《Reign of the Dragons》Interlude: The Royal Progress (part 3)


The royal party were happily welcomed to the Eryie. Jeyne had recently given birth to a son, Justin Arryn—the Lord Consort of the Eryie was Lord Royce's second son, Thomas Royce.

"So, you are Lady Jessamyn's lover—and she is married to Ser Mason Hunter. On the other hand, Ser Mason is Ser Thomas's lover—who is your husband." Daenaera said.

"Yes." Jeyne said.

"I see. A court after my own heart." Rhaella said mildly.

"You do love a good scheme, mother." Dorian stated dryly.

"Yes, I have gotten bored with Alicent and her schemes." the Sky Queen complained.

Jeyne laughed. "Then you should see how my own kin tried to take what is mine, Your Grace."

"Do tell me. In this world of men, we women must band together." the purple eyed Queen stated firmly.

Rhaella loved flying Dreamfyre, but she did enjoy relaxing on a boat every now and then.

"Grandmama." Jocelyn chirped, walking over to her grandmother. Her parents had given her permission to join the royal progress.

"Hello dear. How are you?" Rhaella smiled, picking up her granddaughter.

"I'm good." Jocelyn said. She saw Dreamfyre flying over head with the other dragons. "I want to fly."

"I can take you flying later, little dragon." Rhaella promised.

"What's it like to fly?" the Baratheon lady inquired.

Rhaella paused. "It's liberating." she said softly.

The two stood together in silence, as Rhaella reminisced on her happy childhood.

The four years before Alyssa Targaryen's death was like a dream—something you could remember but never quite place.

All Rhaella could remember was her mother's laugh, smile, and face.

Nothing else.

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