Rob and Janice struggle. Rob pins Janice to the floor and points the gun at her head

Rob - Nice try Raymond but the games up... I know what you did to my sister, how you murdered the woman she loved. You took a part of my sister away when you did that because a part of her died when Tanya died


Janice suddenly kicks out and Rob does a back-flip over the edge of the cliff dropping the gun as he goes, the gun falls into the sea

Rob manages to grab hold of the cliff edge and clings on for dear life


Janice takes his hand

Janice - I've got ya, fella

Kelly is hysterical

Kelly - Help him Raymond, please help him. He's all I've got

Janice smiles evilly at Rob

Janice - Sorry fella, you're too heavy for me, I can't seem to hold on any longer

Janice lets go and Rob plunges to his death, screaming as he goes down

Kelly screams

Kelly - ROB! NO!

Janice laughs evilly

Kelly screams in rage and flies at Janice

They fight violently


Janice grabs Kelly's head and bashes it repeatedly on the ground

Kelly lays unconscious, her head bleeding

Janice gets up and leaves...

...Kelly and Will sit in silence. Will looks stunned

Kelly - So that's it. Raymond wins again

Bea is in the three-bed dorm laying on the bed sobbing her heart out. Meg is sat on the bed trying to comfort her

Meg - I know its little comfort but the paramedic told me she wouldn't have known anything about it, Bea, she wouldn't have suffered, she died instantly

Bea - Latham killed her? Why would she do that to Lizzie?

Meg - She wasn't well Bea, she had a breakdown. I don't believe for one moment she knew what she was doing, she was in a very bad way, she's at Ingleside now

Bea - She better hope they keep her there because if I ever see her again she's dead

Meg - Come on now Bea, what on earth would that achieve? Chrissie would never have meant to kill Lizzie and you know that

Bea sits up, she is red in the face with rage

Bea - But she still did, didn't she! I've lost my best friend because that bitch can't control herself!

Ailsa is with Pat in the governor's office

Pat - I'm afraid I have some rather unfortunate news for you Ailsa

Ailsa - I reckon it's my day for bad news, go on

Pat - You're granddaughter Connie is missing

Ailsa looks shocked

Ailsa - Missing? What ya mean missing?

Pat - Your son Dennis took her back to their hotel after their visit to you here. Dennis left her alone in the hotel room while he went down to the hotel bar for a drink. When he got back she had packed her stuff and left leaving a note saying she was running away because she didn't want to leave Australia

Ailsa - Oh hell! I hope she's alright! Poor little bugger, I could see how unhappy she was when they were here!

Brumby is laying on her bed crying

Roo arrives in the doorway

Roo - Put a sock in it will ya! I'm trying to get some peace and quiet in me cell and all I can hear is you wailing

Brumby - Piss off Roo! I lost my mate today didn't i

Roo chuckles

Roo - Oh yeah, sad about old Birdsworth weren't it...I saw it happen you know, the sound when her head hit that table...nasty!

Brumby - Just go away!

Roo pulls Brumby off her bed and slaps her in the face

Roo - Keep the noise down or I'll be back to hurt ya some more.....you know Tucker it's been a bad couple of days for you hasn't it, I can't blame you for crying I reckon I would too....but you're scum remember that and you might realize that you deserve all the crap life throws on you. NOW SHUT YA FACE!


Roo flings Brumby on the bed and leaves

Brumby takes a razor out of her pocket and rolls her sleeves up

The rec room

The mood is subdued

Reb arrives. Helen and Kath are attempting to play cards but it's clear their heart isn't in it

Reb sits with them

Reb - Hey...

Helen - Hey Reb, when did you get back?

Reb - Half an hour or so ago. Bea's back too

Helen and Kath exchange looks

Kath - Something happened while you weren't here...

Reb - I know, Morris told us

Helen - How did Bea take it?

Reb - pretty badly

Kath - Is Ferguson back?

Reb shakes her head

Reb - Nah, she is being kept in a bit longer because she was affected by the smoke more than Bea was...

....Mandy arrives in the room

Cheryl - Get out Slater, you're not welcome in here

Mandy - Yeah? I thought this room was for everyone

Cheryl - Everyone except you sister! Get out before I throw you out

Mandy leaves while sneering

Mandy runs into Ailsa in the corridor

Mandy - gran...

Ailsa - I'm glad I've seen you, my child, I have something to tell ya

Pauline arrives at Brumby's cell to find her sitting on the bed cutting her arms with the razor, she looks horrified

Pauline - Michelle! What are you doing?

