《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 36


~Naruto's POV~

It's the day before we leave.

Everyone was packing up their stuff, of course, that includes me.

I had to take a trip with Yuki to the stores, with me face covered, obviously, so we could get some more bags.

Kuro, Kakashi, and I only had some bags we brought on own missions, which really aren't that big.

On our way back, we spotted Katsuo and Natalie heading to our house.

I went up to them with Yuki walking closely behind me because he is slightly afraid of walking around the village on his own.

"Hey guys! Wha'cha doin'?" I asked.

"We were heading over to your house to see if you guys wanted to stay at the compound with everyone else that's leaving so we don't have to wait for everyone before leaving tomorrow. So, y'all in or nah?" Katsuo spoke up with a big grin on his face.

I looked over to Yuki, who hesitantly nodded.

"I guess we're in, but I'll go ask the others. We'll be there by six and I will even help with dinner, okay?" I replied, looking back and forth the two in front of me.

"That's great! We'll go let everyone know. And you better make dinner!" Natalie threatened, pointing a finger at me.

I chuckled a little before biding them goodbye and continue walking home with Yuki.

The younger boy ended up holding my hand and trying to hide himself from everyone around.

'That boy is to shy and scared for his own good...' I shook my head at that thought and ruffled Yuki's hair.

When we arrived home, I told the other two about our plans and they agreed.

I put the furniture in paper seals then put them into a duffel bag.

Yuki was getting his clothes and putting Snowflake in her carrier, Kuro was gathering his and my clothes sense I was packing the bag stuff, and Kakashi was putting up all the books and small things in weaker seals.

It was five when we were done.

I took the clothes and sorted them out for each of us to have them in separate seals before heading out.

When we got to the Makoto compound, I headed to the kitchen pulling Kuro behind me and Yuki following after us.


After dinner and all that, everyone in the compound took turns using one of the 15 showers in the building.

It was a long wait for about 40 people, counting the clan members and clans leaving.

Itachi was here along with Paku, Roa, Mikoto and Fugaku who was dragging a ticked off emo complaining about leaving and why they had to, some other Uchiha's are also here too.

There was also the Nara, Akimichi, Aburane, Hyuga, and Inuzuka clans, well most of them, here.

Let's just say, that it is a good thing this place has a lot of space.

Such a shame it's going to be left behind.

Everyone had found a place to sleep, most sharing a room.

I just summoned my bed, receiving some weird and jealous looks, in the living room while everyone else in here got the floor.

Sometime before everyone went to bed, Fumiko popped up and jumped onto my stomachache.

"Hey sweet thing. Where have you been?" I asked, scooting over to make some room for her.

"I just got here. Kyoko and Mamoru were giving me a hard time about moving until I mentioned Yuki, Roa, and Paku were coming too." Fumiko sighed as she got under the covers.

I laughed a little, to which she shot a glare at me, so I decided to give her a kiss.

Fumiko blushed and hid her face under the covers.

Not to long later, Yuki came over to me and poked my arm.

"What is it, Yuki?" I asked, turning over to face him.

"I can't sleep and Kuro kept hitting me in his sleep beside me on the floor and Kaka-nii is still up so I can't find him..." The boy mumbled, giving me a pleading look.

I sighed and motioned him to get under the covers with me.

Yuki grinned and snuggled into my side, joining Fumiko in slumber land.

A slight smile grazed my lips as I joined them an hour later.

I had awoken three hours later making it two in the morning.

I carefully got out of the bed, watching as Yuki and Fumiko clung together in their sleep.

I smiled and pulled the blankets up and over their shoulders before going to the kitchen.


'Might as well go ahead and start making breakfast. Though it might be cold before everyone gets up, but that's their problem for not waking sooner then! Plus, I'm going to treat them with my awesome cooking skills!'

I made some breakfast pizza, as schools call it, pancakes, waffles, bacon, hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, sunny side up eggs, toast, french toast, french fries, how has no one woken up yet? Tea, cut apples, cut peaches, cut oranges, cut bananas, grilled cheese, hamburgers, peppermint tea, sweet tea, unsweetened tea, fresh apple juice, fresh orange juice, peanut butter sandwiches, and some other meat that may, or may not, be meant as breakfast food. Okay, seriously, how has no one got up yet?!

I sighed as I made my plate, checking the time while I'm at it.

5:38 A.M.

'I would of thought at least one person would have gotten up by now...'

After I finished my food and started washing my dishes, I heard some grumbling before a group of five walked in.

It looked like one female adult, two female teens, and two male teens.

They looked at the pile of food on the table, then to me, three times.

One of the teen girls gave me a weary look.

"Did you make all this?" She asked, sounding uncertain.

I nodded my head.

"Have at it."

I dried off my dishes and left the room, just as they started grabbing at the food.

By two hours, everyone was up and wondering who made the delicious food.

Those who knew it was me, gave me their thanks.

Everyone was up and ready to leave by nine.

Jiji and some others have chosen to stay behind until a new hokage can be found, and to provide a distraction for us to hurry up and leave.

Everyone gathered their things and stood in front of the compound.

I summoned Kurama, just 'cause I can, and he wouldn't shut'd up until I did.

I nodded to Haku, who shouted to everyone to follow and run out and as far away from the village as they can.

On the count of five, we all took off.

I was caring Paku on my back while Kuro had Mamoru, and a few others had some smaller, slower, people on their backs.

~Time Skip: 15 Years~

Hey, it's me, Naruto here.

So, long time skip, huh...

Well, a lot has happened in the past decade and a half, but that is a story for another time.

I'll tell you some of the more important things that happened.

After we all left the Hidden Leaf, we retreated to Uzushiogakure, which I had payed people to help rebuild.

After, around four or five years, Fumiko and I had quadruplets.

But Fumiko died an hour later.

Our first born had orange hair and one purple and one blue eye. She named him Minato, after after my father. She said that he reminded her of some of the pictures of my father I showed her.

Then there was our pink haired, blueish, purple eyed, beauty. I had named her after her late mother, Fumiko, child of beauty.

After was a red head with purple eyes, Fumi-chan named him Kurama, mostly because he had red fox ears and three tails. Kurama said it's unlikely he would ever transform.

Then, our youngest. She had bright yellow hair with blue eyes that turn purple when she is really angry or really happy. We agreed to name her Aimi.

Kuro became the second Uzukage in my place.

I was, of course, the first.

But now I have children to raise, so I'm going to try to do this right.

Right now, I'm living off all the money I made, and it's enough for multiple lifetimes, so, I am going good for now.

Katsuo has been helping me out with the kids in place of their missing parent, but nothing will replace my Fumiko.

I miss her, but, at least she left me four children before her passing.

I sat down on the couch and watched the kids play around, levitating things and all.

Katsuo chuckled as he took a seat beside me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" The brown haired male beside me asked.

I nodded as he got up and grabbed the remote and put on something called 'Flat Liners', or something of the sort.

Once he sat back down, let my head on his shoulder and covered up, Minato, Fumiko, Kurama, and Aimi taking their seats on the couch, and us.

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