《The Painter's Amour》His Lullaby


Hugh Jackman as Samuel Gustav

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.” – Plato

I looked at the small paper in my hand to check if this was the place I was looking for and it proved right after I confirmed the same exact words in the paper. Such a nice name was what I thought to myself.

It had a two-stories built in it with walls painted in peach color although the shade was starting to fade itself and it was quite obvious that it was just a cheap paint. The wooden roof bore no holes but the age can be seen as clear as day.

The same applies to the doors and windows. It was just an ordinary tavern.

Indeed the place was that of a tavern but I never knew Julian lives in such a place. Well I thought his place would be in a rental inn or a small house somewhere in a poor street so I certainly didn’t expect to come in front of an establishment meant for travelers.

I shook my head to shoo away the thoughts and proceeded to enter the said place. The hall had a Dutch architecture design in the inside. Adult and young men drinking and laughing in high spirits were everywhere within my sight.

Lively was the perfect word to describe the atmosphere.

In the east corner was a group of musicians performing a loud and rowdy beat which made me wonder if I was living in the present era because the place seemed like a pirate’s chamber expect none of the guests wore a pirate hat.

I felt the door hit a bell and the chiming sound echoed across the dining hall thus gaining all the attention of the people inside.

I hid a grimace.

They all had a shock expression in them before they started murmuring to one another. Of course even a clueless child would be surprise to see a rich nobleman inside a place like this and dressed in an elegant suit that aristocrats wore when going to a first-class gentlemen’s pub.

I ignored their stares as I paced towards the bar counter in endeavor to talk with the owner or someone who might be acquainted to Julian.

“If you’re here to buy an imported drink, then you’re in a wrong bar, child.”

A man in his early forties said while smoking a tobacco. He was almost a pirate himself since he had a black eye patch in his right eye only with his clothes that of a western cowboy’s such as his brown hat that stood out the most. He had weird choice of clothing.

“I’m looking for Julian Hartwell.” I replied and he narrowed his hazel eyes at me.

“What do you need of my boy?” he inquired and I raised an eyebrow. Boy? Was this person perhaps his father?

“I’m his foster dad.” he immediately added like knew what I was thinking and there I remembered that Julian said he grew up in an orphanage. That made sense I guess. As I was about to introduce myself as a friend of his son, the man interrupted me.

“I know you, you’re his lover right?” he put off his tobacco in nearby ashtray with his bitter eyes not leaving mine. I held back a gulp.

Then again he gave me no room for argument or denial. “Julian told me and that boy is quite smitten to you. Not that I object however if you hurt him, I’ll kill you, child.” he explained with tone in deep octave.


“The name is Samuel Gustav. I’m a wild bear hunter and I know how to use a gun.” he offered his hand as he introduced himself with a hint of death threat under his friendly tone.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Gustav.” nonetheless I managed to remain calm in front of him all along before taking his hand for a handshake.

“He’s still out since yesterday. His room is the last one on the right.” Samuel imparted to me before leaving and resuming on his bar keeping duty. So he was letting me intrude on someone’s personal room? Had he not suspect that I might steal?

Not that I will steal anything but I guess he wanted to see if I was so he could shoot me just like he said. I simply sighed.

The sound of clock ticking sang like a siren in this silent room and the loud noise of people chattering resonated on the wooden floor beneath my leather shoes. It made me frown on the mere thought of Julian being unable to sleep well because of the disturbance downstairs.

Speaking of my lover, it was said that he wasn’t back since yesterday?

I groaned and frustrated of myself for not coming to our date last night. Oh right I came here in hope to apologize to him. Although somehow I was starting to have a second thought since I know that I do not deserve another forgiveness from him. Then what did I come here for you ask?

I didn’t know. I just felt the desire to see him.

I cursed myself mentally as I remained sitting on the footboard of his single bed. To tell the truth, his bedroom was about twice the size of my bathroom and because it was small – you can inhale the scent of the room’s occupant without difficulty.

