


Marty and Kath are back at Blackmoor, entering the reception

Janice is behind the desk

Janice - Mr Jackson you're back at last then!

Marty - Yes I'm sorry we're so late, we got held up...

Janice - You can save your explanation for Mr Preston. He wants to see you right away. I'll take care of Maxwell. I wouldn't keep him waiting if I were you, he isn't very happy

Marty and Kath exchange looks and Marty leaves

Janice - Right you know the procedure Maxwell, stand on the line

Kath stands on the line and Janice begins a search

Janice - How did the funeral go then?

Kath - It was rotten, bloody rotten. Merle deserved better than that miserable excuse for a funeral

Janice - I'm sorry to hear that. But at least she's in a better place now eh

Kath - What do you mean by that?

Janice - Well I don't wish to cause offence but let's face it Maxwell she's better off dead. I felt sorry for her I really did. She had no future, she was retarded. I know she couldn't help the way she was but why should society have to support people like her for their entire lifetime? Best for her and everyone else that she's dead

Kath loses her rag

Kath - How dare you, you bitch!

Janice - Careful now! You wouldn't like to end up in the hole, would you?

Kath - Do what you like bitch!

Janice - Ooh getting cocky eh? Well, try not to get too big for your boots Maxwell...

Colleen enters

Colleen senses the tension

Colleen - Everything ok here?

Janice - Yes fine Mrs Powell. Maxwell's just a bit upset after saying goodbye to Jones today.

Colleen - Well if you've finished with her I'll take her to the rec room

Janice -Yes I'm all done

Kath and Janice stare at each other for a moment before Kath leaves with colleen

The governor's office

Marty is standing in front of Malcolm

Malcolm - I want an explanation Mr Jackson

Marty - The graveyard where Merle was buried is the same graveyard where Maxwell's daughter Linda is buried, Sir. After Jones's funeral had taken place Maxwell wanted to see her daughters grave. How could I say no Sir? She was so upset

Malcolm - That doesn't explain why you were gone so long...or why you didn't phone earlier

Marty - To tell you the truth the whole thing got too much for both of us, we went to a pub for a few drinks and lost track of time

Malcolm looks furious

Malcolm - Is this a joke?

Marty - No I'm afraid not. I'm sorry I realise I did the wrong thing. But sometimes the wrong thing feels like the right thing when you're caught up in the moment.

Malcolm - I understand that but as a prison officer you know that rules must be adhered to at all times without exception

Marty nods grimly

Malcolm - Well I'm sorry but I'll have to report this incident to Mrs Leach, I don't think she will be too impressed. Given you are still on probation from an incident with governor craven I must warn you that you could face very serious consequences for this

Marty looks grim

The rec room

Kath arrives with Colleen

Lizzie and Ida are being rowdy in the corner

Colleen eyes them up suspiciously

Colleen - Alright you two keep the noise down

Lizzie - Yes Mrs Powell!

Colleen leaves and Lizzie and Ida bring their cans out from their hiding place


Kath (to Cheryl) - What's got into those two?

Cheryl - Id smuggled some booze back in with her.

Kath - If they carry on like that they'll have the screws down here

Cheryl - I know I tried to warn them......how was it today?

Kath shakes her head sadly

Kath (tearful) - It was awful Cheryl........just awful. There was only myself and Marty there

Cheryl comforts Kath

Kath - How was Rita's?

Cheryl - It was great, just the send-off she would have wanted. The church was packed with people

Kath smiles

Kath - I'm glad

Cheryl - I'm so sorry to hear about Merle's funeral. At least you and Jackson were there for her though eh

Kath nods

Cheryl - How about a game of pool before lock up?

Kath - Yes ok why not

Cheryl - That's the spirit

Brumby and Lorna are using the pool table, Cheryl shoves Brumby out of the way

Spider - Hey!

Cheryl - Beat it ...Kath and I fancy a game

Cheryl takes the pool cue from Margo

Marty is in the staffroom when Janice enters

Marty looks down in the dumps

Janice - Cheer up it might never happen

Marty - I think it already has

Janice gives him a curious look

Marty - Malcolm's going to report me to leach for arriving back so late with Maxwell. I could be out of a job by the sounds of it

Janice - Oh that's rough....tell ya what I'll have a word with him see if I can't get him to change his mind

Marty - You don't have to do that, anyway it seemed like his mind was already made up and I did break the rules

Janice - What exactly did you do?

