《The Painter's Amour》His First Love
"You know you're in love the moment you can touch the stars without reaching." – Melisa M. Hamling
The sound of people's shoes walking on the asphalt of the street and the noise of horses stomping as they rode by was making the town sound so busy in the late afternoon. The cold gust of wind blew against my thick clothing and encased my body in a chilling embrace.
"I'll have a spice and a flour, please?" Julian stated to the food merchant.
The public marketplace near the Town Square appeared just as I imagined it to be. The roadsides were both occupied by market stalls in different shades of grey which sheltered assorted produce of merchandises, such as food and clothes. Merchants were flaunting their goods to all people who passed by, hoping to gain interest from the rich although the young newspaper boy nearby was doing better than them just by shouting the day's news since a lot of gossip mongers seemed to be fascinated so easily.
Why was a noble like me doing here in the first place? I asked myself. Well, on contrite, I did promise Julian that I'll be accountable after being such a difficult lover to him. But I wouldn't be shopping with him in a less slummy part of the town because it was such a commoner's place, however I decided against my pride and prejudices about it. More so, looking to my side, I was met with the sight of the man whom my dear mother appointed to servitude, though I knew it was about keeping a close eye on my personal affairs.
Lucas Radford. The man's name alone was already my bitterness.
I pressed my lips in a tight line as I saw him looking at Julian, who was busy buying ingredients for his family dinner which I guessed was something of unrefined for my taste. Nevertheless, I would be dishonest if I said that I didn't like the kind of look Lucas was giving to him. Jealousy was just a quintessence among my other feelings right now and the mere reason behind it was anything still surprisingly unknown to me. Lucas caught me looking at him quite unkindly and with a smirk he said, "I wonder greatly why a noble is attending in the middle of a humble public market. But if it's unpleasant to your liking, young sir, then I'll be all happy to take good care of him on your behalf."
It was like he was challenging me to some game I was unsure of, still I made no step to back off. "You are so haughty and I compliment you not," I replied, mirroring the smirk he had.
Chuckling, he turned away and looked at Julian again, "So I'm always told."
This was one of the things that I started to dislike about him, he was so arrogant for a servant and for some reason I was losing to him because I knew that he already knew what was going on between Julian and I. He could tell anyone any time he wanted and I feared it deeply. For I was bound to uphold my family's eminence and intended to be married to the only daughter of a peer so I could inherit the title after he renounced it. To become a Marquess was my purpose in life and it would promise my paintings more fame than anything else. I will never lose it over something little as an affair.
"I don't fear my mother's trust on you," I made it clear to him as I glared daggers his way. "Oh please, I heard all too many lies and yours the most pitiful I consider. If you really don't fear, then do tell how do you want me to say it to her later?" he countered, his words making me frown.
However, I said nothing else in defeat.
Our tension was immediately interrupted by Julian who was now done buying the ingredients. He held a full wicker shopping basket in his hand as he came to me. I wanted to look anything but defeated in front of him, hence I hid a grin when a thought came into me. Without saying a word, I took the basket from his hold before shoving it to my footman.
"Please do carry this. I will be happy to remind my mother that you are doing a great help on our part, yes?" I chuckled under my breath. Passing the basket to him, he glared my way in return as he accepted it without a single protest much to my amusement and his chagrin. He still should learn his place, whether he had me dancing in his palms or not.
Julian stared, looking bothered that he had someone else carrying things for him but I sent him a smile to assure him, "He is the man for the job. So, is there something else you need of?" I asked afterwards. I disliked having him being concerned to Lucas. I wanted his attention only to me. He smiled candidly before tucking his hands inside his coat pocket and responded, "Yes, there is a store I want to see in the Town Square."
He began to walk ahead with both Lucas and I trailing behind him.
The Town Square was less crowded and spacious compare to that of the marketplace with the crystal clear shop windows shining radiant against the setting sun . People were going in and out of a glorious cathedral of Notre Dame across the distance as its bell chimed for another night mass. Truthfully, I have never been to a place like this and I never thought it was this lively, or should I comment, more lively than the grand plaza in Istanbul.
"Here we are," Julian called and I turned my attention to the store he pointed at. La Pittura Boutique was what registered to me. Now why would he want to go to such a painting shop? I frowned from curiosity but still followed him as he entered the shop, with Lucas staying behind outside.
Paintings fluctuating from first class to mediocre ones were hanged and flaunted on each wall for everyone to see and there were also unused canvases paraded in one corner, varying from small to large ones. "How may I help you?" an old man welcomed us and eyed me from head to toe with a pleasant smile on his face, evidently thrilled to have a noble customer.
"I'm here to take the item I booked the other day," Julian replied with enthusiasm.
"Oh that I presume? That would be 43 gold sterlings in total," the old man said and my eyes bulged in absolute astonishment. That was an expensive sum of money! What on good earth is he buying? As soon as the shop merchant turned his back to us, I pulled Julian by the arm in haste to get his attention.
"What are you buying, Julian?" I pressed a question on him but he simply smiled at me.
