《Learn to Love » Draco Malfoy x Reader》VII


I couldn't figure why I bother listening to anything Theo says, but especially when it comes to quidditch.

Just like the Hogsmeade trip, he had somehow coerced me into coming to watch him in the first match of the season.

He kind of sucked.

Well, to be completely fair, he wasn't the only one who sucked. But he certainly contributed to the team's overall lack of success. Theo, along with fellow chasers Adrian Pucey and Marcus Flint, were struggling, to say the least.

They'd only scored three goals each, totaling thirty points, since the start of the game, while the Hufflepuff chasers had already scored a whopping eighty. Each of our chasers only made one goal each; they'd been rusty since the start of the season.

I was sitting up with Daphne in our house's green stands, watching from high above the ground. Heights usually made me sick, but I had casted a spell before the game to wash away any nausea.

I didn't like going to quidditch games at the best of times, but this was certainly one of the worse times.

Many of the players zipped by the stands so quickly I could hardly make out who they even were. Quick whooshes of air signaled that someone had flown by, but by the time I noticed, they were long gone and chasing some other player or barreling toward the hoops.

If anything was to be said about Slytherin house, they hated losing. Unfortunately, that meant my eardrums were likely to be blown out by my fellow peers hollering as loud as they could. Some were yelling at certain players, others just shouting out indistinct upset noises.

I vaguely made out certain phrases like "Slytherin's the best!" and "catch the snitch!", the likes of which I tried to tune out and just focus on the game.

"Malfoy's actually doing pretty well!" Daphne shouted close to my ear, trying to let herself be heard above the angry noises of our housemates spectating.

My focus, which was shifting rapidly between Theo and Cedric, changed course and landed on Draco, who was inching closer and closer to the snitch.

He was sweated out, his easily-noticeable platinum hair slick with perspiration but being largely unnoticed as he dashed by, his speed making it blow behind him. One of Draco's long, slender arms was outstretched as he desperately tried to push his fingertips closer to the snitch that seemed to be getting nearer to his area of reach.

My vision started to blur as I watched him zip around the field, but I refocused so that the only thing on my mind was Draco.

"At least he's good for something," I retorted back to Daphne, my gaze fixated on our seeker.

It seemed as if Draco's struggling would soon be realized by catching the snitch, but when his hand was within just a few inches of the small winged ball, the figure of Cedric Diggory rose up next to him, equally determined to catch it.

Cedric had been doing presumably better up until a few moments ago in the game. All during the match, he seemed as if he was closer to the snitch, but thanks to an aggressive bludger shot at him by Lucian Bole on Slytherin, he was almost knocked clear off his broom, giving Draco the advantage for a short while. However, Cedric was simply too good. He regained his composure, mid-air, and somehow got back on his broom and caught up to Draco again.

The snitch darted down toward the ground, which sent both Draco and Cedric to dive after it. The two looked like parallels of each other, just desperately trying to be the one that caught it as it flitted its wings in a quick descent. The only noticeable difference between them, besides their house colors, was the way that Draco looked connivingly determined to win while Cedric seemed simply focused on himself.


When the two were just mere feet off the ground, the snitch seemed to slow, causing the boys to give each other a competitive glance at each other and take off for it with even greater force.

By this point, everyone had been ignoring what was happening with the other players; it was simply down to the two seekers and what would happen with the snitch. It felt like I couldn't tear my eyes away from them; one being the boy that I still was obsessed with, and the other that I should be obsessed with.

Focusing on the two, it seemed like Draco was becoming more and more frustrated with Cedric. Being a little taller, Cedric's reach was a tad longer than Draco's and it seemed like he would be the one who would catch the snitch. It was zig zagging around, to the left, the right, forward and then in either direction again, which the boys followed intensely.

If there was one thing that was obvious by watching Draco chase the golden ball, it was that he was getting tired of the snitch's theatrics. So, in traditional Draco fashion, he resorted to playing the only way he knew how: dirty.

Draco clearly and intentionally hurdled his broom to the right, into Cedric's side, causing him to be swiftly pushed and fall off his broom with a quick vigor, crashing to the ground. I could see Draco with a wicked laugh, pleased with himself that Cedric was out of the way.

However, this was before the shock set in on his face: he couldn't see the snitch in front of him.

