《Reign of the Dragons》Reactions of the Realm


Rhaenyra took the letter and opened it. It was written in High Valyrian, which worried her.

Letters were written in High Valyrian if something truly horrible had happened.

My dear sister.

Father is dead and the Greens have crowned Aegon while I have been crowned king. The war is here, just like mother has predicted.

Spread the word through the Stormlands, and call the banners. I will take King's Landing soon.

Your Brother,

Dorian Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm.

"Rhaenyra?" Borros inquired.

"My father is dead, and the Greens have crowned Aegon while my brother has been crowned." she said.

"I'll call the banners." Alexander murmured, getting up. "Long Live the King."

"Long Live King Dorian." Borros declared.

"A letter for you, Your Grace." a servant announced, entering the dining room.

Visenya took the letter, and paled when she saw the High Valyrian.

My dear daughter,

Your Grandfather is dead and the Greens have crowned Aegon while I have been crowned king. The war is here, just like your Grandmother has predicted.

Tell the Tyrells, and inform them to call the banners. I will send someone to help you in the Reach if you must fight. The worst of the fighting will be there.

Your Father,

Dorian Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm.

"Vis?" Simon asked gently.

"My Grandfather is dead." Visenya whispered.

"Long Live King Dorian." Olenna declared solemnly.

"We must call the banners." Matthos declared.

"Call the banners." Cregan barked. "We are marching south." he informed his cousin.

"For the King?"

"For the King." the Lord of Winterfell declared grimly. "Long Live the King."


"The King is dead." Jeyne said.

"What shall we do, My Lady?" her husband inquired.

"Call the banners. The Vale shall side with the true king." the Maiden of the Vale declared.

"We side with the king." Jason said firmly. "The Blacks shall easily crush the Greens."

"They were fools to do this." Johanna agreed. "They will fall, and Baelon will most likely take over Oldtown once the Sky Queen is finished with it."

"Aye. Let's not get on the Skystrider's bad side." the Lord of Casterly Rock agreed.

"What do we do, Father?" seventeen year old Kermit inquired.

"We fight for the true king." Elmo Tully said grimly.

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