《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 30


~Naruto POV~

There only two weeks left until the exams.

Only two weeks left.

Two long and boring weeks...

So far, Garaa has been getting along with my group.

I got him to smile more to.

Kuro and Natalie are now really lovey-dovey.

Its weird.

Their weird.

We're all weird.

Right now I'm at my one of my favorite training spots.

The Forest of Death.

I'm really bored.

So I started to throw kuni at my friends, who were training.

Let's just say they ain't to happy.

Buy, hey!

At least I'm entertained.

That's all that maters.

The girls along with Kuro, Garaa and Choji went shopping.

The girls dragged them along.

Right now, Shikamaru is shouting at me to stop while avoiding the sharp flying objects, Kouki is running around trying to find a spot to hide at, Kiba and Akamaru are on my rock with me while laughing his brains out and Katsuo is deflecting my kuni with his own.

I then stop my trowing and turned around.

Kiba looked at me wide eyed.

"You wouldn-" He didn't have a chance to finish before I pushed him off the eight foot heigh rock.

Or should I say bolder?

Kiba quickly ran off before I could hit him.

I chuckled at the scene.

~Time Skip~

When the others that went shopping came back, we went to the Makoto household.

They had bought some ingredients for pie.

Many, many kinds of pie.

Apple pie, pumpkin pie, my favorite, pecan pie, and, even, Hanna cream pie! Seriously! How much pie do we need?!

I let out a sigh as Kuro, Katsuo, some chefs and I started making the pies.

When Kuro and I went home, we were both carrying five boxes of all kinds of pie.

I am not sure we will finish all of this before it goes bad.


Once everyone was in bed, I started up on my book again. I'm calling it 'The Time Keeper'. I came up with the plot during a training session with Yuki.

It was around six in the morning when I went to go get something to eat.

While eating, I thought of what life will bring me after our exams.

After two years.

After five years.




Will I still be here?

Will I still be hated?

Why is life so mysterious?

Why can't we just get the answers we want, when we want them?

Its sure a pain.


But it is life so I must live with it, right?

Oh well.

I then sat down on the couch and started to watch a movie.

By the time the movie was over, Kakashi, Yuki and Kuro made their way down, looking for food.

"Naru-nii! Where's the food at?!" Yuki wined.

"Its wherever Kuro put it. Its his turn to cook." I replied, going back to flipping through the channels.

"But I don't wanna cook..." Kuro whined.

"Sucks for you then." I said, putting on some random show that seemed interesting.

I heard their foot steps slowly making their way to the kitchen.

I continue to watch the telly for a while longer before getting up and doing my laps around the village.

Once I was done with my laps, I went home to take a shower.

Afterwards I put on a see foam green shirt with light blue pants.

I heard some chattering coming from back in the living room, so I went there.

In there stood Yuki, Paku and Roa.

They were playing some kind of board game. Kakashi was watching TV on the couch while the kids sat on the floor.

I went upstairs to my shared room. Kuro must have gone out because he ain't here.

I walked over to the table in the middle of the room, and started working on my seals. I was in the middle of one yesterday before Kuro pulled me out of the house and to our friend group thing.

This kind of seal is meant to put a person in, so of course I was a little upset when Kuro took me away from it.

But, hey.

At least I was able to throw stuff at my friends.

That. Was. Fun.

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