
Brumby's mother is stood on the white line. Colleen is there with the charge sheet

Colleen - Your name is Pauline Louise Tucker, is that correct?

Pauline Tucker - Yes that's correct

Colleen - Come over here and place your belongings on the counter

Pauline follows her over to the counter

Colleen - First time is it?

Pauline - Yes does it show?

Colleen - Yes it does rather I'm afraid. Word of advice Tucker, don't let the others see that you're nervous, they pick up on weakness very easily

Pauline - Yes thanks I'll try and bear it in mind.....

The clifftop.

Kelly is standing alone looking down at the rocks below, she looks rough like she has been fighting. Her hair is messed up and her head is bleeding, the sea is crashing against the cliffs but there is no sign of a body. She is crying

The governor's office.

Mandy is there with Pat, her bruises from the fight are very evident

Pat - How are you feeling Slater?

Mandy - I'll live, the bruises look a lot worse than they really are

Pat - We are aware that the women know about your crime, therefore I feel it's for the best if you go to isolation don't you?

Mandy - No I do not, I'll go mad up there. I'd rather take my chances with the women thank you

Pat - But they could kill you if we put you back among them, surely you must see that?

Mandy - So are you going to keep in in isolation for the next 20 years? I have a long sentence to serve remember

Pat - No of course not, I will try and arrange your transfer to another prison right away. In the meantime, I think you will have to go to isolation

Mandy is angry

Mandy - Listen, Mrs. Slattery, put me in isolation and I'll kill myself anyway, you got that? I can't stand it in there and another thing, try and transfer me and I'll kill myself then too. I am sick of being moved from one place to the next, people always find out no matter where I go. I would rather stay here where it's all out in the open now, they have had time to calm down from the riot, and believe me I can look after myself, I don't feel I am in danger. They will have forgotten me and moved on to the next thing by now knowing them

Pat looks unsure

Pat - I don't know Slater, this is an extremely difficult situation

Mandy - I mean what I say, try and keep in in isolation or transfer me and you will have a death on your hands anyway, I will top myself

Pat sighs

The rec room

The room is noisy with the usual chatter and games of pool. Until Pat arrives in the room with Mandy and the room goes deadly silent

Pat - Slater has been given the all-clear from Sister Hall

Brumby - I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to send her back here, we all know what she's done and you don't expect her to live do you?

Pat - Listen, ladies, this is a warning from me. No harm is to come to her, do you understand me?

Brumby leads the room in a protest


They all go quiet

Cheryl stands up to address the room

Cheryl - There will be no killing while I'm top dog

She turns to face Pat

Cheryl - Slater will be safe Mrs Slattery, you have my word


Pat nods her head in satisfaction

Pat - I'll leave you to it ladies

Pat leaves the room

Brumby, Chrissie, and others crowd around Cheryl

Brumby - You didn't mean that right? We will kill her?

Cheryl - No we won't

Brumby - but she's a cannibal!

Chrissie - Too bleeding right and she killed a kid and ate her! Her own niece too no less!

Cheryl - So from now on she is in permanent Coventry, no one speaks to her, no one goes near her, she's on her own. She will find it very lonely and miserable

Cheryl turns to Mandy

Cheryl - You get that Slater? From now on you're going to be very lonely

Mandy looks Cheryl up and down

Mandy - Who are you anyway? I don't think we've met

Cheryl - I'm the top dog sister

Mandy - Been away have ya?

Cheryl - yeah and now I'm back....so do you understand? From now on no one will talk to you

Mandy laughs

Mandy - Oh big deal..you think I want to talk to any of you lot anyway

Mandy leaves the rec room laughing her head off

Chrissie - See? she couldn't care less about being sent to Coventry. I say we kill her

Brumby - me too

Cheryl loses it

Cheryl - I'll say this one more time only, there will be no killing while I'm in charge!

