《Baby boy》41



I held the two rings in my hand and stared at them.

The silver rings smooth in the palm of my hands.

"Why?" I turned to my mom. Her back facing me as she finished breakfast.

"Because. You're father may no longer be with us, but I want you to hold the love in that boy.... the same love I held for your father. Those rings symbolize that. I no longer need them, but you do."

I looked back at the rings and smiled.

I grabbed my key chain and hooked them onto one of the thin metal ringlets.

"Now go sit. Breakfast is ready."

It all felt like a weird dream.

My head pounded as my eyes adjusted to the light. Everything was too bright to see.

Mumbling in the distance.

Once my eyes adjusted, nothing looked like what I remembered.

This... isn't the hotel... oh god where am I?!?!

Panic set in and my immediate thought was to hide. To be out of sight of whoever was here with me.

I quietly, but quickly walked behind a large rocking chair. It was leather. Enough to cover me.

"Hey Jay, breakfast is- Jay?" It sounded like Trevor, but I wasn't sure. I needed to be sure.

"Jay!" I heard the male voice calling for me. It has to be him...

I peaked from behind the chair and saw Trevor walking throughout the living room.

Wait... I recognize this place...

"What are you screaming for child? Where's Jay?" I saw Trevor's mom come out with two plates in her hands.

I stood from behind the chair and held my hands in front of me.

"Jay!" Trevor walked over to me and held me in a hug.

Not that I'm complaining, but what is this for?

"Uh... are you okay?" I asked as I patted his back.

"Oh you're back!" Trevor sighed in relief. "I was getting worried."

Was I in.... oh no...

"I'm sorry... did I hassle you?!" I asked as he let go of me.

"Not at all. Anyway, breakfast is ready." Trevor led me out from behind my spot and held my hand while doing so.

"Go sit." I followed as he said

I watched as Trevor grabbed two plates from his mom's hands.

His mom quietly walked to the rocking chair and sat down.

Trevor sat next to me, setting one plate in my lap. An omelet with extra cheese.

I smiled.

"Please eat... for me." He said quietly. Enough to where his mom couldn't hear.

I just nodded.

He handed me a small plastic fork and looked up as his mom spoke.

"So how have my babies been?" She smiled.

"I've been good. What about you?" I said with a small smile, digging into the eggs.

"Oh I've been good. Yaknow, retirement is great and all, but its boring." She chuckled a bit.

"Mom, why don't you go visit with aunt Shirley?" Trevor asked as he ate.

"I'd love to, but she's in Europe with her 5th husband. Love her to death, but she's... bless her heart..." I chuckled.


We kept up small talk with Trevor's mom.

Talking about the little things. Everything going smoothly.

I finished my food pretty quick. I didn't have much to eat yesterday, and it was around 10am at this point... to say the least I was starving.

"You still hungry Jaylynn?" Trevor's mom walked to me and took both our plates.

"Oh, no. I'm okay. Thank you." I said with a smile. *grooooooowwwwlll*

"I'll make you a sandwich. Turkey okay?" I bowed my head down and mumbled a small yeah.

Trevor laughed a bit. I gave him a small glare. "That was cute." He chuckled.

"Oh shut it." I crossed my arms and leaned back into the couch.

He just laughed at me.

I sighed. He looked at me while he leaned back into the couch.

"I'm sorry..." I said quietly.

"What for?"

"I don't really know what might have happened while I was out of it, but if I did anything... I'm sorry." I bit my lip, trying to think back on what happened. It was all just blurry. Just like every other time.

"You didn't do anything that I wouldn't have happily taken care of." I looked over at Trevor. Meeting his eyes.

"Jay. We may no be together, but I will always take care of you if you want it and or need it. I'm always here for you, despite our relationship status." I smiled at his sweet words.

"Thank you." I leaned into him, setting my head on his shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around me and ran his fingers through my hair.

I can't wait for him to be mine one day.


"My back is killing me..." I groaned. Daniel continued to rub my shoulders as I sat in his lap.

I held onto my stomach and just stared.

My baby... our baby... is coming to this world soon.

A fucked up world, but maybe... hopefully a better world than we had. A world where change is possible. Where people are loved for the content of their character.

That's the world I want our baby to live in.

"What are you thinking about gorgeous?" I turned my head to meet Daniels eyes.

"I want our baby to live a better life than we did. Than our generation did."

He stopped rubbing my shoulder and put his arms around me. Holding me close to his chest.

"Me too baby girl... me too." He kissed my neck softly. "I can't wait to meet our precious baby." He hummed with delight.

"Me too..." I smiled.

He put his hands over mine. Holding my stomach with me.

God I have to pee...

His hands fitting perfectly over mine.

Everything felt right. Like it was meant to be.

He is my soul mate. He means the world to me. And I can't wait to raise our baby together. Grow a family. Grow old together. Everything.

I can't wait.

"Okay, pee break." I sat up. Daniel quickly got up and held his hand out to me to help me up.