During the time that he was sizing up Cedric and looking to knock him off his broom, the little snitch had darted to the right, toward Cedric who was close enough to catching it fairly. Draco was so consumed with trying to cheat his way to a win, that he had unknowingly just lost himself the game.

By pushing Cedric off his broom, he gave him the extra leverage that he needed to capture the snitch. In the time that he had fallen off and toward the ground, he somehow caught it in the air on his descent down.

Cedric had fallen face down, his arms hidden by his torso on the ground.

He shook his head, looking like he was trying to regain his composure, then slowly standing up, keeping one hand clutched to his chest.

After a moment, he turned to the crowd and a handsome smile appeared on his lips. He pumped his fist into the air, opening it to reveal the golden snitch between his fingers.

Cheers erupted from the Hufflepuff side of the pitch, while my housemates began angrily yelling, shouting profanities and obscenities; some at the players, some in general. Draco was getting his fair share of insults, but he certainly deserved them after trying to hurt Ced like that. A spew of vague words like "screw Malfoy" and "new seeker" could be heard from the crowd's utterings.

Not wanting to tolerate any further roars from in the stands, which was still continuing long after the game finished, Daphne and I held onto each other tightly as we weaved our way down to the bottom of the pitch. She and I had to endure lots of furious Slytherins bumping into us and nearly knocking us down. When we made it to the ground, she took off to meet one of the Slytherin players that she was closer with, while I decided to stay back and wait for Theo. It was his fault I was there, anyway.


After the announcements were made that Hufflepuff had won the game and Madam Hooch crowned the badgers the winners, a storm of yellow and black blurred my vision as I saw masses of Hufflepuffs all gathering together to hoist Cedric into the air, still holding the snitch.

Although it was my house that had lost, I felt a strange sense of pride that I hadn't in a long time. Watching Cedric be congratulated and celebrated by his teammates was comforting; I was so happy that something went his way. He deserved it, after working so hard the entire game. It would have been a shame if Draco had won after trying to steal the game from him.

In the midst of everyone crowding around Cedric, our gaze met for a brief moment. He smiled at me, an affectionate, genuine smile that would have warmed the entire quidditch pitch if everyone noticed. I mouthed a "congratulations" to him and waved softly, which he returned with a "thank you" before being ripped apart from our contact prematurely. I figured as much; he was the star player. He couldn't waste too much time looking at any one person.

"Watching your loverboy over there?" I heard the smooth voice of Theo rounding behind me.

"Just the person I was waiting for," I turned to look at him, smirking playfully. "I had to do something while you made a lousy one goal."

He grimaced, jokingly. "Not our best game for you to come to. Especially not for me... damn Pucey, hardly let me get the quaffle."

"I'm only kidding, Theo. You did fine, like always," I smiled, pulling him in for a hug, then backing up immediately after feeling his damp sweat clinging to his uniform. "But maybe a congratulations would be better in order after a shower."

He chuckled, throwing his head back. "You're probably right. I don't think this is what the ladies are talking about when they say they like a manly musk," he sniffed under his arm and cringed.

"Gross, Nott," I laughed, lightly smacking his arm. "You know, you actually weren't that bad. If anything, you were the best of the chasers—"

My compliments to Theo were harshly interrupted when a seething Draco walked up to us, grabbing Theo by the forearm. "Nott, we've got to talk."

Draco's gaze on Theo was narrow and his voice husky and deep. He looked frustrated, which could be understood from how the game had just gone.

"Relax, Draco. I'm having a conversation here," Theo scoffed dismissively, motioning over to me.

"Doesn't matter," he quipped. "Uh, Captain's orders... calling an... urgent team meeting."

Theo rolled his eyes. "I'm starting to regret voting you team captain, especially after this."

I let out a dry laugh. "Malfoy, team captain? No wonder Slytherin didn't win."

"Watch your mouth, Vitelli. I don't see you contributing to the team. If you want to be our strategist, be my guest," Draco sneered, his voice laced with malice.

"Malfoy, you're in no position to be upset with anyone other than yourself. You do realize that you just lost Slytherin the game because you weren't good enough to win fair and square?"

"It's called high risk, high reward," he defended, puffing out his chest to appear domineering.

