
We see Marty entering his bedroom and turning the light on and beginning to get undressed, we see this from the view of outside the window as if someone is looking in...

....Delia is spying on Marty from outside. He spots her, she backs away and runs off. Marty watches her from the window. He looks freaked out

It's the following morning and Marty arrives at work just as Delia is signing in, Delia spots him coming in and rushes off. Marty watches her go and then takes the ''Dad'' birthday card out of his pocket and compares the handwriting to Delia's handwriting in the book

Meg is with Ann in the governor's office looking withdrawn

Ann - Did you and Vera sort things out last night?

Meg - Yes thanks, we had a good long chat

Ann - I'm glad..I know you were worried about her

meg nods

Meg - I was yes

Ann has noticed something is wrong

Ann - Tell me to mind my own business if you like but is something wrong, Meg?

Meg - No why should anything be wrong?

Ann - It is I can tell

Meg breaks down in tears and Ann comforts her

Ann - What's happened, Meg?

Delia is in the staffroom when Marty comes in and she tries to leave quickly but Marty blocks her way

Marty - I want a word please Delia...I saw you last night outside my window spying on me

Delia - I don't know what you're talking about...

Marty - Oh I think you do

He shows her the card

Marty - Remember this? This is what you sent me on my birthday, isn't it? And you did set Margaret up didn't you?

Delia bows her head, she won't respond

Marty grabs her and shakes her in rage

Marty - DIDN'T YOU!!

Delia snaps

Delia - Yes I did Marty.....I had to do it. I had to make you see sense. Marsh is no good for you, you deserve better than her. I'll be a great partner for you if you'd only give me a chance...

Marty - A great partner for me? You're joking, aren't you? What sort of person would do this?

He waves the card at her

Marty - Why did you send this anyway? I don't get it

Delia shrugs

Delia - I hoped it would upset you and you'd need a shoulder to cry on

Marty nods his head

Marty - Oh right I get it Del.... and you were the one I'd run to of course!

Delia tries to touch Marty up

Delia - I'm the one you want Marty, you just can't see it yet. I had to do something to make you see it, you can understand that can't you!

Marty pushes her away

Marty - I wouldn't want you if you were the last woman on earth you crazy bitch....I'm going to Grace about this, I'm going to get Margaret out

Delia looks shocked

Delia - But Marty....they will lock me up instead

Marty - Yeah that's right and so they should

Delia - But I can't survive on the other side of the bars Marty...surely you wouldn't do this to me?

Marty - You're crazy if you think I am letting Margaret rot in prison for something you did to her

Marty turns to leave the room and Delia loses it and attacks him

The governor's office

Ann - You have to go to the police Meg, you can't let this John guy get away with this

Meg shakes her head


Meg - I'd rather not get the police involved

Ann - So what will you do? You're just going to let him bleed you dry? That's crazy Meg and you know it

Meg - Maybe once he gets another payment he will be satisfied, maybe that will be the end of it then?

Ann - It won't Meg, types like him will just carry on and on. You have to stop this for once and for all

Marty is trying to fend Delia off as Pat Slattery and Colleen run-in

Colleen - What is going on here?? We can hear you halfway down the corridor

Marty - Talk to this crazy cow about it, I have to leave. I have urgent business to attend to

Marty turns to leave again and Delia tries to attack him again. Colleen and Pat restrain her, she kicks out at Pat's shins and smacks colleen in the face

The women are at Breakfast

Spider is dressed up in her civvies, sat with Vicki

Vicki - So you're going to see ya mum then?

Spider - Yeah said I would didn't I?

Vicki - I'm glad Spid, you're doing the right thing

Spider - It's like I said last night Vic, anything to keep you and Jackson off my back

The staffroom

Colleen is sitting tilting her head back with a nosebleed. Pat is sat rubbing her shins

Pat - I have no idea what got into the girl

Colleen - The mood she's in we need to find her before she attacks anyone else

Ann enters the room with Meg and they both look startled by Colleen's appearance

Ann - What happened here?

Pat - It's Miss Stout governor...

The women are lined up for muster. Delia, Rodney, and Officer Bailey are there. Delia is acting as though nothing has happened

Rodney - Simpson I'll be taking you on your hospital visit, wait for me at the end of the corridor

Spider - Catch ya later Vic

Vicki - I hope it goes well

Spider nods and walks off.