Brumby (aggressive) - Whats it looks like mother!

Pauline - But why? My god what a wicked thing to do you yourself

Brumby - It makes me feel better ok!

Brumby carries on hurting herself

Pauline - STOP THAT!

Pauline tries to grab the razor off Brumby

Brumby yells in anger

Brumby - It's a little late for the concerned mother act now!...just clear out and leave me alone!

Pauline - But I can't stand by and watch you do this to yourself...if you had a daughter you'd understand how it feels for a mother to see her do such horrible things to herself

Brumby - Yeah well I did have a daughter once didn't I! I lost her thanks to you!

Pauline looks stunned

Pauline - You had a child?

Brumby - Yeah, they took her away for adoption

Pauline - No you're lying surely? I don't believe you, Michelle! You're just trying to hurt me

Brumby - GET OUT!

Pauline stands there

Brumby - GET OUT NOW!

Brumby slashes Pauline across the face with the razor

Pauline clutches her cheek in shock and runs out of the room in tears

Ailsa and Mandy are in Mandy's cell

Ailsa - So that's the story...

Mandy looks outraged

Mandy - I can't believe this, I hope Con is alright. I hate mum and dad

Ailsa - I hate Marion but not my Dennis, he is just too weak to stand up to her

Mandy - He never stood up to her once when I was a kid, always took Mum's side just for an easy life. Mum and Sarah had him wrapped around their little finger, Con and I got a rough deal all the time

Ailsa - I know and I used to tell him off over it, for all the good it did

Mandy - Look gran, I'm glad we've had a chat. I really miss ya

Ailsa - I miss you too

Mandy - Can't we be friends like we used to be? We were always dead close, us two and Con stuck together against those bitches Mum and Sarah and that pathetic weakling dad

Ailsa - I know love, but what you did...

Mandy - I wanted to try human flesh...we both know where I got that from gran don't we

Ailsa - Yeah fair enough...but you could have picked a better victim, my child! Someone who wasn't...

Ailsa pauses

Mandy - Someone who wasn't a member of the family? So grandad was ok then? he didn't count?

Ailsa - He was an abusive drunk and a bastard..not an innocent baby ....and I had the sense never to be caught too unlike you

Mandy - Only because I helped you dispose of the skeleton, I don't know what you'd have done without my help...and you didn't even share him with me! You were too bloody greedy!

Ailsa chuckles

Ailsa - He tasted too good to share

Mandy chuckles too

Mandy - So friends?...please gran? Let's face it Sarah and that bastard husband of hers deserved what I did to their brat

Ailsa - Yeah those two deserved it, but not poor baby Grace

Mandy - Yeah well whats done is done now Gran

Ailsa - I know...you're the only family I have now

They embrace

Ailsa - I have missed you, child!

Mandy - Missed you too Gran

Pauline runs in clutching her bleeding cheek

Mandy - We're having a private chat here Pauline, do one will ya

Pauline ignores her and runs to the mirror

Mandy - Are you deaf or what? Gran and I are talking...

Ailsa - It's ok I'm gonna go to the rec room anyway now, you coming?

Mandy - I'd love to but Gibson has banned me, all part of my Coventry I suppose

Ailsa - Really? We'll see about that!

Ailsa marches out.

Mandy and Pauline are alone. Pauline is seeing to her face

Mandy - What happened to you then?

Pauline - None of your business!

Mandy walks over

Mandy - I told you before, everything's my business

Pauline - Michelle did it to me if you really want to know ok! My own daughter did this to me! Are you happy now!

Colleen is in Chrissie and Helen's cell packing Chrissie's belongings when Helen comes in

Helen - What's all this Mrs Powell?

Colleen - I'm just packing Latham's things Smart, so they Can be sent over to Ingleside

Helen - Chrissie wasn't in her right mind you know, she loved Lizzie as much as we all did, she'd never have wanted to hurt her if she was sane

Colleen - I know... I'd like to know what set her off, something must have because she was doing ok for a while. Any ideas Smart?

Helen - No I wish I knew to believe me

Colleen finds the torn photo on the floor and picks it up

Helen - What is that Mrs Powell?

Colleen - It looks like the photo Chrissie always carried around with her, of her with Elizabeth...how the hell did it get like this?

