《Reign of the Dragons》The Gilded Wedding


In 94 AC, to celebrate honor his deal with the Faith, Jaehaerys Targaryen started the construction of the Great Sept of Alysanne, named after his beloved sister-wife.

And in 110 AC, the construction was completed.

Located atop of Visenya's Hill, the sept was surrounded by a white, which boasted a statue of Alysanne.

It had taken so many years, but the Great Sept was done and the new center of religious worship for the Faith of the Seven and the seat of the High Septon of the Faith, replacing the Starry Sept in Oldtown.

To celebrate this, Viserys decreed the grand double wedding for both Dorian and Rhaenyra to their respective betrothed would take place in the Great Sept of Alysanne.

Rhaella had spent months planning the royal weddings, and now it was the day. Alicent had refused to attend the wedding, but Viserys insisted Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond attend, as did Baelon.

The Sky Dragon stood up when Daenaera and Rhaenyra entered the Great Sept of Alysanne, which was heavily decorated.

Daventh wore a doublet of black and gold which showed off his muscular upper body with black pants and black boots.

Dorian wore a black and red doublet which also showed off his muscular upper body, along with a simple jet and ruby crown, black pants, and black boots with crimson here and there.

Both sixteen year olds wore gowns made from pure white silk with white high heels and veils.

Daenaera had a great cloak with the Velaryon symbol while Rhaenyra had an ebony great cloak with the Targaryen dragon made from rubies.

Daenaera had white diamond earrings, a white diamond necklace and her mother's tiara. She looked like the Maiden in her finery.

Rhaenyra sported a pair of ruby earrings and a silver and ruby necklace. Her diadem was made of silver and elegantly decorated with rubies as well.


"They look like the Maiden." Helaena softly squealed. "Mama, can I look like that when I marry?"

"Of course little one, but I'll make sure its unique. Rhaenyra would love to help you—she is a great sister, isn't she?"

Helaena nodded. Despite Alicent's best efforts, Rhaella was Helaena's mother in everything but blood.

Corlys gave away Daenaera and Viserys gave away Rhaenyra before they returned to their seats and the ceremony began.

And when that was done, the party traveled back through the streets to the Red Keep. The smallfolk cheered on the new couples and Rhaella on the way.

"SEVEN BLESSINGS ON QUEEN RHAELLA, THE ONE TRUE QUEEN!" they cheered, tossing flowers. Rhaenyra laughed as let a little girl give her a flower crown with a little boy giving Dorian a flower crown he crowned Daenaera with.


The wedding feast was a grand ceremony and a tourney.

Ser Criston Cole brutally injured a Baratheon knight and was dismissed as Rhaenyra's sworn shield, replaced with Ser Erryk Cargyll.

Steffon Darklyn was the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and Rhaella's own swornshield.

Most of the Kingsguard except for Rickard Thorne and Criston Cole. After the death of Willis Fell in 111 AC, Harwin Strong replaced him and was a devoted Black supporter along with House Strong.

"They will call this the Gilded Wedding." Rhaenys mentioned as the feast wound down and Rhaenyra, Daveth, Daenaera, and Dorian all slipped away to their rooms.

"Yes. The rebinding of House Baratheon and House Velaryon to House Targaryen. One of Rhaenyra's girls will make a good bride for Dorian's son." the purple eyed Queen hummed.

Rhaenys hummed. "You are a key player in the Game."

"When you play the game, you win or you die, for there is no middle ground. And I do not intend to die." the Sky Queen said firmly.

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