《Baby boy》46


I stood in my room silent as I touched my lips.

Her lips were as soft as I remember... her lip piercings made it so much more... exciting. especially since they had a sharpness to them, it made it feel more, rough, but gentle at the same time.

I know I shouldn't even be thinking about her like that when I'm still thinking about Daniel, but I can't help it. She has been taking care of me along with Lily ever since I moved in with them.

Honestly... I wanted her to keep going. I wanted to forget. I needed to forget.

I know that makes me sound like I'm using her, maybe I am. Maybe I want to be selfish... but... just this once.


A few hours passed and Abby still hasn't come back to the apartment. To say the least, I am worried.

I feel guilty. Almost like I cheated on Daniel... but he's dead... but I feel worse for making her feel uncomfortable....

"So what happened?" Lily asked me as she handed me a cup of hot chocolate. Sitting down next to me on the couch, she set one of her hands on my knees as she held a cup of hot chocolate in the other.

"Me and Abby kissed, and... it got too heated I guess. And then she just... dipped." I took a drink of the hot chocolate in my hands, feeling the guilt run up my spin. I didn't feel guilty for reasons I probably should be guilty for... but I couldn't place exactly why I felt that way.

"Do you know where she could have went?" I asked her with a concerned expression. Almost begging her to know where Abby was.

"Honestly... that's a good question. Maybe to another bar. I'm not sure. She doesn't normally do this, so this is unusual itself." She looked at the floor, moving her lips as she was thinking deeply. Almost like she was having a conversation with herself. But I knew she was just in deep thought.

I nodded and stared down at the floor with her.

"Did you try to call Trevor or Jay?" Lily suggested.

"No.... but that might be a good idea." I set down my drink on the coffee table and grabbed my phone. I pressed emergency contact and immediately went to Trevor's contact.


"AHHH RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE-ngnn.... daaadddyyyy...." Jay's eyes rolled to the back of his head and I looked over at the dresser as my phone vibrated. Carly's contact appeared on the screen.

I put my hand across Jays throat and held him still, pushing my fingers gently on his pulse points. His voice broke up as he didn't make a sound. Only the sound of broken pleasure escaped his breath.

I picked up the phone, hitting answer. "ᴺᵒᵗ ᵃⁿᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵃᵇʸ ᵇᵒʸ.... hello?" I smirked at Jay while he struggled to stay quiet while I slowly fucked him.

"Trevor... I heard that. Please tell me you're not fucking Jay right now...."

Uuuuhhhh.... shit.... "uh, I'm not?" I said sarcastically.

"God...dammit Trevor. Be serious for a second." She sounded worried, and a little rushed.

I stopped and Jay whined. "ᴰᵃᵃᵃᵈᵈᵈᵈᵈʸʸʸ" Jay was rolling his hips, trying to get me to budge.

"Shhhh baby... hold on for a little longer." He whined in response and continued to roll his hips trying to please himself.

I ignored him for a second, hoping nothing bad happened.

"Anyway.... have either of you seen Abby?" Carly sounded worried, almost desperate.


"Uh, no. I haven't heard from her. Why?"

"She left a few hours ago and now she won't pick up her phone." The worry was prominent in the way she spoke.

"Is this normal?" I asked, slightly letting my grip on Jay loosen. I was a little worried myself.


Shit... "I don't know what to tell you Carly..." I let my grip on Jay go as I ran my hand over my head. He whined a bit, completely ignoring my conversation. "the best advice I can give you is wait till morning a see if she's back by then." I sighed slightly. " If she's not back within 24-48 hours, we'll file a police report."

"Okay... thank you Trevor." She sighed, clearly not the answer she wanted to hear.

"Anytime Baby girl." I hung up the phone and set it back on the dresser.

"Now... you were naughty weren't you..." I smirked and Jay looked at me with devilish eyes, knowing exactly what he was doing to me.

"Well... that was gross and not really helpful." I hung up the phone and set it on the coffee table. I cupped my hands and set my face inside them. I was tired and worried.

"She'll be okay.... I just know it."

"How do you know... we all thought that with Daniel and look where he is!" I snapped at her.

Her eyes shot open as her eyes started to well. Clearly surprised at the way I snapped.

"She's my wife Carly... I know things like this happen... but I'm trying to be positive for the both of us." I gulped and realized what I had said...

Saying that was almost like I was telling her she was gonna go through the exact same thing I did.

"I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that..." I bit my lip, regretting what I had said.

Lily leaned over and gave me a big hug. Wrapping me in her embrace. I leaded into her and sighed. She kissed the top of my head, trying to comfort me.

I felt so bad. I knew she was going through a hard time as well, but I didn't need to take it out on her.

"I'm worried too but let's just... wait and see." She said quietly, clearly worried as well.

I nodded while I dug my head into her neck. I let myself take a small breather while I tried to calm down.

"I think I just need to go to sleep...." I let go and looked at the ground with sad eyes.

"Okay babe... I'll look after Cameron if he wakes up. Get some rest."

I weakly smiled and went to bed.


Everything was black but I felt my body move. I was limp. Almost aware of what was happening but I couldn't move on my own.

I slowly felt my body sit up, then picked up. I felt heavy. I was being cuddled into someone. Being held. It felt familiar.

It felt so nice... I felt little again.

But my only concern was who the hell was touching me and holding me.

I attempted to open my eyes, and I could barely pry them open.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you princess?" I heard a voice sweet and rough talk to me in my ear and I knew exactly who it was.

"A-Abby?" I asked with a horas voice.

"Yeah baby girl, it's me." I didn't even look at her before I held her in a deep embrace.


