《A Teacher, A Rapist, and A Liar》Chapter 2


Class consisted of inappropriate comments, and good grades on work I barely did. I thought we were like buddies, me and Stout. And I didn't think any thing more. Except... Maybe I had a little crush on him. Maybe.... He would tell me things more this year. "The wife really gets on my nerves." "Man, the wife is just getting me so upset lately." And telling me things weren't going very well at home. "My wife doesn't even act like she loves me, and my step daughters don't even like me!" I didn't know what to say, except "It's okay, I like you!" And smile. Because, I did like him. And I didn't want him upset. That would make him smile. One day in drafting, I was sitting there drawing. Stout comes up to me, and asked "Got any questions?" And I looked up at him "Yeah, actually. I don't get how you..." And he interrupted me "Stand up. Sammy, move over a desk." And, Sammy scooted down, confused. "Sit here." He said. I sat down, and he started drawing on my paper. "Watch me closely." I scooted close. I caught a sniff of him, and he smelled good. I felt butterflies inside. I looked at him, and he was concentrating on the drawing. His forehead crinkled up, and he was making gentle strokes with the mechanical pencil. The lead snapped. "Crap." He muttered. He began clicking the eraser, so more lead could come out. Understand this, my pencil was a piece of crap. The lead was too small for the tip. A piece of lead slipped through the tip and onto the zipper of his pants. I tried not to giggle as I looked at him, eyeballing the lead on his zipper. He looked at me and I was holding in a giggle. "Well, you gonna get it?" He smiled and I felt something weird. It felt so bad but right. I gave him a sideways look as he smiled and then he picked the piece of lead off his pants. "Damn thing, am I right?" He said, and began drawing. I stopped watching. Well, my eyes were still watching, but my mind wasn't even there.


What was going on?

Was he flirting with me...?

Did he really want me to get it?

What is this?

I was not understanding it... Did he have a crush on me too? He finished my drawing, erased a few spots, and then wiped it off. "There you go, Jenna. Good as new." I smiled, and he got out of my seat. I sat down to work on my next drawing.

A few classes later, and a lot more flirting, we had to do some more drawing. I raised my hand for help, because I was stuck. He came right over to me, and knelt down. "Need help?" I nodded. He said "keep going, I will tell you if you need help." And he stayed and watched me. He had a hand on my seat, right next to my leg. I was nervous, and shaking. It was freaking me out in a good and bad way that his hand was that close to me. He picked up his hand, and I stopped drawing. He put it on my leg, my upper thigh. He started rubbing his hand gently, like you would rub a baby's back. Just slow and gentle. I was holding my breath. I looked at him, kneeling beside me, and he was just looking at me, smiling a gentle smile. I didn't know what to think. I put my hand on his hand and pushed it down and said "No..." And he pushed it back up, and said "It's okay." And I didn't argue a second time. He just rubbed it for a few seconds, and then he got up, and went back to his desk. I didn't really finish that drawing. "What was that?" Asked Sammy. "Oh, nothing." I didn't look at her. She said "Ohhhkay." I should of told her. I should of said "He just put his hands on me when I said no." But I didn't say that. I said "Nothing."

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