Spike is in the lounge as Len storms in
Len - I see you have company? I want to talk alone Ferguson
Joan - Spike would you mind leaving us alone for a while?
Spike senses the tension
Spike - Is everything ok Joan?
Joan - Yes everything's fine. Len's just an old friend. Go on, go and make some tea or something
Spike leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Len sits down in a chair
Len - This is a nice reunion for us isn't it Ferguson
Joan - Say what you came to say and get out Murphy
Len - I know you set me up for Mason's rape Ferguson. I got Burke to admit to raping her, with a bit of persuasion from a few old mates down at Woodridge
Joan - Then that's good for you isn't it? You're names been cleared, what do you want from me?
Len shakes his head
Len - My name has not been cleared yet. The police won't rake that lying, raping toerags word for it. They need more. So it's confession time Ferguson, you're going to admit you set me up
Joan - And if I don't?
Len - I'll kill ya and ya know it
Joan - Get out...
Len tears out of his chair and hits Joan in the face
Len - I hand out the orders around here. Let's get to going...
He begins to drag Joan out of the room
Joan - Where are we going, Murphy?
Len - The police station of course
Spike is in the hallway as Len drags Joan out
Spike - Joan? What's going on?
Len - Keep out of this girl
Joan - It's fine, we're just going out for a while...
Len - Come on Ferguson, I'm not hanging around for a chat
Len opens the front door and pulls Joan out
Spike - Well when will you be back?
Len and Joan have gone, Spike looks concerned
The police station. Len pulls up in his car
Len - Remember what I said Ferguson, I don't want any crap, you're gonna tell them the whole truth or I'll kill ya
Len gets out of the car. Joan opens her door, gets out, and makes a run for it
Len catches her
Joan lashes out at Len who restrains her
Len - You stupid bastard Ferguson! I beat you once before remember, I can do it again!
Len leads Joan into the station
It's the following morning and Len is with Dwyer in his office
Len - So now my names been cleared.....I'm set up for some nice compensation for wrongful imprisonment. But I want more than that Mr Dwyer
Dwyer - Really and what else do you want Mr. Murphy?
Len - I want my job back as governor. Now that I have been cleared there is no reason why I can't return to the prison service is there
Dwyer flashes Len with a smile
Dwyer - Whilst the department is happy for you to have finally cleared your name we currently don't have any vacancies for governors. Now I am happy to offer you back a job as an officer, a senior officer of course...
Len - I want to be governor of Blackmoor
Dwyer - That's impossible, Mr Preston.....
Len - Mr Preston is as corrupt as they come. Once I hand over the evidence I have gathered against him you will surely see that he needs to be fired immediately...and who else would be better suited to take his place?
Exterior shot of police station
Inside Joan is with inspector Grace
Grace - We're releasing you on bail Ferguson. These are serious charges, I guess you know that. A date will be set for you to answer to a court for these charges. We'll be in touch and in the meantime I'm sure I don't need to remind you that you must not leave the state
Joan - Yes I know inspector
Joan's place
Spike knocks on her bedroom door
Spike - Joan are you in there? Joan
Spike goes in to find the room empty. She looks worried. Suddenly the backdoor is kicked in and Clive bursts in. Spike screams as he runs up and grabs her
Clive - Shut up Marsh! Don't make a sound. We can do this the easy way or the hard way
Blackmoor prison
Malcolm is led away in handcuffs as Dwyer and Len watch on
Malcolm turns to the police officers
Malcolm - Let me have a quick word with Mr. Murphy eh fellas?
Policeman - Ok Preston but no funny business ok
They let Malcolm go and he goes to talk to Len privately
Malcolm - You bastard Murphy, I looked after you, protected you from the other inmates at Woodridge, they would have killed you and this is the way you repay me?
Len chuckles
Len - Let's just say I always knew that one day it might come in handy so I gathered as much as I could against you...life's a bastard and so am i
Clive produces a packet of heroin
Clive - This time you will take an overdose Marsh, no fighting it this time
Spike - Why do you want to do that bastard's dirty work for him?
Clive - The money Marsh, the money. The sort of money he is offering me one doesn't turn down
Spike - I can offer you more to expose Preston
Clive - Don't waste my time, I know you don't have a pot to piss in...I'm so sorry Marsh if it's any consolation it's nothing personal.
Spike suddenly lashes out
Clive - Don't be a fool, I said we can do this the easy way or the hard way
Spike backs away into a corner of the kitchen and grabs a knife
Spike - We'll have to do it the hard way then won't we
Clive - Don't be a fool Spike...c'mon give me the knife.
