
The mini-bus arrives back at Wentworth, Lizzie is leading the women in a sing-song which is clearly irritating Colleen. The mini-bus comes to a stop and Colleen gets up to address the women

Colleen - Ok you lot off you get and line up, single file please and let's do it in an orderly fashion, shall we?

The women begin to get off the bus. Colleen gently helps Chrissie out of her seat where she has been sat staring into space.....

.....Outside the women look at the building, it looks no different from the outside

Vicki - It still looks the bloody same!

Cheryl - Yeah from the outside it does Vic, you wait till we get inside I bet it's a lot different now in there

Ann is sitting behind a desk in a brand new governor's office. There is a knock.

Ann - Come in...

A smiling Meg enters the room

Meg - Welcome back Ann...it's good to have you back

Ann smiles back

Ann - Thanks Meg, it's good to be here

Meg looks around

Meg - This is nice isn't it..even bigger and nicer than the old governor's office

Ann nods

Ann - Yes it's not bad is it

Meg - Thought you'd like to know the women have arrived from blackmoor

Ann - Oh good...I guess now's the time for me to meet my new deputy governor, Miss Raymond. Listen Meg I am so sorry about this, I wanted you back as deputy, I asked Dwyer but he was insistent he wanted this Raymond woman

Meg - It's perfectly ok Ann don't worry about it, I know it's not your fault

Ann - if it was up to me Meg you'd be my deputy

Meg - Yes I know

The women arrive at a brand new, bare recroom. They look around miserably

Margo - Gawd this reminds me of coming back here after the fire in 82

Marty is present

Marty - Ok listen up everyone. Mrs. Reynolds will shortly be here to welcome you all back and we will hand out cell allocations

Margo - And what about some lunch Mr. Jackson? Some of us are starving!

The others make noise in agreement

Marty - I'm sure lunch will be sorted in good time, we will just have to be patient

The women moan

Cheryl and Kath are in a corner

Cheryl - You ok now?

Kath nods

Kath - I thought I was a goner though Cheryl, I don't mind telling you. Reckon I would be if you and Vicki hadn't turned up, thank you

Cheryl - It was nothing, what are mates for if they can't save each other lives from time to time eh

They share a laugh

Kath - Winter better not ever end up here, there is no room for the two of us under the same roof

Cheryl chuckles

Kath - What's so funny?

Cheryl - I said the same thing to her myself before we left Blackmoor....that was after I had headbutted her

Kath looks amused

Kath - Seriously?

Cheryl - Yeah, of course, my little parting gift. Winter will have a nice sore head for a while to remember us by

The infirmary

Chrissie is sitting on the bed staring into space. Colleen is there with sister Hall

Colleen - I'm very worried about her sister, I don't mind telling you. She has been like this the whole time since her daughter's death, no change at all

Sister Hall nods her head and looks concerned

Sister Hall - it might be an idea for Dr. Weissman or someone to come in to see her


Ann arrives at the rec room.

Ann - Hello Mr. Jackson, how was the journey back?

Marty - Pretty smooth, no problems

Ann nods

Ann - That's good....where is Miss Raymond, my new deputy governor?

Marty - She is still at Blackmoor governor, I'm afraid she missed the minibus

Ann looks annoyed

Ann - oh really? That's not very good, is it! She was supposed to be here today

Ann addresses the room

Ann - Afternoon ladies, welcome back

Spider (sarcastic) - Yeah it's real good to be home Mrs. Reynolds

Ann - I would have thought you'd have meant that Simpson, it may not be perfect but I like to think Wentworth is a better place to be in than Blackmoor?

Spider looks around

Spider - Yer well at least there was a tv and a pool table and a few books at Blackmoor

Margo - yeah that's right tell her kiddo!

Ann - May I remind you all that Wentworth went up in flames? You can hardly expect to come back and find it full of stuff can you, it will take time to build things back up

Kath - The department could have at least given us a tv and a pool table to start off with Mrs. Reynolds

The women make a noise in agreement

Ann - I am working on that with the department

She turns to Marty and hands him a sheet of paper

Ann - Cell allocations Mr. Jackson... I'll leave you to get on with that for now

Ann turns to leave

Kath - Hey what about lunch Mrs. Reynolds?