Marty looks sheepish

Marty - I took Maxwell to a pub

Janice tuts and shakes her head in a rather playful manner

Janice -Now that was naughty wasn't it

Marty - She was upset, I believe that prisoners should be shown some compassion should the occasion arise where it is warranted

Janice nods her head

Janice - I do know what you mean....why did you tell him the truth you should have made something up

Marty - Lie you mean?

Janice - Yeah why not

Marty shrugs

Marty - I was trying to think of a story to makeup and I couldn't think of one

They both share a laugh

Janice - Well leave it to me I'll talk to him

Colleen is in reception as Chrissie is brought in with an escort

Colleen - Evening Latham, we were expecting you

Chrissie - Bleeding hell when did you get back Mrs Powell?

Colleen - Oh about two minutes before Wentworth was blown up

Colleen signs for Chrissie

Colleen - Thank you

The escort nods and leaves

Colleen - How are you feeling Latham?

Chrissie - Bloody rotten if you must know. Wouldn't have hurt em to let me have a few more days in there

Colleen - Oh I'm sure they know what they're doing Latham. If they say you're fit to come back then you must be

Chrissie - Yeah.....listen Mrs Powell no one would tell me anything about the bomb at the hospital. I'd like to know what happened, what the police know so far

Colleen - Well Morgan was responsible for the bomb

Chrissie acts cool

Chrissie - Was she, how do they know that then?

Colleen - She hit Mrs Slattery over the head and stole her uniform to escape with. It seems pretty obvious she used the bomb as a diversion...of course, the police will want to question her further once they catch her


Chrissie - .so she made it out then?

Colleen - Unfortunately, yes, but the police are searching for her

Chrissie - Do they think she had any accomplices?

Colleen - They aren't sure but they will certainly look into the possibility

Chrissie looks worried

Chrissie - Yeah I suppose they will

Colleen - Listen Latham why all the questions anyway?

Chrissie shrugs

Chrissie - As I told ya, Mrs Powell, I just wanted to know what happened. I nearly died in that bomb blast ya know

Colleen - Yes well 6 people did die Latham so I'd count myself lucky if I were you

Chrissie looks mortified

Chrissie - 6 people died?

Colleen - Yeah that's right

Chrissie - Bleeding hell!...who?

Colleen - I'll tell you on the way to the dorm now come on.

They begin to walk away from reception

Colleen - Have you had any dinner? I'm sure we could get something from the kitchen

Chrissie - Nah it's ok, lost my appetite now ain't i

Janice is with Malcolm

Janice - All I'm saying is that it doesn't hurt to turn a blind eye to some things

Malcolm - As far as I'm concerned it does, rules are there for a reason and if they aren't followed there have to be consequences

Janice - What about Mrs Powell turning a blind eye to Gibson and Brown drinking at Connors wake then? Wasn't that breaking the rules?

Malcolm - Well yes, yes it was...but i.....

Janice - You chose to turn a blind eye on that occasion didn't you right? Because it wasn't that important. So why not afford the same to Mr Jackson? Is there one rule for him and one for Mrs Powell?

Malcolm gives Janice the smallest hint of a smile

Malcolm - Well you've got me there I suppose

Janice - So you'll let it go this time?

Malcolm sighs

Malcolm - Yes ok, but this is the first and only time Jan and I mean it

Janice - Thanks I'll go and tell him the news!

Malcolm - Why do you care so much about Mr Jackson anyway? You have never indicated any particular friendship with him?

Janice shrugs

Janice - He's young, not long out of training. We all make mistakes, I know I did and I'm sure you did too. He'll learn in time. I think he has the potential to be a good officer

Colleen and Chrissie arrive at the rec room

Kath and Cheryl are still playing pool. They clap their eyes on Chrissie. Chrissie can't look Kath in the eye

Colleen - I'll leave you ladies to show Latham the dorm and the shower block

Kath - No worries Mrs Powell...we can look after Latham don't you worry about that

Colleen - Good

Colleen leaves

Chrissie sits down

Lizzie - How ya feeling Chris?

