《The Bully.》Chapter 20.


Both boys were to their backs as they laid out on Win's bed. Today had been a long day for them.

For the third day of being in the house, they decided to play a drinking game. As they watched all 3 iron man movies, they had to drink anytime someone said "Tony"

After sobering up from a long day of drinking, they felt tired. But Win didn't want the day to end. No, he wanted to spend days like this with Bright all the time. He wanted to be able to look forward to sleeping with Bright, waking up with him, making breakfast together, and enjoying each other's company.

Win already knew he was in love with Bright, and he wasn't hiding his love for Bright either. But it seemed like Bright didn't take the hint.

It frustrated Win so much to the point he wouldn't even want to be around the elder.

We spend hours making out, going on mini-dates, and talking about everything!! Why doesn't he ask me out yet?

The winn was starting to lose hope. He knew he could simply ask out Bright himself, but he was scared of rejection. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he just wanted someone to fuck around with?

The whole idea was messing with Win's head.

"You...wanna watch a movie?" Bright mumbled.

Win could tell Bright was exhausted. He smiled and moved closer, snuggling into Bright's arm.

"How about...we talk?" Win asked confidently

Bright let out a light laugh and turned his head to stare at Win.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Bright asked to then intertwine their hands.



Win nodded and brought his head closer.

"What....what are we?" He asked sounding less confident than he was before.


Bright didn't answer, he stared at Win, shocked by the question. If Bright was being honest he asked himself that question all the time.

Bright was deeply in love with Win. He wanted nothing more than to claim him as his boyfriend, to show him off to everyone, simply being with him made Brights heart feel warm.

"W-What?" Bright finally muttered out.

Win sighed and leaned in to kiss Bright. It was a short kiss but Bright somehow was able to feel the love that came with the kiss, all the intense feelings he'd been feeling for the 2 months they'd been involved.

The winn moved away and smiled wide as he stared into Bright's beautiful brown orbs.

"Why haven't you asked me out yet?" Win questioned.

Bright gulped and felt his cheeks heat up. Out of everyone in Bright's life, Win was always able to easily get him flustered.

"I- you-- what??" Bright stuttered.

Win started laughing and moved on top of Bright's lap.

"I'm going to be honest with you Bright. I'm scared" Win confessed "I know we've had a difficult past but I've come to realize I really do like you, and I see myself being with you in a way that's more than whatever this is. I want you....as my boyfriend.." Win trailed off to pay attention to Bright's facial expressions.

He seemed calm and collected as if he was listening to every word Win was saying carefully.




Win smiled seeing how calm Bright was.

"..I hope you'll at least think about it. I understand why you wouldn-"

"Yes yes yes I'll b-be your boyfriend...I-I want.." Bright rambled.


Bright sat up to hold Win's waist and pull him closer.

"I want you" he breathed out.

Wins eyes widen while his lips parted staring at bright. His heart started beating faster and he felt his insides clap together.

He ran his hands on Bright's shoulders and placed his forehead on Brights.

"You...you mean it?"

"Yes! I really want to be with you" Bright gushed.

Win smiled and leaned in to kiss Bright once again on his plumped lips.

For the first time in a long time Win finally felt as if he found someone who he could trust with his life, who would never leave him. He felt happy.

They broke away from the kiss and stared into each others eyes once again. Letting the calmness take over.

"Our parents are going to freak" Bright joked.

They both softly laughed too then lay down and snuggled towards each other.

"Thank you, Bright. You've truly made me the happiest I've been in year's" Win confessed.

"I should be the one thanking you Win," Bright said "I didn't think I deserved to be with anyone who made me happy. It took me a long time to realize I deserve good things in life as well. "

They sat in comfortable silence, happy they could finally put their differences aside and be together, and boy did they have a long ride ahead of them.

/ the end. /


Thank you guys so much for reading this book and showing it lots of love. I really appreciate it all.

Don't fear I have another book coming so I'm not gone just yet.

School ends in about 2-3 weeks so I may drop it then. I've already written at least the first 4 chapters.

Again thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy 💕❤💕💕❤❤💕❤💕

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