Brumby - That's funny, it wasn't long ago you wanted to kill Roo

Cheryl - So I have realized it was wrong. There has been so much killing, so much death and i don't want to see anymore. Rita told me about how she wanted peace here before she died. She wanted us to stick together and behave in a civilized manner

Brumby has a nasty smirk on her face

Brumby - She also wanted no drugs, Cheryl, you ignored that wish. So don't pretend you care that much about what Reet wanted

Cheryl - Yeah well I never really understood why Rita turned against drugs, to my mind they are totally fine and we need them to help relieve tension. I notice you didn't complain about them Brumby

Brumby - I like them, I'm just pointing out it wasn't what Rita wanted...since you are so keen to tell us what Rita wanted when it suits your own agenda

Cheryl - And what agenda is that?

Brumby - You're too gutless to kill Slater so you're using what Rita wanted to try and get you off the hook

Cheryl - Careful Brumby, you are not off the hook with me for what happened with Morgan so don't be getting too cocky

Chrissie- I agree with Brumby for once...and I tell you it's not just Rita who was against drugs, Bea is too

Cheryl - So this Bea woman can talk to me about it when she gets back, if she has a problem with it and wants to take me on she can. But while I am top dog it's my rules and no one else's

Colleen is with Pauline in a two-bed dorm when Mandy arrives. Colleen looks shocked to see her

Colleen - What are you doing here?

Mandy - This is my cell ain't it?

Colleen - Well yes, but...

Mandy - Mrs Slattery kindly agreed to let me come back here, isn't that nice of her

Mandy looks at Pauline

Mandy - Who is this then?

Colleen - This is your new cellmate, Slater

Colleen turns to Pauline

Colleen - Is there anything you want to ask? Anything you need?


Pauline - No I'm fine thank you

Colleen nods her head

Colleen - I'll leave you to it then

Colleen gives Mandy a hostile glare, Mandy smirks back. Colleen leaves

Mandy blows a kiss after her

Mandy - I love you too Mrs Powell......

Pauline sits on her bed and takes a packet of cigarettes from her pocket

Mandy - So what's your name than love?

Pauline - I'm Pauline, you?

Mandy - Mandy love...Mandy Slater. Maybe you've heard about me?

Pauline - No? I don't think so?

Mandy - What are you in for love?

Pauline lights up a cigarette

Pauline - I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind

Mandy shrugs

Mandy - Fair enough...

Pauline - Erm...do you know a girl called Michelle...Michelle Tucker, She is in here somewhere. is she on this block?

Mandy - Michelle Tucker? We've got a girl called Tucker who has the nickname Brumby, that could be her?...yeah I think her first name might be Michelle now I come to think of it

Pauline looks pleased

Pauline - Good I was hoping to be on the same block as her

Mandy - Why? know her do you?

Pauline - Yes she's my daughter

Mandy - Ooh cozy, nice little family reunion on the cell block

The rec room

Ailsa comes in and sits in a corner with an Agatha Christie, she lights a cigarette

Chrissie and Lizzie approach and sit on either side

Lizzie - Good book love?

Ailsa shrugs

Ailsa - Not bad I suppose

Chrissie - Enjoy the peace while you can eh.....I wonder what Bea will do to you when she gets back, eh Lizzie

Lizzie chuckles

Lizzie - Yeah..gawd I wouldn't want to be in your shoes love....what about the freak eh Chris

Chrissie - Oh yeah I must be going potty or something, I only bleeding forgot all about her. She won't be too pleased with you either for trying to burn her alive

Ailsa - I ain't scared of either of em

Lizzie - Yeah well then there's Mandy ain't there...so Cheryl says we leave her alone but what will Bea say we should do once she gets back top dog, I reckon she'll want her dead what do you reckon Chris?

Chrissie - Yeah, too bleeding right she will

Ailsa - Mandy is back here?

Lizzie - Yeah she came back tonight, that dumb cow Slattery let her back, didn't you know?

