
The laundry.

Bea and Reb are staring at Joan. Joan strolls over to the folding table. Ian is still in the doorway.

Joan - Shall I fold?.... Or maybe it's smoko time? What ya reckon Mr Henderson? Not much work going on here is there?

Ian - No you're right Ferguson, the girls are very slack today. Maybe you can get them to work?

Joan - I can try but really it's often the top dog who gives the orders...right Smith

Bea - That's right...and that's me

Joan grins

Joan - Is it really? Well, it certainly didn't take you long to get back on top did it?

Bea - It rarely does

Ian - Well I have rounds to do ladies...I do hope there will be some progress when I call back later

He leaves

Joan begins to fold sheets. Bea and Reb march over

Bea - What the hell are you doing here?

Joan stares at her coldly

Joan - I came to see you of course....we have unfinished business wouldn't you say?

Bea - Oh I dunno, I'd say I'm done with you Ferguson

Joan - Of course.... you got what you wanted huh...... oh but that's not quite true is it. It was me you wanted but when you got Shane instead you decided that would do nicely? In fact, you even decided it was probably better than getting me? leave me to live with the pain?

Bea - Yeah that's right

Joan - If you thought I was just going to forget what you did you're really dumb Smith...and I tell ya something else, you're gonna wish you had killed me

Joan looks at Reb

Joan - And don't think I am forgetting your part in all this either Kean. you may not have pulled the trigger but you were in on it

Reb - Look, Ferguson.....

Brumby arrives with the skip

Brumby - Hell.....

Joan- Keep out of this Tucker....you're just scum to me but Smith and Kean? Oh you two are special...very special

Bea- You're boring me, Ferguson. Do you think I'm scared of you?

Joan- You should be. Did you really think I'd sit back and let you get away with what you did? I got the better of you in the old days too remember

Bea - You're forgetting one thing...we're both prisoners here now Fergo, and I'm top dog. I have the girls behind me....now what do you suppose will happen to you now? Ex screw on our side of the bars?

Joan - Won't work Smith, I survived last time, I'll survive again. And I'm sure there are plenty in here who would like to see the back of you Smith. You always had your enemies didn't you....remember Nola?

Bea - Oh yeah...

Bea makes a gun symbol with her hand and points it right at Joans forehead

Bea - And remember what happened to her?

Chrissie appears in the doorway, Bea, Joan, Reb, and Brumby turn to look

Chrissie - Oh my god...

Joan - Ah Latham! Come to join our party?

Chrissie - What the bleeding hell are you doing here?

Bea laughs

Bea - That was my reaction too. Get this Chrissie, she reckons she's here to fix me

Joan - How's little Elizabeth these days Latham?.....oh dear I'm sorry I forgot, she's dead isn't she, silly me

Chrissie looks upset

Joan - Yes I heard all about that Latham, nasty affair

Bea - Shut up Ferguson you sick bitch!

Chrissie - Leave it, Bea, it doesn't matter.....I'm going to go and find Lizzie


Chrissie turns to go

Joan - Yes you trot along now Latham....leave the big girls to play....give Birdsworth my regards when you find her

Chrissie stares her down and leaves

Bea - Be careful Ferguson, Chrissie is my friend and I don't like seeing her being tormented over Elizabeth in that way

Joan laughs - Lathams a nobody, always has been. But you two!!!....you're both special to me. You're both SCUM!!

Bea - You gonna let her talk to you like that Reb?

Reb - No way...are you?

Bea - course not...bitch thinks she's something special I reckon, but she's on our side of the bars now

Mandy has been observing events quietly in a corner and with interest

Kath is sitting in a room at the police station when Sergeant Johnson comes in

Johnson - Afternoon Maxwell....it's nice to see you. Enjoy your adventures on the out, did you?

Kath shrugs

Johnson - You obviously made the most of a chance to drink, judging by your blood test results. You were way over the limit

Kath - Yes what can I say, I like a nice glass of wine and never get any on the inside

Johnson - And to hell with whose car you crash into while behind a wheel eh? Luckily the man was unharmed or you'd be facing even more serious charges

Kath - I'm glad no one was hurt

Johnson - Now Maxwell, the two officers who arrested you seemed to think that you were running away from somewhere...from someone. What do you have to say about it?

