《Reign of the Dragons》Interlude: The Royal Progress (part 1)


"There!" Rhaenyra said, pointing the the incoming dragons. Dreamfyre, Vermithor, Silverwing, Tyraxes, Shrykos, Vermx, Snowreaver, and Morghul.

The courtyard bowed as the dragons landed and the riders slide off. Viserra rode with Rhaella while Rhaelon & Rhaelle rode with their parents.

Rhaenyra smiled at her twin, who smiled back.

Jocelyn waved to her betrothed, Aemon who waved back.

"Your Graces." Borros boomed.

"Lord Borros. Wonderful to see you again." Rhaella smiled. She turned to Rhaenyra, Alexander, and their children. "Come, greet your grandmother

"Mother. Children, meet your grandmother, Queen Rhaella Targaryen." Rhaenyra said.

"Grandmother." her children greeted.

"We should move inside before the storm gets worse." Dorian noted.

The party moved in side.

They stayed for a week. Orryn, Jocelyn, Victor, and Argella became fast friends with their Targaryen cousins Aemon, Aelyx, Visenya, Viserra, Rhaelon, and Rhaelle.

Aemon and Jocelyn stuck together for a majority of the trip. The two were very close like Alexander and Rhaenyra had been when they were younger.

At Nightsong, the word came of Baelon and Helaena's newborn children: twins Jaehaerys and Jaehaera.

Lord Caron offered a feast, but Dorian declined.

It was a short and sweet visit.

Enough time to recuperate after traveling all the way from Storm's End, but long enough to not be rude.

Highgarden was lovely. Visenya got along with Matthos's grandson by his heir Ser William, Simon Tyrell.

Simon was a very calm boy, well spoken but with a cunning mind—as it should for the grandson of the Queen of Thorns—Rhaella and Olenna had a wonderful reunion at Highgarden to everyone's terror.

"A potential match? The Tyrells have served us loyally for over a century and Matthos hates the Hightowers." Daenaera suggested, watching the Tyrell children play with her own brood.

"I'm considering it. A potential daughter of Simon and Visenya could marry Aemon and Jocelyn's heir." Dorian admitted. "Visenya could foster at Highgarden. Aelyx will foster in Winterfell, Visenya here, and Viserra at Storm's End—she got along well with Orryn."


Matthos, Olenna, and Rhaella agreed with the offer to foster Visenya at Highgarden once the royal procession was over and she completed her dragon lessons.

The royal party headed to Goldengrove since Olenna's daughter, Elenda, had married Robert Rowan.

"Yes, our castle is lovely. Perhaps one of your children would foster here... or marry one of our children?" Robert said. "To ensure our loyalty to the Blacks."

"I hear what you're saying, Robert." Rhaella snapped. "And if you think of betraying me I will come here on Dreamfyre with Fire and Blood."

"Maybe we should look into House Rowan's loyalty to House Targaryen..." Dorian hummed.

"We are loyal to Hosue Targaryen." Robert said hastily.

They left after a week's stay at Goldengrove for Casterly Rock.

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