

The rec room

Officer Radcliffe drops to the ground on fire

Rita and Vicki take their jackets off and use them to put the flames out. Rita kneels beside Officer Radcliffe and examines her. The others watch anxiously

Rita shakes her head sadly

Rita - She's dead

Vicki - Poor bugger, what a rotten way to go.

The room is filling with smoke.

Cheryl - We can't stay here, we need to get out.

Rita and Cheryl cautiously check the corridor, there is a fire raging at one end but the other end seems clear.

Rita - Come on let's go

They all rush down the smoke-filled corridor but find that the security gate is locked

Outside various prisoners and officers are rushing out of the building

Colleen tries to help the injured officer but there is no sign of life

Colleen - I think she's dead

Dwyer - Leave her there's nothing you can do for her now

Dwyer takes his jacket off and covers her up

Spike has been put back in the van and sits glaring at Delia out of the window. Delia glares back

There is a lot of noise and chaos.

The library

Joyce is lying dead on the floor with multiple stab wounds, Rodney is standing over the body. Kath is standing in the corner looking terrified. The room is filling with smoke

Rodney turns to face Kath

Rodney - Stupid bitch! She should have just kept out of it and she'd have been ok

Kath coughs from the smoke

Kath - Look Rodney, we have to get out and we have to get out now! The prison is on fire you can see that, there's been a bomb or something. If we stay here much longer we've had it...come on let's go now!

Rodney advances on Kath with the knife

Rodney - Oh I'll get out alright.. but you won't!

Kath looks terrified

Kath - C'mon Rodney, you don't really want to kill me do you? You love me remember?

Rodney - I have to kill you, what choice do I have? As soon as you get out of here the first thing you will do is tell everyone what I've done

Kath shakes her head

Kath - I won't I promise

Rodney - Well I can't take that risk, you've already lied and made a fool out of me enough times

Rodney goes for Kath with the knife and she performs a judo move on him and makes a run for it, Rodney chases after her


Spider is unconscious on the floor. Janice is standing over her. The room is filling with smoke

Janice - Burn in hell you two-timing bitch

Janice leaves the cell, leaving Spider to die

Brumby is calling out from the next cell.

Brumby - Hey let me out of here? Please?

Janice opens the hatch

Brumby - Thank god it's you! Please let me out!

Janice smiles and shakes her head sadly

Janice - I can't do that Tucker, I'm sorry I really am but you heard what happened just now didn't ya. I can't let you out and risk you opening that big trap of yours.

Brumby - Please! Please don't leave me here, I won't say anything I swear

Janice - If its any consolation the smoke will probably get you before the flames do

Janice closes the hatch and goes

Brumby screams


Brumby bangs and bangs on the door

Brumby - LET ME OUT!!! PLEASE!!!!

Ida, Cheryl, Lorna, and Tina are waiting at the locked gate. Ida is being overcome with smoke & is being comforted by Cheryl, Tina looks to be in a bad way too and Lorna is looking after her


Lorna (to Cheryl) - What the bloody hell's keeping them! We have to get these two out of here right now!

Cheryl - I'm sure they'll be here any second

Rita and Vicki rush back

Rita - We couldn't find the keys

Lorna - Bugger it! Radcliffe must have had keys on her!

Rita - Yeah well they must have been destroyed when the poor bitch went up in flames, probably melted into her body

Cheryl looks sick

Cheryl - Geez Reet give it a rest

Vicki - What the hell are we gonna do we need to get out of here!

Rita kneels beside Ida

Rita - You ok Aunty Ida?

Ida nods her head weakly

Rita - You just hang in there I'm gonna get you out ok

Ida - I'm too bloody old for all this malarky!

Vicki - What ya gonna do Reet?

Rita - Well I ain't gonna stand around here and wait to die that's for sure. Cheryl, you stay here with Ida...Lorna you look after Tina ok...Vic come with me

Rita and Vicki run off towards the rec room again

Lorna looks at Cheryl

Lorna - I'm scared

Cheryl - So am i..but if anyone can get us out Reet can

Rodney chases Kath down the corridor. Kath runs into Marty who is struggling to carry Chrissie down the corridor

Marty - Kath! Can you help me with Latham?