"I'm sorry I ran out baby...." she said in a whisper before holding me just as tight.

"I was so worried.... I'm sorry Abby." I whispered into her shoulder, holding back happy tears.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who's sorry...." she pulled my face out of her shoulder to look into my eyes while still carrying me. With one thumb she wiped some of the tears out from under my eyes.

I got down off her hip and stood in front of her. Keeping eye contact the whole time.

"I'm sorry that I overstepped my boundaries. That's why I'm sorry. I-it won't happen again." I looked down at the floor as I felt tears well in my eyes again. I didn't want that to be the last time. I feel like I hurt myself. For some reason, my heart hurt at my own words. As selfish as it sounds.

"You didn't overstep anything baby girl. I was just... scared. I didn't want to push you. I know you're grieving still, and I didn't want to mess with that process. I'm sorry....."

I looked back up at her and held my hand on her face. She leaned into my hand slightly, closing her eyes for a second or two, only to look into mine deeply.

"You didn't do anything.... I just.... yeah my heart aches for Daniel.... but he isn't coming back. I know he isn't. But I'm not going to get any better by sitting at home and crying about it. I miss him... so damn much, every waking moment of every day. I fucking miss him. But I know I won't even be happy if I continue to sob about it every time I think about him. It's just going to end up hurting me more than it already is. I need to move on with my life. And I trust you to be there... moving with me. You and Lily..." she looked at me with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

She didn't say a word. She didn't need to. Her eyes told me everything she wanted to say. Everything she needed to say.

I pulled her into an embrace and happily held onto her.

Her hand slowly ran up and down my back, over and under my shirt, letting her warm embrace engulf me. Her soft hand gliding up and down my back.

One hand slowly went around to my face as she pushed my chin up with her finger to meet her gaze. Her eyes stared into mine with happiness. The little bit of light from the moonlight shined on her gorgeous eyes, making me smile.

She grabbed my chin gently between two fingers and pulled my face towards hers.

She stopped mid way, holding my face just centimeters away from hers.

"You're absolutely gorgeous, you know that?" She smirked as she held me in place. Holding me so close to her, yet so far.

"Are you going to kiss me or are you just going to torture the both of us." I stated.

She just chuckled slightly and held my face between her fingers, slowly pulling me towards her face. Sealing it with her soft lips.

It felt nice to finally feel her lips again. Nothing forced, rushed, or anything. Just being there for each other.

She kissed me softly, like she was trying to remember what it felt like.

We slowly pulled away from each other, nothing heated, just... something nice. Something I missed. Something we both missed over the few very long hours she was gone.

"I'm glad you're back..." I said with a smile while I looked at her neck, avoiding eye contact. Almost like I was looking at her, but through her.

She pulled my face up with her fingers, making me meet her gaze. "I'm glad I am too. I'm sorry I left you like that.

I shook my head at her with a side smile. "You're okay.. just.. don't scare me like that again."

She smiled at me and kissed my nose.

"Lets go to bed baby girl. Want to stay with me and Lily?" I nodded my head and she grabbed my hand, leading me to her bedroom.

I was lead down a small corridor, the wooden floor boards beneath me creaked every few steps. The creaky floor boards lead us to their bedroom, large and cozy.

I looked in the corner of the room where Cameron fell asleep. His spare crib set up with a few stuffed animals and many blankets.

I'm surprised Cameron slept as soundly as he did, but I'm happy he was sleeping.

Lily was passed out on the bed, her curly hair pulled in to a high, but loose, messy bun. Grey sweats hung loosely on her hips, rolled up slightly on both the cuffs and the waist. A tank top hugged her bust nicely, while hugging her chest loosely white she wore no bra. Even what she called "messy" still made her look gorgeous.

I moved my gaze from Lily and looked at Abby as she changed. She wore a loosely fit t-shit with a rock band logo printed on the front. The black shit was splattered with bleach, making it have orange patterns. The large top was tied in a not at her hip. Large black sweatpants hung on her hips, showing off some of her midriff, making a dramatic line to her.... you know.

"You can take a picture, it lasts longer." She chuckled as she tossed me a large sweatshirt.

I was only wearing stripped black and white shorts that were tied on the top of my hips. The strings holding them up were tied as tightly as they could go. A large white t-shirt hung just above the end of my shorts, making it look like I was almost wearing nothing.

I looked down at the sweatshirt Abby had tossed me, and it was one of her band sweatshirts. Large, black sweatshirt with a large black and white logo on the front, with a few splashes of red, a deep front pocket and a giant hood.

I threw on the sweatshirt and it hung to my knees. The sleeves went well past my hands, and I felt small. I knew this sweatshirt was large on Abby, but it was like a dress on me. The inside of it was soft and warm, making the chill air around me almost disappear.

Abby slowly walked over to me. I looked at her sweatpants and the way they looked at her, watching the pants fold and move with her long legs, and I felt myself shiver internally. Physically staying still.

"Eyes are up her baby girl." she tilted my head up and kissed my forehead. "Let's go to bed."

I bit my lip and grabbed her hand. She lead me across the room and I got into bed. Abby laid on the far side to where I was, facing toward the inside of the bed, slightly curled into herself. I climbed in and faced inward. I was the little spoon to Lily. She only moved in her sleep and pulled me closer to her, holding me with her arm and the bottom half of her leg. Abby got in so she was facing towards me. She wrapped her leg on top of me and Lily, squeezing us all together. I moved my head into her chest as she held my head closer to her.

I heard and felt her move, and she kissed Lily as she slept, then kissing the top of my head.

"I love you both, so much..." she whispered before the room fell silent as we all fell asleep.


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