Ailsa - Nope, don't care either

Chrissie chuckles

Chrissie - Hear that Lizzie, she says she don't care

Lizzie chuckles too

Lizzie - yeah I heard, that's not what Brum thinks, she seems to think you were well worried about her in solitary

Ailsa slams her book shut and gets out of her seat


Ailsa flings the book across the room narrowly missing the head of another prisoner. She storms out of the rec room. Lizzie and Chrissie are in hysterics as Helen joins them

Helen - Now you two, why do I get the feeling you've been teasing our friend Ailsa

Lizzie - We ain't done a thing ave we Chris

Chrissie - Nah not a thing

They still laugh while Helen giggles and shakes her head in mock disapproval

The governor's office.

Colleen is there with Pat

Colleen - I cannot believe that you have allowed Slater among the women, they could kill her

Pat - I had my doubts Colleen I assure you but she said she would harm herself if put in isolation and I can't pretend that I like sending any prisoners there, it's cruel

Colleen - Not if it's for their own protection its not

Pat - Well Gibson gave me her word that no harm would come to Slater

Colleen rolls her eyes

Colleen - And we can believe what they say can we? Forgive me if I am reluctant to take their word for it. We are dealing with violent criminals here

Pat - They aren't all violent

Colleen - No perhaps not, but a lot of them are. in any case, they are all good liars

Pat - Gibson gave me her word and I believe her

Colleen looks exasperated

The phone rings

Pat- Hang on I need to get this sorry

Pat answers the phone. Colleen stands arms folded across her chest

Pat - Oh I see....oh dear me......yes thanks for telling me

Pat hangs up and shakes her head

Pat - Oh dear, what terrible news

Colleen - What is it? What's happened?

Pat - It's Miss Raymond. A member of the public reported seeing two women fitting Mrs. Raymond and Kelly Webster's description violently fighting at the edge of some cliffs, one of them had a gun. The member of the public ran to get help. By the time the police got there, there was no sign of anyone but Miss Raymond's car was found abandoned nearby and there were reports of someone seen falling over the cliff into the sea from a nearby coastal town.....no one saw who it was as they were too far away. Search and rescue are searching the area for a body, dead or alive, they believe it could be either one of them

Colleen looks shocked

Brumby is walking a corridor when she bumps into Pauline

Pauline - Michelle...

Brumby - Hello mother...I saw them bring you in this afternoon, I was hoping they'd send you to another block

Pauline - I'm glad they didn't...I was hoping...

Brumby - I know what you were hoping and like I told you when you visited me, you're wasting your time and if you deliberately got yourself put in here just to see me then you're a fool because you've given yourself a criminal record for nothing

Pauline - Don't be silly Michelle, of course, I didn't do that

Brumby - Why are you here then?

Pauline - It's your father, I killed him. I helped him die to end his miserable life

Brumby - So he's dead, that the best news I've had in years, now if you'll excuse me...

Pauline - Michelle wait, I thought now that he's dead we could sort things out?..

Brumby - You're joking right? This changes nothing between us

Pauline - I killed him because of what he did to you, Michelle, because I hate him for it. You see he was fighting cancer quite well, the Drs thought he might have a good 12 to 18 months left to live and I took that away from him

Pauline smiles at Brumby

Pauline - You see? I did that for you? To punish him, to get rid of him from our lives for once and for all

Brumby smiles too

Brumby - And you were hoping this would help bring us back together?

Pauline takes Brumby's hand

Pauline - Yes I was, please tell me it can Michelle, you're my daughter and I love you so much, please you have to believe that

Brumby embraces her mother who smiles with delight

Brumby smiles sadly


Brumby aggressively pushes Pauline away and storms away, Pauline buries her head in her hands and cries

Brumby turns a corner to find Mandy casually leaning against a wall smoking

Brumby - How much of that did you hear?

Mandy coolly stubs her cigarette out and lights another

Mandy - Just about all of it Tucker

Brumby - Nasty habit that, listening in on other peoples conversations

Mandy - That's a bit rich coming from you poppet, you were happy enough to listen in on my conversation with gran weren't you. I know that must be how you found out about me I'm not daft

Brumby - Yeah well I'm not allowed to talk to ya am i.. you're in Coventry

Brumby carries on by

Colleen and Ian are in a bar

Ian - Shocking about Miss Raymond isn't it? I wonder if she'll be ok

Colleen - Yes I know. I don't like her very much but wouldn't wish her dead

Ian - You should be acting governor until this is resolved, not that clown Slattery...i can't believe she let Slater back among the women, the woman should be in isolation

Colleen - Yes I know. Still, she is acting governor for now and it's her decision to make

Ian - It's damn stupid...

