《Depths Of Fire | House Of The Dragon》3
Before the Tournament, Visenya went to visit her father who was competing in the Jousts, representing House Targaryen. She found him wearing his signature black armour with a three-headed dragon, his helmet lying besides him, and sharpening his sword.
"Father!" She said, gaining his attention. Daemon looked up from his sword and smiled at his daughter.
"What are you doing here, ?" He asked.
"I just came to see you before the Jousts." She told him. "Nervous?" She asked him.
"A dragon never gets nervous, dear daughter. And were dragons, we don't loose, so no nervousness." He told her.
Visenya raised a brow at him, " Overconfidence gets you harmed or worst killed." She told him.
Daemon smiles nostalgically, remembering when Naerys said the same words to him. His daughter was really like her mother sometimes. "It's not overconfidence, it's called having belief in my skills.
'What's the difference?' She thought but didn't say anything. She just shook her head and let out a sigh. " Just don't get hurt." She told her father, worried about his well being.
Daemon smiled at his daughter, had it been someone else he would have shouted at them for being annoying, but this wasn't someone, this is his daughter and he was thankful that she loved him unconditionally even after all the bad things he had done, including the one recently in Flea Bottom. He knew she knows about it but didn't say anything. "Don't worry, , I'll be fine." He said reassuringly.
Visenya smiled at him and went to her seat after hugging him.
As Visenya entered at box, where she was to be seated she smiled at her Uncle Corlys and her cousins Laenor and Laena and her Aunt Rhaenys who returned it. Then went to sit at her seat.
"Be welcome!" King Viserys yelled out addressing the crowd, "I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news-"
Visenya raised a brow at her cousin, who had came late and made a lame attempt at sneaking in without being noticed and gaot a sheepish smile in return. Rhaenrya took the seat between Visenya and Alicent and they focused on the King's speech.
"-that I am happy to share: Queen Aemma has begun her labors!" "May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!"
And the tournament began.
Visenya didn't know what to think about the Tourneys, at first they used to be exciting but now after attending so many, they have gotten a bit boring, that was until a new knight came into the arena.
"A mystery knight?" Rhaenrya asked excitedly from beside her.
"No, a Cole, of the Stormlands." Alicent told her.
"I've never heard of House Cole." Rhaenrya frowned.
"I don't think anyone has." Visenya muttered making Rhaenrya snicker and Alicent give her look but before anyone could say anything a loud obnoxious voice was heared in front of the Royal box.
"Princess Rhaenys Targaryen! I would humbly ask for the favor of 'The Queen Who Never Was' ". Lord Boremund Baratheon said and Visenya mentally facepalmed knowing that Rhaenys may not show it but the title bothered her. But also because no one knew whether the title was to praise Rhaenys or insult either her or Viserys.
"Good fortune to you, cousin." Rhaenys said smiling as she fave her cousin her favour.
"I would gladly take it if I thought I needed it." The Baratheon Lord said cockily.
"Lord Stokeworth's daughter is promised to that young Tarly squire." Rhaenrya said seeing the Lord.
"Lord Massey's son?" Alicent asked disbelieved.
"Mm-hm." Rhaenrya nodded. "They're to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood." Visenya added.
"Best get on with it. I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly beneath her dress." Alicent said making Visenya snort and Rhaenrya look at Alicent in shock then shake her head dismisively and the girls focused their attention back to the tournament where two riders rode towards each other. They watched impressed as the Cole knight unhorsed the Baratheon Lord in the first round.
"What's his name?" Visenya asked out of curiosity.
"Ser Criston Cole!" A male voice said and the girls turned back to look that Laenor and Laena have shifted their chairs to sit directly behind them.
"How do you know?" Rhaenrya asked him.
"Cause he loves to gossip." Visenya said giving her cousin a mocking look.
"He's quite handsome, I've heard." Laenor said and then smirked. "But then I don't think it matters to you."
"Why?" Visenya asked confused.
"I've heard about your encounter with Louis Stark." Laenor said, the smirk still present.
"What about it?"