Kath - Yes sure

Rodney hides out of sight as Kath and Marty carry Chrissie away

Rita and Vicki are in the rec room. Rita gets up on the table and smashes a window


Vicki smashes another window and calls out too

There is a lot of noise below and Rita and Vicki are invisible because there is too much smoke


Vicki - Bugger it they can't hear us! What are we gonna do Reet?

Rita jumps back down

Rita - Help me carry this table down to the gate

Outside fire engines whizz in through the gate along with a police car and an ambulance

Dwyer and Colleen rush to greet them.

Dwyer - This is a nasty one, we've got one dead already and there could be scores more injured and dead inside

The fire officer nods

Fire officer - My lads will do everything they can to get people out

Colleen glances at the entrance as two figures emerge slowly

Meg is bringing Vera out. Vera is only half awake and Meg is having to carry her along

She puts Vera down on the grass. Colleen rushes over. Meg is out of breath

Colleen - Hello Meg

Meg is surprised

Meg - Colleen! So you're the new officer Mr. Dwyer was talking about?

Colleen - Yes that's right....it's good to see you I only wish we weren't meeting again under such circumstances

Meg - I know

Meg glances around anxiously

Meg - Has there been a headcount?

Colleen - Yes officers Stout and Bailey did one...Meg, I'm sorry but Marty wasn't there

Meg - Oh my god no

Vera is sat on the grass with her head buried in her knees

Dwyer arrives

Dwyer - What's the matter with her? Is she drunk? I can smell alcohol

Vera (slurred speech) - I had a drink, just a little drink

Dwyer (angry) - I'd say you had more than a little!

Meg - Yes well I don't think now's really the time for this do you, Mr. Dwyer?

Lizzie and Margo are among the ones who have evacuated


Margo has a look of excitement in her eyes

Margo - Geez this reminds me of the great fire back in '82. when we tried to fix the freak

Lizzie - Give it a rest Margo, don't ya care bout them poor buggers in there?

Margo shrugs

Margo - Suppose so, not much we can do bout it though is there, so let's just sit here and watch the fireworks

Lizzie gives Margo a dirty look

Margo - Look I got something here that will cheer ya up

Margo shows Lizzie a bottle of alcohol

Margo - I pinched this one from Maxwell's stupid party, it was sitting around on the table so I took it while everyone was distracted by the cook

Lizzie licks her lips

Margo - See I ain't all bad am I eh

Spider wakes up in the smoke-filled solitary cell. She sits up looking dazed, confused. She tries to stand up but falls back down. She can hear Brumby calling out

She tries to get up again, this time slowly and holding onto the bed, she gets on her feet and tries to walk, her leg hurts. She limps out into the corridor

Brumby is screaming at the top of her lungs

Spider opens her hatch

Brumby grabs at Spider thru the hatch

Brumby - Let me out, please!

Spider coughs

Spider - I can't I ain't got a key....look I'll get help ok

Brumby is crying frantically


Spider shows a rare glimpse of compassion and talks in a softer, kind voice

Spider- I'll get help Tucker, I promise. I'll get someone to come for you

Spider leaves. She tries to rush along but is visibly weakened and the whole thing is a struggle

Rodney finds a dazed Pat wandering the corridors in a prisoners uniform

Rodney - Mrs. Slattery are you ok?

Pat - No

Pat rubs her head

Rodney - We have to get out

He helps Pat along and they run into some firemen

Fireman 1 - You can't get out down that way...come with me I'll get you out

Rodney - Thanks

Fireman 1 turns to fireman 2

Fireman 1 - I'll get these two out you carry on searching

Fireman 2 nods

Fireman 1 guides Rodney and Pat along quickly

Marty and Kath reach a section of the corridor where the floor has caved in and fallen to the floor below.

Kath nearly falls through the gap but Marty grabs her

Kath - What will we do now?

Marty - We'll have to go back, find another way out

They turn back around and notice flames at the far end

Marty - God the fires catching up to us faster than I realized...we can't go back that way

Kath - What are we going to do?

