《Reign of the Dragons》First children


Rhaella's screams form pain of childbirth birth rang through the halls of Dragonstone as Viserys paced outside, nervous. Nine months ago, he and Rhaella had gone through with their deal and he had gotten her pregnant.

Now, his sister-wife was giving birth to their first child.

"It will be okay." Baelon comforted his son.

Daemon, who had married Lady Rhea Royce, had been sent for. But it would take him a week tops to make it to Dragonstone.

But father and son remembered Alyssa Targaryen's final pregnancy and childbirth, despite having to healthy sons and a daughter before her last pregnancy.

Princess Daella Targaryen had died from childbirth, and her daughter, Aemma, had died two days shy before her first birthday by a sudden fever.

Suddenly the loud wail of a child echoed and Viserys perked up. A second cry from another child echoed as Rhaella's screams of pain died down.

Half an hour later, the door opened up and the midwife stepped out and curtseyed.

"Twins, Your Graces, a prince and a princess. Healthy and hale, as is the princess. We've cleaned all three of them up." the midwife said, stepping aside to let Viserys in.

Rhaella leaned against pillows, letting the twins nurse. Her silver-white hair was pulled back and her purple eyes held exhaustion but happiness.

Viserys strode over to her and sat next to her, pulling a chair over.

"I've always liked the name Rhaenyra." he spoke softly so only Rhaella could hear him.

The twins stopped nursing, the girl dozing off while Dorian grabbed at the finger his father offered, gripping it with his little hand.

"Rhaenyra Targaryen." Rhaella said. "I like it. And Dorian for the boy—I like the sound of Dorian Targaryen. He was born first."

"Dorian Targaryen, the First of His Name. I had a dream, Ella. I sat my son on the Iron Throne, and all the dragons roared as one." Viserys said.

Rhaella hummed. "An omen then."

"Their names?" Baelon asked from the doorway. The other servants also paused.

"Father, meet Prince Dorian Targaryen, and his twin sister, Rhaenyra Targaryen." the Sky Dragon announced.

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