"You just went baby." I rolled my eyes.


"Yeah and a small child is pushing on my bladder. I have to pee." He chuckled as he walked me to the bathroom.

I hated that I felt so useless all the time.

I used to always walk everywhere, help around the house, do everything on my own except when I am in little space.

But now I just feel useless. And I hate that.

"Tell me when you're done baby." He closed the bathroom door and waited for me outside the door.

It was quiet. I was so tired.

Fuck I'm dizzy....

"Danny...." I said trying to scream, but it came out as an exasperated whisper.

The door opened and Daniel rushes to my side, holding me upright.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel dizzy..." Daniel nodded and knew what to do.

He went to my side, slid my arm over his shoulder, pulled up my sweats, and walked me to the bedroom.

He carefully laid me down on the bed.

Walking away fast to the kitchen.

Just as fast as he left, he came back with one of my protein bars. Nasty by the way.

"Eat please." I nodded and nibbled on the bar.

It was hard to eat since it didn't taste great.

"Are you alright?" I sighed.

"I don't know... I'm just not feeling fantastic. Dizzy, little nauseous.... headache."

Daniel nodded.

"Do you want me to go get some pain meds? I didn't bring any with me." I sighed.

"No, you can't. The baby.... I can just deal with it. I'll be fine." Daniel gave me a small glare.

"Baby, you're not fine. You need something. You can't just put up with the pain." He held my hand as I looked up at the ceiling.

"I just don't want you to leave...." I bit my lip and I felt a wave of sadness roll over me.

"I'm not going anywhere baby..." I looked over at Daniel to see a small smile on his face.

"Come over here you goofball." I pulled at his hand and pulled him close to my chest.

He climbed on top of me and held his weight on his hands as he hovered over me.

The chain around his neck swung around. I pulled the small metal chain and pulled him closer.


"You're playing a dangerous game baby girl."

"I'm willing to play." I smiled as I pulled him closer.

"Baby, you don't feel good. I don't wanna hurt you-"

"Shut it. I want you. Listen to the pregnant lady..." I smiled and grazed my lips over his. "Mmmm.... yes ma'am."

He kissed me sensually. Filling every moment with sweet touch.

He held himself up with one hand, the other holding the side of my stomach.

"Are you sure about this baby?" He asked in a deep, but sweet voice.

"Yes. We've waited long enough." I kissed him hard, holding him against me.

He pulled away from kissing me, lifting my shirt just over my stomach.

Laying down slow, long kisses all the way down my stomach, reaching closer to... you know.

"Just relax. I'll be taking care of you baby." I looked down at him smirking.


And in seconds... I was in pure bliss.

Forgetting all my problems.


We sat with Trevor's mom for hours. Catching up on the little things.

During the conversation at some point, Trevor slipped his hand in mine, interlocking our fingers.

I couldn't stop smiling. The feeling our our hands together filled me with pure happiness. This is what I missed.

The feeling of being wanted. Loved. His touch...

"Well mom we should get going. We have to make dinner." Trevor looked at his mom then to me. Still holding my hand. Then looking back at his mom.

"Oh alright. I guess I'll let you leave." His mom chuckled a bit as she got up and walked over to us.

Both Trevor and I stood up and Trevor let go of my hand to hug his mom.

They let go and his mom came over to me, hugging me tight.

"You better say yes child." She whispered in my ear. "Say yes to what?" I was genuinely confused.

"You'll know sooner or later." She chuckled.

She pulled away and looked between the both of us.

"Now go eat. Both of you look too skinny." She laughed as she basically pushed us out the door.

"I love you babies!" She said happily as she waved us out the door.

"I love you too mom." "I love you too! Thank you for the food!"

She waved us goodbye and closed the door.

"Well I'm glad that went well." Trevor smiled.

I smiled, nodding my head.

We got in the truck and started our way back to the hotel.

The truck rumbling as we drove past empty streets, and quiet neighborhoods.

"Thank you." I said quietly. "What for?" He asked as he didn't take his eyes off the road.

"For everything...." he looked at me for a split second. That split second felt like forever.

His golden brown eyes glistening as the sun made his eyes look like honey.

The small smile spreading across his face.

"And I would do it all again." He smiled as he looked at the road.

He set his hand on the console between us and leaned against it. The other hand gripping the wheel.

The sun making his skin glisten through his white t-shirt.

I looked down at his hand and chewed on my lip.

Fuck it.

I slowly moved my hand toward his. Out of his field of vision.

I slipped my hand on top of his and interlaced the first knuckle of my fingers into his.

He looked at me for a second, surprised. He smiled as he looked back at the road.

He moved his hand over and grabbed my hand. Interlacing our fingers to their fullest extent.

His rough hand fitting perfectly over mine.

I closed my eyes, leaning against his shoulder.

Letting the warmth of the sun wave over me. And the calming feeling radiating from his hand take over me.


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