Meg approaches calmly

Lizzie - Morning Mrs. M

Meg - Morning Lizzie.....

Meg smiles at Delia

Meg - The governor would like a word, Delia...

Delia - Now? I am helping with muster

Meg - Oh I'm sure Mr Adams and Mrs Bailey can manage without you?

Rodney - Yeah sure Mrs. Morris

Delia looks worried

Delia - Is anything wrong?

Meg - No of course, not Delia, the governor just wants a chat, it's all fine

They walk-off

Marty is at the police station as Grace comes out

Grace - You wanted to see me, Mr. Jackson?

Marty - Yes...you need to release Margaret Marsh, she was set up.

Grace looks intrigued

The governor's office

Delia is sitting down in a chair as Ann pours her a cup of coffee

Ann - You know why I wanted to see you don't you Delia?

Delia nods her head sheepishly

Ann - Now I have no idea what is behind this but Officers Slattery and Powell tell me they had to pull you off of Mr Jackson and you then attacked them. Colleen has a nasty nosebleed

Delia - I'm sorry Mrs Reynolds I don't know what came over me, I have been very stressed lately

Ann - Well I'm sorry to hear that but I'm afraid I can't allow this kind of behaviour from any member of my staff, it is totally unacceptable. I'm sorry Delia but I Will have to inform the department. In the meantime, I will have to dismiss you from duty


Delia - What right now?

Ann - Yes right now Delia. I'm sorry...

Delia - No I can't leave right now! I have to see Marty!

Ann looks at Meg

Meg - According to Mr. Henderson on reception Marty left the building Delia, he isn't here

Delia - Then I can wait for him to come back can't I?

Ann - No I'm sorry Delia, Mrs Morris will see you off the premises

Ann nods at Meg

Meg - Yes, of course, come on Delia...

Delia picks up her hot cup of coffee and throws it at Ann's face, Ann ducks out of the way. Delia gets out of her chair and throws Ann's desk flying

Meg - DELIA!...that's enough of that!

Delia storms out of the room and Meg chases after her

Ann sits looking shocked

Rodney and Spider arrive at the hospital and approach a reception desk

Rodney - we are here to see a Mrs. Simpson...I have brought her daughter in on a visit from prison

Receptionist - Ah yes.....take a seat, please. Someone Will be out to see you in a moment

Rodney leads Spider to a seat

Spider - Why the hell do they have to send someone out to speak to us? Why can't they just tell us what ward she's on?

Rodney - Oh stop whinging Simpson I'm sure there's a reason for it. Just be patient

Ann is tidying her office as Janice arrives

Janice - What happened here?

Ann - Officer Stout lost her temper

Janice - Yeah I just saw Mrs Slattery and Mrs Powell, they told me Delia attacked them?

Ann - Yes she did, she just tried to throw hot coffee in my face too. Luckily she missed

Janice - Perhaps she's the one behind the hit and run?......

Ann looks taken aback

Ann - Pardon?

Janice - I've heard all about that unfortunate incident, you could have been killed and all, very nasty. Just wonder who do you think was behind it, I hear the police still haven't found the culprit?

Ann - Well if you're seriously suggesting it was Delia I think you're wrong on that one...and I'd rather not discuss it if you don't mind

Janice smirks

Janice - I'm sorry Mrs Reynolds, I had no idea it would upset you so much to discuss it, I would never have dreamed of bringing it up had I realized

Ann - It's perfectly alright...

Janice interrupts her,mid-sentence

Janice - And no I wasn't really serious about Miss Stout, my point was merely that they haven't caught whoever did it...the culprit or culprits are still out there Mrs Reynolds. I hope you lock your door and bolt your windows of a night time, I know I would if it were me.... gee sorry listen to me didn't mean to scare you

Janice winks at Ann and leaves the office. Ann looks unsettled

Delia arrives at the laundry where the women are having a smoko

Delia - Taking it easy here are you ladies?

Margo - It's just smoko Miss Stout, we are entitled to one

Delia - Get back to work now, you're a lazy bunch of bitches. I know you all regard me as a bit of a joke and a soft touch but all that ends now

They all laugh

Margo - Sure love, after this fag ok

Delia snatches the fag from Margo's mouth and stubs it out

Delia - No now......

