

The women return from an outdoor rec period noisy and in high spirits. They are coming into reception

Rodney - QUIET!

Alice - Ohhh, we're just happy Mr Adams, finally got rid of that bitch

Rodney (smirking) - I'm still here, remember that. Anyone who wants to end up in solitary keep the noise up!

Ann strolls thru

Ann - What's all this about solitary Mr. Adams?

Rodney (pleased with himself) - The women were being too noisy Mrs. Reynolds, just reminding them who's boss

Ann - I think the women are entitled to celebrate a little this morning, don't you Mr. Adams. A little noise won't hurt anyone

Alice - Yay! Good on ya Mrs. Reynolds

The women carry on through and Rodney folds his arms in annoyance and looks humiliated.

Rodney - I'd like a word please Mrs. Reynolds

Ann - Can't it wait? I am busy this morning

Rodney (borderline tantrum) - No it can't wait!

Ann - Very well, what is it?

Rodney - I don't like the way you undermine me in front of the women. I get made to look like a fool. How can I get them to take me seriously when even the governor won't?

Ann - Perhaps if you relaxed your attitude a little the women might respect you more. It never does to be overly harsh on them

Rodney (petulant) - Listen Mrs. Reynolds...

Ann - No you listen. We have just got rid of one corrupt officer, it would serve you well to bear in mind that the same could happen to you. Now if that's all I have work to do

Rodney storms off

Ann approaches Officer Slattery at the desk

Pat - Some people never change eh

Ann (sighing) - No.....any messages for me

Pat - Just this one from Miss Bennett at Barnehurst. Two transfers coming over this morning

She hands Ann a sheet of paper. Ann studies it and looks worried

Pat - Just what we need right now isn't it, more troublemakers that Barnehurst can't handle

Rodney has met Kath in an isolated spot and hands her some bottles of drink

Rodney - I won't do this again Maxwell, you understand?

Kath - Oh I think you will Rodney, the fingerprints remember?

Rodney - Look the governors just itching for an excuse to fire me! She hates me

Kath - Well don't give her an excuse then Rodney

Rodney - You're a bitch Maxwell, I really cared about you you know!

Kath (mock sympathy) - Just keep those bottles coming Adams and things will run along fine

Rodney storms off

Vicki and Brumby are coming up the corridor whispering away

Kath - Tucker! Mcpherson get here now!

They approach Kath

Vicki - Yeah?

Kath (suspicious) - What are you two up to?

Brumby - Nothing? What do you think we'd be up to? Just passing the time of day

Kath - Good, I'd hate to see any more drugs coming in

Vicki (shrugging) - Sure Kath no worries

Kath - Good, just you remember who's top dog around here now.

Brumby: Sure thing mon Capitan

Kath walks away. Vicki and Brumby watch her go

Vicki - Silly bitch! Like we're gonna listen to her!

Brumby - You got more gear coming in?

Vicki - Of course. Spider's contact is bringing it in this afternoon.

Brumby looks delighted

The women are in the laundry. Kath comes in

Kath - I have some good news.....later tonight we will have a party to celebrate getting rid of the freak.


She shows everyone the bottles

Kath - It will be a good night

Everyone cheers

Kath hides them behind a drier

Alice - Good old Mr. Adams eh

Kath - Yup, he is so generous isn't he.

They all laugh

Kath gets on the press. Alice approaches looking a bit worried

Alice - Kath...I'm worried about Rita, she's really down.

Kath - She seemed ok earlier

Alice - Yeah. When we saw the freak off she was in high spirits but since then she's been real down. I'm real worried

Kath - Where is she now?

Alice - In the reward flat, just laying on her bed staring into space. Won't even speak to me

Kath - Just give her time. Be there for her, that's all you can do....when she wants to talk she will

Alice - Yeah suppose.....

Ann is in her office when Meg enters carrying a tray of tea and biscuits

Ann - Ah Meg, glad you're here I need to tell you something

Meg lays the tray down and sits down

Meg - Ooh this sounds serious

Ann - It is

She hands Meg a piece of paper

Ann - These are transfers from Barnehurst. Expected sometime this morning

Meg studies the paper. She looks concerned

Meg - Oh.....

Ann - Yes. I thought I should talk to you about it before she arrives. I hope it won't be a problem

Meg - Not for me it won't

Ann - But what about Marty?