"You'll see," was all he replied. That phrase again.
This was the second time he spoke those words and when he said it, it really meant of something I'm probably entitled with but never worthy of. I didn't like it because it stirred emotions in me, just like the time he serenaded me with his special music piece. It confused me with feelings I barely understand and it made me unrest. The old man came back with a white wooden craft case. He handed him the item and Julian paid the sum in return. My focus lingered on the specific case he was holding and it continued to confuse me more as to what was inside of it, although I snapped from my trance when I saw my lover handing the box to me.
"I bought this for you. See it for yourself, Dante." he said with his silver eyes gleaming with excitement and joy. I drew my lips in a tight line like I was unsure of what he was ecstatic about, nonetheless I still did what he wanted me to do, thus I opened the case.
I was rendered speechless at the sight I bestowed my eyes upon. It was a beautiful painting set with brand new tools included inside, such as pencils, paintbrushes and oil paints. He bought these materials and paid quite a price just for me? Thankful words didn't build. All I did was merely staring at the case with uncertainness. Was this real? Happiness and joy battled inside my heart and I couldn't help but be stunned at his surprise for me. Nobody gave me a surprise gift other than my parents and not even my fiancée so I didn't know how to react back at him especially since he gave me something that I have passion for.
"I'm appeased you like it. It's all yours." Julian claimed with sincerity in his words. How kind this person can be? I was supposed to make it up to him for my mistake but instead he was the one making it up to me. Now I felt guilty even more for hurting him more than before.
"Uh, I can recompense you back." Great heavens, why did I said that? It sounded like I was making up for denying him after our first passionate night. I was so caught up on my emotions that my mind was in great turbulence. He was the only one who was capable of making me feel like this and it confused me like always.
He tilted his head to the side with a loving smile slowly forming in his lips and he replied, "No you don't have to pay for it. Like I said it's all yours." I felt my heart skipped a beat at that to which I inhaled a deep breath and comprised my inner self back successfully before finally mustering the words I needed to say to him. "Thank you. I really appreciate it," I stated in a calm tone before continuing in inquiry, "May I know the reason why do this for me?"
Julian looked at me silently for a while before turning his eyes on the ordinary painting in front of him.
"This is the place where I first fell in love with you," he uttered in a low but warm tone, "I was young of the age sixteen when I stumbled at this store. It was a busy day and this store was full of customers but that didn't matter. It was then when I saw your first painting, Dante. It was the image of your mother Helena but that wasn't the one that enraptured me, rather it was about the way you painted her. The painting was filled with love, passion and adoration. I was awe at how you paint her so perfectly. It was the most beautiful painting I had ever seen. I knew by then that whoever painted her, I admire him."
"Since then I always go here to see your paintings and soon I learned of your name. Dante Scarfone. My admiration for you grew stronger and stronger but it change when I finally saw you at your first gallery display three years ago. It was in a small museum right? I sneak in when I learned that the soon famous Dante Scarfone was there. And upon seeing you, I knew I fell in love at first sight. Hence I was so overjoyed when I received an offer to play a piano music piece at the last exhibit because I knew that we will finally meet and it did. Our first meeting meant so much to me." he imparted in honesty that had my heart skipped a beat again. He had loved me even before we met?
How should I impart my feelings? I was beyond the boundaries of bewilderment. Now it made it more difficult for me to understand his love because it seemed so deep, so deep that I can't be au fait with. It was becoming deeper and deeper the more I tried to look inside. And the skipping beat inside my chest wasn't helping. "Oh," I tried my noblest self to say something decent to him but the words failed to build again.
Guilt simultaneously clouded my mind with my chest tightening at the same time. Somehow I regretted telling him that I like him when in truth I was only pretending. I used the excuse which I like him like he liked me so I could give him what he deserve when in fact, I was only doing it to ease my guilt. I was doing it for my own benefit because this guilt was burdening me.
I was giving him false happiness.
"Thank you." was all I could speak as my eyes dropped down on my feet in defeat. I can't look him straight since the honesty in him was stabbing me with guilt a million times.
"You're welcome," he said in a genuine voice but it sounded so bitter that my ears hurt. This guilt was affecting me more than usual and I didn't like it. He turned on his heels before dismissing himself from the shop. I stood there for a while in effort to put my emotions in check because letting myself be vulnerable was the last thing I wanted. Soon after, I followed after him when I was done doing so.
As soon as I stepped out of the shop, the sight of Lucas and Julian conversing with one another came into my line of vision and, as always, jealousy fueled in me like harsh fire especially when I saw his hand came on my lover's shoulder, seeming so physically closer than necessary.
And I hated it.
I motioned towards my footman before shoving him the wooden craft case I was carrying, my eyes narrowing more than I should. "Be careful of it because it cost more than you can conceive of," I accosted however Lucas showed no intimidation from me. Instead, raising an eyebrow, he accosted back, "I dread your dear mother might be worried since it's certainly getting dark, young sir. Fear not for I can accompany Mr. Hartwell back to his home."