Lizzie - You feeling ok Miss Stout?

Delia snaps at Lizzie

Delia - I'm perfectly ok Birdsworth, I'm just sick of being treated like a joke around here!

Meg arrives

Meg - Come with me please Delia

Delia - I have to deal with the women Mrs. Morris slacking as usual. I'm telling them what's what

Meg - No come on please let's go now.....

Meg leads Delia out

Lizzie - Gawd what's got into her?

Margo - Its this place Lizzie, it gets to all of us in the end

Lizzie chuckles

Lizzie - Yeah reckon you're right

The hospital.

A Dr comes to speak to Rodney and Spider

Dr - Rose Simpson?

Spider - That's right yeah

Dr - I'm sorry to tell you this but you're mother died an hour ago. She tried to hang on a little longer, she knew you were coming. She just wasn't strong enough I'm sorry

Spider shrugs

Spider - Yeah well never mind then...lets head back shall we Mr. Adams?

Dr - Would you not like to see your mother for a moment?

Spider - No what's the point if she's dead?

Dr - Some people find it helps them to see the body after death...

Spider - Yeah well I wasn't that keen on seeing the old bitch when she was alive so I'm sure I won't be rushing in to look at her when she's dead!....come on Mr Adams let's get out of this bloody place!

Rodney and the Dr both look taken aback by Spider's attitude

Inspector Grace is in reception as Meg comes in with Delia

Grace - Miss Stout, just the person I wanted to see...I would like you to accompany me to the police station to answer a few questions

Delia - I can't come now I have to see Marty....can I come in later?

Grace shakes his head gravely

Grace - I'm afraid not Miss Stout...you're under arrest

Delia looks alarmed, Meg looks surprised



Spider and Rodney arrive back at Wentworth

Pat is in reception

Pat - That was quick? We were expecting you to be gone for a few hours

Rodney - I'm afraid Mrs. Simpson was dead by the time we arrived

Pat - Oh...I'm sorry to hear that Simpson

Spider (short-tempered) - It's fine I don't care. Can you take me to H block now Mr. Adams?

Rodney - Yes of course

They head off down a corridor

Rodney looks awkward

Rodney - It's ok to be upset you know Simpson, it's ok to cry. God if it was my mother I'd cry like a baby and I'm not even ashamed to admit it

Spider - She's gone and that's all there is to it, what's the point in crying over it? Life goes on

They carry on in silence

The police station

Delia is sitting in a chair. Grace is sitting across the table smoking

Grace - Did you set Margaret Marsh up, Miss Stout?

Delia laughs

Delia - No? Why would you think that?

Grace - Mr. Jackson told us you did, he also says you've been stalking him, leaving notes in his locker, birthday cards from dead relatives that sort of thing

He shows her the card

Grace - Recognize this?

Delia shrugs

Grace - The handwriting matches yours, we've checked. Why don't you just save us all a lot of bother and own up now Miss Stout, its easier that way

Delia - Marty never acknowledged me as anything more than a friend. Well, I wanted to be more... I am more! He just can't see that, I decided he needed a nudge in the right direction

Grace - So you set Marsh up to get her out of the way?

Delia nods

Delia - I did yes. I thought it was pretty smart of me. Everyone thinks I'm just nice simple dumb Delia, who would imagine she'd do something like that?

Grace - Why go to all the trouble to get a man who is already taken? There are hundreds of men out there to pick from why Mr. Jackson?

Delia smiles

Delia - I've always loved Marty, I've always known he was the one, right from the first moment I saw him. No other man will ever do

Grace gives Delia a look of pity

Grace - He wants nothing to do with you after this

Delia - He does, he must do. I love him

Grace - Trouble is Girly he doesn't love you and you can't make someone love you...after what you have done he doesn't even want you as a friend

Delia bows her head

Delia - Will I go to prison?

Grace - I am going to arrange bail for you since this is your first offense, we may be able to avoid a custodial. Frankly, ex-prison officers in prison are more trouble than its worth we like to avoid it where we can

Delia - Ex prison officer?

Grace - Yes, you surely don't imagine you'll be allowed back into the prison service after this do you?