Meg (nods grimly) - I'll talk to him

Ann nods back

Ann - And I'm worried about the second name too

Meg - Why?

Ann - You don't recognize the name?

Meg - No, Should I?

Ann - Rita Connors Meg. When she finds out I dread to think how she will react. She has enough of a struggle with cancer without having her here to torment her as well.

Meg looks concerned and confused

Lisa is out alone on the skip, humming away to herself. Rodney is hiding in a cell and grabs her as she walks past. He slings her on the bed.

Lisa looks startled

Rodney - Been waiting for you Mullins

Lisa - What do you want?

Rodney - A chat, just a chat that's all

Lisa - What about?

Rodney - The bottles of course. I want them! I want them now. You're going to tell me where they are

Lisa gets up. She has turned cocky

Lisa - Like hell I am

She tries to leave but Rodney grabs her and throws her against the wall. She tries to scream but he places a hand over her mouth

Rodney - Don't mess with me, Mullins. Not ever! I got you put back in here remember! I can also find ways to keep making your sentence longer and longer if I like. You could be here for years Mullins, think of your future

Lisa - You wouldn't dare. Kath will...

Rodney slaps Lisa hard in the face

Rodney - Maxwell won't make a fool of me anymore! None of you will! Tell me where the bottles are NOW!

Lisa - You bastard!

She spits in his face

Rodney slaps her again, harder still

Rodney - I can carry on if you like or you can co-operate and I'll stop

Lisa is crying

Rodney raises his hand

Rodney - I'm waiting! Want some more?

Lisa - There are no bottles!

Rodney - What?

Lisa - There are no bottles. Kath and I made it up

Rodney - Don't treat me for a fool Mullins!

Lisa - It's the truth I swear!


Rodney (surprised) - You really mean it don't you? Maxwell's been blackmailing me over nothing?

Lisa (spiteful) - Yeah.....we all hate you, you bastard

Rodney (face red, seething with anger) - Return to your work

Lisa runs out of the room

Vicki is in the boiler room when a man in workman overalls comes in looking pensive. He hands her a package. They nod at each other curtly and he leaves

Vicki - Nice one Spid!

Pat Slattery is in the staffroom drinking tea when Meg enters

Pat - Well hello Meg, not seen you all morning

Meg - No I've been very busy!

Pat - There is tea in the pot if you want some

Meg - No thank you, I can't stop. I'm looking for Marty, do you know where he is?

Pat - Off on rounds somewhere

Meg - Damn!

Pat - Is it important?

Meg - Yes very

Pat - Can I pass on a message if I see him?

Meg - Just tell him I'm looking for him

Meg marches out of the room.

Rodney goes to the laundry

Rodney - Maxwell outside at once!

They go outside

Kath - What is it now Rodney?

Rodney - I know the truth about the bottles...I know they don't exist

Kath - Rubbish of course they exist...

Rodney - Save your breath. Mullins told me the truth

Kath (incredulous) - What!

Rodney - She had no choice in the matter. I gave her a little gentle persuasion...You made a fool out of me and I don't like that.

Kath - You made a fool of yourself Adams, you always do

Rodney - Shut up and listen! I want you to know something, I want you to know that I am going to make you pay for making a fool out of me, you understand?

Kath - I'm not scared of you Rodney

Rodney - You should be because I'm going to make your life hell. I learned a lot from Ferguson

Rodney walks away and Kath looks slightly unnerved

A prison wagon can be seen pulling into the front gate. The gate guard sees it through before returning to his booth and picking up the phone.....

...Officer Radcliffe is on reception as the gate guard calls through

Officer Radcliffe - Yes, I'll tell her. Thank you

Ann is in her office doing paperwork when the phone rings. Its officer Radcliffe

Officer Radcliffe - Mrs. Reynolds, the gate guard called through to say the new arrivals are here

Ann looks at her watch

Ann - This early? We weren't expecting them for a few more hours....thank you, Mrs. Radcliffe

Ann hangs up and marches quickly out of the office.

Vicki and Brumby are in Vicki's cell with the door shut

Brumby (agitated) - Look I don't like this, someone should be keeping nit

Vicki - Ah relax Brum, it'll be fine

Vicki is rolling joints

Brumby - Gotta hand it to Simpson she sure knows what she's doing

Vicki - She's the best

Brumby - Gawd you two on together or what? The way you talk bout her anyone would think you was lovers

Vicki (laughing awkwardly) - She's me mate that's all

Suddenly the door flies open. Its Rodney

Rodney - Well well well what's going on here then 'ladies'?