Colleen - I don't know about you but I'm just about sick of Wentworth for tonight. Let's talk about something else

Ian - Like what?

Colleen(playful expression) - I don't know, anything but Wentworth!

Ian smiles

Ian - I'm glad you agreed to this drink Mrs Powell

Colleen - Call me Colleen....we're not in the prison now, we can drop the formalities

Ian - Ok colleen...

Colleen - I don't mind telling you I was a bit surprised you'd want to spend an evening with me, there must be plenty of young women your own age you could be spending time with

Ian - I prefer the company of older women as a matter of fact

Colleen - Really?

Ian - Yes really I find them a more stimulating company

Colleen - Well I doubt you'll find me stimulating company Ian, I am not very interesting at all I'm afraid

Ian - I wouldn't say that Colleen, I wouldn't say that at all

Brumby and Lizzie are in their cell getting ready for bed as Meg arrives to lock the cell

Lizzie - Goodnight Mrs M

Meg - Goodnight Lizzie

Meg closes and locks the door

Lizzie - Did you see ya mother tonight Brum love?

Brumby - Yeah I did..and I told her to get lost

Lizzie - Why love? I wish you'd tell me what she has done to ya Brum

Brumby - I don't want to talk about it Lizzie

Brumby turns away to brush her teeth and Lizzie looks concerned

Vicki and Kath are in their cell

Vicki - You really want an abortion, Kath?

Kath - Yes, why would I say I wanted one if I didn't?

Vicki - I can't understand it that's all. If I was pregnant I'd never abort it, I'd love a kid

Kath (aggressive) - I had a kid before remember and I lost that one. I can't go through it all again

Vicki - But just because your first child died doesn't mean this one will

Kath - They will take him away from me when he is two won't they

Vicki - Oh yeah I forgot about that

Kath - And I doubt his father will want to know either, he will go for adoption

Vicki - You seem pretty sure it's a he?

Kath - Not that it matters what it is but I can't have another girl, not after Linda it wouldn't feel right, it would feel like I was replacing her and no child could ever replace her. I think its a boy but like I say it doesn't matter what it is anyway

Vicki - But Kath...

Kath (dismissive) - I don't want to discuss it anymore Vicki ok

Vicki - Fair enough

Kath lays on her bed and stares at the ceiling as the lights go out

Pauline is sitting in the dark lighting a cigarette. Mandy sits up in her bed

Mandy - Can't sleep?

Pauline - No...

Mandy - Yeah these beds aren't very comfortable are they....got a spare fag love?

Pauline - Yes sure

Pauline holds the packet out and Mandy takes one

Mandy - So how's it going with Michelle? Seems to me she can't stand the sight of you from what i saw earlier

Pauline - Spying on us were you?.... Well not that its any of your business but we will sort it all out in time

Mandy - Sure you will! But you're wrong when you say it's none of my business. One thing you learn about prison is that your privacy flies out the window, it becomes merely a distant memory you understand? Nothings ever private in here

Pauline (angry) - Well this is! It's between mother and daughter, no one else

Mandy - So why does she hate you so much?

Pauline - Look I already told you it's none of your business and I meant it!

Mandy - Oh but I'm so curious...I worked out it had something to do with her father, I got that far

Pauline - Well you'll have to make do with that because cos that's all you're going to know

Mandy - Oh but I take such a special interest.....If Brumby cared about you she'd want to protect you wouldn't she. But as she doesn't that means you have no protection at all, you're all alone in here with no one

Pauline - What are you getting at?

Mandy - Well if someone wanted to elbow you in the face they could, couldn't they? Who would care? Who would stop them?

Pauline looks blank

Mandy suddenly swings her elbow around and violently elbows Pauline in the face. Pauline cries out

Mandy drags her off the bed by her hair and punches her in the stomach

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