Marty and Kath look at each other in a panic

Marty notices a tangled web of thick cables hanging down into the floor below

Marty - I could use those to climb down to the floor below and get help

Kath - Oh god Mr. Jackson, you could fall and break your neck

Marty - What other choice do we have? stay here and wait to die?

Rita, Vicki, Lorna, and Cheryl bang the table violently at the gate.

Rita - Break you bastard!... Break!!

They move further away and charge at it again full force.

Ida is looking weaker and Tina has slumped across the floor apparently lifeless

Spider staggers down a corridor and bumps into fireman 2

Fireman 2 - Come with me lady, I'll get you out

Spider - hang on..hang on there...

Spider passes out and the fireman catches her in his arms

He picks her up and carries her off

The women outside have been moved into Kath's defunct shop

Margo and Lizzie are sitting tipsy in a corner. Margo takes a swig from the bottle and hands it to Lizzie. Lizzie takes a swig

Margo - They shoved us all in here back in 82 too, of course, it was a conjugal visits suite at the time, not a shop

Lizzie chuckles

Janice arrives. Delia is supervising

Janice - Are they behaving themselves in here?

Delia - Yes Miss Raymond

Margo - Hey Miss Raymond any idea where they will be shipping us all off too?

Janice - You'll find out in due course Gaffney but I suspect Blackmoor will be the most likely option

Everyone moans and groans



In the chaos outside Roo emerges from her hiding place, the kitchen, which is in the section of the building furthest from the fire. She strolls towards the gate

Rodney and Pat emerge from the building

Meg rushes over. Meg is frantic

Meg - Have you seen Marry?

Rodney - Yes I saw him inside, he was helping Latham out, she seemed badly injured. Maxwell was with him too

Meg - Oh god!!

Meg notices for the first time the way Pat is dressed

Meg - What on earth happened to you?

Roo has made it thru the inner gate and is walking towards the front gate. The gate opens as another ambulance rushes in and Roo takes the opportunity to stroll thru. She is almost thru...

Gate guard - Hey wait!

Roo turns around

Gate guard - Have you got your pass?

Roo -Sorry I left it inside... look to tell you the truth it all got too much for me in there...people are dead you understand, friends and colleagues

Roo turns on the crocodile tears

Roo - I didn't stop to think about collecting my pass I'm sure you understand. I just need to get away from it for a while, it's too much to bear

The gate guard - Of course, love, I'm sorry. I understand....go on you can go

Roo - Thanks love

Roo strolls thru the gate smirking. She spots Mike waiting in a car, she walks towards it. Roland can also be seen in the car

Meg is running towards the gate guard


Roo runs towards the car as the gate guard chases her and grabs her. Mike and Roland jump out of the car.

Mike and Roland attack the gate guard and free Roo

Mike headbutts the gate guard, flooring him and they rush to the car.

Meg arrives in time to see the car speed away. She helps the gate guard up

Meg - Are you ok?

Gate guard - Yeah I'll live



Marty has made it down to the floor below

Kath shouts down

Kath - Are you ok?

Marty - Yes fine. I'm going to get help, you look after Latham

Kath - Please hurry Mr. Jackson

Marty - I will

Marty charges away

Kath sits down looking anxious

Chrissie groans

Kath - Latham? Latham are you ok?

Chrissie (mumbling) - I tried to stop her, I swear I tried to stop her

Kath - Stop who?

Chrissie - Roo.....I tried to warn everyone but she pushed me down the stairs?

Kath looks incredulous

Kath - Roo did this?

Chrissie - Yeah......oh god I should have done something about it earlier. oh god, what if we don't get out of here? I might never see Elizabeth again

Kath (coldly) - How long have you known what Roo was going to do?

Chrissie (mumbling) - What?

Kath shouts


Rita, Vicki, Cheryl, and Lorna finally manage to break thru the gate.

Rita and Cheryl rush to help Ida up

Rita - C'mon Id its time to get out of here

Lorna tries to get Tina up, she's lifeless

Lorna - C'mon mate.....Teen? C'mon

Lorna turns to Rita

Lorna - Reet I can't wake her up

Rita beckons Vicki to help Cheryl support Ida and kneels beside Tina

Lorna watches on anxiously

Lorna - Why won't she wake up Rita?

