《Baby boy》42


We got back to the hotel safe and sound. Trevor held my hand the entire way.

It made me happy. Feeling my hand in his. The warmth radiating from his body.

"Why do you guys look so happy?" Trevor chuckled as Daniel let us into their room.

Carly looked as happy as ever.

"Oh god you guys..." Daniel rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ew. That's straight." I pretended to be discussed, then proceeding to chuckle at them.

"Well it's not like I can get her pregnant again." Daniel shrugged and halfheartedly chuckled.

I mean... he isn't wrong.

"Aaaannnnyyyywaaaay... what are we making for dinner?" Trevor opened the small fridge in the kitchen.

"Ah, I want panda." Carly pipped up.

"I can go to panda and get everyone something. We can sit and watch movies while we eat." Daniel smiled.

"Ahhhhh, you're going to leave me?!" Carly frowned.

"Well... if you want panda, then yes?" Daniel smiled and kissed her forehead. "Everyone okay with the plan?" Daniel smiled at us.

"Sounds good to me!" Trevor grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge.

"Sounds good." I said as I sat at the breakfast bar.

"Alright then. Everyone text me their orders now." Everyone proceeded to text Daniel their orders.

"Alright. Sounds good. I'll be back in about a half an hour." Daniel looked at us and smiled.

He turned to Carly and mumbled something softly into her ear. She giggled and turned a bright red. I barely heard I love you's whispered between them before they set into a deep kiss. Only lasting for a few seconds.

"Alright. Make sure Carly behaves." Daniel smiled at Trevor.

"Will do." Trevor smiled as he took a drink from his water.

"Alright, see you guys in a bit." Daniel waved us off as he closed the door.

The room went silent.

"I miss him already." Carly whined. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Oh whatever. Lets pick out a movie." I got up from my spot and plopped down next to her on the couch.

I patted the seat next to me as I looked at Trevor. He smiled as he walked over to me. Sitting next to me.

He gave me a small smirk before patting his lap. I happily scooted over and sat in his lap. He gently snaked his arms around my waist and held me close.


I smiled as I held the remote in my hand. I flipped through the channels looking to see what movies they had playing on tv. Nothing too interesting.

"My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." The movie played as I stopped.

"This one okay?" I looked at both Trevor and Carly. They both nodded.

Carly smiled and leaned her small frame against both me and Trevor.

It was comforting. Having both people I love next to me. Close to me. If Daniel we're here, then our group would be complete.

I smiled as Forest Gump played. Trevor ran his hand up and down my stomach, calming me. Carly happily snuggled up to the both of us. And food on the way.


I movie played for a while.

We didn't dare move from our spots on the couch, but I was okay with that.

But honestly, it was hot in this room. I need to change before I sweat my butt off.

I unraveled Trevor's hands from my waist and calmly got up.

"Where you going?" Trevor asked. I turned around and looked at him. Carly wasn't paying attention. Just a blank stare on her face.

"Going to change." I winked at Trevor. Turning around and swaying my hips as I did.

That'll give him something.

I watched as Jay left the room, clearly teasing me.

I tried to stay focused and looked back over at Carly that hadn't moved. She had a blank stare on her face. Like she was thinking really hard.

"You okay?" I asked her quietly.

"I just have a weird feeling..." she said quietly.


"Daniel... like something's not right... I want to call him but he doesn't answer when he's driving." Carly looked sad. Like she felt a little helpless.

"Hey, chin up. He'll be here any minute. He's okay." I smiled. She gave back a half hearted smile.

"I'm going to check on Jay. I'll be back." Carly nodded as I got off the couch.

I splashed some water on my bare stomach and face. feeling a bit better.

A small breeze from the fan in the bathroom felt nice against the cold water.

I set back down my sweater and walked back into the room.


I grabbed some of my pjs, some of my newer sets.

I picked my pink silk set and set them on the bed. A pair of pastel pink shirt shorts and a lacy rimmed tank top to match. It made me smile.

I took of my skirt revealing my moon pair of boxers that Carly made me buy. Their comfortable, not my style, but their cute.

I smiled as I started to take off my sweater.

"Hey, you okay-" I looked at Trevor with my shirt half way up my torso. Realizing that I still had water dripping down my front.

"I- uh... sorry." Trevor tried to leave. "No, you're okay. Not like you haven't seen it." I said with a smile.

Trevor walked back in and closed the door. I set back down my sweater. Leaving it still on my wet torso.

"Did you need something?" I asked calmly.

"No, just wanted to check on you." Trevor said as he scratched his neck.

"You sure?" I asked with a smirk.

I sat on the edge of the bed, sitting on my knees. I spread my legs slightly, giving a peak.


I pulled up my sweater, and held it between my teeth. Giving him a look of hunger.

Trevor looked visibly nervous. He tried to avoid looking at me at all.

I let go of my sweater and laughed.

"Looks like I can still make you nervous." I smiled as I got off the bed, proud of my accomplishment.

Trevor rolled his eyes.

"Well turn around unless you want to look at me naked." I chuckled as he turned around, respecting my privacy.

I took of my sweater and boxers and traded them for something more me.

A lacey pair of panties, silk booty shorts, a flowy tank top. The down side was that you could see my nipples through the shirt. But what did I care.

"You're okay now." I said quietly as I picked up my clothes. Trevor turned around and immediately looked away.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Nothing... uh... you look good." I smiled.

"Well thank you. But let's go big boy. We got a movie to get back to." I smiled as I set my clothes next to my bag, then pulling Trevor's hand.

We walked back in the living room and Carly still had that sad look on her face.

"Hey, cheer up babe. We got bubba coming up soon." I smiled as I sat next to her.

Trevor sat next to me. Carly didn't say anything. Just leaned against me.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and held her close to me.

The movie continued to play. The room uncomfortably silent. The only thing playing was the movie.

Carly kept looking at her phone every so often. No notifications.

No notifications.

I felt bad. Because I felt it. The bad feeling. I felt that something was wrong. It had been almost an hour and still nothing from Daniel.

Carly's phone rang.

She picked it up so fast that She didn't even check the ID.

"Hello? Pause it." She said under her breath.

"Hello, is this Carly Rea Mills?" She left it on speaker.

"Yes, this is she." The phone call was odd. All of us remained on edge. "May I ask who this is?"

"I'm Nurse Jackie from St. Union hospital, and I have Daniel Shepherd in medical care. You are set as his emergency contact-"

My heart stopped.

The room spun around me. I could only imagine what Carly was thinking.


"I'll be there as fast as I can." Carly hung up on the lady.

Her face was blank. Nothing to be read.

"Let's go." Carly said sternly. Getting up on her own and loosing a bit of her balance but still standing.

"Carly, slow down a bit, you might hurt yourself!" Trevor rushes to her side and held her up.

"IM NOT GOING TO FUCKING SLOW DOWN! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL AND IF WE DONT GET THERE NOW, SOMEONE ELSE WILL BE THERE TO!" Both me and Trevor were taken aback by her tone. She's never sounded like that before...

"Okay." Trevor grabbed the keys and he quickly picked her up bridal style.

Easier than taking the wheel chair.

We ran as fast as we could down to the truck. Time standing still.

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