
Joyce is on reception doing paperwork as Pat comes thru wearing her coat ready to go home.

Pat - Well I'm off.

Joyce - You must be very tired after doing a double shift?

Pat - I am, but I wasn't the only one. Mr Adams did a double shift today too.... still would take a double shift over the nightshift any day

Joyce - Oh I know, I do hate the nightshift it's so boring

Pat - Well you're on with Officer Bailey tonight, I just saw her in the staffroom having a coffee, why don't you pop down and join her?

Joyce - Yes I might just do that in a sec once I type up these reports

Pat - Night then

Joyce - Night Pat

Pat goes to sign out

Pat - That's odd

Joyce - What is?

Pat - According to this Rodney hasn't signed out, he was due off half an hour ago...

Joyce - Odd. I better go and look for him

Pat - Want me to come with you?

Joyce - No you get off I'm sure myself and officer Barfield can find him.

Pat - But something might have happened to him.

Joyce - He's probably just lost track of time, it's easily done in this place

Pat - True. Well goodnight

Pat signs out and leaves. Joyce tuts and rolls her eyes before making off to look for Rodney

Meg is at home sitting in front of the TV in her dressing gown, she is watching a late-night talk show. The doorbell goes. Meg looks at the clock

Meg (to herself) - Who could that be at this time of night?

Meg goes to the door

Meg - Who is it?

A voice from outside - The police

Meg looks worried and opens the door. A policeman and woman are at the door.

The policeman - Meg Morris?

Meg - Yes....whats happened?

The policeman - It's nothing to worry about. Do you know an Elizabeth Birdsworth?

Meg (surprised) - Birdsworth? Yes

The policeman - She's in hospital and she named you as her next of kin

Meg - Did she indeed?!

The policewoman - Are you not then? She told us you were her niece

The policeman - We had trouble tracking you down as she gave us your old address

Meg - What has happened to her?

The policewoman - She fell down a flight of stairs at the old peoples home she is living in. She is claiming a member of staff pushed her and is refusing to return there. She is even saying she will commit an offence if she has to in order to go back to prison

Meg (Shocked) - Old people's home? The last time I saw her she was living with her son and his family

The policeman - She didn't say anything about a son. The only person she asked for was you.

The policewoman - She is pretty distressed by all accounts...do you want to see her? We can take you there now

Meg - Ok, give me 5 minutes to get dressed.

Kath thrashes around.

Rodney - Stop fighting me Kath, you're just going to make this harder for both of us.

Kath - Rodney just stop behaving like this, get off me and we'll talk

Rodney - What is there to talk about? I gave you the options, but you want to be difficult

Kath - So you're going to force me into it? That's rape and I know you don't want to rape me, Rodney. Remember the time you hit me, how bad you felt afterwards? How bad will you feel if you rape me?


Rodney - I hit you cos I care about you, I told you that

Kath (rubbing Rodney's cheek, soothing) - I know. I care about you too.

Rodney - Why do you fight me and reject me all the time then?

Kath - I'm just stubborn sometimes Rodney, I don't always know what's best for myself, I ended up in here for life, after all, that shows you how smart I am, doesn't it. Do smart girls get sent to prison?

Rodney lets Kath go and sits up

Rodney - You are smart. That's what attracted me to you in the first place. All those times I helped you out, placing bets for the TAB, helping you when you escaped, I did it all because I care about you and I wanted to help you

Kath - Rodney, I know and I'm grateful, really I am

Rodney - Then why treat me the way you do? Blackmailing me over fake bottles and all the other stuff.

Kath - In all honesty, I still hold a grudge about the time you told the police where I was and when you hit me.

Rodney - But I told you, I did it because I care...

Kath - I realise this now. But as I told you just now I can be a stubborn cow sometimes, holding on to foolish grudges. Forgive me?

Rodney (smiling) - Of course

Kath - Good. Now, why don't you get off now before the other officers notice you're missing and we'll talk again tomorrow?

Rodney - No I want to be with you right now while we have the chance. No one will miss me. It's only Barfield and Pringle on tonight and you can get anything past those two.

Kath - No another night I promise. I'm just tired tonight

Rodney - You're lying! You're treating me like a fool again!

Kath - I'm not!

Rodney - Yes you are! You bitch!

