《Reign of the Dragons》Unfaithful


Rhaella poured over paperwork to sign for the Small Council. Baelon was taking a nap while Dorian, Rhaenyra, Laena, Daenaera, and Laenor were at their lessons.

Rhaenys was Hand of the King, Corlys the Master of Ships, Lyam Beesbury Master of Coin, and Mysaria, whom her brother recommended, Mistress of Whispers.

Lyonel Strong was the new Master of Laws. Gerardys was the new Royal Physician and Runciter was the Grand Maester.

Even though she was a women, Viserys allowed her to attend Small Council meeting with him.

"Rhaella." a voice said, and she looked up to see a shaken Ella and Jocasta.

"Jocasta, Ella. What's wrong?" the silver-white haired Queen inquired.

"Its Viserys." Ella said.


"We saw him in the gardens... he was with Alicent Hightower. They were kissing and then he took her to a room—we heard them start of have sex." Jocasta said.

Rhaella remembered the flowers in the garden when she and Viserys talked about their marriage.

Freesia symbolized trust.

The Sky Dragon had trusted Viserys.

Black Dahlia meant betrayal.

"Thank you for informing me." she said frostily. Jocasta and Ella stepped back.

Rhaella's anger wasn't firey and explosive like Daemon, but seething and cold like a glacier, but burning all the same.

Just because you couldn't see her anger, just didn't mean it was there.

"Rhaella?" Viserys said.

"I heard the most interesting things from my ladies." Rhaella said serenely, but her eyes were colder than a glacier and harder than Valyrian steel.

Both the most obvious signs of her anger.


"Don't call me that!" Rhaella screamed, standing up. "How long!?!"

"Ella please—" Viserys took a step closer but flinched when Rhaella threw a jade vase at him. It hit the wall and shattered.

That had been Viserys gift to her on her twentieth name day.


"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING THE HIGHTOWER WHORE BEHIND ME!?! ANSWER ME, VISERYS!" the Sky Queen screamed, tears of betrayal, pain, and anger in her purple eyes.

"...A year." the Young King admitted.

"Right after Baelon was born." Rhaella croaked, words wracked with betrayal and anger as she trembled. She stood up, glaring at him.

"Get ride of her Viserys. Give her moon tea and she will marry some lord. I never want to see her around the Red Keep again." the only daughter of Baelon the Brave hissed.

"No." Viserys said firmly. "She pregnant–two weeks along. She will be my second wife."

"You will cause another incident in the realm just like when Maegor married Alys Harroway." Rhaella spat, shaking in anger at her husband's betrayal.

"Rhaella, please—"

"If you want me to not out your secret right here and now, you will give me exactly. what. I. want." Rhaella promptly blackmailed her brother.

"What do you want." Viserys asked.

"During the feast, you will announce Dorian as the Prince of Dragonstone and the declaration all of my descendants will come before your whore's descendants. You will let Daenaera claim Silverwing and formerly announce their betrothal. And I will rank above Alicent as the first wife." Rhaella said.

Viserys nodded. "I will. Thank—"

"When the lords react negatively, do not expect me to support you." Rhaella said, picking up another one of Viserys' gift—a bracelet of silver decorated with amethyst.

She turned her back to her brother.

Tears poured down her eyes. "I will play the game no longer for you, Viserys. But for my son, for my children, and their birthright to the Iron Throne."

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