Spike - If you think I'm gonna lay down and let you kill me you're crazy
Clive - c'mon Marsh, you know you ain't gonna use that thing, you know you're not a killer, just give up while you still have some dignity, accept what's gonna happen to you...
With one swift movement, Spike slashes Clive's throat from ear to ear
Exterior shot of Wentworth.
Inside Janice is at her desk as the office phone rings, she picks it up
Janice - Yes?
It's Pat Slattery on the reception phone
Pat - Governor, there is an outside call for you from Malcolm Preston, would you like to take it?
Janice - Yes please Pat
Pat - One moment
Pat connects the call
Malcolm - Jan love I had to call you urgently
Janice - Why what's wrong? it's not Tommy, is it?
Malcolm - No, I dropped him at school as usual on the way in, no problems there. Look I'm afraid I'm in a spot of bother love, I've been arrested. I'm in police custody
Janice looks alarmed
The governor's office at Blackmoor
Dwyer and Len are sharing a whisky
Dwyer - May I take this opportunity to welcome you back into the prison service Len, you were a fine officer and I am sure you will be a fine governor for Blackmoor
Len sits back in his chair and lights a cigar
Len - Indeed I will be. I can run this place better than Craven, Leach or Preston ever could. I know how to keep prisoners inline
Dwyer - I have every confidence in you
Len - To think this time yesterday I had nothing and here I am back in a governors chair where I belong
Joan's place
Spike is sitting on the floor sobbing. Clive is lying nearby in a pool of blood. Joan comes in through the front door and stops dead in her tracks
Joan - What the hell happened here?
Spike - Where have you been? you've been gone all night
Joan - I had some business to attend to down at the police station....so you going to tell me what the hell has happened?
Spike is crying
Spike - He was gonna kill me, Joan, I had to kill him, I had no choice
The staffroom
Pat comes in to find Janice crying. Janice quickly wipes the tears away and pretends to be ok
Pat - What's wrong governor?
Janice - Nothing Mrs Slattery, why should anything be wrong?
Pat - It's just you seem a bit upset that's all...
Janice - I have had some bad news Mrs Slattery
Pat - I'm sorry to hear that, anything I can help with?
Janice - My fiance, the now ex-governor of Blackmoor, is going to prison on remand for corruption
Pat - Oh...well if there's anything...
Janice snaps
Janice - Don't be stupid woman there is nothing anyone can do is there! Just get on with your job. Helping me run this prison to the best of your ability is all the help you can ever give me
Pat - Yes of course governor
Janice leaves the room
Joan's place
Spike - That's it then isn't it. I'm going down for murder. That's mine and Marty's future down the drain
Joan is about to say something when there is a knock at the door, both women are panicked by it
Spike - Are you expecting someone?
Joan - No.....
Marty calls out from outside
Marty - Margaret it's me, are you in there?
Spike - Oh god don't let him in Joan please, I can't let him see what I have done
Joan - Just keep calm Spike, let me handle this
Joan opens the door slightly and pops her head around
Marty - Oh hello Joan....is Margaret there, please?
Joan - No Marty I'm sorry she isn't
Marty - Well where is she? I thought we agreed it wasn't safe for her to go out and about on her own while Preston is after her
Joan - I'm afraid she snuck off in the night Mr. Jackson, I have no idea where she went. Maybe you could go and have a look for her?
Marty is already backing away
Marty - Yes I'll try and find her, damn it why has she done this?
Joan - Let me know when you find her
Marty - I will.
Marty gets in his car and drives away. Joan closes the door and returns to Spike
Spike - Thanks Joan..it's gonna be hard enough for him when he finds out I'm back inside, I didn't want him having to come in here and see this mess as well
Spike stands up and picks up the phone
Spike - Well I suppose I should get the pigs over, no point putting it off
Joan - Hold your horses a minute Spike...I have a plan that might just get you off the hook
Spike looks intrigued
At Wentworth, the women are at lunch. Bea and Lizzie sit beside Chrissie who promptly stands up to move seats
Bea - Chrissie wait, can't we talk love
Lizzie - Hear Bea out Chris eh
Chrissie reluctantly sits back down
Chrissie - Say what ya have to say Bea and make it quick...
Bea - I understand you're upset with me, angry with me. I can't blame you, not after what Murray did to Elizabeth. But this wasn't the same Chrissie I promise you that. Murray planned to kill Elizabeth, he wanted to kill her and he knew what he was doing. But I didn't want to kill that boy, I wanted Ferguson, no one else, he got in the way and it all happened so fast, it was a moment of madness, the three of us struggling over the gun and it went off
Chrissie - Ok so maybe you didn't want to kill the boy but you did and now you think it is something to be proud of
Bea looks utterly ashamed
Bea - I can't deny I feel pleased I got the freak. I wish it hadn't been like this but it is and I can't change it now, I can't bring the kid back to life. Maybe I'm a monster for feeling like this but I'm glad I got her...you have to admit she deserved to pay for everything she did to us all
Chrissie - Yeah ok, I agree on that
Bea - So mates?