I glared at him then looked up at the sky above me and I can see the thick clouds darkening as time lengthened by. It was already dusk and it was not within my plans to remain outside late but I was having a second thought since I haven't done anything hitherto to settle it with my lover. I groaned, wanting to do something to ease my guilt and with the intention of not letting the day go by without doing what I promised him. Though, unfortunately, I didn't know how so, forlorn of my own ineptness, I turned my attention to Julian and said, "I haven't made it up to you yet."
He stared at me through the eyes to search an assurance in there and I supposed he did. I really wanted to make it up to him so he smiled tenderly before grabbing a hold of my hand and tugging me along with him. "Then let's make it memorable as much as possible!" He claimed in incitement and I let him be without a protest.
Not too long, we were in front of a splendid water fountain. There was a monument far in the distant but it was nothing compared to this cascading fantastic built. Anyway, I can't fathom why would he choose this place? Lest again, he was surprising me too much in just a single day.
Julian reached something inside his coat pocket before handing whatever it was to my empty palm. It was a round and solid object. Looking at it, it recorded in me that it was a silver coin. But what did he want me to do with it?
"Is there something I should do with this?" I asked, perplexed. He chuckled at my ignorance at first before explaining me things I have no knowledge of.
"You make a wish with this coin and then you toss it in the fountain to make it come true," he muttered to me and I raised an eyebrow at him. He seriously believed in such things?
"Wishes don't come true out of the blue, Julian. Believe me even miracles don't exists." I said, logically biased, but he remained smiling at me despite my disbelief.
"Just make a wish, Dante, and believe me it does come true however,I presage you to be careful on what you wish for. So you just close your eyes then make a silent wish before tossing it in the water. It's simple as that and it won't hurt trust me." he insisted and I merely let out a sigh in defeat.
It was like he said, it won't do me harm making such a foolish wish. On the other hand, it will pleased him and I'll be able to make it up to him. Besides I got nothing to lose even if I made a wish for I aught I knew that it will never come true in this lifetime.
Might as well wish something impossible I guessed? Hence, with that thought in mind, I gripped my hand firmly before closing my eyes shut in silence. The sound of water endlessly flowing occupied my ears but it wasn't enough to distract me from making a wish.
I wish to fall in love.
I took a deep breath before opening my eyelids in a slow pace. My grip loosened and without further ado, I tossed the coin up in the air then I watched it fall along the gravity and into the water fountain in an instant. I let out a contented sigh as the water surface rippled. Now I finally made it up to him.
However, in some unfortunate omen, cold heavy rain poured all over the place and it didn't take even a minute to make me drenched in my own garments. Really? A rain wasn't something I wished for. I groaned in annoyance and looked over to the side to see Lucas already inside the same shop I had been to, clearly sheltering himself from the downpour. But before I could walk away and do the same thing to shelter myself from the rain, I suddenly felt something warm held my hand. I paused and turned to see Julian still standing besides me but now holding my hand mutely. He interlaced them together and it baffled me because I didn't know what was going on inside his mind.
"What did you wished for, Dante?" he questioned but I shook my head, refusing to tell him. Trust me, I will not tell him something as embarrassing as that beside it wasn't going to come true anyway so why bother to inform him?
"You, did you wish something before?" I asked him the same in hope that he'll discard his curiosity but then it became my turn to be intrigue when I saw him nodded his head. "And what did you wished for?" I promptly asked in interest despite me not believing in such things.
His cheeks blushed scarlet and I saw him bit his lower lip. He angled his head a little higher to behold the soul in my eyes to which I did the same, marveling at the rain drops that falling down his beautiful face.
"I wish to go back to this fountain with you by my side and I'm happy that it did," he smiled and I felt his fingers locking in mine. "I love you, Dante. I love you so much."
Then I began to hear a thumping sounds and something started to beat fast inside me. It was beating loud, hard and animatedly. It continued to pound inside me like it wanted to break free. I balled my other hand into fist in attempt to calm this unfathomable sensation but I couldn't. It continued to slam hard inside my chest and all my effort to ignore such feeling were all unsuccessful. The passionate emotion inside those silver pools of his was only worsening my dilemma.
Nevertheless, it all disappeared when I was drifting slowly away from thoughts and realizing a pressing his lips against my own. The touch of his lips burned mine and it brought my body in a bliss that I haven't felt on the numerous times I kissed him before. It sent shivers down my spine and it also sent both my mind and body in a elated state than I never accustomed before. He deepened the kiss and my heart took the opportunity to slam even harder in my chest. The freezing heavy rain was ever so abetting because it further gave chills in my skin and the only warmth that I could find was Julian's lips. I didn't know they were so warm.
What had I been thinking all those times that I kissed him?
I pulled him into an embrace to deepen the kiss even more and no longer minding the heavy rain that was showering us alone in this plaza and beside the mysterious fountain. Everything faded from my senses and all I could sense was his lips that held mine captive in a fervent kiss. Everything was getting inimitable and was beyond my comprehension but there was one thing I surely understood without a doubt.
This was the first time I kissed him without lust in me.
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