

Rita, Cheryl, and Kath are in the gym

Rita - There's half an hour before work starts so not long but long enough to make a start

Kath - Rita I know you mean well but I think this is just a waste of time. I'm sure Cheryl has better things to do with her time

Cheryl shrugs

Cheryl - In this dump? Can't think what

Kath - But I'm never going to be a fighter, it's just not me

Cheryl - Anyone can be a fighter. Even with simple self-defense techniques. I've taught plenty of people basic judo

Rita - Yeah, just give Cheryl a chance

Kath - Well ok...

Pat Slattery comes in

Pat - What are the three of you doing in here?

Rita - Just hanging out Mrs. Slattery, that's ok isn't it?

Pat - Well I suppose so, just so long as you aren't up to any mischief...Connors come with me. I've been looking for you all over H Block my girl! The police want to see you

Rita - The police?

Pat - Yes and they've been kept waiting long enough so come on

Rita and Pat turn to go

Pat ( to Kath and Cheryl) - Remember musters in half an hour

Pat and Rita leave

Cheryl - Right you ready to get started then?

Kath nods

Meg and Marty are in Meg's car. Meg is driving

Marty - Thanks for giving me a lift to Wentworth

Meg - Well in the mood you're in I could hardly let you drive yourself. You'd probably have an accident.I don't understand why you're so hell-bent on going in on your day off? I thought you and Marsh had something planned for your birthday

Marty - Yes we did

Meg - So why are you coming in to work?

Marty - Why do you think?

Meg - But what is it you plan to do? You don't even know it was Latham

Marty - It was her, I'm sure of it. And I just want to warn her. Let her know that any more of this and the police will be involved

Meg - I wish you'd tell me what the note in your locker said?

Marty - It said that Margaret is still doing drugs if you must know.

Meg - Well maybe she is Marty. Once a drug addict always a drug addict, why should Marsh be any different?

Marty snaps

Marty - Her name is Margaret mum and she isn't back on the drugs! The note was a filthy lie

Meg - Ok if you say so....you really love her, don't you?

Marty - Yes I do mum! I told you before either accept it or keep your opinions to yourself

Meg sighs

Meg - I just think you could do so much better Marty but if she's what you really want then I guess I'll have to accept it.

Marty - Finally at last you get the message! Now stop with the digs about her

Meg - Fine relax Marty, I said I'll accept it and I will. I'll try my best to be nice to her if it makes you happy

Meg pulls in at the gate to Wentworth

Meg - I wish you'd reconsider this. You can catch a bus back and go out for the day with Marsh...

Marty fires Meg an angry look

Meg - Sorry Margaret! It's such a nice day

Marty - Just take us in mum

Meg sighs a sigh of resignation and drives thru the gates

The interview room


Inspector Grace is sitting with a cigarette. He has a colleague with him

Grace sighs and studies his wristwatch

Grace - How much bloody longer are they going to keep us waiting?

His colleague shrugs

Pat enters with Rita

Grace - About bloody time!!

Pat - I'm sorry Inspector, I had trouble finding Connors

Grace - Yeah yeah well you're here now and I want a cup of coffee so let's bloody well get this over with shall we! Take a seat, Connors!

Rita sits down

Rita - Well? What's all this about?

Grace tosses a newspaper at Rita. The headline reads ''Three escapes in one day'' and there are mugshots of Alice, Lorelei, and Harry. There is also a smaller picture of Zoe

Rita glances at it

Rita - Yeah lucky buggers eh

Grace - Listen girly we know you were close friends with Wilkinson and especially with Jenkins, it seems fishy that they all should escape on the same day you escaped from the hospital

Rita - Yeah, funny old world ain't it

Grace puts his cigarette out and lights a new one

Grace - I'm in no mood to play games, Connors...Now I can offer you a deal. Tell me where they are and i can see to it you get a pardon. I know all about the cancer Connors

Rita - Keep smoking those things and you'll have it yourself soon

Grace - Funny girl, you should have been a bloody comedian...So? Do I get my information?