Rita stands up and puts an arm on Lorna's shoulder

Rita - She's dead Lorna I'm sorry

Lorna - No, she can't be. She's been my best mate in here for eight years. She can't be dead

Rita - I'm sorry but she is

Lorna breaks down in tears

Rita puts an arm around her and gently guides her away

They begin to move off, Ida slows them down

Rita (to Vicki) - You run on ahead, try and find help, we need to get out of here fast

Vicki - Sure Reet

Vicki charges off

Kath has now put a piece of cable around Chrissie's throat

Kath - You tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now. People have probably died today because of you and Morgan, why do you deserve to be saved?

Chrissie is very weak

Chrissie - I probably don't. But my little girl ain't done nothing wrong, does she deserve to have her mother taken from her?

Kath has a look of disgust

Kath - She'd probably be better off without you. People like you make me sick Latham. Everyone said I was a bad mother but all I ever wanted was for my little girls suffering to stop. That was all I ever wanted for her, the best always. Then there's scum like you who have a perfectly healthy child and are too busy being a selfish, thoughtless bitch wasting their life in prison when they could be out free and with their child

Chrissie - If you're gonna kill me bleeding do it. I'm too weak to fight you

Kath seems to be pondering it

Meg arrives at the shed to whisper something to Janice. Janice nods and they leave

Jacko was sitting nearest to them

Margo - Hey Jacko did you hear what they said?

Jacko - They've found a couple of bodies Margo.....one burnt to a crisp apparently. No one knows who it is

Lizzie - Bloody hell, ya wouldn't read about it would ya

Meg, Janice, and Dwyer have gathered around grimly as two bodies are removed on a stretcher

Meg - Well one of them is definitely Mrs. Pringle...the other could be anyone. It could be my Marty

Meg is in tears and Janice comforts her

Vera is still sitting on the grass. She gets up and walks over

Vera - Is there anything I can do to help?

Dwyer (snappy) - No not a single thing Miss Bennett. We will be having a serious chat though once you've sobered up

Janice spots Spider being carried out and looks fretful

Marty also appears and Meg runs over

Meg - Oh Marty, thank god you're ok

Marty and Meg hug

Meg - I was so worried

Marty - We'll talk later mum, I need to get help for Maxwell and Latham

Marty runs over to a fireman

Brumby is still screaming in solitary but no one hears

Vicki makes it outside and rushes up to a couple of firemen

Vicki - There are still people inside! Quickly follow me I'll take you to them!

Inside Ida has given up, she sits down on the floor breathless

Ida - I can't go on Reet, that's it. I've had enough

Rita sits beside her

Rita - Please Ida I don't wanna lose you, you can make it you're strong

Ida - I'm old Rita baby, too old for this

Rita - Please Ida

Ida passes out and Rita shakes her frantically and screams with despair

Cheryl and Lorna watch on in shocked horror as Rita loses it

Vicki and the fireman arrive

Rita charges at the fireman frantically grabbing at them

Rita - Help her, please you have to help her!!

The fireman kneels to examine Ida

Fireman 1 - She's still alive

The two firemen pick Ida up and carry her out quickly. Vicki and Lorna rush off with them

Rita watches them go, she looks tired, drained

Cheryl - C'mon Reet we need to go

Rita - I'm so tired Cheryl, I'm so bloody tired. I just want to stay here and die. I've had enough now

Cheryl - No you don't. Come on. I won't let you give up

Cheryl helps Rita along the corridor

Kath is climbing down to the floor below when two firemen arrive with a ladder

Fireman 1 - We were told there were two of you. Is the other one still up there?

Kath stares at him coldly

Kath - Yes she is but you needn't hurry to get her, she's dead, I just killed her

The two firemen glance at each other stunned

Ida is brought out along with Vicki and Lorna

Vicki glances back anxiously

Vicki - Where are Reet and Cheryl?

Lorna - I dunno, weren't they behind us?

Lorna breaks down in tears again

Lorna - I can't believe Tina's dead

Vicki comforts her

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