
Meg's house. Lizzie is still asleep in the chair as Meg is in the kitchen cooking. There is a knock at the door

Meg (to herself) - Who could this be at this time of the night?

She wonders across and opens the door to find Ann's son Paul standing there in tears.

Meg (surprised voice) - Paul?!

Paul - I'm sorry to bother you, Meg, I didn't know who else to turn to. It's mum, she's been involved in an accident. A hit and run...some bastard knocked her down and drove off

Meg - Oh my god.....is she?.....

Paul - She's still alive but she's in a coma....she's critical they say

Paul begins to sob again

Paul - I don't know what I'll do if mum dies

Meg wraps an arm around him and comforts him

Meg - You best come inside.

They go in and close the door. Paul notices Lizzie asleep in the chair

Meg - Don't mind her, she's had a drink this evening. I'm sure she will be out of it for a while. Sit down

Paul sits down.

Meg - Can I offer you something to eat?

Paul - No I can't eat right now

Meg - I understand. How about a drink then? Tea? Coffee?

Paul - Yes tea would be good, I haven't had anything for hours

Meg - I'll stick the kettle on

Meg goes to the kitchen. Paul sits there in silence

Lizzie can be heard snoring

Exterior shot of Wentworth at night.

Inside Brumby is on the phone outside the rec room. Chrissie is stood behind her looking impatient

Brumby - Please Spike, promise you'll come tomorrow?..........Look I know and I'm sorry ok. I miss ya, Spike, please

Chrissie - For Gawd's sake hurry it up a bit will ya Tucker?

Brumby ( turning around) - Yeah ok ok!.....Spike, please?

A pause then Brumby's face lights up

Brumby - Oh thanks, Spike. We can have a good chat and patch things up yeah?.........

Chrissie is tutting and sighing

Brumby - Ok I best go now, see ya tomorrow.

Brumby hangs up looking happy

Brumby - All yours Latham

Chrissie - Yeah well about bleeding time, it will be lock up in a minute ya know

Brumby walks off and Chrissie dials a number

We cut to a living room with a phone ringing

A man's voice - I'll get that love

Derek Latham appears in the room and picks up the phone

Derek - Hello?

Chrissie - Del? Oh thank god I caught ya at last. Kept getting that bitch Brenda and she kept saying you were out.

Derek - Now I told you not to call her that Chris

Chrissie - Well I'm sorry Del but she winds me up. All I want to do is see Elizabeth and she tries to stop me

Derek -Well can you blame her?

Chrissie (angry) - Now look Del, she's my bleeding kid ok? Not hers. Ok so I know I've done wrong but I'm still her mother

Derek - Ok I know, I know.

Chrissie - I want you to bring her in tomorrow, I mean it, Derek. I have a right to see her

Derek - Look if it was up to me you know I would but Brenda won't like it.

Chrissie - So tell her tough bleeding luck....or don't tell her you're coming. I don't care just bring her

Derek - Ok

Chrissie - You promise?

Derek - Yes I promise. Gee, I know how much you love Lizzie

Chrissie - Oh thanks Del, seeya tomorrow


Marty's house.

Spike is sat on the sofa in her nightgown as Marty comes in with two mugs and hands Spike one

Marty - Who was that on the phone just now?

Spike (pausing a second before answering) - It was Brumby

Marty - I take it you told her where to go?

Spike - Well no actually I agreed to go in and see her

Marty looks incredulous

Spike - Yes I know what you think Marty but she was me mate for a long time, I still care about her despite what she did

Marty - Well I think you're mad but I guess I can understand. It's hard just to forget your friends.

Spike - Anyway the poor bitch is still stuck in that place and I'm out here with the man of my dreams, I'm pretty lucky compared to her. The least I can do is visit her, cheer her up a bit

Marty (cheeky smirk) - Oh the man of your dreams eh?

Spike - Yes ya know ya are

Marty - No I forgot. maybe you need to remind me

Spike (playful smirk) - Oh ya reckon so do ya?

Meg's house.

Meg and Paul are sat drinking tea as Lizzie wakes up

Lizzie (half-awake) - Gawd where am I?

She sits up

Meg - Finally back in the land of the living I see

Lizzie - I feel bloody awful

Meg - Not surprised after all that grog

Lizzie - Grog? What grog?

