《Baby boy》40



The seconds passed. Turning into minutes. I woke up early in the morning, listening to Jaylynn's small snores.

His small body pressed against mine. His hot breath grazing my chest, through my loose shirt.

Everything about this moment made me calm. Feeling him against me, knowing that I still have a shot at stealing his heart again.

I missed taking care of him. I missed being his caregiver... his dom... his everything.

This trip, I'm going to make him mine again. No matter how long it takes.

I looked down and saw Jaylynn's brows furrow, sweat dripping from his soft hair, his mouth opened slightly as he tried to catch his breath.

I watched him carefully, making sure he wasn't having a nightmare.

His brows furrowed further and he buried his face further into my chest.

"N-no........... no........." my eyes widened and I grabbed his shoulders.

"Jaylynn, wake up." I shook him lightly, attempting to get him up.

"N-no....no... no..... NO!" His eyes shot open as he shook under my touch. Tears streaming down his face.

"Shushhhh, you're okay, you're okay...." I placed my hand against his cheek. He flinched under my touch and looked up at me.

"D-daddy...." He cried and held me close, shaking as I held him close to my chest.

"What's wrong princess?" I ran my fingers though his hair and held him close.

"D-daddy l-left me alone.... m-my dad... d-daddy l-l-let him h-hit meee... d-daddyyyy..." He cried. Holy.... shit...

A dream in his age regresses state.... his nightmares took over, about scaring him half to death.

"It's okay princess... He's not here. He can't hurt you.... I'm right here to protect you." He visibly shook under me. The tears seeping through my shirt.

I held him so tight, letting him know that this was real, and his nightmare wasn't.

"I-It... felt s-s-so real...." His hands gripped my shirt tight as his words quivered.

I lightly kissed the top of his head as I rubbed his back.

Were these dreams frequent?

His sobs continued lightly. Ever so slightly shaking. His sobs turned to silent tears, the turning to sniffles.

"Are you okay princess?" I asked quietly.

"N-now that you're here." His mindset seemed a bit older this time. I was guessing around 4 or 5. But his shaky voice still held that adorable little voice.

I kissed the top of his head in hopes of making him feel a bit better.

"Do you want me to run you a bath princess?" I asked as he looked into my eyes. His eyes still glossed over with tears.

He nodded slightly.

I kissed his forehead and my hands met his waist.

He looked up at me with the most innocent eyes as he sucked on a small part of his top lip.

I smiled gently before he moved off me slightly.

I got up and stood in front of him as he raised his arms, knowing he wanted to be held.

I smiled as I picked him up and set him on my waist. His arms and legs wrapped around me as I walked to the ensuite bathroom.

I turned on the bath and held my hand under it till it got to a warm-hot temperature.

I held Jay to my chest and let the bath fill, all the way to the brim. Enough to where it wouldn't spill over, but allow him to sit in it fully.

I set Jay down, his hands still clinging to my shirt.

"Do you want to do it yourself, or do you want me to help you?" I asked as I leaned my head to his ear. My hands held his waist as he was clinging to me.


"You help..." he said quietly. I almost didn't hear him.

I nodded my head and turned him around.

He held his own hands in front of himself as he kept his head down.

I grabbed the hem of the sweatshirt, pulling up slightly. His arms lifted above his head, and I pulled the sweatshirt over his head.

I neatly folded the fabric, setting it on the counter.

I looked at his bare back and saw a small scar, gently gracing his spine.

I put my thumb over the small raised scare, reminiscing on the memory. Remembering how good it felt.

"D-daddy? W-what are you doing?" I saw him swallow a lump in his throat. He looked visibly uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry pumpkin. Daddy's just remembering something. Let's get you in the bath." I felt bad for making him uncomfortable. It wasn't the time, place, or headspace to be thinking about things like that.

I helped him step out of his sweats and loose boxer shorts, neatly folding them and setting them down on the counter with the sweatshirt.

I grabbed Jays free hand as he covered himself with the other. I led him to the bath, helping him step in.

He sat down and looked down at the water. Just sitting and not saying a word.

"Want me to stay and help you wash?" He nodded slightly. I smiled.

I grabbed the small compact hotel bottles and set them on the floor next to me.

"Do you trust me princess?" He nodded again, slightly hesitant. "Okay, lay your head down." He did as instructed and I ran my fingers through his hair. Running is soft hair though the water.