Both girls look alarmed



Back to Vicki's cell

Rodney has taken hold of the gear

Vicki - Oh come on Mr. Adams, what's the harm in a bit of weed and some pills?

Rodney (smirking) - You know the rules McPherson, I should take you both to the governor right away

Brumby - Oh please Mr. Adams...

Rodney - Relax tucker, I should but I won't

Vicki (surprised) - Huh?

Rodney - It's simple. Give me a cut of your profits and I'll keep quiet about it

Vicki - How much?

Rodney - 50%

Brumby - What? That only leaves us with 25% each

Rodney - Tough!

Vicki - That stinks!

Rodney - That's the deal girls. Take it or leave it

Brumby - You can stick it!

Rodney - Ok, we'll go to the governor right now, shall we?

Vicki (long pause) - We'll take it Mr. Adams.

Rodney - Good, I knew you'd see sense

He takes some weed and some pills from the supply

Rodney - I'll take these too

Vicki and Brumby moan in protest

Vicki - We won't have any supply at all if you keep on taking it.

Rodney hands the rest back

Rodney - Don't worry I won't usually take any of the supply but this time I need some for a special project

Rodney grins evilly


Roo Morgan and Chrissie Latham are standing on the white line being inducted by Officer Radcliffe

Marty comes in

Marty - Ah, new arrivals?

Officer Radcliffe - Yes, from Barnehurst. Too much trouble for them

She points to Roo

Officer Radcliffe - This one went out on a work program in the local fields and took the opportunity to try and escape

Roo - Can't blame a girl for trying can ya...

Chrissie (giggles) - Too bleeding right....what with that old bitch Bennett making our lives hell

Officer Radcliffe - Well don't expect things to be better here Latham

Chrissie - No? I heard the governor was a real pussycat

Marty - Latham?

Officer Radcliffe - Yeah Chrissie Latham

Marty - Why does that name sound familiar?

Marty looks thoughtful

Marty - Have we met before Latham?

Chrissie shrugs - Don't think so. What's ya name? Maybe you were one of me clients?

Chrissie lets out a naughty giggle and Roo gives the smallest of grins

Marty - I'm officer Jackson to you. Marty Jackson

The colour drains from Chrissie's face but she says nothing

Chrissie - Look can we bleeding get this over with? I need to make a phone call

Officer Radcliffe - We'll get it done in our own time, Latham! And anymore cheek and you'll find yourself on a charge

Chrissie - Yeah yeah sorry

Ann comes in

Marty is still observing Chrissie with suspicion. Ann notices. She approaches Officer Radcliffe

Ann - Bring them both to my office once you've inducted them please I want a word with them both

Officer Radcliffe - Of course governor

Ann - Marty a word.....

They step into the corridor outside. Marty glances back at Chrissie

Ann - Did Meg get a chance to speak to you?

Marty - Mum? No, not seen her since we saw Ferguson off this morning

Ann nods her head gravely

Ann - I see...

Marty - You know something, that name Latham, I'm sure I have heard that name somewhere

Ann - Well yes......

Meg arrives on the scene and notices Chrissie in reception. Chrissie glances over nervously

Meg - Oh Marty I wanted to tell you first before you found out like this

Ann - Meg.....

Meg - Now I realise this might be difficult for you but you must remember it was all such a long time ago now. I forgave Latham I hope you can do the same...

Marty - What are you talking about.....hang on

Marty has a moment of realization

Marty - She's the one who killed dad, isn't she?

Meg - You didn't know? I thought...

Ann - No Meg, I was about to...

Marty - I need to get back to work

Meg - Marty I think...

Marty (abrupt) - Later ok

Marty walks off

Meg - Gee I really messed that one up didn't I!

Ann - I tried to tell him, Meg, you turned up before I could break it to him

Rodney goes to Kath's cell and plants the drugs in her locker. He is just leaving as Merle bounds in

Merle (suspicious) - What you doing here?

Rodney - None of your business Jones. Get back to work

Merle - I don't have to work, Tom said so, we are doing spellings

Rodney - Well get back there then

Merle - I only came in for me jacket!

