
Margo and Spider are standing on the white line.

Janice is signing for them and the Barnehurst officer leaves

Janice - You will both need to be searched and then take a shower. Gaffney, I will search you first..in here

She motions to the shower room.

They go inside and close the door

Janice - Right Gaffney you know why I got you over here right?

Margo - Yeah sure

Janice - I want you to fix that bitch Morgan for me....you let me down at Barnehurst I hope you won't let me down this time

Margo - I was doing ok, I had her fixed up nicely. It ain't my fault she got transferred over to here, is it?

Janice - Ok, fair enough. But this time I want you to fix her properly. That bitch made a fool out of me and no one gets away with that. You sort her out and I will back you as top dog.

Margo - Sure Miss Raymond

Margo turns to leave but Janice grabs her arm

Janice - Try not to be too cocky Gaffney. I may be working with you but I'm still in charge, I'm the officer and you're the prisoner. You'd do well to remember that

Gaffney (cocky still) - Gee sorry

Margo leaves the shower room

Janice - Simpson your turn

Spider goes into the room and shuts the door

Janice touches Spider up in an overly friendly way. Spider doesn't seem to object

Janice - I told ya I'd get ya over here with me didn't I, wish you'd trust me more darling

Spider shrugs

Spider - been let down all my life Jan, can you blame me for wondering?

Janice - I love you, I'd never abandon you Rose I promise

Spider relaxes a little and gives Janice a hug

SPider - Can you put me in with a girl called Vicki McPherson?

Janice - Why?

Spider - She's my mate that's all, better company than the rest of these bitches

Janice - A mate? What sort of a mate?

Spider chuckles

Spider - You're jealous aren't ya! Vic's just a friend nothing more

Janice - I hope so Rose, I don't like being two-timed. The last girl who did that to me paid the price

Spider - Yeah yeah I know, relax will ya. Aren't I allowed to have friends?

Janice - Yes sorry, I get uptight sometimes, I can't help it...Listen I want you and Gaffney to work together again. Her as top dog, you as the spiv, like you did at Blackmoor and rub Morgan's nose in it as much as possible

Spider - Sure Jan

Janice - You haven't told Gaffney about us have you?

Spider rolls her eyes

Spider - I told ya before, no I ain't. How many more times do I need to say it?

Janice - I worry that's all. Gaffney would use it against me in a flash if she knew...I better call her back in for your showers, she'll be getting suspicious

Spider has a cheeky smirk on her face

Spider - You best step outside while we shower too Jan or she'll definitely get suspicious then

Spider laughs but Janice does not seem to share her amusement

Chrissie and Roo are in Roo's cell having a coffee. Chrissie looks agitated

Chrissie - People will die Roo, doesn't that even bother you?

Roo - People like Maxwell? Or that creep Mr. Adams? Or that piece of filth Tucker or Vinegar tits? Nah it doesn't bother me one bit

Chrissie - What about Vicki or Lizzie? Lizzie's me mate and Vic's cool


Roo - Look we can warn a few of them..they can join us if they like. I'm not totally heartless Chrissie

Chrissie is still worried

Chrissie - But look Roo. Ok so who gives a stuff about Maxwell or vinegar tits, they might be mongrels but it's still murder Roo. I don't know if I want to be mixed up in it

Roo - You disappoint me, Latham, you really do. I thought you had more guts than this

Chrissie turns nasty

Chrissie - That's not bleeding fair! I have shown guts plenty of times. But this is just too heavy Roo

Roo - So? Gonna lag on me are ya? Thought we were mates Latham

Chrissie - Course we're mates and I'm no lagger, you ought to know that by now

Roo - So ya with me then?

Chrissie - Yeah I'm with ya

Chrissie still looks worried sick

A freshly showered Spider and Margo are stood in the reception with their luggage and in fresh Wentworth uniforms. Janice is there with Pat Slattery

Janice - You may take the prisoners to H Block. I took the liberty of putting Simpson in with McPherson and Gaffney in with Morgan

Margo smirks with delight

Janice - I'm going to head off home now but I believe that Miss Bennett is planning to introduce me to the women tomorrow morning at Breakfast so we shall both be in early. I trust you will still be around?

Pat looks like the weight of the world is on her shoulders

Pat - Yes Miss Raymond. I am doing a full nightshift

Janice - Well goodnight, see you in the morning

Pat - Yes goodnight Miss Raymond

Exterior shot of Marty's flat.