Ann - Mr. Jackson will take a group of you along to the kitchen to prepare something once he has sorted out cell allocations

Ann leaves

Rodney arrives at Wentworth wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts and with a suntan

Ann is in her office on the phone as Meg arrives with a tray of tea and biscuits

Ann (annoyed) - I see...thank you

Ann hangs up

Ann - That was Mr. Preston at Blackmoor, I rang him to find out what has happened to my deputy governor, he tells me she will stay on there for the rest of the day and will be joining us here tomorrow

Meg pours some tea

Meg - Well no point in her rushing over here now is there I suppose

Ann - No but why wasn't she on the minibus with them? It doesn't give off a good first impression Meg

Meg nods in agreement

Ann - So how is Vera?

Meg studies her tea mug

Meg - Ah well I don't know where Vera is right now I'm sorry to say....we fell out and she packed up and left

Ann - oh no....I hope she's ok?

Meg - So do i...so how have you been since I last saw you? Anything interesting to tell me

Ann smiles

Ann - As a matter of fact yes. Dan and I are seeing each other again

Meg looks concerned

The rec room

Marty - Cell 1 Maxwell, Gibson, and McPherson

Kath, Cheryl, and Vicki look pleased

Marty - Cell 2 Gaffney and Simpson

Margo and Spider both look fairly blase

Marty - Cell 3 Tucker and Birdsworth

Lizzie lets out a laugh and throws an arm around Brumby


Brumby - Yeah, better than sharing with Latham anyday

Rodney is in the brand new staffroom still wearing his Hawaiian shirt when Ann arrives

Rodney - Good afternoon Mrs. Reynolds, can I make you a coffee?

Ann (stern expression) - No and why are you not in uniform Mr. Adams?


Rodney - I'm sorry Mrs. Reynolds. I only stepped off the plane a few hours ago, I went home to get my uniform and came straight here. My uniform is in my locker ready to put on right away

Ann - Well you should have put it on before you came in and you know that

Rodney is sulking slightly

Rodney - I'm sorry Mrs. Reynolds but I was still in the holiday spirit you see.....

Ann (snappy) - Well you better get out of it and back into the Wentworth spirit pretty quickly Mr. Adams!

Ann turns to leave again

Rodney - Glad to see you back Mrs. Reynolds, we were all rather worried about you you know. The police any closer to finding out who ran you down?

Ann - Unfortunately not

Rodney - About that other business, the stuff with Maxwell? I hope we can put all that behind us now and move on. Make a clean slate?

Ann - I bet you do Mr. Adams....well we'll have to see, won't we? Perhaps if you show some signs of turning over a new leaf we can forget all about it. But I warn you any signs of you carrying on the way you were and I will carry through with my promise I made you, I will remove you from Wentworth..is that clear?

Rodney (belligerent) - Yes governor!

Ann - Good...now finish your coffee and get into your uniform please Mr. Adams

Ann leaves and Rodney throws his mug in the sink in a strop

Kath, Cheryl, and Vicki are in the three-bed dorm

Vicki - I'm glad they put us three together Kath

Kath - I am too Vicki love

Marty arrives

Marty - I want some volunteers for the kitchen, anyone up for it

Kath - Of course, we are..what do you say, Vicki, Cheryl? Shall we show the women our amazing culinary skills?

Cheryl and Vicki laugh

Cheryl - Yeah I'm up for that

Marty - Well done, let's go

As Cheryl and Vicki move off Kath stays behind with Marty for a second

Kath - We haven't had much chance to be alone together lately have we

Marty - No I know...well perhaps later I can find a moment

Kath - Yes I'd like that.....did you see Spike before we left?

Marty looks upset, he nods his head

Marty - Yes she was a mess Kath, a damn mess. I tried to beg her to clean herself up. not sure if any of it sunk in. I hated seeing her like that, I hated having to leave her in that place

Kath - You did your best for her Marty, what more could you have done?

Marty - I know...

Kath - Any way you have me now eh! And let's not forget we are going to deal with Adams

Marty - I haven't forgotten Kath

Kath - Good I'm glad to hear that

Marty - Come on we best get to the kitchen, we can talk again later

The kitchen

Cheryl and Vicki are there looking around, the kitchen is exactly the same as before

Vicki - It ain't changed at all?