Chrissie is unsure
Bea - You have to believe that I didn't intend to kill the kid
Chrissie - I do...
Bea - So? Forgive me?
Chrissie -maybe..oh .look Bea, this is too much for me to deal with right now. You'll have to give me time to get my head around it all, I'm sorry Bea but that's the way it is
Bea nods
Bea - Fair enough love
Bea gets up
Bea - I'll find somewhere else to sit
Lizzie goes to get up
Bea - No Lizzie you stay with Chrissie, keep her company
Bea moves off
Lizzie - Bea don't want you to think badly of her love
Chrissie - I know Lizzie, ok I bleeding know. But I need some time that's all, I am still dealing with what happened to Elizabeth
Joan's place
Spike is standing looking stunned
Spike - You want to take the blame for me?
Joan nods her head
Joan - Yes
Spike - But why? You'll go down for murder?
Joan - With a bit of luck I will go down for manslaughter, not murder, I will tell them he broke in and attacked me, I will tell them I was scared for my life
She points to the backdoor
Joan - There is the proof he broke in
Spike - But even if you can get off on manslaughter you will still do time? Why do that for me?
Joan - Because I have been trying to figure out a way to get back inside so I can fix Smith haven't i. Seems to me the job's been done for me, this is a perfect way don't you see
Spike - But Joan I can't let you take the blame for me...
Joan - Yes you can...
She picks the knife up and wipes it with a kitchen cloth and then takes a good hold of it in her hands
Joan - Now your fingerprints are no longer on the knife, mine are all over it
Joan puts the knife down again
Joan - It's best if you aren't here when the cops arrive Spike...so I think you best go to Marty's place
Joan leads Spike to the backdoor
Spike - But what will I tell Marty? He'll wonder why I left here when we all agreed on me staying
Joan - Tell him we fell out and you had to leave here, I don't know, tell him anything...
Spike - Thanks Joan, I owe you big time
Joan - I'm not just doing this for you remember. I have my own reasons too, you owe me nothing you have already done me a favour, we have done each other a favour so we are just about even I reckon...now go
Spike surprises Joan with a warm hug and then rushes off
Joan waits until she has gone and then picks up the telephone and dials for the police
Mandy and Brumby are doing a drugs deal in the corridor as Bea is coming along
Bea - Don't mind me will ya ladies
Bea stands to watch
Mandy - Yeah? Can I help ya? Want something do ya?
Bea - Nah love, just wanted to see what's going on. I don't like drugs you know, wouldn't have this type of thing going on when I was top dog
Mandy - Yeah well ya ain't top dog now are ya and this is none of ya business. I don't think Roo will appreciate you poking your nose in either
The drug deal completed the inmate walks off with a spring in her step
Bea - No I suppose you're right there Slater
Mandy turns to Brumby and hands her a stash of drugs and the takings
Mandy - Take these to the hiding place, don't pinch anything cos I'll know and you know what Roo will do to ya
Brumby - No worries Mandy
Brumby leaves and Bea watches her go
Mandy - I'd love to stand around chatting Smith but got people to see
Bea - Same here
Mandy - Catch ya around then
Mandy walks off and Bea goes off in the direction Brumby went
Joan's place
Sergeant Johnson and a swam of police are there
Johnson has his notepad out
Johnson - So you say he broke in and you had to defend yourself?
Joan - Yes, how many more times must I say it?
Johnson - Just getting things clear Miss Ferguson that's all
Inspector Grace arrives
Grace - Well Joan, twice in the one-day eh...no wonder I get heartburn!..have to take these bloody things
He pops a Rennie tablet in his mouth and turns to Johnson
Grace - What's the story Sergeant?
Johnson leads him into the kitchen to look at the body
Johnson - This is Clive Anderson, a support worker at Oakwood Drug referral unit. Miss Ferguson claims he broke in here, attacked her and she defended herself by slashing his throat with a knife
Grace - I see.....weren't you a resident at Oakwood for a while Joan?
Joan - Indeed I was yes and that must have been how he got my address
Grace - And any idea why he broke in here?
Joan shrugs
Joan - To rob me I imagine, I can't think why else can you inspector?
Brumby is strolling along when Bea comes up behind her and drags her into a cell and pins her to a bed
Brumby - What the hell is this Smith?