Rodney attacks Kath again. She screams

Rodney places a hand over her mouth

Rodney - Shut up! No one will hear you anyway

Suddenly Joyce appears at the doorway

Joyce - Mr Adams! What on earth is going on here?

Rodney jumps up like a frightened rabbit

Rodney - Mrs Pringle!..

Joyce - Well Mr Adams? I'm waiting for an explanation

Rodney leads Joyce out of the cell and locks the door. Kath jumps out of bed and rushes to the door to listen

Rodney leads Joyce up the corridor a bit

Rodney - Look I came to check on Maxwell and she was being hysterical. She kept screaming and headbutting the wall. She wouldn't respond when I told her to stop. I went in to calm her down but she tried to attack me. I had to restrain her to stop her from hurting herself

Joyce - I see.....well that doesn't explain..... no-no, sorry I'm sure I'm being silly

Rodney - What Mrs Pringle?

Joyce - Well I've been on reception for half an hour and Officer Slattery didn't see you for some time before she left. It seems odd that you wouldn't come for help. Sister hall could have sedated her.

Rodney - Well I wanted to try and talk to her. I feel a bit sorry for her you know.

Joyce - Well yes I do understand, you've always had a soft spot for her, haven't you? But you should have got help

Rodney - Are you going to report this to Mrs Reynolds?

Joyce - Yes of course. You know full well I have to report anything like this

Rodney - Can't we just keep it between ourselves and Maxwell? She seems calm enough now and I can't afford any more black marks against me. Mrs Reynolds could report me and I could face a disciplinary


Joyce - Well... I don't know.

Rodney - No harm has been done

Joyce - No, no I suppose not....you better get off home now Mr Adams

Rodney - So you won't report it?

Joyce - No, I suppose we can keep this to ourselves this time. But don't ask me to do this again. In future remember to follow the correct procedure

Rodney - I will and thank you.

Rodney walks away. Joyce approaches Kath's cell. Kath rushes back to the bed as Joyce opens the hatch

Joyce - Everything ok Maxwell? Mr Adams told me what happened

Kath - Yes I'm fine

Joyce - I can get Sister hall to give you something to help you sleep if you like?

Kath - No I'm ok

Joyce - Well try to rest now.

Joyce shuts the hatch and walks off

Meg is at the hospital being shown into one of the wards by a nurse who points her to a bed. Lizzie is sitting up in bed with her arm in a sling

Meg (smiling) - Hello Lizzie

Lizzie - G'day Mrs Morris!

Meg takes a seat

Meg - What's all this I hear about being pushed down the stairs at the old people's home? About telling the police you will commit a crime to get put back inside?

Lizzie - Yer, well I'd rather be in Wentworth than that dump Somerset Villa. The staff there are worse than the bleeding screws, fair dinkum Mrs Morris

Meg - What happened for you to end up in there Lizzie? Why aren't you with your family?

Lizzie (sad) - Didn't work out that's all

Meg (smiling) - Now c'mon Lizzie, you can't get out of it that easily. I want to know what's happened... I'm your concerned niece remember

Lizzie (crafty smile) - Yer, well I had to tell em something..... couldn't tell em you're a screw could I, they know I've been inside in the past

Meg - You could have said I was a friend

Lizzie - Suppose

Meg - So tell me why you're not living with your son anymore

Lizzie (shrugging) - I was getting in the way weren't I. They didn't want a useless old fool like me hanging around so they shoved me in Somerset Villa

Meg (surprised) - I find that hard to believe, Arthur seemed such a nice man

Lizzie - He is but his wife isn't? She's a stinking lousy bitch and she makes everyone lives bleeding miserable

Meg - Now c'mon Lizzie. You sure you didn't cause problems for them?

Lizzie (indignant) - Why should I want to do that? No, I was happy to have a family. I never done a thing to cause them problems fair dinkum

Meg (waving an arm in defeat) - Okay, I believe you. Can't blame me for wondering... So what's all this about being pushed down the stairs?

Lizzie - One of the staff there done it, gawd she was worse than that bloody old Freak at Wentworth. I'd rather go back to Wentworth than go back there

Meg - Are you sure you didn't get drunk and fall down those stairs, Lizzie?

