《Reign of the Dragons》Claiming of Dragons


It was soon time for the dragons exercise and so the Sky Queen left the Red Keep on a litter with her twin children.

It was an important day, after all.

The litter stopped in front of the Dragonpit. Harrold Westerling helped Rhaella down as the twins followed.

"The little ones claiming their dragons?" Harrold inquired.

"Indeed they are." Rhaella hummed.

"Can I have Vermithor?" Dorian asked, following his mother into the Dragonpit. The dragons stirred when they saw Rhaella, and let out coos and small roars of excitement.

Ready? Dreamfyre inquired.

Yes I am. Rhaella answered. But these two are claiming their dragons.

"You have to claim Vermithor." Rhaella corrected. "And he must let you claim him as well. What dragon do you think you want, Nyra?"

Rhaenyra paused. "One of the middle sized ones. Not too big, but not too small."

They went to the middle dragons first while Dreamfyre was saddled.

In the end, Rhaenyra spotted a large yellow she dragon. The biggest of the middle sized dragons, but smaller than the Cannibal or Dreamfyre, who were tied for fourth largest dragons.

The yellow she dragon and Rhaenyra stared at each other before Rhaenyra said. "I'll name her Syrax." she announced.

"A good name. Now Dorian—Dorian!?" Rhaella panicked. Her son had slipped away.

"Over here." Harrold said. His squire was calmly petting Vermithor, who was purring at the violet eyed prince.

"He let me, Mama!" Dorian defended himself.

The silver-white haired Queen just pinched her nose and sighed. "Very well then. Now, I taught you two with Dreamfyre. You know what to do, correct?"

The twins nodded in tandem.

"Good." Rhaella smiled. She walked over to Dreamfyre and mounted the dragon. "Let's fly."

The Skystrider drew a Dragonhorn out of her bag and blew it. Call. echoed.

Dreamfyre launched into the sky, and the dragons followed.

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