Inside Delia is fast asleep on the sofa snoring loudly

Marty tosses a blanket over her while Spike collects up the empty wine glasses and bottles

Marty - I'm really sorry about this

Spike - It's not your fault! She invited herself over, Marty. Don't worry about it

Marty - But I realise it's been a difficult evening for you, trying to make small talk with a screw.

Spike laughs

Spike - You didn't seem to be finding it a bundle of laughs either

Marty - No, I was dropping as many hints as I could for her to leave. She didn't seem to pick up on a single one of them

Spike - And did you see all the wine she put away? No wonder she's out cold

They both laugh

Marty - Oh we shouldn't laugh really love. I feel a bit sorry for her ya know. I guess she's a bit lonely the poor cow.

Spike nods with agreement

Marty - I just hope she can keep it to herself about you and i. The fewer people who know the better

They leave Delia snoring away and switch the light off

Pat is walking down the H block corridors with Spider and Margo. They stop at Vicki's cell. Vicki is brushing her teeth ready for bed

Pat - In there Simpson

Spider walks in and throws her stuff on the spare bed

Vicki is delighted and can barely contain her glee

Vicki - Spid! When did you get back?

Spider - Tonight

Vicki rushes over to hug her

Vicki - I'm glad to see ya Spid! I missed ya!

Spider acts blase as usual

Spider - Yeah well I missed you too I suppose Vic.

Pat and Margo arrive at Roo's cell

Pat - new cellmate for you Morgan

Roo leaps up from her bed

Roo - No way! Not 'er! Anyone but this bitch!


Margo chuckles

Pat - This isn't a hotel Morgan! You don't get to pick and choose

Pat leaves

Roo - What the hell are you doing here? I thought your mate Raymond wanted to keep you at Barnehurst

Margo - She did. But I'm no use to her there anymore

Roo - Why not?

Margo gives Roo a sarcastic look and speaks in a sarcastic way

Margo - You really are dumb ain't ya Morgan. Raymond wants me at the same prison she's at right? So where do you suppose she got transferred to today?

Roo - That's crap! You're winding me up!

Margo laughs

Margo - Whatever ya say kiddo!

Roo - Yeah well that beds yours

She points to the empty bed

Margo - I don't like the look of that bed, I prefer the look of your bed. I think I'll take your bed

Roo - Get stuffed!

Margo - Now now Roo, don't be silly. You know I can fight you over it if I want to

Roo backs down

Roo - Fine you have the bed like I care which lousy stinking bed I have anyway!

Margo smirks

Brumby is in Lizzie's cell sharing a nightcap with her

Brumby - I wish I could share with you Lizzie, you remind me of my gran

Lizzie - Do I love? that's nice

Brumby - I try to be nice to Latham but she hates me

Lizzie - Chrissie's alright love, she just needs time to get to know ya

Brumby - Suppose

Pat arrives

Pat - Lockup now, c'mon Tucker back to your cell

Lizzie - Ah we was having a nice little chat, Mrs. Slattery, can't she stay just five more minutes, please?

Pat - No I'm afraid not

Lizzie has her back to Brumby who spots a five-dollar note poking out of Lizzie's pocket and stealthily pinches it

Lizzie - Gawd, Mrs. M would let us have an extra five minutes I bet!

Brumby - it's ok Lizzie, I am pretty tired now anyway. Catch ya tomorrow

Lizzie - Seeya love

Brumby swaggers off

Lizzie - Such a nice little thing. Prisons no place for a young girl like her

Pat - She's not as sweet and innocent as she makes out Birdsworth, you'd do well to bear that in mind. Goodnight

Pat closes Lizzie's cell

Brumby arrives at her cell. Chrissie is having a fag in bed

Chrissie - Where the bleeding hell have you been?

Brumby - With Lizzie

Chrissie - Oh yeah? Wrapping the poor old girl around your finger I suppose

Brumby - Lizzie and I are mates

Chrissie - She has a soft spot for the younger ones Tucker, some of them can take advantage of it. I don't suppose you'd be one of them would ya?

Brumby - You don't like me much do ya?