Lizzie - Bugger me sideways! Course I'm bloody sure, you think I don't know the difference between falling and being pushed? Gawd I may be old but I ain't lost me marbles just yet....and I've reported the rotten bitch

Meg - Fine. But where will you stay? You can't be serious about going back to Wentworth?

Lizzie - Why not? That place was home to me. All me mates were there.

Meg - Well none of them are there anymore Lizzie, you wouldn't know anyone now

Lizzie - What no one at all?

Meg - Well Chrissie is back... and Lorna and Tina are still there

Lizzie (happy)- Yeah?

Meg - Yes...but you're not going back there, I won't allow it

Lizzie (shrugging) - Way I see it there's not a lot you can do to stop it..... like ya say I ain't got anywhere else to stay

Meg - And there's no way you can go back to live with your son?

Lizzie - Nope none, not a cat in hell dancing on a hot tin roof of a chance, not while he's married to that dried-up old husk of a bitch anyway

Meg (unsure) - I suppose you could stay with me for a few days?

Lizzie - Yeah?

Meg - Just until we can find you something more suitable that is

Lizzie - YOU RIPPER! I knew you wouldn't let me down, Mrs Morris

Lizzie throws an arm around Meg and laughs with delight



It is morning. Ann is sitting at her table having breakfast when her doorbell goes. It's Joyce. Joyce looks agitated

Ann - Joyce?

Joyce - Morning Mrs Reynolds... I've just finished the night shift. I must talk to you, it's urgent.

Ann - Come in

They go inside

Ann - Coffee?

Joyce - Oh no thank you... I must get home to Mervin.

Ann - So what's the problem

Joyce - Well, I wasn't sure if I should tell you about this but it's been bothering me. It's about Mr Adams

Ann looks intrigued

Exterior shot of Wentworth.

Inside the women are at breakfast. Alice is sat with Lisa and Merle as Roo swaggers over to them and stands in front of Alice

Alice - What do you want?

Roo - Just wondered where Connors was

Alice - Why? So you can cause more trouble? I'm warning you Morgan keep away from her, she's sick.

Roo - Keep ya knickers on Jenkins, I was just curious

Vicki has been listening from the next table

Vicki - Connors is in the reward flat, she gets special privileges now

Roo (interested) - Reward flat?

Vicki - Yeah, Reynolds had this flat built with its own kitchen bathroom, unlimited access to tv, access to the grounds. It's supposed to be a reward for those of us who earn it...trouble is none of us gets to use it since Connors took up permanent residence

Alice - Shut up McPherson

Vicki - Just saying it ain't fair that's all!

Alice - Reet's sick

Vicki - So? Ain't my problem. Why should the rest of us miss out just cos Connors is gonna cark it?

Alice flies across the room and pulls Vicki out of her chair.

Alice - Watch it, McPherson

Vicki - Okay Okay, relax will ya

Unnamed officer - Problem ladies?

Alice - No, everything's fine.

She lets go of Vicki and sits back down

Vicki - Can't say anything around here these days

Roo - Where's ya mate Tucker this morning?

Vicki (shrugging) - Dunno, ain't seen her since the showers

Alice - Bitch is probably too scared to show her face...

...Roo has sat down with Chrissie

Roo - You hear that about a reward flat with its own garden?

Chrissie - Yeah

Roo - Reynolds must be a real pushover, Craven would never have allowed that at Blackmoor

Chrissie - Nor would Old Bennett at Barnehurst

Roo - I reckon escaping from this place is gonna be real easy...real easy...

...Back with Alice

Vicki - All I'm saying is go easy on her, the poor bitch only did what she had to to survive Blackmoor

Alice - That's no excuse for what she did so save your breath

Vicki leaves in a strop

Lisa - Maybe Vicki has a point Lurch, we don't know how bad things were at Blackmoor to make Brumby do that

Alice - Yeah, well it's up to Reet what she wants to do anyway but Tucker better keep out of my way

Merle is playing with her food

Alice - What's wrong Merle?

Merle - I miss Kath

Lisa - Hey she'll be back soon

Alice - I wonder why she been put in solitary anyway

Lisa - Buggered if I know...

Alice (looking over at Roo) - What worries me is will Kath still be top dog by the time she gets out?

Lisa - You reckon Morgan's gonna try and take over?

Alice - Yer I do

Ann's place

Joyce - So he claimed Maxwell had taken a funny turn, but when I turned up I felt like he was attacking her. The way he jumped up like he'd been caught out.