Kath - I simply can't remember, I was drunk. I say silly things when I'm drunk

Johnson - Is that so? And care to shed any light on where you were staying while on the run?

Kath - I really don't remember sorry

Bea, Reb, and Joan are in the laundry and Bea is glaring at Joan as she casually folds sheets. Ian comes in as the bell goes

Ian - Works over for today girls

Joan - Great, is it dinner soon? I'm starving

Ian - Yes, it will be soon Ferguson

Joan - Good, is it anything nice Mr Henderson?

Ian - No idea, you'll have to go along and find out...come along now ladies

They all walk out of the laundry

Bea - Got a spare fag Reb? I seem to have run out

Reb - Sure Bea

She gives Bea a cigarette

Bea - Ta.....you know Reb I was thinking what's worse than a screw?

Reb - I dunno Bea, what's worse than a screw?

Bea - An ex screw who becomes a fellow prisoner...I mean how can we ever like or trust scum like that?

Reb - Ya know Bea you're right...what would you do to an ex screw who became a prisoner?

Bea giggles

Bea - I dunno. I'd need to think about it cos it would have to be something really good know what I mean?

Bea and Reb carry on down the corridor and Joan glares at them Mandy approaches Joan

Mandy-Smith needs bringing down a peg or two if you ask me

Joan(hostile) - Well no one did ask you did they

Mandy shrugs

Mandy - I'm sorry, I was only trying to be helpful. Just thought we could help each other out that's all...

Mandy carries on by and Joan looks at her thoughtfully

Kath arrives back at Wentworth. Marty is in reception and they glance at each other

Mandy meets Ian in a quiet spot

Mandy - I'm glad you came Mr Henderson


Ian - What is this about? I hate having my time wasted

Mandy - I think you know what it's about?... I want more drugs, just like that last lot you bought me at Blackmoor, that was real good stuff

Ian - I don't think Smith would like it would she?

Mandy - I don't much care what smith likes and what she doesn't like

Ian - Yes I can see that. I don't know Slater, what would I get in return?

Mandy - You'd be making extra money just like you did before

Ian - The thing is I ask myself is that enough? Is it worth the risk?

Mandy - Then tell me what else you want Mr Henderson

Ian grins

Ian - Some real pretty girls around here Slater...real pretty. Reckon you could fix it up for me to spend some time with a few of them? Reckon that would be worth the risk.

Mandy - That's no problem at all Mr Henderson...I reckon we can make fantastic partners

Marty shows Kath into solitary

Marty - I'm sorry I have to put you in here, but it's only overnight

Kath - It's fine, I know

Marty - Why did you escape Kath?

Kath - I don't know, I felt like it, I suppose

Marty - I'll bring you some food...

Kath - No wait, why the rush Marty, I hoped we called talk for a while

Marty - I don't see what there is to talk about?

Kath - Us of course...there is an us isn't there even if you try to deny it

Marty - Look I told you...I'm back with Margaret now...

Kath - But you still like me too right?

Kath touches him up

Kath - I won't tell Spike if you don't, how will she ever know about it?

Marty - I can't, it wouldn't feel, right?

Kath - It feels right to me...and it feels right to you too doesn't it, I can tell

They kiss and Kath leads Marty to the bed

The dining room.

Bea and Reb are sat together

Bea - I know you're angry with me right now but I think we need to stick together to fight Ferguson

Reb - Yeah ok I reckon you're right on this one

Bea - So you're with me?

Reb nods

Reb - I'm with ya

Bea holds out a hand and they shake

Joan is sitting alone, she is watching Bea and Reb A crowd, which includes Brumby and Roo, walk over to stand in front of Joan

Roo - Tucker here tells us you're an ex screw, is that right?

Joan - So what if it is?