Rodney - Well get it and hurry up

Merle (indignant) - Why do ya have to be so rude all the time!

Rodney - I suppose you think you're pretty smart now that Lucas is teaching you? It's all a damn waste of time if you ask me. The department's money could be spent on other things

Merle ignores him

Rodney - I'm talking to you jones!

Merle - I don't have to speak to you if I don't want to, Tom says so

Merle puts her jacket on and skips off cheerfully. Rodney looks annoyed

Chrissie and Roo are sitting outside Ann's office. Meg comes out.

Meg - Morgan, the governor will see you first.

Roo goes inside. Meg stays outside with Chrissie

Meg - What are you doing back here Chrissie? I thought you were going to try and make a go of staying clean last time you got out

Chrissie - Oh Mrs. Morris I was, but you know what it's like for ex crims. I tried to get work, as soon as they hear about your record they don't want to know

Meg - So you went back on the game?

Chrissie = Yeah I did ok, couldn't survive on the dole could I!

Meg - And Elizabeth?

Chrissie looks sad

Chrissie - That bitch Brenda has full custody now

Meg - I'm sorry...

Chrissie - Yeah sure...look Mrs. Morris I need to call Brenda to ask to see Elizabeth. Please I need to see her

Meg - Calm down Chrissie. Once you've seen Mrs. Reynolds I'll sort it out for you

Chrissie - Ok cheers... so your sons here now?

Meg - Yes he is

Chrissie - Does he know?

Meg - Yes I told him

Chrissie - Does he hate me?

Meg - I doubt it, Marty doesn't hate anyone

Roo is standing in front of Ann brazenly chewing on some gum.

Ann picks up her waste paper basket and holds it out

Ann - I'm waiting, Morgan

Roo rolls her eyes and spits the gum out

Ann - Thank you... now Morgan I have looked at your file and I must tell you I am not impressed

Roo - Yeah big deal

Ann - I will not have troublemakers in my prison. Things are running along smoothly just now and I won't have that disrupted

Roo - This is prison love, not a girls boarding school

Ann (angry) - I will not be spoken to like that Morgan

Roo (sarcastic) - Sorry

Ann - I am aware of your part in causing the blackmoor riot and Bongo Connor's death. Rita Connors is in Wentworth and I do not want any trouble...do you understand?

Roo smirks

Ann - Do you understand Morgan?

Roo - Sure love, I understand

Ann slams her fist on the desk

Ann - It's Mrs. Reynolds to you! Carry on with this attitude and you'll find yourself in solitary

Roo smirks some more

Ann sighs

Ann - Very well you may wait outside, tell Mrs. Morris to send Latham in, please

Roo swaggers out.

Marty is in the staffroom when Delia comes in looking tanned

Marty - Hey Del welcome back! How was Bali?

Delia - Gorgeous. Coming back to this place it all seems so dull and grey

Marty - Yeah I bet

Delia - So what's been going on since I left did I miss much?

Marty (smiling knowingly) - Take a seat and I'll pour you a coffee and fill you in. Wait till you hear what I have to tell you!

Chrissie is with Ann

Chrissie - Look Mrs. Reynolds I don't deliberately set out to cause trouble

Ann - Trouble has a way of following you around though doesn't it, wouldn't you say?

Chrissie - You don't know what it's like in here. You get bored, you end up getting dragged into things ya know?

Ann - Yes I do know. And look where it's got you. More time on your sentence. My advice would be to keep well away from troublemakers like Morgan in the future. If you are serious about keeping your nose clean and getting out of here just keep your head down and stay out of trouble

Chrissie nods her head

Chrissie - Mrs. Reynolds... please can I call my sister-in-law Brenda? I must talk to her about my baby

Ann - Yes, of course, I see no problem with that, Mrs. Morris will take you to reception

Chrissie - Oh thanks Mrs. Reynolds, you're a star!

Back in the staffroom.

Marty - So she's gone. Think it's safe to say she won't be serving in the prison service on our side of the bars ever again

Delia (looking over the moon) - Well good riddance

Marty - Yes, well I must get back to work...good to have ya back Del

He gets up to leave

Delia - Hey Marty I wondered...erm

Delia goes a bit shy

Marty - Yes what?

Delia - I wondered if you fancied a few drinks after work?

Marty - Sorry I can't tonight

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