Chrissie - Nah not much

Brumby - Yeah well stuff ya. I've tried to be nice to ya

Pat arrives

Brumby - Hey Mrs. Slattery tell Latham that its true about Mr. Pringle, no one believes me

Pat - Well you were all going to find out in the morning anyway but yes it's true

Chrissie - Bleeding hell poor bugger

Pat closes the door and locks it

Brumby - I suppose an apology is out of the question?

Chrissie - You Suppose right

Brumby - Hey wanna hear a secret? You tell me one and I'll tell you one.

Chrissie rolls her eyes with annoyance

Chrissie - What ya on about now Tucker?

Brumby - I just reckon the best way to be mates is if we share secrets. I can tell you something about Mr. Jackson

Chrissie sits up and pays attention

Chrissie - Mr. Jackson? What about him?

Brumby - He is having a relationship with an ex-prisoner, a girl called Spike. He would be in big trouble if anyone ever found out

Chrissie - Is that a fact. Well fancy that

Chrissie looks pleased

Brumby - So what's your secret?

Chrissie - Ain't got one

Brumby - Bull! I bet you and Roo share one

Chrissie - Yeah..we both think you're scum. Oh pardon me, that's not really a secret is it

Chrissie laughs wickedly

Brumby - Stuff ya then bitch!

It is the middle of the night and pitch black in Margo and Roo's cell. Roo is sitting up in bed with a cigarette

Margo gets up

Margo - Can't sleep?

Roo =- Yeah that's right

Margo - Scared I'll get ya in the night eh

Roo - Nah, I ain't scared of you Gaffney

Margo chuckles

Margo - Keep telling yourself that, you might believe it one-day kiddo. Well, you just sit there all night Roo, it makes no difference to me. When the time is right I'll get you. Me and Raymond that is....sweet dreams Roo

Margo lays back down and chuckles to herself

Roo sits and waits until Margo turns over in bed and then flies across the room with a knife which she puts against Margo's throat

Roo whispers menacingly

Roo - You got the better of me at Barnehurst because I let my guard down. I underestimated you, Gaffney. Plus you had a screw-on side. Well this time I'm ready for ya

Margo - You better do me in right now Morgan...this is the only chance you'll gonna get. Cos tomorra I'm gonna fix ya

Roo - I'm top dog around here and it's gonna stay like that

Margo - Listen Kiddo, the only way you can stay on top is when you have a screw on side. Well Craven ain't around no more love

Roo - So? i don't need Craven. I have a screw on side and I have plenty of these bitches on side

Margo - I'll soon get these bitches over to my side and you know it. As for your screw, Raymond can easily fix that and you know it

Roo presses the knife into Margo's neck and appears to be considering slashing her throat

Margo - So gonna finish me off or what?

Roo puts the knife in her pocket

Roo - Nah, not doing life for you

Margo - Not got the guts more like it

Roo gets back into bed and lights up again

Roo - Listen Gaffney I could happily kill you, but not when I'm locked up with you and everyone will know it was me. I'd wait until I could get you alone somewhere and no one would know. I could even frame someone and they could serve my life sentence for me

Margo (disbelieving) - Yeah sure

Roo secretly grins to herself while puffing away at her fag



Exterior shot of Marty's flat in daylight

Inside Spike is cooking sausages in the kitchen as Marty comes in

Spike - Morning darling

Marty - Morning. mmm, they smell good!

Spike - She's still fast asleep in there

Marty - I'll wake her in a minute. We're both due in today

We cut to the other room where a sleepy Delia is waking up, she can hear the muffled voices of Marty and Spike talking, She gets up

Spike -Marty listen if I tell you something will you promise not to go mad?

Marty - Uh-oh why do I not like the sound of this?

Spike - Well you know you said you didn't want anyone to know about us

Delia is in the hallway and can hear what they are saying

Spike - It's just that I told Brumby

Marty (angry) - You did what? Are you totally stupid?

Spike - I'm sorry Marty, I don't know why I told her

Marty - Of all the people to tell she's the worst possible one. The little bitch won't be able to keep it to herself

Spike - Oh but she will Marty, I'm sure she will. She was my best mate

Marty - You and she fell out remember. She's just the type to use this as revenge...

Spike tries to hug Marty but she shoves her away

Marty - Listen I'm gonna skip breakfast ok. I better go and wake Del up

Delia dashes back into the lounge and lays back down

Spike - Marty, please...

Marty - We'll talk tonight Margaret, just leave it for now ok.

Marty leaves spike in the kitchen.