It had a fragrance of lavender mixed with the aroma of an orchid flower. It doesn’t stink like some second-rate perfume so I wonder where he got this pleasant smell since I know he cannot afford to buy expensive and strong colognes like the ones I hate in Amelia.

I rather prefer Julian’s floral scent than anyone’s.

There was nothing much of a furniture other than a bed, a nightstand and a wardrobe. No paintings or portraits either but an old picture frame which stood on top of the nightstand.

I stayed idly while quietly drifting in my chain of thoughts that I failed to notice the door opening and a familiar pair of eyes looking straight at my impassive facial features, not until I heard the darling tune of his voice.

“Dante?” someone asked.

I withdrew from my reverie and I instantly glanced at the person before meeting with beautiful eyes in shade of silver.

Immense guilt rapidly consumed me deep within and my heart clenching tightly that it stole my breath away – I felt suffocated much to my demise. My hands trembled on its own that I had the urge to run in front of him and kneel down on my knees before begging for him to forgive me.

I felt so horrible for hurting this man again.

I bit my lower lip harsh enough to plant a bruise on it but I could care less about that. I want to apologize so much to him but the words didn’t build. I didn’t know what to say anymore.

I hate myself for letting him suffer again.

I’m so sorry. Those words repeated itself inside my head like a chant that I cannot speak. Instead I simply lowered my head in shame. I was the most worthless man alive. I had been taking him for granted since the beginning and I had given him nothing but heartache.


Then I felt Julian wrapped his arms around me in a tight but tender embrace.

“Please don’t leave me.” he pleaded as began to break down in tears while holding onto me like I’ll disappear from this world.

Just a single warmth from him made all my melancholic thoughts dwindle away. My guilt subsided and my heart inflated itself with honest emotions that had me desire to cry to my soul’s content. My hands ceased from trembling and soon I felt it holding on him too.

“Please don’t leave me alone.” he pleaded again as he clutched his hands on my back.

Just a single touch from him finally made me realize that I had to stop repeating such mistakes all over again. I had broken my promises once and twice already, and I can’t bear to carry another guilt of breaking the last promise I had.

I had enough of misleading him with a lie. I had enough of taking advantage of him. I had enough of giving him the painful agony as my illicit affair. I had enough of it.

If I can’t make up to all those stupid faults I did, might as well start all over again. Although I still don’t know how I feel about him, there was one thing I was absolute with – I want to start a real relationship with him.

Why is he not responding?

I continued to ask my anxious self as I kept on hugging him in embrace and not letting go of him. Tears were persistent as it did nothing but deny my urge to not cry in front of him. I certainly do not want him to see me this vulnerable and fragile but the silence was torturing me much to my humiliation.

“Please don’t leave me.” I pleaded for the third time and likewise he didn’t say anything.

What if he was here to say goodbye but unable to because of my pleas? Did he come here to end our secret relationship? Did he choose his fiancée over me?

Please don’t. I screamed in my mind and it did nothing but increase the grief in me. Please say something, Dante. I begged for him with silent words behind my dissonant hiccups. Please tell me you won’t leave me. I want to speak it but the slump in my throat refused it.

I love you.

The desperation in me was starting to get into me that I couldn’t think straight enough but only the fear that was spreading deep in me. It was the fear of losing him.

I felt his arms let go of me and I began to panic that I didn’t halt myself from tightening my embrace to him much more that I was starting to feel my limbs going numb. My blood turned cold at the dreadful thought of hearing him say his goodbye.

However everything perished at the soft touch of his lips against mine.

My fear and anxieties receded and my throbbing heart thawed. The mere touch of his lips was sufficient to calm me down and perish all the cries I was trying to hold inside me.

My lips were parted without me knowing in which Dante took the opportunity to breach his warm tongue in and I gasped at the foreign contact. He cupped my face with his hands thus letting my tears attached to his palms and his thumb caressing the puffiness under my eyes.