Rita - I can't help ya sorry

Grace - Bull! We know you're involved, Connors! Help me and I'll help you

Rita - You're wasting your time. Even if I did know where they were.. which I don't....I don't want a pardon. I have nothing left on the outside now

Grace - Well if you won't co-operate for yourself think of your mate Gibson, with her extensive record she will get hard time for her involvement in your escape. And what about your aunty Ida? She's 84 Connors, a spell in here could just about finish her off. Co-operate and the pair of them will walk free

Rita laughs loudly

The Colleague - That's enough of that Connors! The inspector is offering you a good deal, for your own good why don't you take it?

Grace - Thank you, Sergeant...Sergeant Johnson is right Connors, it is a good deal. You really should just accept it girly!

Rita - As I told you, I don't know where they are sorry

Grace - You disappoint me, Connors, I thought you cared about your aunty Ida. I guess I was wrong

Rita - Ida will outlive the lot of us, she's a tough old stick.....now if that's all I have sheets to fold

Grace nods to Pat

Grace - Get her out of my sight and bring Roo Morgan to see me

The gym

Cheryl is laid out on the floor. Kath is stood looking concerned but Cheryl jumps straight back up.

Kath - I hope I didn't hurt you, sorry if I did

Cheryl chuckles

Cheryl - Only a little bit, but I can take it. See how easy that was? I'm surprised you picked that up so easily

Kath - I surprised myself, to be honest

Cheryl - That's only a basic technique though, there is still a long way to go. So back here after work tonight?

Kath nods

Cheryl - Good. I'll make a fighter out of you just like Reet wants

Kath and Cheryl leave the gym with a spring in their step


The women are at muster

Rodney - Where are Maxwell and Gibson?

Kath and Cheryl are walking up behind

Cheryl - Right here Mr?......

Rodney - Mr. Adams. You're both late

Cheryl - Gee sorry Mr. Adams

Rodney - Hurry up and get in line!

Rodney studies his list

Rodney - Maxwell, Gibson, Gaffney, Morgan, McPherson, Simpson laundry. Tucker, Latham, and Birdsworth kitchen

Chrissie rolls her eyes

Chrissie - Bleeding great, a whole day stuck with Tucker

Lizzie - But I'll be there, be just like old times eh

Lizzie locks arms with Chrissie as everyone moves off along the corridor

Rodney sees Rita and Pat coming

Rodney - Connors you have light duties today. You can clean the corridors and you will be permitted breaks as and when you need them

Rita looks annoyed

Rita - Gee thanks Mr. Adams, you're all heart

Rodney - Nothing to do with me Connors, governors orders. Come with me to the storeroom

Pat stops Roo

Pat - Morgan come with me..the police want to see you

Roo looks irritated as she leaves with Pat

Brumby approaches Pat

Brumby - Miss please can I make a phone call?

Pat - What now Tucker? It's time for work you know that girl

Brumby - I know but it is urgent please Miss Slattery

Pat - Oh very well, wait for me at the gate I just need to take Morgan thru to the interview room

Brumby looks happy

The women arrive at the laundry to find Marty waiting outside the door. Marty is dressed in his civvies

Vicki - G'day Mr. Jackson, we thought it was your day off?

Marty - It was...

Margo - Come to thank us for the card and pressie have ya?

Marty - Just move along ladies

Margo - Bloody charming that!

Spider - Well you never put nothing in the kitty so quit moaning will ya

Margo - Nor did you!

Marty - Where's Latham?

Vicki - Kitchen duty Mr. Jackson

Marty nods and marches away.

Vicki watches him go

Vicki - Wonder what he wanted?

Margo - Yeah bit odd he came in on his day off and not even in a uniform

Spider - Oh who cares? I know I don't

Kath rushes out of the room in a great hurry

Margo - hey you lazy bitch, there's work to do here!

Kath has gone

Margo gets on the press

Margo - She better not think she can skive off and get drunk again like she did yesterday. I'll soon show her we all pull our weight in my laundry

Spider - That's maxwell Margo, remember I was telling you about her. The one who did her kid in

Margo grins

Margo - Is that so?

Kath stops Marty in the corridor

Kath - Mr. Jackson wait!

Marty - What is it, Maxwell? I'm in a hurry

Kath - Well first of all happy birthday

Marty - Thanks.... well if that's all you best return to the laundry

Marty turns to go

Kath - No wait there was one other thing

Marty looks impatient

Kath - Can you go and see Merle for me today? Please? Ask her what happened, I'm sure she'll name Rodney.