Ann - I see

Joyce - Oh Mrs Reynolds I hate to tell tales on other officers, I always like to keep on good terms with everyone. He asked me not to say anything, I feel terrible really

Ann - Don't worry Joyce, you've done the right thing..... the fact that he even asked you to keep it to yourself makes it even more suspicious. I'll deal with it, thank you for telling me

Joyce (sighing deeply and shaking her head) - It just didn't feel right you know?

Ann - Yes I do

Rita is in the reward flat cooking sausages when someone knocks at the door

Rita - Come in

A sheepish looking Brumby comes in head bowed

Rita (aggressive) - Get lost, Tucker!

Brumby - Look Reet I came to explain...

Rita - Save it, I'm not interested

Brumby - But you know what Roo's like... what blackmoor was like under craven

Rita (angry) - Listen, get this into your head. Nothing you say can make this better. From now on you don't look at me, you don't talk to me, you stay away from me you got that?

Brumby is tearful

Brumby - Please Reet, we're mates

Rita - WERE mates Tucker. WERE!

Brumby (Crying) - Please Rita, I've lost me best friend Spike, I don't wanna lose another friend

Rita - Friends don't do things like that to each other. You lost Spike because you did the dirty on her just like you have done to me. Sure I know what it was like at Blackmoor but friends never sell each other out no matter how hard it gets.

Brumby cries some more

Rita - Save your tears, they don't impress me....and I'm sure your new mate Vicki will stick by you. She'll probably idolise you like she idolised Simpson, she was a nasty little bitch as well. The old Vic likes 'em mean, go cry to her Tucker

Brumby runs out

Rita (yelling out after her) - That's it keep running Tucker you little parasite.

Meg pulls up outside her flat with Lizzie in the passenger seat

Meg - Well here we are

They get out and walk up the driveway

Meg - How's the arm this morning?

Lizzie - Bloody sore!.....broken bones don't heal quickly at my age, I'm too old to be going thru all this

Meg (smiling) - c'mon now Lizzie, I've never known you to let anything get you down for too long. Now let's get inside and I'll make you a nice cup of tea eh

Ann has arrived at work. Marty is in reception

Marty - Morning governor

Ann - Morning... go and get Maxwell and bring her to my office right away, please

Ann storms off abruptly

Brumby goes to her cell and lays on her bed. The door slams shut and she sits up startled. It's Roo

Roo - Been waiting for ya Tucker

Brumby - Get lost Roo, haven't you done enough damage already. Rita hates me now

Roo (chuckling) - She's not the only one kid, that dopey one who follows her around hates you too,

Brumby - Lurch? Great!....thanks a lot Roo!

Roo - Don't mention it... now I'm going to do you another favour

She pulls Brumby off the bed

Roo - I'm going to teach you some manners... it seems you have forgotten the lessons learnt from the other occasions, Tucker

Brumby (terrified) - No please Roo!......

Roo rolls her sleeves up with a sadistic look on her face

....Vicki is coming down the corridor and hears cries of pain coming from Brumby's cell. She rushes in to find Brumby curled up in agony on the floor as Roo kicks her

Vicki - Hey stop that!

Roo - Keep out of this unless you want some too?

Vicki - Look she's had enough

Roo pulls Brumby onto her knees and gets a hand around her throat

Roo - Have you had enough Tucker? Learnt your lesson?

Brumby - Yes Roo

Roo shoves her back to the floor with a look of contempt and turns to Vicki

Roo - Here's the deal. From now on I'm in charge of the drugs trade. You both work for me....you understand?

Vicki - Sure Roo. But the top dog won't like it you know

Roo - You needn't worry about her, she's finished. I'm taking over this flea pit

Vicki - Well there's Mr Adams too... you see he's kinda...

Roo - I know all about your Mr Adams... and you needn't worry about him either. I have him under control too.

Vicki - Gee how did you manage that?

Roo - I have my way and that's all you need to know. Now I have work to do I will speak to you later

Roo leaves and Vicki bends down and helps Brumby off the floor and onto the bed

Vicki - Are you ok?

Brumby (crying, snappy) - What do you reckon?

Vicki - Yeah sorry dumb question... gee she really made a mess of you didn't she

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