Our lips moving in romantic sync and we both melted to its passion.

Just this once, I want all my pain to go away and let myself succumb to the intimacy.

I loosened my tight hold on him before letting it relax on his shoulder as I straddled my legs in his sides with my knees resting on top of the supple mattress.

He intensified the passion of our kiss that I failed to notice his fingers waltzing on my collarbone before proceeding to untie the lacing in front of my shirt. In a short minute, the strings were now untied and no longer securing the garment.

Lucas shouldn’t have lent me his clothes since it didn’t take even two hours for me to wear it.

I pushed the thoughts aside not wanting to think about the kiss earlier especially when I was kissing the love of my life.

Dante traced his hands much lower until it landed on the hem of my shirt in which he grabbed without further ado before pulling it off gently from me. The cold air enveloped my exposed flesh right away that I almost shiver but the chills died upon the warm contact of his hands in my skin.

Erotic feeling devoured my sensitivity as he began to sooth his hot lips on my neck and capturing my soft spot in a bite that had me quivered in delight, I let out a tiny moan.

His lips drew in an amused grin before kissing his way much lower and definitely leaving me trail of hickeys although I didn’t mind a little since I was his to mark.

My breathing was becoming ragged at the anticipation of waiting for him to trap my nipples in between his teeth that would obviously send me to his mercy and he did in eagerness. I moaned at the exotic sensation of feeling his hot wet tongue playing my hard bud.

He kept on savoring the taste of my nipples as he snaked his impatient hands on the waistline of my pants before unbuckling my belt in haste.

I flushed at the realization that he intend to strip me of my remaining garments and he himself was still fully clothed.

I didn’t want to be the only one naked here.

With such thought, I didn’t waste any second on pushing him to my narrow bed and I noticed him smirking in triumph like he predicted I would push him, and I blushed crimson.

Dante chuckled at my blushing before unfastening his shirt buttons himself. I took it as an indication to disrobe him of his pants while I still have a chance, since I didn’t want to be the first one naked even if it wasn’t the first time.

It was just plain embarrassing that was all.

It didn’t take a long while for him to be discarded of all clothes and I felt my own arousal hardening in glee at the mere sight of my lover’s fit but lustful body. My heart raced a millennium and I knew by then that I want to connect my soul to him.

I want to be one with him.

I held his already aroused length in my grasp before leaning closer to it with my lips an inch away from the leaking tip. He hissed when my own breath embodying his manhood in a teasing caress. I inhaled before taking him whole in my mouth.

He moaned in relish.

His exciting moan sent pleasing shudders down my spine that made me quicken the pace of my mouth.

He grunted and I deep throated him for the last time until I felt sweet liquid spurting inside and I swallowed it without hesitation. He relaxed under me at the moment I let go of his length but it hardened again when he looked at me.

“Come here.” he murmured in tender tone.

I undressed myself of my pants before crawling on top of him. He brought me down to the bed before getting on top and pulling my hips around his toros. He proceeded to grind his manhood against mine and I gasped a moan but he interrupted me by crashing his lips to my own and shoving his tongue inside.

Then pleasure burned throughout my body when I felt a finger pushed inside my rear entrance and I writhed in both pain and sexual bliss. My entrance doesn’t like the intrusion especially when he added more fingers.

But I tried to adjust it for something bigger.

The festivity downstairs seemed very convenient at a time like this since our loud moans were being overwhelmed by even louder music tunes coming from a musette and lute.

It was a good thing though because it’ll be awkward to let my adopted father hear me made an unusual sound.

I was busy minding such unnecessary thoughts that I failed to sense the absence of foreign fingers inside my entrance until it was replaced with an even more painful sensation that had me jolted back to my reality.

I bit my lower lip in endeavor to hold back a groan.

Dante grunted as he halted himself halfway from entering me but he understood that I need to adjust first on the size of his length.

“You’re amazing, Julian.” he praised me and I returned a genuine smile.