Marty - I can't today Kath I have plans

Kath - Look please, just go in for a quick visit even if it's just to see how she is. I need to know she's ok

Marty sighs

Marty - Ok I'll go

Kath - Today?

Marty - yes today, but it will only be briefly, just to see how she is

Kath - I know, thanks. But if the subject of Rodney comes up don't hesitate to do a little digging, just a little Marty, I know you hate the idea of her stuck in that place as much as I do, and just think how you could be helping get to the truth, helping get her out

Kath smiles deviously

Kath - What better birthday present could there be than knowing you've done something that worthwhile?

Marty smiles back

Marty - Ok Kath, very clever, you've won me over. I'll try and get her to talk but I can't promise anything

Kath - Thanks, Marty...I better go now

Kath leaves. Marty watches her go while smiling and shaking his head. However, his expression changes to one of fury when he remembers about the card and the note, both of which he takes out of his pocket and looks at. He walks off like a man on a mission

Kath arrives back at the laundry

Margo - finally decided to join us have you?

Kath - Yeah sorry about that, I needed a quick word with Mr. Jackson

Spider - A quick swig from your bottle of scotch more like it!

Kath - Oh shut up Simpson, yesterday was a one-off. I needed something to take my mind off Merle

Spider - Would have thought you'd be glad to be free of changing that big fat loonies nappies by now

Vicki - Leave it eh Spid, Kath's upset enough

Spider - Since when have you cared about Maxwell Vic?

Vicki shrugs

Vicki - Reckon she's had enough that's all

Spider - Yeah looks pretty rough don't she...sure I can't tempt ya to a hair of the dog, Kath? Make ya feel better

Kath ignores her and starts folding

Margo steps off the press and walks across to Kath

Margo - So you're Maxwell, right?

Kath - That's right

Margo - I hear you killed your kid, is that right?

Kath ignores her

Margo gets up close into Kath's face

Margo - I said is that right?

Kath - Yeah that's right!....now piss off Gaffney!

Margo - I don't like being spoken to like that, you better say sorry right now before I forget I'm a lady

Kath - A lady? You? Don't make me laugh

Kath laughs in a mocking way

Kath - You're no lady, you're just scum. I've seen your type before love, you won't last long on that press. Someone will come along to push you off

Margo shows Kath her fist

Margo - Apologise before I give you a taste of what you did to that kid of yours

Kath - Get back on your press Gaffney

Margo grabs Kath and slams her into the dryer

Margo - I said apologize Maxwell! Maybe you'd like to spend a bit of time in the dryer?

Cheryl has been observing. Kath looks at Cheryl for help, Cheryl shrugs

Margo laughs

Margo - Oh I'm gonna enjoy making mincemeat of you Maxwell!

With a sudden swift movement, Kath demonstrates a judo move on Margo that puts her on the floor

Spider and Vicki watch on with surprise. Cheryl gives Kath a thumbs up

Pat shows Roo into the interview room

Grace - Thank you, Mrs. Slattery. You may leave us alone

Pat - As you wish

Pat leaves

Grace offers Roo a cigarette which she snatches up

Grace sits staring at Roo with a grave expression on his face

Roo - Well? what do you want to see me about?

Grace - I think you know why Morgan

Roo - I bloody well don't!

Sergeant Johnson - It's about your boyfriend Roo. He's been up to his old tricks again.

Grace - Yeah, breaking into people's houses and stealing everything he can lay his hands on. Of course, we can't catch him, we don't even know where he's hiding out. He gives us the slip every time

Roo - How do you know it's him then?

Grace and the sergeant share a laugh

Grace - C'mon now Roo, you know as well as I do what unique calling card he leaves behind. You ought to bloody know, after all, you carried out enough burglaries with him

Roo - So? What ya come to see me for I'm in here remember?

Sergeant Johnson - We know that but the inspector and I reckon you may know where he is. We reckon you can help us find him

Grace - That's right Roo. See we checked on your visitors and he visited you the other week didn't he. He used a fake name but we recognized his handwriting in the visitor's book. We reckon the pair of you are up to something...ain't that right Sergeant?

Sergeant Johnson- Yeah that's right. Planning another escape maybe? Maybe he's carrying out these robberies to help fund it?

