《Reign of the Dragons》Great Council of Harrenhal


"Mama!" Rhaenyra yelled, running up to Rhaella. "Can we go flying on Dreamfyre?"

The Sky Dragon picked up the four year old princess when her daughter gave her the universal 'up' sign. "Maybe in a while, little dragon." she said.

Rhaenyra wore a gown of black silk trimmed in red silk in the pattern of flames. Rhaella wore a dress of flowing purple silk that matched her eyes, decorated with silver lace flowers on the skirt, bodice, and sleeves.

"I heard Harrenhal is haunted by ghosts!" Dorian taunted his sister, also running up to his mother. Rhaenyra squeaked and hide her head in her mother's neck.

"Dorian." Rhaella said in a warning tone.

"Sorry Rhaenrya." Dorian apologized.

Rhaella took his hand. "As for starters, Harrenhal is not haunted by ghosts. The reason it is not a good castle is because its ridiculously big and the Kingsroad is not near it. So House Strong is planning to turn Harrenhal into a town and Grandfather will loop the Kingsroad here and then back to the main Kingsroad."

"That makes more sense." Rhaenyra mumbled. She turned to her twin. "And how is Daenaera?" she teased.

Dorian flushed. He had a small crush on his second cousin. "Nyra!"

"Rhaenyra, Dorian. No teasing each other." Rhaella said. "Or you are both grounded and I won't let you claim dragons until you are both six and ten."

The twins turned at her, identical violet eyes wide with horror.

"...You wouldn't." Dorian whispered in horror.

"I will." the silver-white haired princess drawled. She escorted her children back to the royal quarters where they would play with Laena, Laenor, and Daenaera before she started politicking.

There were only two serious claimants to the Iron Throne out of the fourteen claimants.


Her brother-husband, Prince Viserys Targaryen, and Laenor Velaryon.

The other twelve were passed over.

Uncle Vaegon refused the Iron Throne since he swore the vows of a Maester. Rhaenys was passed over once more on the account of her sex, as was her daughters Laena and Daenaera.

Rhaellla was also passed over due to being a women. The Sky Queen wasn't surprised nor was she angry—she had predicted it would happen.

Rhaenyra was also passed over on the account of being a women as well. That pissed off Rhaella but she kept her mouth shut.

The three bastards of Saera also made claims to the Iron Throne but were promptly passed over, but they were just there for business and advertising their mother.

A nobleman made a claim to the Iron Throne, as a descendant of Gaemon Targaryen through his younger daughter who married a petty lord, but he was passed over due to being a minor cousin, nine generations removed from the main branch.

A man at arms claimed to be the bastard son of Maegor Targaryen, but assembled nobility did not believe him due to Maegor's apparent sterility.

A hedge knight claimed to be Jaehaerys bastard, but his claim was exposed as a lie by Jaehaerys himself.

She did not hear of the other two claimants, but they were also passed over.

Laenor's supporters consisted of House Velaryon, Boremund Baratheon, Lord Vaelyx Celtigar, Lord Jason Bar Emmon, Lord David Blackwood, Lord Ellard Stark, Lord Theomore Manderly, Lord Vincent Dustin, and Lord Henry Tarth.

Her husband's supporters were made up of Lord Tymond Lannister, Lord Titus Peake, Lord Grover Tully, her brother Daemon, Lord Matthos Tyrell, and Yobert Royce.

Until Yobert was exposed by Rhaella herself as planning to wed Jeyne to his brother and have Jeyne as a puppet for House Royce.


Yobert was sent to the Wall along with his brother.

Jeyne's maternal uncle, Lord Mason Redfort, who had protested House Royce taking over the regency of Jeyne. He also genuinely cared for Jeyne as well as a hard core support of House Arryn, was made her regent.

Jeyne and the Vale lords now supported Viserys. As did House Bracken, since if House Blackwood took one side then House Bracken took the other.

Despite Rhaella promising to return the New Gift to House Stark, Rhaenys had also promised this to House Stark and thus they refused to switch sides.

So the Skystrider made a mental note to convince Viserys to do this if he won.

In the end, the lords in the realm saw the most importance in having the male line taking precedence over the female line.

While the maesters never revealed the actual numbers, it was rumored that Prince Viserys had won by a twenty to one vote.

Viserys had left the Red Keep a minor prince, and returned the Prince of Dragonstone.

Rhaella prepared herself for the women who now wanted to get in Viserys bed and become Queen.

After all, what lord didn't want their daughter as Queen and their grandson the future king?

Jokes on them, because Viserys was already married.

To her.

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