Delia - But the jobs all I have

Grace - Then you should have thought about that before girly

Exterior shot of Wentworth

Inside Dr. Weissman is at reception as Colleen comes to greet him

Colleen - I'm glad you could make it today Dr, we have been very worried about Latham

Weissman - Yes I hear she lost her daughter?

Colleen nods

Colleen - Shot dead in front of her

Weissman - This sounds like it could be a tough one but I'll try my best for her of course

They carry on down the corridor

Spider is in her cell laying on the bed as Vicki comes in

Vicki -There ya are been looking for ya everywhere. How'd it go today Spid?

Spider - She was dead when we got there, I was too late

Vicki - Gee I'm sorry Spid...

Spider - Everyone keeps saying that and it's getting real boring Vic, I don't care. She's gone and that's the end of it

Spider's voice breaks and she quickly wipes away a tear and pulls herself together

Vicki sits beside her

Vicki - You can't pretend Spid, not with me. I know you better than anyone else in this place

Spider breaks down crying and Vicki comforts her

Vicki - Let it out Spid, it's ok

Spider - She died an hour before I got there, I was an hour late Vicki, one stinking lousy hour!

Spider sobs as Vicki hug her

Weissman is sitting in the interview room as Colleen brings Chrissie in, Chrissie still has Elizabeth's bear with her. Colleen gently guides Chrissie into a seat

Colleen (to Weissman) - I'll just be outside in the corridor if you need me

Weissman nods

Weissman takes out a packet of cigarettes and offers Chrissie one

Weissman - Want one?

No response

Weissman - Very wise... I've been trying to give them up myself. I tried the patches they didn't work, nor did the gum...

He lights up and sits back in the chair

Weissman - Cute bear. Does he have a name?

No response

Weissman - They tell me he belonged to Elizabeth? Is that right?

There is the slightest flicker of movement from Chrissie

Weissman - You can tell me about Elizabeth if you like, I'm here to listen. I have plenty of time, there is no rush Chrissie. Would you like that?

Chrissie nods her head slightly

Spider's cell

Spider has now calmed down. Vicki hands her a cup of tea

Spider - I was gonna give her the one thing she wanted Vic....my forgiveness. I never thought I would but I was ready to. Gawd knows I kept the poor bitch waiting long enough

Vicki - You can tell me to mind my own business if you like but what did she do to you that made you hate her in the first place?

Spider laughs bitterly

Spider - She chose a man over me. He never wanted me around because I wasn't his child so she sent me to live with my gran. But she wasn't up to the job...oh she tried the poor old bitch but looking after a young girl was too much for her. So I ended up in care didn't i

Vicki - Gee that's real rough Spid, I can't imagine how I'd have felt if my mum had ever abandoned me like that as a kid. It hurts enough that she's abandoned me now

Spider - Hey it's ok Vic, she done me a favour in the end. She taught me how to look after number 1 in this world, didn't she? I have a lot to thank her for really....still loved her but...deep down inside ya know

Vicki - Course ya did, I still love mine too

Spider - Reckon she'll ever talk to ya again?

Vicki - I don't know, I hope so. I don't know if she will ever accept...well you know. She is set in her ways

Spider - Yeah well I still say that bitch Tucker deserves a thrashing for what she did to ya Vic...happy to give her one for ya

Vicki laughs and hugs Spider

Vicki - I love ya Spid!

Spider - I love you too

Vicki looks shocked, speechless that Spider has finally acknowledged her feelings for her. She snuggles up on Spiders chest while Spider strokes her hair and lights a fag

Spider (cheeky smirk) - You still do my head in sometimes but

Exterior shot of police station

Grace is showing Delia out

Grace - You understand the conditions of bail don't you Miss Stout? You are not to go near Mr Jackson or Miss Marsh, you are not to go near Wentworth?

Delia - Yes I understand

Grace - You must not leave the state, you are to report here weekly to answer bail

Delia nods

Grace - You really are a very silly girl, Miss Stout, very silly indeed

Marty is waiting by his car at the entrance to Blackmoor as the gate opens and Spike is let out. Spike looks rough

Back with Chrissie and Weissman

Weissman - They told me you lost Elizabeth, you saw her die in front of you is that right?

Chrissie - Yeah...Murray killed her

Weissman - Why did he kill her?

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