《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 36


A little while later, after all that shenanigans, everyone left the stadium. They were all talking among themselves over what Kitsune had said.

"Let's got meet up with Naruto," Sakura suggested after most of the newly made chunin left. Sasuke nodded as they headed for the entrance.

"No need," someone said behind them. The two whipped their heads around to the origin of the voice. It was Kitsune.

"What do you mean Kitsune-sama?" Sakura asked.

"Remember when Naruto told you that he would explain everything to you after the chunin exams?"

They both nodded. There was a moment of silence before something clicked in their heads.

"Wait. There's no way! Are you...?" Sakura trailed off, eyes wide.

Naruto took off half his mask to reveal only half his face. Sasuke and Sakura's eyes widened simultaneously as they realized who the person was. It was their teammate... Naruto..."

"Follow me," he said as he ran out of the arena. They followed closely behind him wondering what the heck is going on.

Finally, they arrived in a secluded area of forest. Naruto put up a few barriers. One for sound and one for sight.

Naruto laughed as he fully took off his mask. "Surprise!"

Both of their mouths dropped to the floor as they tripped don their words.


"N-Naruto, there's no way," Sasuke stammered.

Naruto smiled guiltily as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Haha, sorry guys, I wanted to tell you guys but I couldn't, at least not until after the exams. My identity is supposed to be a SSS rank secret, not to be known by anybody, although I did make a few exceptions. Kakashi, Anko, Ibiki, Gaara, and a few other trusted people know about me. Although I must warn you, if you tell anybody of this, I will not hesitate to kill you, even if I wouldn't like it. No one is to know, understood?"


They both nodded as they gulped.

"Great! By the way, I have one more thing to tell you," Naruto sighed.

"Hn?" Sasuke asked. Sakura, quite unexpectedly, boinked him on the head. Naruto stifled a laugh as Sasuke rubbed his head while wincing.

"Let him finish, ducky," Sakura scolded.

"D-ducky?" Sasuke stammered, eyes wide.

"Yeah, that's my new nickname for you since your hair is styled like a duck's ass," Sakura giggled.

Sasuke opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Sakura yet again, "Shut it Ducky and let Naruto finish."

Naruto laughed, "You know, I'm going to miss you guys."

"Miss us? What do you mean? You're a part of team 7 too, aren't you?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes, but I can't always keep up with everything, Being Kitsune, dealing with paperwork from sometimes 2 parties. Meaning sometimes I have to make decisions as the Hokage's temporary replacement, and I have to finish commander paperwork too. Shadow clones are a nuisance at times too because they kind of get into mischief when I'm not around and, they sometimes have a mind of their own, so I don't particularly trust them. I also have missions that need completing and the other Anbu rely on me to give them orders. I will be dropping out of the team and I will be replaced with a new teammate. His name will be Sai. He was a former root member meaning he worked under Danzo Shimura, but thankfully, I eliminated that bastard a long time ago. Serves him right for manipulating Itachi like that." Naruto growled.

Sasuke's eyes widened at the name, "I-Itachi? What do you mean he was manipulated?"

"The truth of the Uchiha massacre, Itachi, I think it is best if you explain it yourself, don't you think?" Naruto smiled.

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