"Sit up please." He followed my directions.

I grabbed he small shampoo bottle and rubbed it through my hands.

Jay leaned back on the edge of the tub, letting his back face me. His head resting on the edge of the tub.

I slowly ran my soapy fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. Hoping to calm him down.

He visibly relaxed under my touch. I kept every movement of my hands soft and not too harsh.

I picked up his head and he scooted down a bit, letting his hair fall in the water.

I lightly scrubbed away at his scalp and let the soap fill the water.

I picked up his head and rang some of the water out of his hair.

I set his head gently on the edge of the tub and grabbed the conditioner. Pouring it into my hand and then gently rubbing it into his hair. His eyes closed and I could tell his was taking in every sensation, every movement, every sound.

I let his head lay the for a little while longer as I grabbed the bar of soap.

"Sit up please..." He moved slowly, keeping his back towards me.

I gently held his shoulder, rubbing the wet bar of soap against his back. Moving down his arms and to his hands and his fingers. His neck to the front of his chest. His waist to his hips. Never once breaking a boundary for touch and ability to consent. This was a time for physical trust. Him entrusting me to take care of him in a comforting and caring manner. Being able to suppress any sexual urge, just to be able to have this type of bonding. Being able to care for him, knowing he's trusting me to take care of him when he doesn't want to take care of himself. This was my job.

I set down the bar of soap and he moved himself down into the water, washing off the body soap himself. I ran my fingers through his hair, getting rid of the conditioner.


"Thank you daddy..." He said with a small voice.

"You're welcome princess." I said with a smile, kissing the top of his wet hair.

Right now I wasn't his dom. Not his daddy either. He wasn't my submissive. He wasn't my little either. This was a time he needed someone to care for him. I'm a temporary caregiver till he can mentally handle being an adult, and work through things on his own. I was going to care for him till mentally his brain switched back to being himself.

He sat in the water, breathing in the cheap hotel smells.

I stood up and grabbed the soft white towel from the built-in shelf. I unraveled it and held it in front of me, making sure I didn't let myself see too much of him.

"Stand up for me pumpkin." He turned around and looked up at me with innocent eyes, slowly standing up and letting the water hit the bath below.

He stood facing towards me and stared at me with his big brown eyes.

I smiled as I wrapped the towel around him, drying him off enough. He wrapped the towel around himself like a kid would and I helped him out of the bath.

I walked behind him as he exited the bathroom and into the bedroom.

He stood beside the bed and looked down at his feet.

"What do you wanna wear for the day?" I asked him as I knelt towards his suitcase. Unzipping it and looking through his clothes.

He walked over and knelt down next to me, holding the towel over himself.

He grabbed a few things, I only got to see a few of them, but some of the fabric just blurring together.

I saw a baggy pink sweater, a grey blob, and black jeans. I'm guessing the blob was underwear. "That what you want?" He nodded his head.

We both stood up and he looked up at me.

"Need help?" He nodded his head again.

I smiled, taking the clothes from him.

I grabbed the grey blob, and sure enough, it was a cute pair of boxer shorts. They had little moons on them and I thought it was cute.

He still held onto the towel as he stuck his feet into the holes.

Pulling them up, he finally let go of the towel, letting it fall to the floor.

He held his hands in front of his chest and played with his fingers. I grabbed the baggy sweater and he held his arms up. Sliding over his head, it fell just below his hips and over his butt.

I grabbed the pants and set them by his feet. Rolling each leg so it would be easier to get on.

Sticking each foot in, I pulled up the pants, buttoned them, and zipped them.

I missed this. Taking care of him. I felt wanted, needed.

I kissed the top of his head. "Let's go see Daniel and Carly, Yeah?" He nodded his head with a smile on his face.

He quickly bent down towards his suitcase and I watched him carefully.

He pulled out a soft looking stuffed bunny. "Can Peashes come?" He held the stuffed animal to his chest.

"Yes, peaches can come." He smiled just a bit more as he dug his face into the bunny.

I held out my hand to him and he gently took my hand.

I smiled as we walked out the door to Daniel and Carly.

*Knock Knock*........ *rustling*.....

"Hey what's up! Come in." Daniel smiled as he opened the door and went back to the kitchen.

"I was going to go visit my mom today, but I can't really leave Jay alone right now...." I looked down at Jay who wasn't paying attention, just looking around the room.