Bea - I should beat you black and blue for this, but since you're only one of the monkeys, not the organ grinder I see no point in that. I'll save my energy for Morgan
Bea raids Brumby's pockets for the drugs and takings
Bea - I'll just take these and let you get off
Brumby = What you can't take those. Roo will...
Bea - You can tell Roo that if she has a problem she can come and see me, in fact, I'll be waiting for her
Brumby leaves the room
The laundry.
Roo is on the press. Brumby rushes in
Brumby - Roo, it's Smith, she took all the drugs and the takings
Roo - What the hell are you on about Tucker?
Brumby - She ambushed me in a corridor and took the lot, I couldn't stop her, she's too strong for me
Roo grabs Brumby by the throat
Roo - This better not be a lie to cover yourself for stealing them for yourself Tucker! You always did have light fingers at Blackmoor!
Brumby - It's no lie Roo, I swear. I know what you'd do to me if I ever tried that trick don't i
Roo - Where is smith now?
Brumby - In her dorm
Roo turns to Mandy
Roo - Come with me Slater
They begin to leave
Vicki - Hey what about the press?
Roo - You can have a go on that McPherson
Vicki - Yeah, hey cool!
Roo and Mandy are gone. Vicki goes to get on the press
Brumby - Hey how about letting me have a go on it?
Vicki - Roo said me didn't she Tucker
Vicki steps on the press and Brumby sulks
Pat and Meg are in reception
Pat - You hear about Mr Preston Meg?
Meg - Yes and it's shocking isn't it. Of course, I never met the men but people spoke highly of him
Pat - Yes and of course the governor is cut up about it too, he's her fiance remember
Meg looks like she had forgotten that
Meg - Oh yes of course...
Pat - Between you and me I caught Miss Raymond crying in the staffroom earlier
Meg - Really? Oh dear, perhaps when I get a moment I should go and see how she is
Two officers lead a new prisoner in
Officer - New arrival for you ladies
Pat and Meg turn around. They are both surprised by the new prisoner. It's Joan
Joan is stood on the white line
Meg looks at the charge sheet
Meg - You have been remanded into custody to await trial for murder charges, is that correct
Joan - Yeah that's correct Morris Only it was manslaughter wasn't it.
Meg - Well you'll get your chance in court
Joan - I guess this must really make your day seeing me back in here? You can have a good laugh at my expense now eh?
Years change a man. Blake wanted to relax, enjoy the holidays with his friends and play with his sister in a new game. It should have been a break… Though when you take into consideration what followed, the time in the game may very well have been the calm before a storm.With the game gone and all pretences dead follow Blake as he discovers a world he didn’t know existed. In it war begins to stir and shackled forces beyond anyone’s understanding slowly break free, unleashing their powers upon a world that missed them for so long and reminding the inhabitants of the nightmares their ancestors had.
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Liam Finn. many in the criminal underworld know that name and fear to even utter it. You don't fuck with Mr Finn and you most certainly don't want to piss him off less you want to continue living your life. Obviously someone disagreed and... Killed the notorious Mr Finn. Liam (Now dead) regrets a lot of things but an opportuniy comes in the form of an offer from a higher being of sorts, Liam accepts the offer thus getting a one way ticket to reincarnation in another world and another life, one with magic and all that fantasy stuff. Liam fucked his last life up by getting caught up in the wrong crowd, this time he doesn't want to fuck it up, he want's to be a good person this time around. Unfortunately things don't go to plan and a childhood that was supposed to be good is ruined by a large demon incursion, so he takes the name Frederick Von Zarenstatt. He'll become a leader of warriors and must lead his new people to a far off land. Follow him in his journey for the fates have decreed that an Empire will be built upon the bones of his foes, watch as an Empire rises. Credits: Author - Barry The Eldritch Horror Cover Designer - Halo381
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Schedule: 1 Chapter each of Tuesday/Friday John Miller was a fairly normal young man, working hard to support a family that had run into many financial difficulties. Unfortunately, his unexpected death ends his difficult but mundane life. He is quite surprised to find himself waking up alive… but not himself. Fortkran Tenebach is… or was… the young master of a cultivation clan in another world. John barely even knows anything about cultivation- even in the theory of something vaguely like it- but he has to make his way with the memories of his new body. His new family isn’t as close as his old one was… but he can’t help but want to be honest with them. He is quite certain that they notice his sudden change in personality among other things, and confesses what happened in a move that ultimately he expects to be fatal. Quite surprisingly, his family instead breathes a collective sigh of relief that the old Fortkran is dead. This leaves John to take over his duties… including cultivation, though he has to start from the beginning and isn’t sure he won’t make some massive mistake.
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