"He's said to be the most handsome man out there and I've heard that you're smiling quite a lot in his presence." He said smugly.
Visenya glared at Ser Rodrik who suddenly found wall to be the most interesting thing in the world and everyone snickered.
"Father is friends with his father and I'm quite familiar with him. If you'd like I could introduce you both properly." Laenor continued.
"Oh shut up, it's nothing like that." Visenya glared at him and grumbled.
To relieve her cousin of the embarrassment, Rhaenrya turned towards Ser Harold. "What do you know about this Ser Criston Cole, Ser Harrold?"
"I'm told Ser Criston is common-born, son of Lord Dondarrion's steward. But other than that, and the fact that he's just unhorsed both of the Baratheon lads, I really couldn't say." The Westerling knight told her making her nod.
Suddenly, the drums started ecoing through the arena as the Prince of house Targaryen came out to participate and Master of Revels announced him "Prince Daemon of House Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent!" The crowd cheered louder than ever along with the princesses as Daemon chose his first challenger. "For his first challenge, Prince Daemon Targaryen chooses Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown, eldest son of the Hand of the King."
Visenya sighed at the predictability of her father. Besides Rhaenrya, Alicent started biting up her nails, worried for her brother has no one knew how far the prince would go to annoy the hand.
The first time the road towards each other the Hightower knight actually managed to hit Daemon, disbalancing him on his horse and fly backwards but he remained seated. Then, with new lances, both rode towards each other again and this time, Daemon aimed at the horses leg instead, knocking them down which sent the young knight crashing to the ground, injuring his face badly.
A few men assisted Gwayne Hightower off the field, while Rhaenrya comforted Alicent.
Seeing Daemon come towards the Royal box, the Targaryen cousins walked over to the fence.
"Nicely done, Uncle." Rhaenrya complinented.
"Thank you, Princess." He said.
Visenya asked with mock seriousness.(Did you really had to use foul play, father? )
Daemon replied in the same tone and the cousins looked at each other, 'how's that any different', they thought and shook their heads. (I just used a little trick, daughter, it isn't foul play.)
Daemon then turned towards, Alicent who had trailed behind the cousins. "Now, I'm fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent. Having your favor would all but assure it." He said and Visenya sighed at her father's attempts in orther to provoke Otto Hightower.
"Good luck, my Prince." Alicent said as she gave him her favour, and he rode away.
After a few rounds, it was the semifinals, first, Prince Daemon against Ser Criston Cole and second, Lord Louis Stark against a Lannister knight.
First, Louis Stark and the Lannister knight would go against each other. Before the joust began, Louis Stark came in front of the Royal box. "I was hoping for your favour, Princess Visenya." He said.
Visenya smiled and grabbed her favour from the nearby table and gave it to him.
"Good luck, My Lord."
"Thank you, Princess." He then left after giving her a smile.
Visenya went and sat on her seat, ignoring the smug looks her cousins were sending her.
The joust began and in just two rounds Louis unhorsed his opponent leading him to the finals against either Ser Criston Cole or Prince Daemon.
"Ser Criston Cole will now tilt against Ser Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the City!" Master of Revels announced and the crowd cheered.
The two Riders prepared themselves and when they got the signal, they rode towards each other at a great speed. The first time Daemon landed a blow against Ser Criston but the second time it was Ser Criston who landed the blow straight in Daemon's chest, making him fall off his horse.
Everyone in the crowd cheered, except for senior who was worried about her father. But soon it was clear that he is alright, as he stood up and shoved away the squire that tried to help him.
"Prince Daemon Targaryen wishes to continue in a contest of arms!" Master of Revels announced as Daemon asked for his sword. Visenya sighed at her father being a sore loser.
At first Daemon was winning, his boiling Dragonblood boiled, giving him advantage. He landed blow after blow at Ser Criston's shield using Dark Sister, forcing the Cole backwards. Ser Criston mangaged to break the Targaryen prince's shield using his Morningstar but it was just a moment of victory as Daemon got the upper hand again and knocked him on the ground.
