《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 15


"NOO!!! DON'T TOUCH HIM!!!!" Kushina yelled. The hooded man smirked.

"Don't you dare," Minato growled through gritted teeth.

"Hn, how about no. This child is mine and you can't do anything about it." The hooded man smirked. Kushina was squirming under the kunai that was held under her throat. The masked man smiled sadistically. "The fate of your wife's life is also in my hands." Minato glared daggers at the man but knew that he couldn't do anything. He realized that he didn't place a marking on the man so he couldn't use hiraishin and if he showed any sign of resist then his wife would also die. "As I said before, give me the child and I'll spare your wife, but if you agree to anything contrary to that, then your wife will die right here and right now. What is your answer, Minato."


"Kushina, forgive me," Minato looked down at his child with grief and guilt. "We will meet up with him in the future and I know we will reunite with our child..." Minato trailed off while looking at his newborn child who was crying in his arms.

"MINATO NO!!!" Kushina yelled with tears streaming down her face.

"Please, Kushina, please forgive me," Minato muttered as his eyes started to go teary, but he pushed it down and looked up at the hooded man.

"So, what's your answer?"

"MINATO NO!!!!!" Kushina begged.

"You can have the child, but in return, let go of my wife," Minato finally answered.

The hooded man smirked, "Good choice, good choice."

"Now let go of my wife," Minto ordered. The hooded man chuckled. We'll do the exchange in the middle. Minato reluctantly nodded and started walking over to the masked man. Kushina was silent and couldn't say anything due to the grief. Minato hesitantly handed the child over. The man smirked and forcefully shoved Kushina over to Minato. Kushina immediately broke down and cried into Minato's chest. Minato looked at her sadly and stroked her hair while kissing her forehead trying to comfort her.


"Good," The man said as he held the baby in his arms. "Very, good." He closed his eyes and jumped away into the trees. Kushina was crying her eyes out and hitting Minato.

"Kushina, forgive me but I will make sure that we will reunite with him again. I promise." Kushina sobbed but tried to wipe her tears away.

"I'm keeping you on that promise." Kushina managed to choke out.

"Of course, honey, of course," Minato reassured as he held her in an embrace.

"Welcome to Iwagakure, your new home... Deidara."


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