Meg - The grog you stole from my drinks cabinet

Lizzie - I never stole a thing,

Meg - No? I suppose the bottles grew legs and walked off all by themselves?

Lizzie spots Paul

Lizzie - Ello love...who are you?

Meg - This is Paul Lizzie....he's a friend of mine

Lizzie - Well nice to meet ya, Paul!

Lizzie holds out a hand and Paul shakes it

Lizzie - What a nice young man, I have a grandson around your age.

Paul - That's nice

Meg - I'll make us some more tea

Paul - Oh no thanks, I best get back up to the hospital

Meg - Do you think that is such a good idea? You look shattered, you're more than welcome to stay here the night and go back in the morning

Paul - Thanks, I know. But I must go back

Paul puts his coffee cup down on the table

Lizzie - Hospital? What's up, love?

Meg - C'mon now Lizzie, Paul doesn't need to be quizzed

Paul - No it's ok. It's my mum...she's been in a hit and run. Someone ran her over and just left her on the road

Paul is now in tears again

Paul - She's in intensive care

Lizzie - Oh you poor bugger.....what sort of mongrel would run someone over and leave them? They ought to be shot

Paul - Yeah, just let me near them for 5 seconds, that's all I'd need

Lizzie - I know love

Paul gets up

Paul - I best get back..it was nice to meet you Lizzie

Lizzie - You too love, I hope your mum pulls thru

Paul - So do i

Meg sees Paul out

Meg - If you need anything you know where I am

Paul nods

Meg gives him a hug and he goes.

Lizzie - Poor bugger, he looks a mess

Meg (sighing) - Yes

Meg is tearful now too

Meg - She's my best friend Lizzie,

Lizzie - Who is she? If ya don't mind me asking

Meg pauses for a second


Meg - Well there's no reason not to tell you I suppose. It's Mrs. Reynolds Lizzie, the governor of Wentworth

Lizzie looks shocked

Lizzie - Old Reno? Gawd, I didn't know her for long but everyone thought she was a nice old stick

Meg - Yes....anyway do you need to talk about anything Lizzie? You said something about your family before

Lizzie (bitter) - Don't worry about it, Mrs. Morris. There's nothing to say, my family don't want an old bird like me around getting in the way and that's all there is to it

Exterior shot of Wentworth in daylight. The bell can be heard going off

Inside the women are in the shower block

Brumby is about to grab a shower when Roo shoves her out the way

Roo - Beat it, Tucker

Roo takes the shower for herself

Brumby - You'll get yours bitch!

Roo - Oh yeah? Getting a bit cocky now are we Tucker? Think you can fix me do ya?

Brumby (nervous now) - No Roo of course not

Roo - Then keep that dumb trap shut or I'll beat you into next week

Alice has arrived, as has Chrissie

Chrissie goes to the mirror and starts combing her hair

Brumby - G'day Lurch

Alice ignores her

Brumby - Hey I said G'day

Alice - Yeah I heard you....you can stick it. After what you did to Reet, you're just scum to me

Roo lets out an evil laugh

Roo - No one likes you do they, Tucker!

Alice - No one likes you either Morgan...especially after what you did to Lisa

Roo - Oh give it a break...Mullins did it to herself...no one made her take the drugs

Alice - Yeah well just watch ya back ok

Roo (smirking) - Thanks for the advice but I reckon I'll be fine thanks. No one around here is up for taking me on and I got mates Jenkins...more and more by the day, ain't that right Chrissie

Chrissie -Yeah that's right

Alice - Yeah?

Roo - Yeah... I mean your mate Connors can hardly take me on now can she? With a bit of luck, she'll drop dead pretty soon...she looked about ready for it when I saw her the other day. You know it's sad in a way, she was so strong, so powerful at blackmoor and now she's nothing. Still, you should be happy, at least she can keep Mullins company soon can't she

Alice loses it and flies at Roo's cubicle door, yanking it open she pulls Roo out by the hair. Roo is still half-dressed


Chrissie - Hey let her go!

Chrissie runs to protect Roo but Alice shoves her away

Alice - Keep out of this Latham

She drags Roo to the toilet and forces her onto her knees before forcing her head down the pan and flushing

Brumby watches with delight

Alice holds her head under the water longer and Roo struggles

Chrissie - Bleeding hell do ya want her to drown?

Alice lets go

Alice - Nah, ain't doing more time for her

Roo gets up

Roo - You'll pay for that Jenkins!