However, Ser Criston got up again and the fighting continued. The crowd was cheering madly and Rhaenrya watched in awe, even Visenya was impressed by his skills. But once again Daemon managed to knock Criston Cole on the ground. A thunder of applause ran through the arena and Daemon rejoiced in his victory. But the Cole knight hadn't been defeated yet, as Daemon was busy celebrating, he stood up and knocked the prince down with one blow making Visenya wince and get worried for her father, but not much as she knew the Knight wouldn't harm the Prince much if he doesn't want him head on a spike. Daemon tried to reach for Dark Sister but Cole kicked it out of his reach. Daemon bought his dagger out but the knight placed a foot against his arm forcing it down and asked Daemon to yield, which he did after a few seconds. Sir Criston offered his hand but Daemon slapped it away and stood on his own. Rhaenrya dragged Visenya and Alicent to the edge and as Ser Criston came towards their box.
"Gods, He's Dornish." Alicent gasped as Ser Criston removed his helm.
"I was hoping to ask for the Princess's favor." He asked Rhaenrya.
She went and got her favour, which she tossed to him, and he catched. "I wish you luck, Ser Criston." She wished him.
"Princess." He said and went to prepare for his next joust against Louis Stark.
But before it could began, all the Council members became frantic and Visenya felt a feeling of dread wash over her. She knew what happened without being told by the look on their faces.
Queen Aemma has died.
Next day, everyone was at the sea shores for Queen Aemma and Prince Balon's funeral.
Visenya was standing near her father behind Rhaenrya and Viserys as they waited for either of them to give the command. When, neither of them did anything Visenya looked at her father, who gave her a nod.
She went besides Rhaenrya. "They're waiting for you." She whispered softly.
"I wonder, if during those few hours my brother lived, my father finally found happiness. " Rhaenrya said sadly in High Valyrian.
"Your father needs you know, more than he has ever before." Visenya told her.
"I will never be a son." The older princess said in a dejected voice. But at the same time took a step forward to give the command.
"D.." She started but choked on her voice.
"I'm here for you." Visenya told her as she squeezed her hand.
Rhaenrya squeezed her hand back as she looked at her father who wasn't starting at anything but the pyre of his dead son and wife.
With a new anger in her she said, "Dracarys". Syrax breathed out fire and bured the pyre of the late Queen and the Princeling.
Visenya was going from Rhaenrya's chambers to hers after comforting her when Ser Rodrik found her. She frowned at the look on his face.
"Ser Rodrik! Is everything all right?" She asked worried.
"No, Princess. Your father has been summoned in front of the king."
"I'm not quite sure, but i think it's because he called prince Baelon 'Heir for the day' and the King found out."
Visenya cursed under her breath at her fathers attitude.
"Thank you for telling me, Ser. I can handle it from here." She told him.
"Are you sure, princess?".
" Yeah." She assured him and went to the throne room and hid in it, waiting for her father to come.
As soon as Daemon entered the throne room he found her, he always knew when she was hiding but didn't acknowledge the fact. Instead he went to greet his brother.
"You cut the image of the conqueror, brother." He said, his tone something between sarcastic and genuine, something only he can manage.
"Did you say it?" Viserys asked sternly.
"I don't know what you mean."
" You will address me as 'Your Grace', or I will have my Kingsguard cut out your tongue." Viserys warned. " 'The Heir for a Day' Did you say it?" He asked.
"We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace." Daemon replied stoically.
" My family has just been destroyed. But instead of being by my side, or Rhaenyra's, like Visenya, you chose to celebrate your own rise!" Viserys shouted making Visenya flinch, she had never seen her Uncle so angry. "Laughing with your whοres and your lickspittles! You have no allies at court but me! I have only ever defended you! Yet everything I've given you, you've thrown back in my face." He continued.
"You've only ever tried to send me away. To the Vale, to the City Watch, anywhere but by your side. All these years I've been away from my daughter, because of you." Daemon started, letting out all the frustration he had been storing all these years, trying to get attention from his brother. "Ten years you've been king, and yet not once have you asked me to be your Hand!" He shouted.
"Why would I do that?"
" Because I'm your brother. And the blood of the dragon runs thick." Daemon told him.