Roo - We don't like ex screws do we girls

The crowd all shake their heads and stare at Joan with contempt

Joan - Run along and play your games someplace else and leave me to eat in peace

Joan returns to her food and Roo flips the plate onto her lap

Roo - You can't give us orders now sweetheart, you're only an ex screw remember

They all chuckle

Joan gets out of her seat and studies Roo's hands

Joan - With your hands like that you are hardly in a condition to be throwing your weight around are you

Roo - But I'm not exactly the only one here am i...look at this lot they all want to get you

Brumby - Yeah we all want ya Ferguson

Joan smirks at Brumby

Joan - Speaking up at last are you Tucker? Thought you were going to hide behind this one here all night...tell me Tucker how is Marsh these days?... Oh that's right isn't it, she can't stand you now, she told me all about it. She told me she wouldn't care if she never saw you again

Brumby - Spike? When did you see her?

Joan - On the outside, I reckon she'll do well for herself now she's free and away from you. She can actually make something of her life unlike a loser like you.....

Brumby - You'll get your's bitch!

Brumby leaves

Ian comes over to the crowd

Ian - Either get your meals and sit down or leave the dining-room girls

Roo - Sure thing Mr Henderson

They move off

Ian - Do you want to get yourself a fresh meal Ferguson?

Joan - No it's ok I am not hungry

Joan leaves the dining room

Bea and Reb watch her go

Reb - Looks like she's in for a hard doesn't it

Bea - Yes it does, doesn't it

Joan is passing by Chrissie's cell. Chrissie is laying on the bed with a picture of Elizabeth and crying inconsolably Joan steps into the room

Joan - Evening Latham

Chrissie looks up from her picture

Chrissie - What do you want? Go away

Joan - Now is that any way to talk to an old mate? I only came to see if you're ok, I heard you crying and could hardly ignore it could i

Chrissie - You came to gloat....please just go away I mean it

Joan talks in a softer voice

Joan - I didn't come to gloat..and I'm sorry for what I said earlier in the laundry, that was unforgivable but I can't afford to show any weakness in front of Smith and Kean, and let's face it compassion is a weakness in a place like this....but. I am sorry for your loss Latham and I mean that

Chrissie looks at her surprised

Joan - surprises you does it? Yes, I can't suppose I can blame you. Don't get me wrong Latham I don't like you, I never have and I never will but no one deserves to lose a child like that. I know what it's like believe me and I wouldn't wish it on anyone

Chrissie - Yeah well you've said your piece so if you don't mind I'd like it if you left now...

Colleen arrives at the cell

Colleen - Ferguson, what are you doing to Latham?

Joan - Nothing Mrs Powell, I merely came to offer my condolences

Colleen - I don't believe you and if I find you bothering her again you'll be on a charge!

Joan smirks at Colleen and leaves

Colleen sits beside Chrissie

Colleen - Latham, you should come to the dining room for something to eat

Chrissie - I'm not hungry Mrs Powell...

Colleen - We all thought you were turning a corner the last day or two, you seemed a lot better. But now...

Chrissie - Yeah well some days I feel ok, I even forget about it for a few hours. Then it all hits me again and I remember I'm never gonna see my baby again....I can't sleep Mrs Powell, some nights I lay awake for hours thinking about her, and then when I do sleep I wake up screaming

Chrissie cries and Colleen comforts her

Chrissie- I wish it was me who was dead, not my Elizabeth

Colleen - Maybe I'll go and talk to sister Hall, see if she can give you something to make you sleep, would you like that eh?

Chrissie nods

Colleen - And I'll talk to the governor about putting you in with someone, maybe a cell to yourself was a bad idea if you're having such bad nights. It could help a little if you weren't on your own, what do you think?

Chrissie nods her head and wipes away a tear

Chrissie - Yes that might help, thanks, Mrs Powell



Exterior shot of Wentworth in daytime

Inside Janice is in her office with Ian

Ian - Governor Mr Adams hasn't turned up for work this morning and we have tried calling him at home, no reply

Janice - I see...well keep trying and if he does turn up send him to me right away. He had better have a good explanation for his lateness

Ian - Yes governor

Janice - Frankly I have noticed his mind hasn't been on the job lately and I have been meaning to bring him into line over it...