Chrissie - I'm ok Lizzie

Lizzie - Did ya hear bout them poor buggers who died?

Chrissie - Yeah...I'm very sorry to hear about that

Cheryl - You're sorry are you?

Chrissie - Course I am

Cheryl - My mate died, you remember Rita, she was one of my closest friends, knew each other since we were kids

Brumby - Yeah god help Roo if she ever comes back here eh, I reckon you'd do her in right Cheryl

Cheryl - That's right Brumby I would......and I'd do in anyone else who was involved

Cheryl stares at Chrissie. Chrissie realises that Cheryl knows and glances at Kath

Kath - Shall I show you the dorm then Latham....we'll have a little chat on the way?

Chrissie won't budge from her seat

Kath yanks her out of the seat

Kath - Let's go, Latham

Cheryl - I'll come too

Kath (lowered voice) - No you stay here...i want to talk to Latham alone...you'll get your chance later

Cheryl - Yeah ok

Kath and Chrissie leave

Lizzie - Chris looks well don't she...I'm glad she's ok, we lost enough people in that explosion without losing her as well

Cheryl is seething

Kath and Chrissie are walking along the corridor

Chrissie - That bitch knows don't she?

Kath - Yes she does

Chrissie - Why the bleeding hell did you tell her?

Kath - She was very close to Rita, I thought she had a right to know

Chrissie - Bull! You just told her cos you want her to finish what you started. You couldn't manage to kill me so you're hoping she will do the dirty work instead right?

Kath - Not really. Cheryl and I have been working together to decide what we should do to you Latham

Chrissie - And?

Kath - We figure the others have a right to know and then we will probably put you on trial. decide the punishment between us.

Chrissie looks in a panic

Chrissie - You wouldn't?

Kath - Oh but it's the only fair way don't you agree?

Chrissie - But they'll bleeding kill me and you know it

Kath shrugs

Kath - Maybe, maybe not. But rest assured you will get a chance to plead your case before we hang you

Chrissie - Listen to me you bitch I'm as sorry as everyone else about what happened. But it was Roo's idea, Roo planned it, Roo made it, Roo set it off

Kath - But you knew about it right?

Chrissie - Yes but I tried to stop her I swear...she wouldn't listen

Kath - Well maybe you didn't try hard enough

Chrissie - What else could I do? I couldn't lag, could I!

Kath - There are times when lagging is a better option than just keeping quiet. Maybe if you had lagged 6 people would still be alive

Chrissie -Bull! If I'd lagged I'd have got it in the neck for that too, I couldn't win no matter what I did

Kath - You could have come to us about it, told us. Together we'd all have stopped it

Chrissie - Look what's done is done, we can't change it now. But it's Morgan who should pay not me

Kath - Oh she will pay, don't you fret about that. But in the meantime, you'll be the one paying

Janice is with Marty in the staffroom

Janice - I told ya I could talk him round Marty. He's agreed to let it go this time

Marty looks surprised

Marty - Thanks Jan, how did you make him change his mind?

Janice - I have my ways

Marty - I'll have to buy you a drink sometime to say thanks

Janice - Nah I'll pass on the drink, not much of a drinker me. But you do owe me a favour and I'll let ya know when I want it Marty

Janice winks at him and leaves

Marty looks slightly unsettled

Colleen comes in

Colleen - What's wrong with you?

Marty - It's Jan she's just got me off the hook with Preston

Colleen smiles

Colleen - Hey that's great news...why the long face then?

Marty - it's just something Jan said, it's bothered me a bit

Colleen lights a fag

Colleen - What did she way then?

Marty - Oh nothing it doesn't matter

Colleen - Nice of her to help you out though wasn't it

Marty - I wonder.....



Exterior shot of isolated cottage in daylight

Inside Roo, Mike and Roland are sitting around the table eating breakfast. Roland is a noisy eater, grunting and stuffing his face. Roo appears to be in a foul mood

Roo - Do you have to eat like a bloody pig?

Mike - Hey relax Roo, what's got into you?

Roo snaps

Roo - I'll tell ya what's bloody well got into me! I'm sick of sitting around here! I thought you were getting us out of the country Mike!

