《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 31


After completing the mission, he met up with Gaara once again. By that time, the one tails and his Jinchuriki have already started to warm up to each other and are getting along quite well. When Naruto proposed for Gaara to become a spy for Konoha, Gaara agreed. He hated his village for treating him the way they did and decided to abandon it. He wanted to start a new life and so he happily agreed to become Naruto's spy. The blonde smiled when Gaara said yes. He didn't want to force anything on anyone unless he had to of course. If Gaara had said no, then he would have no choice but to use his Mangekyo Sharingan to erase his memory. Naruto unfortunately is still going blind, he doesn't have the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan so he rarely uses his dojutsu. Kitsune was happy to have another spy nonetheless, he now had eyes in almost all of the main hidden villages. He had the sand, stone, leaf, and mist under his eye. Now he just needed a spy for the hidden cloud. When Naruto left to go back to Konoha, his teammates asked him where he was the whole time he was away. Kitsune shrugged it off and told them that it was none of their business. They got pissed but decided to just drop it. Kitsune was the strongest of the group and he was their captain so they didn't dare mess with him. The only people that were stronger than him at that time were the original Anbu commander and the Hokage. When they finally got back to the village, Kitsune gave their mission report. When Hiruzen finally dismissed them and his teammates left, Kitsune told the Hokage everything that happened with Gaara. The old man was delighted to hear the news knowing that he now had eyes on the sand, as well as the stone and mist. The original Anbu commander, Dragon, was also in the room with them so he got the information as well. Dragon was quite a scary man, he himself has to admit, but if he was to tell the truth, Kitsune would be far scarier than even he is, even though Dragon would come out on top in a 1 on 1 battle to the death, but just barely. When Kitsune was finally dismissed and he left, Dragon had to say something.


"Man, what a fine kid."

Hiruzen sighed and agreed. Kushina would probably kill him if she was here right now. The old man shivered at the thought. They both decided that very soon, they will make Kitsune the new commander of the Anbu.

Hiruzen nodded. It saddened him to see that one of his top students is going to try to destroy what once was his village.

"Hokage-sama, I have a feeling he is going after the Sharingan."


"No, not many know about mine and I doubt he does as well, According to Itachi, Orochimaru has tried to take his body for his Sharingan before, although he failed to do so. I doubt he would try again and since I've healed his body, he would easily defeat him. Since the massacre, there has only been known to be 2 living Uchiha, the other being Sasuke, excluding me of course. During the mission in the Land of Waves, Sasuke has managed to awaken his Sharingan and I suppose Orochimaru already knows about it. From my conclusion, I feel it is safe to say that Orochimaru's main target is Uchiha Sasuke." Naruto finished, Hiruzen nodded his head thoughtfully.

"Understood, I believe you have already made plans for this subject?" The Hokage raised an eyebrow.

Kitsune nodded, "I plan on dealing with him myself. The chunin exams will proceed as planned. When Orochimaru comes up to my team. I will kill him, although I assume you want to do it a different way?" Kitsune inquired.

Hiruzen looked down sadly. He knew Orochimaru needed to be killed but he was saddened by it. His old student...

"I-well..." Hiruzen trailed off.

Kitsune sighed, "Fine, I won't kill him, but I will put him under a Tsukuyomi with my Mangekyo Sharingan and we will bring him to Anko and Ibiki for interrogation. He will be put behind bars for around a year and after that, house arrest for 5 months. Finally, 9 months of him being watched although he can freely move around. Fair?" The old man's eyes lit up and he nodded. "Fine, I will notify the other Anbu," Kitsune bowed and shunshined away.


"Thank you," Hiruzen whispered as Naruto left.

Kitsune headed to the Anbu headquarters as he summoned all his subordinates. By the time he arrived, everyone was kneeling on the ground in a uniformized and practiced position, with their heads bowed, waiting for his orders.

Kitsune sighed as he started speaking, "As you all already know, the chunin exams are coming up very soon. I have received information about a possible attack on Konoha by Orochimaru." Most of the Anbu shivered at the name. "Furthermore, Orochimaru, who is the leader of the sound village as you all know is allying with the sand. I want all of you to be on your guard. That snake is slick and quite strong. If you catch sights of him, report to me immediately, do not make rash movements, and do not try to attack him. The Hokage wants him alive. I am going to deal with that snake myself. I am relieving you of all your missions when the exams start. I want all of you to secure the perimeter as tightly as possible and keep a sharp eye out for the Hokage. Make sure no one is harmed. Understood?"

"Hai!" They all chorused.

"Good, dismissed," They all nodded and shunshined away. Kitsune sat down on one of the couches and took off his mask. He crossed his legs and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Suddenly, a pair of arms snaked around his neck and a voice whispered into his ear.

"Hey, Taichou," The voice whispered seductively. "Stressed? I can help with that." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Anko quit it,"

"Awww~ Come on~"

"I said quit it."

"Hmph, fine, you're no fun," she pouted, finally releasing her hold on the blonde.

"Hn, besides, I'm only 13 and you're like what? 24?"

"Meh, don't care, you're hot, that's all that matters," she shrugged.

Naruto made a face and did a facepalm, "Anyway, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at TI?"

"Yeah, but I got bored, and plus I heard the news."


"Yeah, I hate that man to the bottom of my gut. Can't wait to torture the hell out o him," Anko growled.

Naruto chuckled, "Well, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun."

"Hmm, anyway, how's your team? You holding up alright?"

"Yeah, it's annoying but I'll have to wait until after the chunin exams, although, my team's alright. They're not the worst. They aren't that annoying luckily for me. After I leave though, they will have another teammate."



"Really?" That guy with the crop-top? He seems kind of weird. No?"

"Hn, speak about yourself."

"Tch, whatever, you're never fun Taichou."

Naruto smirked and shrugged, "I can be fun when I want to be."

"Ohh, are you trying to seduce me?" Anko smirked back.

"Nah, you old, and not my type."

"Hmph, I'm not that old," She pouted.

"You're almost double my age Anko," Naruto deadpanned.


"Just go back to doing your job alright? I'll bring you Orochimaru very, very soon."

Anko smirked, "I'm holding you up on that."

"Yep, you got it."

"Great see you."


Anko smiled and shunshined away, leaving the Anbu commander to his thoughts.

Naruto sighed as he sat there still rubbing his temple with frustration.

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