Roo laughs

Roo - Whatever it is you, fellas, are smoking I'd love some of it!

Grace loses his temper

Grace - Listen Girly don't get bloody smart with me ok. I'll have your boyfriend and I'll have you too if I find out you and he is plotting anything. Do you understand?

Roo takes a puff on her smoke and lets out a big cloud of smoke. She gives Grace a look of contempt

Roo - Sure love, I understand.

Grace calls out

Grace - Officer you can take the prisoner back now

The kitchen

There is a new cook there, a handsome young man in his mid-20s

Chrissie is eyeing him up

Chrissie - Whats the name then spunk?

The cook - Jason, Jason Stephens

Chrissie - You're an improvement on the old cook Jason, you're a right spunk

Jason is blushing

Jason - Well I think we should get the lunch ready! I wouldn't want to get into trouble on my first day! Your governor seems pretty strict!

Lizzie is chewing on a stick of celery

Lizzie -Old Bennett! She's not so bad once you get to know her

Chrissie - Oh leave it out Lizzie, she's a bitch!

Lizzie - Least she ain't Fargo

Chrissie - Yeah well that's true...Where's that little bitch Tucker then eh? She's supposed to be here helping us. slacking off as usual

Lizzie - Why don't you leave the poor little thing alone eh Chris

Chrissie rolls her eyes and is about to reply when the kitchen doors swing open

Marty comes in

Marty - Latham a word, please

Chrissie - Ooh what is it this time?

Marty - Come along with me now and you'll find out won't you come on hurry up!

Chrissie sighs and starts to leave the kitchen with Marty

They go outside to the corridor

Marty grabs Chrissie by the arm and leads her into the empty dining room

Chrissie looks surprised

Chrissie - Yeah? What can I do for you then?

Marty throws the card and the note onto one of the dinner tables. Chrissie looks at them, she looks puzzled

Marty - I suppose you think this is funny do you? Clever? Your way of getting revenge on me

Chrissie - I ain't never seen them before

Marty - Stop lying Latham! I know you did it. I'm telling you now if it happens again the police will be involved, I'm giving you a warning here. You don't want the police involved do you, you might ruin your chances of seeing Elizabeth forever then

Chrissie (angry) - I already can't see her thanks to you. Neither Brenda nor Derek will take my calls

Marty - So you admit you did it?

Chrissie - No I don't, I know nothing about this. But I wish i did know who it was, I'd shake their hand

Marty - I don't believe you. Just consider this your first and only warning, get back to work

Chrissie stares Marty down for a moment before leaving in a huff

Pat shows Brumby to the reception phone.

Pat - Make it quick girl

Brumby picks the phone up

Spike is at home when the phone rings. She answers

Spike - Hello?


Spike - Look who is this? Is that you Brumby?


Spike - This isn't funny. if it's you just stop it now, I mean it


Spike slams the phone down

It rings again almost straight away

Spike grabs it up

Spike - HELLO?

Brumby is on the other end

Brumby - Geeze Spike, what's up with you, you sound real wound up?

Spike - I knew it! As if you didn't know what the matter was. I knew it was you

Brumby - Me what? I dunno what you're on about Spike! I just rang to ask you to come to see me, I know I upset you and I'm sorry Spike

Spike - Just leave me alone Brumby. I suppose it was you who put the note in Marty's locker too? Sent that card? Keep this up and we'll have the police involved

Brumby - Spike please I don't know...

Spike hangs up

The staffroom

Delia is hanging around by the staffroom phone as Rodney comes in, she moves away quickly

Rodney - Don't let me disturb you, Miss Stout, if you have a personal call to make I'll keep quiet about it. We all do it Delia

Delia - I don't know what you're on about Rodney

Delia marches out

Vera comes in

Rodney - Morning governor, can I make you a coffee?

Vera - No thank you, Mr. Adams, I can make it myself

Rodney - Of course, Miss Bennett

Vera - Did you see a doctor as I instructed?

Rodney - Indeed yes. He said it's nothing to worry about just a cut

Vera - Good, so how did it happen?

Rodney - I told you it was just an accident, I was clumsy and tripped down the stairs

Vera - An accident Mr. Adams?

Rodney - Yes of course

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