Mike - I told ya I am...I just need to take care of one or two final arrangements then we'll be off

Roo - What sort of final arrangements? I want to know, you told me you had it all sorted before I got out of Wentworth

Mike looks sheepish

Mike - Yeah well I thought I did but we hit a few snags didn't we

Roo - What sort of snags?

Mike and Roland exchange worried looks

Roland - Oh it's nothing to worry about Roo

Roo - I was talking to him not you!!!

She turns back to Mike

Roo - Now if there's a problem I want to know and I want to know now!

Mike - We don't have enough money for the three of us... I underestimated the costs. There's just about enough for two but not three

Roo - You bloody idiots I can't trust you to do anything right!

Roland - But we've figured out a plan Roo! All we need to do is one more job...one more big job and we'll be on our way

Roo jumps up from her chair in a rage

Roo - NO!..NO WAY! Forget it! I said no more jobs and I meant it!

Mike - But we've got it all figured out...it can't fail

Roo turns to Roland

Roo - Get lost for a bit will ya love I want to talk to Mike alone

Roland looks at Mike who nods at him. Roland leaves the room

Roo - We can ditch him, go on our own. I never wanted him along anyway, he only gets in the way, Holds us back

Mike shakes his head

Mike - I can't ditch him, love, you know that. He's me brother

Roo - He's a bloody pain in the arse, always has been

Mike - I can't leave him behind and if we pull off this job I won't need to.

Roo - You're a bloody idiot, I don't know what I ever saw in you

Mike - Look this job can't fail I swear, we've got it all planned out

Roo - Yeah you said that the other times too

Mike - But this time its for real....just this one last job and we're on our way Roo

Roo - So what makes you so sure this plan will work?

Mike - Cos this time we've thought it through properly.....there's just one other thing

Roo - Yeah...why do I get the feeling I won't like this?

Mike - We need you to be the getaway driver

Roo looks incredulous

Margo and Marie have been let out of the hole.

Janice - Right you two, time to return to your cells and we don't want any more trouble unless you want to end up back here, you understand?

Marie - Sure Miss Raymond, no worries

Janice - Right let's go

They move off. Margo has trouble walking and is clearly in pain

Marie - You alright Gaffney? You look like you're in pain love

Janice - Just keep it quiet and carry on moving

The blackmoor dining room

Kath and Cheryl are sitting whispering and apparently planning something when Chrissie barges over to sit beside them

Cheryl - Piss off Latham!

Chrissie - Like hell, I want to talk to you two and you're going to listen

Cheryl - I don't want to hear anything you have to say

Kath - No let's hear her out, we want to be fair after all don't we

Chrissie addresses Cheryl

Chrissie - It's like I told Maxwell last night, Roo is the one to blame not me. Look ok I know I should have done more to stop her but you don't know what she's like. She saw me as her best mate and you don't know the sort of things she might have done to me if I betrayed her.

Cheryl - So you're telling me you were scared?

Chrissie - Yeah...yeah that's right

Cheryl - That's crap.....you just didn't give a shit and now you're trying to wiggle out of your share of the blame. It won't work

Chrissie gets aggressive

Chrissie - So bleeding well tell the others then if you're going to, what's stopping you? Let the bitches tear my heart out and leave my daughter without a mother! Go on...I'll just deny it anyway, I mean there's no bleeding proof anyway is there. It's just my word against Maxwell's and she could be lying

Kath - True I never thought of that. But you were hardly popular were you. Everyone knew you were hanging around with Morgan causing trouble. I reckon they will believe me over you....they are dying to make someone pay for what happened and well Morgan's not here is she so I figure they will be happy enough to settle for you

Cheryl - They want blood Latham...yours or Morgans, why should they care who's it is?

Chrissie - You bloody pair of bitches!

Chrissie gets up and leaves

Cheryl - So when are we going to tell the others?

Kath smirks

Kath - Today...but not until a bit later on. Why don't we let Latham sweat it out a while longer yet

Cheryl - What do you reckon the others will want to do to her?

Kath - I'd suggest a kangaroo court.....and whatever sentence we decide is suitable will be carried out

Cheryl - And if the sentence is death?

Kath - Then Latham's history

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