After the pain disappeared, he held onto my waist as he guided my movements. He finally entered me whole and there I felt myself in heaven. The feeling of our bodies joined together made my existence complete with my feelings being conveyed to him.

I want him to feel the love I have for him.

He began to pistoned insde me in a slow pace, so slow in spite of the increasing passion as both our bodies bend in an intimate harmony.

It wasn’t like any other consummation we had and that thought alone made a part of me confused. Time didn’t count around us and the kiss of his lips had me captivated in a romance spell. I didn’t know why but I felt love looking at his blue eyes.

It reflected no lust but a spark of emotion that made me feel cherished. Was this what they called love-making?

He was looking at me like I was someone precious.

I dismissed it thinking that I might be only imagining things. He steadied the pace of his thrust when he hit something in me that had me arched my back in sensual curve. I cried out in ecstasy.

And when he hit that same spot, I cried out even more that it brought me to my highest limit hence I release my essence in our bared stomach. His length throbbed in me before he filled me full inside.

To him I always belong.

“I love you.” I said in a soft whisper.

Dante tightened his arms around my slender waist as we cuddled together on my bed. The cadence of his beating heart was a melody to my ears as I buried my face on the crook of his neck. It scared me to go to sleep because I was not sure if I’ll see him in the morning.

Or maybe because he might tell me the same words he said after our first night of passion. I didn’t want to hear those painful words again.

“You’re so close to me but why does it feel you’re a thousand miles apart?” I muttered however he answered nothing except a soft kiss on my forehead.

“Go to sleep, Julian.” he replied but I shook my head in denial.

“I can’t sleep.” that wasn’t a lie since I felt the need to sleep but my consciousness refused to.

Instead of saying another word, he held me even closer to him underneath the blanket with our legs locked together in a tango. I want to stay in his arms like this for an eternity. If I can’t have his love, then at least the warmth of his touch was all I ask for.

Then all of a sudden he started humming a tune which caught my attention. I couldn’t ignore such a mellow song since he was humming the song I composed for him – Autumn Rose.

It was not in a perfect pitch or timing either yet despite the obvious flaws, it was so beautiful and sweet in my ears. His deep vocal tune ignited joy inside my heart and brought millions of butterflies in my abdomen.

It was a lovely lullaby.

I knew that I couldn’t serenade him anymore with that song because it will make him remember how I played it to my fiancée. It was not like I have a talent either to compose another one to make it up to my mistakes so I thought of a simple but a special method.

So here I was singing it to him in a lullaby.

Somehow I felt hurt hearing him said that I was close to his reach yet I was so far away from him. The boundary of this secret affair was drawing a line between us and I didn’t like it.

Countless sharp needles were piercing the wall of my heart at the realization that it was all because of me why he was my affair in the first place.

It was because of my lust that he endured the misery of seeing me with another. It was because of my selfishness that he received no permanent happiness in this relationship. It was because of me that he got hurt so many times.

It was all because of me.

That was why I decided to stop being a fool. I no longer want to be someone who don’t deserve him instead I need to be the man worthy of his love and everything that he was giving me. I might not be able to correct all my mistakes but if starting all over again will give me that chance then I’ll do it.

He was the only one I need and that I was sure of myself. So with that in mind, I paused myself from humming which caught his attention again.

“I want to end our affair, Julian.” I claimed and I felt his naked body stiffened.

“Don’t leave me please!” he begged as he began to cry again but I kissed him in the lips to calm him and it did. I wiped the tears with thumb before bringing him in a comforting embrace.

“I want us to have a clean start so I decided I’ll cancel my marriage with Amelia.” I replied as I let go of our lips and he stared at me in disbelief. I breathed in his blonde hair, there it was amicable floral scent of him again and it made me smile.

“Will you be my lover?” I confessed and my heart leaped at the sweetness of my word. As I waited for his answer, I felt him return the kiss but it was more passionate than before.

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