《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 34


"Congratulations, you all passed the second round of the chunin exams. The third round of the exams will take place one month from now, although because of the low amount of participants left, we will not have the preliminaries this year since there aren't as many people. There is one more thing I have to address before you al leave today. I want all of the people who do not want to participate in the third round of the exams to leave right now." There was a moment of silence before Naruto sighed as he raised his hand. His teammates looked at him like he was crazy.

"Naruto, what the hell!" Sakura yelled.

"Sorry, I already passed the exams. As I said, I will tell you everything after the exams. I will meet you outside." Naruto explained as he turned around and walked out.

"What do you mean 'you already passed the exams'" she asked.

"Jeez. I told you I will explain everything to you both after the exams," The blonde chuckled.

"Hmph, fine!" Sakura pouted.

"Anyone else?" Anko called out, ruining their conversation. There was a moment of silence. "No one else? Great, see you all in one month! Now shoo!" she grinned. Everyone sweatdropped as they headed out. Sakura ran out of there like a madman as she grasped Naruto's shirt in her hands. She got close to his face and narrowed her eyes. Naruto sweatdropped at the close proximity.

"Sakura, calm down. I'm sorry, okay?" Naruto smiled guiltily.

"Hmmm......" She grumbled as she stared at Naruto in the eye. Naruto sweatdropped even more and backed up, although Sakura followed him.

"Calm down, calm down. I'll tell you after the exams. I promise."

"Hmmm......" She grumbled again as she finally let go.

"Hey, wanna get some ramen? Congratulate you on passing the exams," Naruto smiled.

Sakura nodded as the blonde looked at the raven. After a moment, he nodded in agreement.

"Great! Let's go." They turned around and saw Kakashi walking towards them, reading his book.

"Kakashi, I never invited you," Naruto deadpanned.

"Aww, come on," He whined.

"Fine, whatever,"


"Wow, our sensei is more like a 5-year-old child instead of a jonin," Sakura sighed as she raised an eyebrow.

"Hah... I guess I really am losing my dignity," The jonin muttered.

"Let's go."

Everyone nodded as they all headed to Ichiraku's.


During the one month that they had, Sasuke acquired the Chidori technique from Kakashi, and he advanced his Sharingan to 3 tomoes with the help of Naruto. He improved his skills by a considerable amount, mainly due to his developed Sharingan. Hiruzen also stepped down from the position of Hokage so, Naruto brought Tsunade back to the village to become the fifth Hokage. Sakura trained under Tsunade and learned medical ninjutsu, as well as how to increase her strength and agility by implementing chakra. She also advanced in her Taijutsu ability and ninjutsu abilities. The time of the third round of the chunin exams finally came, and both genins had a surprise waiting for them. Team 7 all walked into the arena sidelines where the other teams were also present, although they were missing someone; the person was Naruto. There were hundreds of people sitting behind the glass, ready to watch the matches as they were talking amongst themselves. They already knew who they were fighting.

Sasuke vs. Neji.

Lee vs. Gaara.

Sakura vs. Ino.

Choji vs. Kiba.

Shikamaru vs. Temari.

Kankuro vs. Hinata.

Just then, a masked Anbu walked into the arena. His white cloak billowing out behind him as the tattoo on his arm stood out proudly in the morning sun. The arena quieted down as his voice rang out. "Good morning. Today is the third round of the chunin exams. The day the contestant have been training for. I am Kitsune, and I will be the proctor for the final round of the exams." Everyone cheered as the testers walked down onto the battleground. They stood proudly next to the commander as they all looked at him. Most of them were surprised. They have heard so much about the Anbu commander but never got to see him. He was surprisingly short, and about their height. A few moments of cheering past until Kitsune dismissed them, leaving only the first two competitors standing on the field. The first battle consists of Sasuke and Neji.

"Both of you, please get into position," Kitsune said. They both obeyed as they stood a few feet away from each other with Kitsune in between them. "The match will commence on my word."

A few moments of tense silence filled the atmosphere until, finally, Kitsune spoke. "Let the first match... begin," Kitsune announced as he stepped away.

Both dojutsu users stared at each other as they watched the other's movements.

"Do not make the first move unless you are sure that you will have the upper hand. Always watch your opponent and never take your eyes off of them. Test them, calculate their movements, and predict their next move." That was something that Naruto taught me during our training together. It looks like Neji is also doing the same thing. The way he moves... he is agile, swift, and precise. The stance he is using is from the Hyūga clan, and from my research on him, he uses the eight trigrams technique in which he shuts down chakra points. He also has the Byakugan, one of the three great Dojutsus. By this point, I already had my Sharingan activated, and he with his Byakugan. I narrowed my eyes as he finally made a move. He ran towards me, a blue aura surrounding his hand. I realized that he was aiming for my chakra points and so I made an effort to dodge. I continued to play defense for a little while until I finally figured out his fighting style; he had yet to know mine. He was a mid to close range combatant. I was relatively the same, except I was more of a mid to long-range fighter. He mostly relies on Taijutsu and rarely uses ninjutsu, mainly his gently fist. I finally advanced as we engaged in some hand to hand combat. My Sharingan could clearly read his movement as I switched to offense. I jumped away and yelled out, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A plume of flames shot out of my mouth towards him as he dodged to his right.


"A simple fireball can't do anything to me, Sasuke," Neji taunted.

"Of course, I know that. You were at the top of your class during your academy days," I answered. I suddenly furrow my eyebrows as he got into a relatively different stance. He positioned his torso lower and balanced more his weight on his legs. I then realized what he was doing. It was the palm technique... and I was in his range! I hastily jumped away to an area just far enough from him. I sent chakra to my legs and sped up my pace. I learned from my research that the Byakugan has a near 360-degree vision, but there is a blind spot. I just have to aim for it, and I will have the upper hand. I quickly jumped behind him as I predicted his movements. The moment I was behind him, I threw 3 Kunai that were aimed at his weak spot. "Tch," I said as he did a rotation and blocked the kunai.

He smirked at me. "Sasuke, face it, I am better than you, and you can never win against me. It is your fate, and it is your destiny. Just give up and quit."

I hn'ed at him as I let out a smirk, "Well, a certain someone taught me otherwise. He has something sealed inside him that he had no control over. He was called a failure, and people thought that he wasn't going to get anywhere in life. But, he proved them all wrong. I am not one with speeches, but I can tell you this much, that someone has taught me that you can change this so-called 'fate.' You are confined, just like a caged bird with clipped wings. I recommend you meet this person it would be majorly beneficial to you and your attitude."

"Hmmm... a failure will always be a failure. There is no changing that." Neji sneered.

"Hn, well you spit, I'ma sit, we'll see where we land."


"Nevermind, you will never understand," I sighed as I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. I took that moment of confusion and quickly advanced on him. I ran to him, and before he had the chance to react, I punched him, lifting him up into the air. I struck him again in the back, sending him farther up. After a few more hits, I "teleported" not so teleported, more like a really quick shunshine type thingy in front of him, and I slammed him to the ground with my leg. Blood splattered out of his mouth as he hit the ground, leaving a relatively large crater beneath him. By that time, I knew he couldn't move.

Kitsune walked up to us and looked at Neji. "Can you continue?"

The Hyuga tried to move but failed. He shook his head in defeat and disappointment.

Kitsune nodded, "The winner of this match, Uchiha Sasuke." The stadium immediately erupted into cheers and applause. I hn'ed as I smirked and shoved my hands into my pockets. I walked to the stairs as I headed up to the sidelines. A few moments later, a few medical ninjas ran onto the scene and brought the defeated genin away.

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