《WE SHARE A ROOM (S1)》🥂part 1🥂


Yen was scared to enter the university at first. She took a deep breath and stepped inside. To her luck the university was closed due Sunday

Her eyes grew wider as she realised how big the university was. Seventh floor tall building coloured peach was huge. She roamed her eyes and saw many small buildings far from the school. Maybe that's where all the students live. It looked far maybe a bit of longer walking

She used to study in oxword university but had to shift here later. Last two years of her studies are still remaining. She signed and walked towards the principle's office.

She passed the corridors and saw multiple lockers. Some were neat and cleaned,some had a lot of sticky notes on,some were slightly opened. She chuckled seeing the silly things on the lockers.

Once she was infront of the principal's office,she gently knocked and entered not before hearing a come in. As she came inside she saw a middle aged women sitting on the chair typing on the laptop nonstop

"Excuse me" yen called out realising this women was not even interested to see her.

The middle aged women finally looked up and got amused for a second "who?" She simply asked

"I am the transferred student,may i know where my room is?" Yen politely asked the women with a sweet smile on the gold hair coloured face.

She handed her the resume as the principle scanned it for a bit and again typed something on the screen "jung yen" she said and the gold one nodded in agreement

"Your locked number is 42 you can check it if you want. You'd be living in the fifth building second floor. Room number will be 83 and your room mate is jeon jungkook,any questions?" She basically rapped

"Is my room mate a boy?" Yen asked a little surprised because usually girls share a room only with girls

"Yea we didn't had any empty room" she explained. Yen nodded and exited the room when she gave her the time table and the keys.


The gold hair girl explored the corridors and figured all her classes so she won't have to suffer later

After exiting the building she went towards the tall flats building where she was supposed to stay. Surprisingly no student was seen.

She walked as the first building came then second then third. Yen got tired at the third building the distances for each building was very much.

Somehow she finally managed to make it to the fifth building. "Not even a lift? Great!" She whispered getting irritated by the two heavy suitcases

She climbed up the second floor and luckily she met with the janitor on the ground floor who helped her with the bags. She payed him some money and now,she was finally standing infront of room number 83

She softly knocked on the door and waited for the person,jeon jungkook to open the door

Though she had the keys she didn't wanted to scare her soon-to-be-roommate that's why she gently knocked

The door was open as she met with two sparkling eyes staring at her. There stood a boy who wasn't less then an angel.

His hairs were wet indicating,he just showered. He dressed not so formal. A white over sized tshirt with black track plants. Yen smiled looking at his confused expressions "hi! I'm jung yen,nice to meet you! You must be jungkook" she raised hee hand out while saying all this for a handshake

"Yes,do i know you?" He asked confusion written all over his face "i am yen and we share a room" the goldie said confidently

He looked surprised but soon opened the door wider to let yen in. The goldie took both of her suitcase and stepped inside.

First it came a hall which was normal sized. Then there were stairs as yen climbed up. The goldie got amazed looking at how big the room was.

There was two beds on the each Corner. The left side was completely empty and the right side was filled with books and neat stuff. The inky haired boy's section was pretty well done. He didn't look like the messy boys around. Then the goldies eyes went to the study table provided next to the bed.


She kept her suitcase aside and went to the kitchen area. It was quite big. She loved the kitchen.

She then went to the hall and saw the inky boy standing near sofa lost in thoughts. Jungkook was so mesmerised by yen's beauty. He never saw anyone with blue eyes before. The inky boy wanted to have a longer eye contact but the goldie already went upstairs

Yen went towards jungkook and said "we never actually did a proper introduction" her voice was like honey so smooth and sweet. Her perfume scent was all around the room. Roses and strawberries.

"Yea...." After a pause the inky boy spoke "my name is jeon jungkook and I'm 18" that's all he said maybe he didn't want to talk with yen

"Oh...okay. Well you seem like a studying student" yen decided to make the conversation longer

"Yeah kind of"his tone then became cold. Suddenly sounded rude.

"O-okay" then the goldie went upstairs to freshen up.


The whole day yen was in the room keeping everything on place. Now her section was matching jungkook's neat and clean one

Jungkook's side of studying

Yen's side of studying


It was past 9:30 pm and yen was already getting worried about her roommate. He went as soon as their little conversation ended and he's still not back.

Yen wanted to eat dinner but there was nothing in the fridge. Luckily she carried some chips along with her. She was planning to eat the chips for dinner.

She got up and took out her hoodie from the cupboard and began to wear it she looked at the time it was 9:56 pm.

Where is he?

Yen wondered why he was so rude towards her in the morning. But shrugged it off. Once she was done wearing her hoodie she washed up her face and combed her soft golden hairs. She took her purse and checked the time 9:59pm

She turned around and opened the door,jumping in fear after seeing her inky room mate standing there "you scared me" he didn't reply and came in

How rude

Goldie began to wear the shoes as he stared at her. "Where do you think you're going?"


"I hope you know the curfew for students starts at ten" he informed. Yen got shocked as all her hopes vanished. Goldie removed the single shoe she wore and closed the door behind

"Have you eaten the dinner?" She asked while sitting down on the bed

Please say no please say no



"Where?" She asked hesitated

"In the university cafeteria" goldie's mouth hung low. The university owned a cafeteria!? Why wasn't She informed!

"When does it close?" Yen asked with hopes

"9:45" he shortly replied maybe he didn't want to talk to yen

Yen nodded and looked down when she heard "haven't you had dinner?" Yen sadly shook her head as a 'no'

"What are you going to eat then?" He asked concern,maybe

"I brought some chips so I'll eat those." Yen was so much sad with the whole day. First her roommate hated her now she had to sleep empty stomach.

He nodded somehow didn't look satisfied with yen's answer

Why would he even care?

Then they stared into each other's eyes. He surely looked impressed by yen's glorious eyes. "Your eyes are like blue muffin" jungkook said didn't know if it was a compliment

"So?" Yen was irritated by the hunger

"So imma call you muffin"


End of chapter 1

How is it so far ? :)


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