"Then why do you cut me so deeply?" Viserys asked desperately.
"I've only ever spoken the truth. I see Otto Hightower for what he is."
"An unwavering and loyal Hand?"
"A cսոt." Daemon replied bluntly. "A second son who stands to inherit nothing he doesn't seize for himself."
" Otto Hightower is a more honorable man than you could ever be." Visenya clenched her hand at the comparison. She loved her uncle, but gods he could be really blind sometimes.
"He doesn't protect you. I would." Daemon said and Visenya's heart started beating fast, she had an inkling about what her father was about to say.
"From what?" Viserys asked confused.
"Yourself. You're weak...Viserys." Daemon said without hesitation and Visenya could feel what was about to happen. Her uncle would send her father away, again. "And that council of leeches knows it. They all prey on you for their own ends."
"I have decided to name a new heir." Viserys said, changing the topic.
"I'm your heir." Daemon told him, confused.
"Not anymore." Viserys started. "You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once, and you are to do so without quarrel by order of your King." He declared.
"Your Grace." Daemon clenched his hands and jaw but didn't say anything else and went out with Visenya following after him.
After moving for some time, Daemon stopped at the Dragonpit.
"How long are you going to follow me?"
"Did you have to say that?! What were you thinking?!" Visenya asked him exasperated.
"Didn't knew, I would have to be scolded by my daughter." He said sarcastically.
She stomped towards him. " Don't you get it? Mother is gone, and the only parent I've got left, leaves me for months and after two days of visiting, gets sends away, again, because of his rouge behavior." Visenya started with tears in her eyes and Daemon's eyes softened, his daughter rarely cried. This is the only time she'd cried after the death of Naerys and it pained him to know that he has been the cause of it. " You're the only parent I've got left, I need you by my side. As much as Uncle Viserys loves me like a daughter, he's not my father."
Daemon sighed and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry." He told her.
" I know." She whispered. "I just don't want you to go, Kepa. I'll miss you. "
"I'll miss you too, byka zaldrīzes ." He admitted. "But I promise, I'll send you letters and try my best to visit you or to see that you can come and visit me. But right now I've to go."
"I understand." She said and pulled away from the hug. Daemon kissed on the top of her head and went to Caraxes. He bid her goodbye and flew away on his dragon.
"Bye, ." She whispered and went inside.
After a few days the coronation was held, where Rhaenrya was made the Heir to the Seven Kingdoms, and Visenya couldn't have been happier for her older cousin. If someone deserved it, it was her. She knew Rhaenrya would face opposition to her inheritance but she would stand by her older cousin's side, no matter what.
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Being Frank
**Author's Note** This was my 7th attempt at writing this story. I've worked on the story since 20 years ago but my writing style and skills haven't been satisfactory to me. So after working as a digital content manager for 2 years and after a very long deliberation I've decided to drop this 7th attempt and start on my 8th attempt. This 8th attempt will be the same story but starting from a different point in the timeline of my story. Thank you for your support on this 7th try, it is only due to your reviews and comments that I have the confidence to work hard on my 8th attempt. I started on my 8th attempt with the intention that my 8th attempt will be the final one as I'm a lot more confident and content with my where my writing skills are currently at. Volume 1 In a world filled with magic, war, giants and other awesome races lives Frank. Who being Frank is somewhat of a hermit. He loves to tinker with various contraptions trying to bend the laws of magic to his will. Through his successes he has garnered some attention; unwanted attention. If only that was all there was to it. .... war is coming Volume 2 Frank was born as a normal child, born in a normal family. His father was a scientist and was busy working most days. This is also why Frank was especially excited when his father decided to take an extended holiday to travel to Asia with his family. But their trip turns out to be one from which there is no going back. Writer's notice: I will continue to participate in the NaNoWriMo every November till I finish all that I have planned to write. I expect to have this story finished in 14 years approximately.Update:I was unhappy with how I had first written the first and second volume but am leaving the editing and finishing of those volumes till later and have started on the third one. The chronological order so far is 2-1-3. Might fix that too later.
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