Cheryl - Yeah I guess the fire didn't reach this part of the building, it's a big building ya know Vic

Vicki - Yeah true

Marty arrives with Kath

Marty - Ok I trust I can leave you three to it for a bit?

Kath - Yeah no worries Mr. Jackson

Marty - Well I don't mean to put pressure on you but please can you try and get something fixed as quickly as possible before we have a riot on our hands

Cheryl - We're on to it right away Mr. Jackson

Lizzie and Brumby are smoking in the laundry when Margo arrives

Margo - What are you two doing in here then?

Lizzie - We got bored sitting around down the rec room thought we'd explore the new Wentworth, ain't that right Brum?

Brumby nods

Margo looks around

Margo - It don't look any different does it? Bleeding hell I thought we'd get a nice new modern laundry at least

Lizzie chuckles

Lizzie - Yeah I know what ya mean

Margo - So is either of you gonna offer me a fag then or what?

Ann and her staff are gathered in the new staffroom

Meg - I'm still trying to get used to this brand new staffroom

Ann - I know, I'm the same with that new office....so anyone got anything to report? Any problems so far?

Marty - No they all seem to be settling in fairly quietly...I don't think they are very happy that they don't have anything in the rec room yet though

Ann - Yes I will get on to Mr. Dwyer about that

Colleen - Mrs. Reynolds. myself and Sister Hall are very concerned about Latham, we think perhaps Dr. Weissman should come and see her

Ann nods

Ann - Ok I'll get on to that...oh I almost forgot I had a phone call just now. Gibson and Brown's hearing for aiding Connors escape is set for tomorrow as is Tuckers for her list of offenses

Meg - I suspect Tucker will face a long sentence for her crimes?

Ann nods

The brand new dining room

Kath, Cheryl, and Vicki are dishing up a meal

Margo takes hers and looks at it

Margo - What the bloody hell is that?

Kath - You don't have to eat it if you don't want to Gaffney....I'm sure we'd all prefer if you starved to death anyway

This raises a few chuckles

Margo sneers and takes a seat

Brumby is sat with, Lizzie, playing with her food

Lizzie - What's up love?

Brumby - Mrs. Morris just told me it's my hearing tomorrow, ya know for escaping, for killing that family... I kinda put it all to the back of my mind ya know. But now this is it tomorrow I find out what they are gonna do to me. I'm kinda scared, Lizzie

Lizzie - Oh ya poor bugger

Spider has overheard

Spider - She don't deserve no sympathy Birdsworth, she killed two kids remember

Brumby - But I never meant to

Spider - Ya still did though tucker

Brumby - You're no saint either Simpson so get off my back ok

Spider (sneering) - Whatever I've done I ain't never killed a kid Tucker

Spider carries on past and sits down

Lizzie - Just ignore her love

Brumby - She's right though ain't she, I did kill two little kids. I am scum. maybe I should have let Slocum push me off that roof, do us all a favour

Lizzie looks concerned

Having finished serving Kath, Vicki, and Brumby dish up for themselves and join Ida

Ida - Hey have you seen Mrs. Morris yet Chez?

Cheryl - No why?

Ida - She just told me our hearings set for tomorrow

Cheryl - Oh great...

Kath - Hey don't worry, it won't be that bad

Cheryl - I am still waiting for them to deal with the Slocum thing too remember. I could get life for that, and what will they think when they hear about all that tomorrow? I could be stuck here for years now.

Rodney arrives at the dining room and looks at Kath, she looks at him too



Exterior shot of Wentworth at night

Inside the women are sat around in the rec room looking bored

Margo - Bloody hell this is worse than Blackmoor!

Kath - You're never satisfied are you, Margo?

Lizzie is playing cards with Ida

Lizzie - Fancy a game, Margo?

Margo - Nah ya ok Lizzie, the excitement will be too much for me

Lizzie - Suit yaself

Lizzie turns back to talk to Ida

Lizzie - You reckon you'll get out tomorra love?

Ida - You bet I will. Once I give them by best frail old lady act

Lizzie lets out a laugh

Ida - I worry for Cheryl though..that poor bitch ain't gonna be so lucky

Lizzie - Yeah but still she knew what she was letting herself in for when she agreed to it?