"It's called being an idiot."

"Shut it, y/n, you're barely a real Slytherin let alone on this team. Now beat it, before I make you wish you hadn't came today."

"After seeing you fuck up the game, I already wish I hadn't came today."

Theo stifled a snorty laugh at that, which caused him to bring his hand to his mouth to cover up the smile that was undoubtedly spread across his face. I could hear his muffled chuckles peaking out from underneath his fingers.

"Something funny, Nott?" Draco turned his attention to my giggly friend, who was trying to calm himself down of the blush that was tinting his cheeks. Draco was already furious, but now he looked like he was ready to kill Theo.

"J-just... nothing," he coughed, becoming in control of his laughter again. He visibly calmed down, standing up straighter and his eyes narrowing. He looked behind me, likely at the honey badgers basking in their cheers then back to Draco. "Let's get out of here before these pesky Hufflepuffs rub it in our faces."

"Don't you think they deserve to?" I reeled to make Draco angrier.

It seems I succeeded, as Draco slowly craned his neck to look back down at me, eyes shooting daggers. His nostrils flared in response to the upward sneer of his lip. His lowered voice hinted with spite whispered, "Run off to your mudblood paramour. He could bask in some more attention after his glorious victory today."

"How many times do I have to say it? He's not my—"

Before I could finish my defense, I felt a tap on my shoulder which prompted me to instinctively turn around and be faced with a warm look from Cedric.

"Cedric! Merlin, congratulations!" I yelped, throwing my arms around his neck.

I felt his strong arms lock around my waist, causing my breath to hitch. I hadn't expected this to be a genuine hug, but more of a short-lived, congratulatory gesture. Much to my surprise, he lowered his chin to rest on my shoulder and his arms around my waist lingered for a moment before pulling away.

It was the best feeling I'd had in a long time.

Everything felt alive again; my skin was tingling from the sensations he left behind.

"Thank you, y/n," he smiled, his teeth almost shining white. "Sorry to interrupt your..." he motioned to the two Slytherins walking away briskly toward what I assumed was their locker room. I wasn't surprised that they had left without saying goodbye. Draco was getting lots of insults being thrown at him left and right.

"Don't worry about it," I assured him, my gaze lingering on Theo and Draco for a moment. Draco was dragging Theo by the arm to wherever they were headed, clearly shouting something at him which I couldn't make out. We made eye contact for a split second before my attention returned to Cedric. Draco looked irritated.

"Right... listen, I'm glad you came today," he grinned. "I know your house was playing today, too. But still, it was nice just... seeing you. In the crowd, I mean."

"I definitely feel the same," I nodded. "It was nice seeing you so... happy. And clearly doing so well with quidditch; the game was yours from the beginning."

He blushed, his hand coming to scratch the back of his neck. "Thanks, y/n, but you're too kind. To be fair, your house put up a hell of a fight. Especially that Nott, seems like a decent bloke."

I snickered, "Ced, you don't have to lie. They were awful, including Theo. As much as I love the guy, you were the best today."

He let out a hearty chuckle, then shifted his weight to one leg in a somewhat nervous fashion. "You flatter me. Always have after a game."

"Some things never change, I suppose. Especially when you play that well."

He grinned to himself, looking down at his feet. He cleared his throat, letting out a light cough before looking back up to meet my gaze. "Listen, y/n, I understand if you're not interested... but my house is having a party later tonight to celebrate the first win of the season. Like I said, I get if you'd rather not, but you're welcome to come... in fact, I'd like you to. If you're comfortable, that is."

I looked up at him and smiled. In the moment, I wasn't thinking about house loyalties, or how it would look to our friends, or even the implied romantic undertones attached to the invitation. All I was thinking about was wanting to celebrate the victory of a person I truly cared about; someone that had always been there for me and I always wanted the best for. Perhaps it wasn't the best choice to go, or to accept so soon, but none of that occurred to me when I uttered a sweet "yes" to him.

The look on his face said it all. He looked happier than when he caught the snitch.

A/N: Typical Draco... wreaking havoc as per usual. He has a long way to go, but I kinda love the enemies dynamic between him and y/n right now. In a couple chapters, I'm forcing them closer together. No need to worry if you want their relationship to develop! It's in the works.

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