《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 33


"Naruto-kun," Orochimaru called out.

"He knows who you are?" The Hokage asked.

"Yeah, I showed him earlier," Naruto answered as he took off his mask and shook out his hair, causing Anko to catch a nosebleed. "So, what intel did you get out of him?"

"Well, most of the things he said we already know. The information we already had was mostly gathered by the Anbu, mainly you." Ibiki finally spoke.

"I see, so is there anything new then?" They shook their heads.

"Alright, I'll have a few words with him the." Naruto looked towards the Hokage to which he nodded. "You both are dismissed." Both of them bowed and shunshined away. The Anbu commander and the Hokage turned towards the snake sannin when suddenly, out of nowhere, his eyes started tearing up. The blonde wasn't surprised although the old man was.

"Orochimaru?" Hiruzen worried. Naruto smiled as he walked over to the seat Orochimaru was strapped on. He undid the seals and restrictions and set the sannin free.


"You will still receive your punishment, although I will do my best to shorten your time. I will leave you both alone for a while; I will bring Jiraiya and Tsunade shortly. Hiruzen looked at him gratefully. Orochimaru was still sitting in the chair, tears running down his face. Hiruzen walked over to his old student and embraced him. Orochimaru had finally cracked and completely let down his guard. It was like he was a completely different person than before. Naruto shunshined away from the scene as he made his way towards Jiraiya and Tsunade. Conveniently, they were drinking sake together. Thankfully, they only just ordered their food and drinks, so they weren't drunk yet.

"Jiraiya, Tsunade, please come immediately," Naruto called.


They whipped their heads around and saw a blonde standing right behind them. "Naruto?"

"I have a surprise for both of you," He smiled. The two sannins looked at each other and then back to the blonde. They nodded.

"We are going to the interrogation department. Your surprise is waiting for you there. The Hokage is as well." They were surprised but followed.

The moment they got there, Jiraya and Tsunade's eyes widened. The sight in front of them was something that you can only experience once in a lifetime. Orochimaru was crying! Crying! Orochimaru!!! Is!!! CRYING!!!! Hiruzen was hugging and comforting him... Jiraiya was shocked, as was Tsunade. Her eyes went wide as she covered her mouth with her hands. She ran over to them and threw herself into the embrace. The moment Orochimaru caught sight of her and Jiraiya, tears started streaming down his face even harder. He remembered all the good times that they had together when they were younger. Jiraiya walked over to them and gently knelt down as he put his arms around them. Naruto stood in the back as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Naruto walked out of the room to give them some space. A little while later, when Naruto sensed that they weren't bawling their eyes out, he walked back into the room. All 4 of them were talking and catching up with each other. They stopped an stared at the blonde when he walked in.

Tsunade immediately stood up and ran over to him, embracing him like there was no tomorrow. "Thank you, Naruto. Thank you for bringing him back to us," Tsunade said gratefully.

"No problem, I had to help a fellow comrade." Orochimaru's eyes widened.

"Thank you, Naruto-Kun," Orochimaru whispered. Naruto smiled in response. Jiraiya walked over and ruffled his hair.


"Thanks, kid. Not even I could bring him back, but you did."

"Orochimaru, as I said before, you will still be receiving punishment, but I will shorten it to the best degree that I can." Orochimaru nodded. "I have decided. You will only get 3 more days with Anko and Ibiki, only one week in jail, and 5 days of being watched. I am shortening it this much because I see that you have had a complete 180 in your attitude," Naruto explained. After all that, Naruto left the sannins and the Hokage to their wonderful reunion. Naruto went back to his office to finish some paperwork as well as the Hokage's since he knew that Hiruzen wasn't going to do it himself. Naruto knew that he'll probably make some excuse saying that he was spending time with his old student or something.

Naruto sighed as he placed down his pen. He finally finished his paperwork. He shunshined back to his apartment, and Tora greeted him happily. He quickly took a shower and headed out after feeding Tora. He went to the Hokage mountains and simply stood there looking out at the village. It was calm, soothing, and peaceful. The sun was halfway down over the horizon.

'Father, this place is beautiful, it's a shame the people here are so blind. I want to be able to see you and mom once more. I miss you." A single tear fell down his face as he closed his eyes. A breeze blew past him and ruffled his hair.

I was walking down the street when I gazed up at the Hokage mountains. I squinted my eyes and saw a person standing on the Fourth Hokage's head. I activated my Sharingan and saw that it was Naruto. He had his eyes closed, and he... was crying... I was thoroughly shocked. It was unusual to see Naruto cry although, he looked so beautiful as he stood there. The light from the setting sun shined on his face sharpening up his features and defined his face. I shook my head when I heard squealing. I glanced behind me and saw a group of girls staring at me. I shivered as I hastened up my pace and rushed home. I glanced once more at the blonde and, he was gone as if he disappeared into thin air. I sighed as I finally opened my door and walked in.

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