Chrissie offers Roo a towel but Roo aggressively pushes it away grabs her dressing gown and storms out

Brumby - Hey nice one Lurch

Alice pretends not to hear her and grabs an empty shower

The governor's office. Meg is standing behind the desk along with Dwyer. The other officers are gathered around

Meg - Now I'm afraid we have some rather bad news for you all.....Mrs. Reynolds has been involved in a hit and run, she is in hospital.

Joyce (clutching her cheek) - Oh how awful. Is she ok?

Meg - No I'm afraid not. She is in a critical condition I'm afraid

Rodney is standing there looking extremely worried

Rodney - Do the police have any idea who the culprit was?

Dwyer - No it seems they drove away, didn't even stop.

Meg - There was a witness, one of Mrs. Reynolds's neighbours but they are elderly with poor eyesight. They were unable to catch the car number plate or get a good view of the driver.

Marty - How can people live with themselves after they have done something like that?

Meg - It beats me. If Mrs. Reynolds dies it's a little short of murder in my mind

Rodney looks ready to pass out



Rodney storms into Roo's cell slamming the door behind him. Roo is sat vigorously drying her wet hair with a towel

Roo - Whatever happened to knocking Mr. Adams?

Rodney - Never mind that now! I need answers! Did you arrange for Mrs. Reynolds to be hit by a car?

Roo - Of course I did Mr. Adams, that's what you wanted, isn't it? Reynolds out of the way for good?

Rodney - Sure I wanted her out of the way but not dead! My god, I didn't join the prison service to kill people

Roo gives Rodney a mild look of contempt

Roo - Well either way your problem is out of your hair isn't she

Rodney - She's not even dead yet she's in a coma!

Roo - We can easily fix that

Rodney - How?

Roo - You could easily go in and hold a pillow over her face

Rodney (horrified expression) - No way are you mad?

Roo (Shrugs) - Makes no difference to me Mr. Adams. You're the one who wanted her out of the way, not me. I just did you a favour as you asked

Rodney - You're crazy Morgan, I want no part in this. From now on you're on your own you can forget about a partnership with me. My god I thought Maxwell was bad but you!

Roo - I don't think so junior. No one walks out on me unless I dismiss them

Rodney (smug look) - Just watch me. I might even go to the police and tell them you're behind this. I'm sure with a little digging they would find some evidence against you

Roo - Then I'd have to tell them about your involvement in this too wouldn't i.

Rodney - I'd just deny it. It'd be my word against yours and who do you think they would believe? Me or you? I mean you're the convicted crim not me

Roo (smug smirk)- You're in it up to your neck

Roo walks across to her music stereo system and turns on the tape player

Roo - Did you bring the stuff in as agreed?

Rodney - Yes...and I hid it where you wanted

Roo - Nice work....you won't regret this. I never forget a favour

Rodney - That's good Morgan because now I want a favour in return

Roo - Oh yeah? Like what?

Rodney - The governor....I want you to get rid of her

Roo - Get rid of her how?

Rodney - I don't know. Use your contacts to set her up, frame her for something, make sure she loses her job. Anything. I just want her out of Wentworth for good

Roo - You not a fan of hers then?

Rodney - I would be fine with her if she didn't have it in for me, she's always had it in for me and she wants to get me thrown out of the prison service. Well, I can't have that!

Roo - No of course not!

Rodney - So if you want a partnership, if you want me to help you out again you help me out too. You don't get anything for nothing, we help each other.

Rodney stops the tape, pulls it out, and rips it into bits

Roo - oh you're welcome to that one Mr. Adams, I have plenty of copies hidden away. Not just of that conversation either, but everyone we've had. insurance you see

Rodney - Nice try but it won't work. Maxwell tried that trick on me too and turned out there was nothing at all, she was bluffing

Roo - Yeah, well I'm not Maxwell am i. You're dealing with the real thing here and you better believe it. You open your mouth about anything and you can be sure a tape will find its way into the hands of the cops

Rodney has turned red in the face. Shaking with rage he turns to leave in a fury

Roo - Oh Mr. Adams, before you go

Rodney turns back

Roo - I want you to meet my contact again, bring in some more drugs for me. You'll see to it, won't you? Meet him same time same place later tonight

Rodney leaves. Roo chuckles

The dining room

Chrissie is sat by herself eating as Brumby casually comes over to sit beside her

Chrissie - Who said you could sit here Tucker?

