《WE SHARE A ROOM (S1)》🥂part 2🥂


"So imma call you muffin"

That's such a cute nickname

Yen's heart skipped a bit. That was a nickname maybe couples would use. She felt special. But maybe he has given names to everyone

"Okay,I don't mind" the goldie took off her hoodie and lay down on the bed. The inky stared at her for some seconds before saying "get up"



"Jungkook where are we going?!" Yen asked chasing the inky haired boy.

"You'll see" the goldie wondered why he always replies so shortly. After a while they were in a place that looked like cafeteria. The inky held the hands of the goldie and dragged her somehwere

Then they reached up to a place that was probably kitchen. All lights were shut and proper view wasn't available. Jungkook turned on the lights and yen met with a huge kitchen.

"I hope you know how to cook." The inky haired boy said and sat on one of the kitchen counter chairs

"Am I supposed to cook" the goldie asked thinking it was wrong to sneak in here like that

"No,muffin,you are supposed to clean the floor" he said sarcastically

Yen rolled her eyes and began to cook some ramens she saw on one of the drawers. "If you had something in the kitchen this won't happen" the goldie muttered to herself not aware the inky already heard it

"Is this the way you say thank you" he asked coldness again visible on his tone. Sour tone.

After a while,the gold haired girl was done making two bowls of delicious ramens. She placed one of the ramen bowl infront of the inky haired boy as he looked up at her "this is my way to say thank you" yen said and settled herself on the opposite chair.

She took a chopstick full of noodles and eat it. Her eyes sparkled as she continued eating more. Jungkook was a little hungry since he ate dinner at 7:00.


His ego wasn't letting him touch the food as he saw the golden haired girl enjoying the delicious looking meal. He picked up the chopsticks and said "I won't eat much since i already had dinner"


Jungkook was done eating the full bowl as yen was still eating. The goldie mentally laughed as she remembered he said he won't eat the full bowl.

She wanted to say it out loud but then she didn't want to embarrass him so she stopped.

The goldie was done washing dishes as she placed them back gently on its place. Jungkook was standing near the door and like a body guard he checked if someone was coming.

To their worst luck,janitor was coming right towards the kitchen. Janitor was talking on the phone with slow steps.

Jungkook rushed towards yen and pulled her inside the empty closet. Yen's breath hitched by seeing their close proximity. It was dark and silent inside. They both couldn't see each other's faces.

Jungkook's hot breath went over yen's forehead as she got goosebumps. She felt the inky haired boy slightly leaning towards her ear "don't be scared,muffin,the janitor is outside. He shouldn't catch us" jungkook whispered softly as his hands smoothly caged yen's famine waist.

Yen heart was already beating fast because of the sweet nickname and now his hand was on her waist.

After a little while they heard the lights shutting off. Then they heard the door closing and a click indicating it was lock from outside.

Yenkook was still in the same position. "Jungkook" yen softly whispered with glassy eyes. The inky boy slowly opened the closet door and peaked out side before bringing yen out.

He went towards the door and tried opening it. It was lock.

"What will we do now?" The goldie asked softly as water started to collect in her oceanic eyes. "Well,you see,muffin. He took a haalt and spoke "good things don't come for free. We are lock and have to wait till the morning" a playful smirk came up on his face


The goldie came up to her and whispered "i-i am scared" he could sense his roommate was on the urge to cry

He stopped for a second. He never teased a girl. He never talked with a girl. He never cared for any girl. Then why yen?

He looked at her with pure care in his eyes and felt guilty before he said "it was a joke" he expected her to get mad on him but she weakly nodded. So much happened with the poor girl on the first day itself.

She nearly thought she won't be able to get out of there and attend the class. Jungkook opened the window that was huge. It was on the ground floor so they got out without any trouble.

Once they reached inside their dorm none of them talked with eachother and slept.


Yen got up an hour before the class would start. The looked at the side only to see an empty bed.

He's an early bird

Yen took a shower,brushed her teeths,combed her hairs,ate some chips and wore casual outfit.

Once she entered the gate,she saw big number of students roaming on the ground. Some were with their friends,some were alone,some were with big groups

She slowly walked im relief when she found no creepy stares towards her. As she got to the lockers she searched fir her's.

She stopped once she saw an untouched locker with 42 written on it. She opened it and got surprised to see a lot of space inside it. She kept all of her books inside and only took out physics.

Her attention got caught when she saw a huge number of crowd following three boys. Loud cheers were heard which sounded disgusting

Her eyes winded once she saw the three boys. Though she knew only one but the other two were also breathe taking handsome

"VMINKOOK" a girl shouted so loud as if she was holding a mic. When they got to the lockers they parted away and the crowd began to slowly calm down.

She saw her roommate opening the locker beside her. Locker number 41. The goldie was shocked that the inky wasn't even looking at her. Maybe ignoring her. She did the same and closed her locker and went away from him.

She was walking towards the class when she heard a 'hey' she turned around and saw a extreme beautiful girl practically running towards her.

"Hey! I'm jang wonyoung! You must be new here" she extended her hand out. The goldie gladly took it. "I like your hairs!" The pretty girl told "thank you. You are pretty" wonyoung blushed at yen's words.

"What's your first class?"

"Physics" yen replied

"Bingo! We have the same class" wonyoung said happily

"Well i wanted to ask something" yen asked

Wonyoung nodded and leaned in "who is vminkook?"

"Oh they are known as the handsome trio or the smart trio!" She sounded exited

"Why was everyone following them?" Yen asked

"Well,I'll tell you everything but not now we need peace to talk about this!"

Yen nodded and looked around with slight shock "won-shii listen"


"Why does every girl have short hairs?" Yen asked as she didn't found a single girl with longer hairs then their cleavage

"Oh because once vminkook said they prefer short haired girls,look I also cut it and soon you'll cut it too. By the way you have so long hairs" wonyoung said staring at yen's hairs which were almost below her waist

"So,you're telling me all these dum- uh i mean girls cut their hairs short because of those boys?!" Yen asked in disbelief as wonyoung replied with a smile

"Yes,including me"

"The fuck!?"


End of chapter 2


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