Colleen arrives

Colleen - Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here Mr Henderson

Ian - It's ok I'm leaving

Ian leaves

Colleen - Miss Raymond I wanted to ask you something about Latham...I think she should be in a cell with someone, I don't think being alone in a single cell at night is helping her

Janice - Ok well she can share with Smart? She is currently alone in a two-bed cell and by all accounts, they were good friends in the old days

Colleen - Where are you putting Maxwell then?

Janice - Back in the three-bed dorm

Colleen - With McPherson and Smith?

Janice - Yes, is there a problem with that?

Colleen - She may not get on with Smith, shes a former top dog and Smith doesn't like the competition

Janice - Yes and she is also pregnant remember, I doubt she will challenge Smith now....besides I don't want McPherson alone with Smith

Colleen looks confused

Colleen - Why not?

Janice - McPherson is a good girl and smith isn't. I don't want Smith leading her into trouble with her schemes. Maxwell seems to be friends with McPherson I trust her to have a maternal instinct towards her as she had with the prisoner Jones

Colleen looks taken aback

Janice - What's the matter Mrs Powell you look surprised?

Colleen - I didn't realize you would give so much thought to any of the prisoners, I didn't think you cared much quite frankly

Marty is showing Kath into the three-bed dorm

Marty - McPherson is still here but I'm afraid Gibson isn't around just now...she's in hospital

Kath - Why what happened to her?

Marty studies his watch

Marty - I'll let McPherson tell you, I have to be on my rounds

Marty turns to go

Kath - Hey before you go, I just wanted to say I enjoyed last night, thank you

Marty - I enjoyed it too...but we must be careful Kath

Kath - Yes I know

Marty - I'll try and find some time to see you later before I go home

Kath smiles

Kath - Yes I'd like that

Marty smiles back and leaves

The staffroom

Ian is there as Janice comes in and pours a coffee

Ian - Still no sign of Mr Adams governor

Janice - Strange...I tried his home number and no answer still

Ian - Should we contact the police?

Janice - No don't be silly, why should we do that?

Ian - Well in case something has happened to him...

Janice - No, let's leave it for now. If he still doesn't show up tomorrow then yes we should think about it then

Ian nods in agreement

Kath is in the three-bed dorm when Bea arrives

Bea - G'day you must be Kath? Mr Jackson told me you were here

Kath - Yes that's right and you are?....

Bea - I'm Bea love, you're new cellmate

Kath - Don't suppose you have a spare fag do you?

Bea - Sure love

She takes a packet out of her pocket and offers it to Kath who takes a cigarette.

Kath - Thanks...I really shouldn't be smoking you know, I'm pregnant but I need one from time to time when I feel stressed

Bea laughs

Bea- Yeah it's addictive like that. Especially in a place like this...we need something to help get through. I wouldn't make a habit of it though eh love, gotta think of the baby

Kath- Yeah I know.....god you must think I'm a selfish bitch?

Bea chuckles

Bea - We're all selfish, especially in a place like this

Kath - So have you been in before or is this your first time?

Bea - I was here before years ago

Kath - Hang on, you're not Bea Smith are you?

Bea - The one and only yes....heard of me then?

Kath - When I came to Wentworth people were still talking about you even though you'd left a few years before I arrived

Bea - Yeah? who was around when you were here?

Kath - There was Rita Connors, did you know her?

Bea - No love, heard about her though...deserved a medal for what she did to the freak....who else was around?

Kath - Alice Jenkins, did you know her?

Bea- Yeah I knew her, tall sheila...not much up top. Used to hang around with a right little bitch, a blonde number

Kath - Sounds like Lou Kelly..I never met her she was murdered just after I arrived

Bea- Couldn't have happened to a nicer girl, she was a right vicious bitch from what I remember...I take it you knew the freak?

Kath - Oh yes, we all knew the freak

Bea - She's back in here as a prisoner did you know that?

Kath- yes I heard

Bea - Well I better be getting back to the laundry, I'll catch you later Kath

Bea trots off

Joan is out alone wondering the corridors with a skip. Chrissie is in her cell and sees Joan pass. She runs out to confront her

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