Brumby - Well seeing as we're cellmates I thought...

Chrissie - You thought wrong, get lost

Brumby - Bugger you bitch!

Vicki - There's a seat over here if you want it Brum

Brumby - Stick it lezzo

Brumby sits down next to Merle in a huff

Brumby - G'day Merle

Merle - Ya ain't gonna be nasty to me today are ya?

Brumby - No, you can have some of me brekkie if ya like

Merle - Gee cheers!

Roo storms in and makes a beeline for Chrissie

Alice - Gee what's that stink!

There is a short burst of laughter. Roo ignores it

Roo - After you've finished this pigs slop meet me in the dorm and bring as many of the girls as you can

Chrissie - Why?

Roo - Jenkins. She needs fixing. No one does that to me and gets away with it

The reward flat.

Rita and Kath are having breakfast together

Kath - This is good Rita, I never knew you were such a good cook

Rita lets out a laugh

Rita - Nor did i

Kath - Who would have thought it eh, us two sitting down to breakfast together

Rita gives Kath a knowing smile

Rita - Yeah I know. Well, I reckon life is full of surprises. Take my cancer, if someone had told me i was gonna be out for the count this early in my life I'd never have believed it

Kath - Don't let it beat you, you're strong you can fight it

Rita- Oh don't worry I'm not beaten yet....not till we sort Roo out anyway...Did you bring it?

Kath - Yeah, it's in my pocket

Rita - well don't keep me in suspense, let's see it eh!

Kath produces a knife

Rita examines it with delight

Rita - Nice, very nice. How did you get your hands on this?

Kath - Let's just say he might be a creep but Adams had his uses

Rita - I like your style sister

Kath - Well thank you

Rita - More coffee?

Kath - Yeah I wouldn't say no

Rita goes to the kitchen to put on the kettle

Kath - Um listen Rita...I'm worried about you and Lurch, she's very upset ya know

Rita (looking guilty) - Yeah I know. Look I'll make things up with her but after we've fixed morgan

Kath nods

Rita opens a cupboard and takes out some bottles of booze

Rita - I got these off Simpson ages ago. was saving them for a special occasion. I reckon nows a good time don't you

Kath - Shouldn't we wait till we've fixed her first?

Rita - Nah, she's dead already...Anyway let's toast to old enemies becoming friends

The governor's office. Meg is sat in Ann's chair and Dwyer in a chair on the other side of the desk

Dwyer - Of course as deputy you're in line for acting governor at this time. However, I am taking this opportunity to bring in a new governor, possibly a new permanent governor

Meg looks disgusted

Meg - You are joking aren't you?

Dwyer - I most certainly am not. I haven't been happy with the way Mrs. Reynolds has been running Wentworth for a while now. Far too soft. But you can be sure the new governor will soon get things fixed here

Meg (furious) - You disgust me...Mrs. Reynolds is lying in the hospital in a critical condition and all you care about is bringing in a replacement

Dwyer ( angry) - Now listen to me, Mrs. Morris. Maybe Mrs. Reynolds puts up with this sort of insubordination but I can assure you I don't.

Meg - But it's like you don't even care about what has happened to Mrs. Reynolds!

Dwyer gives Meg a disarming smile

Dwyer - Of course we all want Mrs. Reynolds to pull through but let's not forget the matter at hand. We must not allow this unfortunate event to distract us from the running of Wentworth.

Meg - So when will we expect this new governor then?

Dwyer - Anytime now, I'll hang around to greet her. I left orders at reception to ring through when she arrives

Meg - You don't waste any time do you?

Dwyer - No as I said I have been planning this for a while now. Nows as good a time as any. I expect you to give the new governor your full support

Meg gives Dwyer a filthy look

Meg (hostile) - Yes of course Mr. Dwyer

Merle is in her cell searching. Rodney arrives

Rodney - What's going on here Jones? Bit of a mess?

Merle - Gee Mr. Adams I'm going real crazy here

Rodney - Whys that?

Merle - I can't find me captain marvellous comic I've searched everywhere, it's me favourite

Rodney - Gee that's tough Merle, I know how much you like your comics

Merle (close to tears) - Someone must have took it

Rodney - Oh? Like who?

Merle - I dunno, a vandal!

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