《Game of Thrones preferences》Margaery Tyrell catch-up


You are a one of Oberyn Martells bastards and you arrived for the royal wedding. She watched you spar one day with some of the Tyrell knights and giggled when you knocked them all to the ground. Later that day she summoned you to walk the gardens with her.

She adores the sound of your laugh because she just thinks it is so sweet and genuine. Then then when you are finished laughing she loves the remains of the smile that stay on your lips and the glint of merriment in your eyes.

One day you ate some Kings Landing food and spat it out. It was incredibly bland, unseasoned chicken unlike anything you had ever had before.

Your quick wit and the way you easily dished out japes to lady Olenna.

When your hands brushed against each other or you caught eye contact and kept it for perhaps longer than you ought to have done.

You only ever kissed once, it was when you were both sure you were alone. It was disguised as a quick peck on the cheek that accidentally landed on the lips. It was soft, gentle and everything you ever wanted.

my rose

my sun

When Joffrey was poisoned and you could rest assured knowing that Margaery wasn't stuck in his evil clutches.

She smiled back calmly, testing how long you could hold her gaze.

She maintained a hard exterior but once she was alone that night she lay in bed crying.

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