《WE SHARE A ROOM (S1)》🥂Part 11🥂


"AHHH" nancy screamed loud when she was pushed not so hard but far from jungkook. She landed on the lockers,happy that yen caught her before she could hit hard against the locker.

"Let's go nancy!" Yen said panicked "no! You go and make him smile!" The stubborn girl said

"I thought i heard a thank you" yen said rolling her eyes at nancy who was standing there "i want you to get pushed by him as well!" Nancy said to yen but got shocked at the goldie's reply "he will never do that" she said going towards the beast looking jungkook while nancy staring at her with hatred

Jungkook's eyes softens when he saw yen winking and indicating him to smile.

The goldie stood in front of jungkook and looked at him then ordered "Jungkook smile!" Jungkook bowed and did his bunny smile "yes,my queen!"

Yen smiled and looked over nancy who's eyes were far out from her eyes looking at them with shocked eyes. "Thank you,jungkook" yen began to go but jungkook had different plans.

He picked her up and spin her around making sure nancy sees all this.

"Jungkook!! Stop you idiot!!!" Yen shouted at jungkook

"This time he should get angry" nancy said going into the flashback

"Jungkook oppa!!!" A girl name siara called out

"Yes?" The old kind jungkook said

"I love you!"

"Thank you. But i don't have the same feelings." He said moving ahead

"You're such an idiot!" She screamed loudly with a smirk but her smirk didn't last long when jungkook picked her up and pushed her on the floor.

"Ahhh" the crowd gathered taking her to the hospital immediately. She took months to recover and left the university

From that day,idiot word became forbidden to even use in front of jungkook


"This poor girl is so dead" nancy said looking at the couple looking students in front him.

"Jungkook!! You're such an idiot!!" Yen said in jungkook's arms

He slowly put her down and laughed "Jungkook you're a big big idiot!!" The goldie said laughing while pushing jungkook jokingly "okay idiot for you!" He said checking the time,8:04,"shit we're late!! Yen run!!!" They both ran from there holding hands which didn't go unnoticed by nancy.

Nancy saw the old jungkook back with yen. She saw the same innocence in his eyes which he had a few years back. He's become the old jungkook but only in front of yen. "Something is surely going between these two. Now I've to let yen suffer!" Nancy said with an unfamiliar smirk on her face.


Yen,wonyoung and some gossiping girls were eating. Basically only yen was eating the others were discussing about the trio vminkook.

"Jungkook loves iu more!" One of them said "no jungkook loves me more" wonyoung stated

No jungkook loves me more

Yen chuckled at their silly talks when she got a call from a number. "Hello?"

"Muffin,come to the rooftop I've something for you."

"Okay" yen cut the call and excused herself.

She opened the door and met with her roommate jungkook. She came inside and saw someone behind jungkook "here meet my bestie taehyung!"

Yen's eyes winded after seeing the angel looking guy in front of him. He somehow looked emotionless and forced. Of course jungkook would've forced him to meet yen

"Jungkook can you go? I wanna talk to him." The inky haired boy nodded and exited the rooftop

"Okay! First off,anneyong! My name is jung yen its so nice to talk to you taehyung."


"Anneyoung waseyoung" he calmly said as yen's eyes got bigger hearing his deeper then the ocean voice

"Jungkook said you wanted to talk to me. I'm here say" he said staring at her

Uhh oh no! I think first i should go easy on him

"Jungkook force you, didn't he?"

He nodded and said "but he never does it was the first time."

"Umm so yes,taehyung i wanted to uhh be friends with you."

"Any special reason?" He asked not so interested

"You're just so handsome!" The goldie gave a complaint to taehyung with a pure smile on her face. She could see the little fluster on his face which he was trying hard to not show by making a poker face

"Thank you. Your hairs are good." He said

"Taehyung?" Yen whispered as she felt so bad for young helpless boy. He looked at her as she sensed his sad eyes. "You're more then enough and I'll always be there for you!" She hugged taehyung

Taehyung froze at his place aftee being hugged by someone who's not even his known. His eyes started getting teary as the old taehyung popped in his mind. He got something he was dying for. He hugged the strange girl back and tried not crying.

After the hug taehyung was looking down so that yen doesn't know her genuine and pure words made taehyung cry.

"You're very strong taehyung and i am proud of you. I'll be there whenever you need me okay?" Yen knew taehyung was holding his tears back because he didn't want to cry in front of her.

She respect his privacy and said "Omo I've class now! See you later pretty boy!" Yen ran from there.

She opened the door and found her roommate standing on the door with left ear on it. He got stumble when yen opened the door.

"You were listening our-"

"Yen! Taehyung needs me! Thank you" he hugged her and ran inside.

Jungkook entered the rooftop and saw taehyung crying. "V hyung!" He called out

"Who's she jungkook? She's so different" she said crying in his best friend's arms

"She's different hyung." The inky haired boy said comforting taehyung. "I-i would like to meet her again."

End of this chapter

I know i said don't expect an update for a week and literally updates twice after 2 days 😂

I just couldn't stop writing this! Its my fav after all

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