Vera has arrived at Wentworth in her car and gets out carrying two suitcases. She looks around pensively to check the coast is clear before scurrying inside

The women are in the showers

Roo, Brumby, and Lizzie are already inside the shower cubicles. Chrissie is at the sink combing her hair as Margo swaggers in

Margo - G'day Chrissie

Chrissie - Roo told me you were here, just keep out of my way Margo

Margo- C'mon Chrissie can't we let bygones be bygones?

Chrissie - No we bleeding well can't Margo

Chrissie returns to combing her hair

Margo claps eyes on Lizzie

Margo -flaming hell...how are ya, Lizzie

Lizzie - Ello Margo! long time no see!

Lizzie wraps a towel around herself and steps out of the shower

Lizzie - All yours Margo

Margo - Cheers Lizzie

Chrissie - Don't be doing that bitch any favours Lizzie

Lizzie - You two were mates back in the old days?

Chrissie - Yeah well not anymore

Vicki and Spider arrive

Brumby sees them

Brumby - Oh you're back are ya Simpson?

Spider - Yeah that's right Tucker

Vicki - Spid and I are sharing a cell

Brumby gives a filthy smirk

Brumby - Word of advice for ya Simpson, I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you

Spider - Oh yeah? Whys that then Tucker?

Vicki - Shut up Brumby, I'm warning you

Brumby ignores her

Brumby - Your mates a dyke Simpson, tried it on with me. Give her a chance and she'll climb into your bed in the middle of the night, desperate for it she is

Spider looks at Vicki. She has a look of surprise and interest on her face

Vicki is embarrassed

Brumby is getting out of the shower and Vicki pushes her out of the way and gets in

Brumby slips across the floor and bangs into Spider

Spider - Oh watch it you clumsy bitch!

Spider pushes Brumby who goes flying

Everyone laughs as she falls on her face. Everyone except Vicki. Spider looks at Vicki with a smirk

Vera unlocks the empty reward flat and dashes in and hides her suitcases in the bedroom before dashing out again

Vicki is in her cell drying her hair in front of the mirror. Spider comes in

Spider - You should have told me, Vic

Vicki - Look Spid, I won't try anything on I swear to it. We're just mates I promise.

Spider chuckles

Spider - Well that's a pity, we could be more than mates

Vicki turns around in shock

Vicki - What are you saying?

Spider - I'm saying I wouldn't reject ya if ya did try it on, Vic

Vicki looks shocked

Vicki - I didn't know you were like that

Spider - yeah well there's a lot ya don't know about me ain't there

Vera and Janice are in Vera's office

Janice - You didn't have to leave my place so suddenly Vera. Malcolm may want you out but he would have given you a bit more time to find something I'm sure

Vera - It's totally fine Jan, I have found somewhere else. You needn't worry anymore

Janice - Just so long as you're sure

Vera - Perfectly sure

The phone rings and Vera answers

It's Pat from reception

Pat- Governor the hospital rang. Connors is awake and seems to be doing ok. The police visited her and she tells them that she was the one who attacked Morgan and Latham and Maxwell only got dragged into it. She has taken full responsibility and says that Maxwell is in no way to blame

Vera - Ok Pat thanks for telling me

Pat - About the transfer to Blackmoor, do you still want it to go ahead?

Vera - Yes indeed I do. Get onto it right away, please

Vera hangs up

Vera - So, I think its time we introduced you to the women Jan

Janice nods her head in agreement

Vera - They have been used to having a soft governor and a soft deputy governor. But us two together can give them a shock can't we

Janice - We certainly can Vera. From what I've heard this place was run like a holiday camp

Vera nods her head in agreement as they leave the office and make their way up the corridor


Pat is on the phone.

We cut to Meg's flat. Meg answers the phone

Meg - Hello?

Pat - Meg it's Pat. I just thought I ought to tell you that Connors has woken up and Miss Bennett is still going ahead with her transfer to Blackmoor. Seeing as you're not due on until this afternoon you are in the perfect position to dash over and at least warn Connors. Afterall the poor girl is eligible for a pardon on compassionate grounds

Meg - Thanks Pat, I'll get on to it

Pat - I knew you would meg, bye for now

Pat hangs up. There is a big muscular-looking tough-looking man stood waiting

Pat - Sorry to keep you waiting, what can I do for you?

The man - I'm here to see Vera Bennett

The dining room.

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