Ida nods

Lizzie - Gawd I'm gonna miss ya Id, I like having someone my age to talk to.

Ida - Still we had a few laughs eh

Lizzie - Yeah we sure did love

Ann and Meg are leaving work for the night

Ann - Up to anything tonight then Meg?

Meg sighs

Meg - No a boring evening in front of the tv...I don't suppose you fancy coming over for a meal, do you? I could do with the company

Ann - Oh I'm sorry Meg, I have a date with Dan tonight

Meg - Oh I see...

Ann - You're welcome to join us for a drink or two I'm sure Dan wouldn't mind, he'd be pleased to see you

Meg - No it's ok....I suspect it would be rather crowded with 3 of us

Ann - You don't approve of me seeing Dan again do you?

Meg - What you do is your own business Ann...but if you must know no I don't, I'm sorry. He hurt you once before, what's to say he won't do it again?

Ann - He won't Meg, I appreciate your concern but it will be fine this time

Meg - Well I'm sure you know what you're doing

Kath is in her cell on her own when Rodney appears

Rodney - Not in the rec room?

Kath - No I got sick of listening to Gaffney and Simpson moaning, wanted some time to myself

Rodney - I understand...

Rodney stands staring at Kath

Kath - Look what do you want Rodney?

Rodney - Come on now Maxwell, don't be daft, we have plenty to discuss as I'm sure you realize

Kath - Oh yes, I suppose you're shitting yourself wondering what I'm going to do about what I know about Mervin, Merle, and Mrs. Pringle... I'd be worried too if I was responsible for three deaths

Rodney - Just so long as you keep your mouth shut we won't need to make it four, will we?

Kath shrugs

Kath - Ok sure, to tell you the truth I am pretty bored of the whole damn thing now anyway

Rodney gives her a disbelieving look

Rodney - Are you trying to take me for a fool again?

Kath - No not at all, I mean it. Let's forget all about it

Rodney nods and leaves again. After he has gone Kath takes the necklace and birthday card from her pocket and hides them under her locker

Kath (to herself) - I'll just hold on to these for now eh Rodney...

Marty arrives home and plonks himself down in a chair, he looks shattered. The doorbell goes. Marty looks annoyed as he goes to answer it. Delia is standing there

Someone is watching Meg as she arrives home

Rodney is leaving Wentworth when two men get out of a car and approach him, its Inspector Grace and Sergeant Johnson

Grace - I wonder if we could have a few words with you, Mr. Adams...down at the station?

Rodney looks alarmed

Delia is pouring Marty a glass of wine

Delia - I hope you don't mind me turning up like this Marty, I figured you could do with some company tonight. It must have been upsetting for you to leave Spike behind today

Marty - Yes it was

Delia hands Marty his wine

Delia - You look like you could do with that, you look awful

Marty - Yes I feel it

Delia - What you need is a massage to relax you

Marty - No I'm ok Del!

Delia begins to massage his shoulders

Delia - You're not, you're all tense! This will relax those muscles

Meg is in her kitchen when someone knocks impatiently at the door

Meg - Ok ok I'm coming!

She answers the door and John the loan shark pushes his way in

Meg - How dare you come here again! Get out!

John - I want to know where Vera is? She owes me some more money and I want it!

Meg - I don't know where she is, now please will you leave before I call the police?!

John draws out his flick knife again

John - You wouldn't be holding out on me would ya? That would make me get angry Meg and when I get angry I get violent, know what I mean?

Meg has lost patience

Meg - I won't be intimidated like this in my own home. Vera isn't here she left and I don't know where she went and that is the end of it, now please leave

John refuses to budge

Meg walks across the room and picks the phone up

Meg - Very well, we'll do this the hard way then

John yanks the phone off her and violently throws her against the wall, she screams and he places a hand over her mouth

John - Well then if Vera's gone you'll have to pay me the rest of the money she owes me woncha! I'm sorry if that seems unfair but blame Bennett for that...now I'm going to take my hand away and if you scream I will hurt ya ok!

Meg nods

John takes his hand away

meg - I can't pay you anything tonight I have nothing here in the house, it's in the bank

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