Helen - There's no way she'd have ever torn that picture herself Mrs Powell

Colleen and Helen look at each other in concern

The rec room

Ailsa marches in and straight over to Cheryl

Ailsa - I want a word with you, Gibson!... I want to know who you think you are banning my granddaughter from the rec room

Cheryl - Last time I checked I was top dog and had all the rights to ban whoever I like

Ailsa - She has as much right to come in here as any of ya

Cheryl - Look Ailsa, this lot were all for killing her, I said no. You have me to thank for that fact she's even alive and this must be a better option than death? so try and be a bit grateful will you

Reb - Thought you didn't wanna know her anyway granny?

Ailsa - Quit calling me granny! And yeah we've made up ain't we. I realized she's still my granddaughter no matter what she did

Bea is laying on her bed staring into space. Vicki is sat looking concerned as Kath comes in

Vicki (lowered voice) - She's been like this the whole time I've been here Kath, just lays there. What can we do?

Kath - It's probably best if we leave her in peace Vic, she needs time to come to terms with losing Lizzie... let's give her some space

They leave Bea alone. A single teardrop runs down Bea's cheek

Ian is with Pat in the governor's office

Ian -Governor, the department has been on the phone, we have a new prisoner coming in tonight, very late after lock-up, with strict instructions she must go straight to isolation

Pat - Who is the prisoner Mr Henderson?



Back with Pat and Ian

Pat - They are sending her back here? Hell we'll really have trouble with her here

Ian - Apparently she is completely hated by the blackmoor women, they tried to kill her. She was found to be lagging on them all, gathering information for inspector Grace in order to get favours in return

Pat - She was pretty hated here too I can tell you

Ian - I guess that's why strict instructions were left that she must be sent to isolation

The staffroom.

Colleen and Meg are having a coffee

Colleen - How's Marty?

Meg - He seems ok, he took a nasty hit to the head, he has gone home to rest

Colleen - Does Marty say much about Latham to you?

Meg - What do you mean colleen?

Colleen - I mean does he ever talk about how he feels about her? I remember you saying that he wasn't too pleased when she first came here

Meg - No he wasn't but I think he came to terms with it in the end?

Colleen - You think so do you?

Meg - Yes he rarely mentions her to me anymore...Look Colleen what is this?

Colleen - Well we never did get to the bottom of who destroyed the bear did we...Latham was quite adamant it was Marty

Meg - Well I'm sure he would never have done anything like that

Colleen - Are you really Meg?

Meg (defensive) - Yes...look what is this Colleen?

Colleen shows her the torn pieces of the photo

Colleen - I found this on Latham's cell floor, the only photo she had of Elizabeth...Elizabeth and her together. how do you think it got like that Meg?

Meg - I don't know, maybe she did it herself

Colleen - Hardly likely, she treasured it

Meg - So she wasn't thinking straight when she had her breakdown, we both know that. If she can cause a prisoners death, a prisoner she was good friends with then I'm sure she could rip up a photo

Colleen - Maybe the photo was already destroyed before she had the breakdown? Maybe it was that that caused it?

Meg - Look threes no way Marty would have done it

Colleen - You seem sure of that?

Meg - Yes I am...very sure!

Colleen - Well I'm sorry Meg but I wish I was so sure...

Meg stares at Colleen

It is after lock-up

The three-bed dorm

Kath is making three cups of cocoa. she hands Vicki one and leaves one by Bea's bed

Kath - There's a drink for you Bea

Bea lays unresponsive

Kath and Vicki look awkward like they are walking on eggshells, they sit at the table

Vicki - So have you thought any more about the baby Kath?

Kath - Yes I have, and I've decided to keep him after all

Vicki - Oh I am glad Kath..what made you change your mind?

Kath - Nothing in particular

Kath smiles and takes a sip of her cocoa

They hear the sound of a van pulling in

Vicki - Hear that?

Kath - Yeah, sounds like they are bringing someone in

Vicki rushes over and climbs up on the bed to see

Vicki - Bugger it I can't see anything!

Kath - That's what they were counting on I expect, this is obviously someone they didn't want any of us knowing about

Bea lays staring at the ceiling

Exterior shot of Wentworth in daytime

Inside Inspector Grace is with Pat in the office

Grace - I came to discuss Miss Raymond

Pat - Yes I've been wondering about that. What's the latest inspector?

Grace - She has picked her son up from her sisters and gone away with him. Her sister tells us she has decided to take a holiday but wouldn't tell her where she went or when she'd be back. This is annoying for me, bloody annoying because I need to talk to her about what exactly happened on those cliffs.

Pat - Yes I can understand that...and you really have no idea where she would have gone?

Grace - None, not a bloody clue. that's where we hoped you or one of the officers might be able to help us

Pat - Help you how?

Grace - Do any of you have any idea where she could have gone?

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