"Why not- oh..." Daniel looked back over at Jay then gave me a confused look. He then looked at our hands that were still intertwined. He raised an eyebrow like he was either going to kick my ass, or that he needed an explanation immediately.

"No we aren't back together... But he had a really bad nightmare. Scared the... crap... out of him. He's in a regressed state... Been like that since he went to bed." Daniel crossed his arms like he was processing everything.

"Take him with you to your moms. I'm sure she'd love to see him, and you of course." He smiled coyly.

"Gee... thanks.' I looked back down at Jay and he happened to catch my eye.

"Wanna go see my mom Jay?" He tilted his head and thought for a minute.

"Granma?" I looked up at me.

"Yes, grandma." I chuckled. A bright smiled spread across his face.

"GRANMA!!!" He screamed excitedly.

"Shushh, people are sleeping princess." He put his finger to his lip and whispered back shushhhh.

I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"You guys have fun today. I'll be back later tonight so we can all have dinner together." I smiled as I waved Daniel goodbye, Carly not in sight.

"Have fun you too." He waved off.

We left.


*knock knock knock*

"You ready Jay?" I asked softly as we waited by the door.

He held his stuffy to his chest and looked up at me. Holding my hand with his free one.

He nodded slightly.

"Hello- oh my god...." my mom put her hands in front of her face in shock and looked like she wanted to cry.

"My babies...." she opened her arms wide and hugged me tight.

"I missed you mom." I smiled and she chuckled a bit.

"You need to call me more. Or I'll kick your ass." I chuckled a bit as she let go.

"It's so good to see you again Jaylynn." She smiled and hugged Jay.

He didn't really hug back, just kind of stood there awkwardly.

"Misses Granma..." Jay finally relaxed into her touch and hugged her back tightly.

My mom looked up at me confused, but she continued to hug Jay. I gave her the look of "I'll explain later". She nodded.

They pulled apart then Jay clung to my arm, getting all shy. "Have you boys had breakfast?" My mom pulled us inside, closing the front door.

"No Ma'am." I said nervously.

I looked at Jay and gently told him to go play in the living room, not too far out of sight.

"I'll whip you guys up some omelets." She smiled grabbing the eggs from the fridge. "Now tell me why I'm a grandma with no grandchild?"

I chuckled nervously. "Jay's in.... a little state right now. He can't control it. But he's just fine."

My mom looked at me confused still. "Long story..." I said quietly.

She nodded in understanding. "So how long has It been? Almost a year?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. "For what?"

"Don't tell me you forgot your own anniversary!" She gave the 'ill beat your ass' look.

"What?! No! Oh god... we broke up four months ago...." my mom looked back at me like she was about to kill me.

"What the hell did you do to the poor kid?!" She grabbed the spoon from her apron and held it in her hand.

"No! He broke up with me... he was going through a lot...." she looked even more confused. "I'm working on getting him back..."

She smiled slightly, putting the spoon back in her pocket.

"Good. I like him. He's the closest thing to a daughter I have. I wanna do his makeup and paint his nails. Like a girl day." My mom smiled and put the mixed eggs in the heated pan.

"He'd love that ma..." I smiled.

We both sat there smiling.

I turned my head to look in the living room to see Jay on the couch playing and talking with his bunny.

I smiled as I leaned against the pillar, watching him carefully.

He looked up and caught my eye. I smiled and he looked down and blushed.

"You love him don't you?" I turned around and looked at my mom.

"Yeah.... I do. With all my heart."

She smiled. "Watch the eggs." She took off her apron and walked towards her room.

What is she doing?

I ignored my curiosity and flipped the omelet.

Then took the omelet out of the pan and started the other one.

"Come here." I turned around and saw my mom with a serious expression.

I put down the spatula and wiped off my hands.

I turned around to face her and stood quietly.

"I can see how much you love him. I love him. And I'm sure Clark would have adored him. He misses you, and I know.... I know he'd want you to have these." She grabbed my hand.

I held my hand as she pried open my fingers and placed two small items in my hand. Closing my fingers before I could look.

"Your dad misses you very much baby. As much as I miss him. This is from both of us. Please... make us proud, like you always have." She smiled, tears peaking from her eyes.

She let go of my hand and went back to the eggs.

I slowly opened my hand, seeing two small rings.

My dads wedding ring...

And my mom's engagement ring....



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