《Baby boy》39


"H-hi..." I managed to squeak out.

Trevor visibility tensed up.

I bit my lip and downcast my eyes.

He turned around, facing me. Sticking his hands into his front pockets.

"Hey..." he didn't know what to say either. Somehow I could tell from the way he spoke.

"H-how've you been?" I looked up with only my eyes. I stuck my hands in the sweatshirt pockets and slouched.

"Pretty good honestly. Stopped drinking, and I even got a raise at work." I looked up to see a small smile on his face.

"I-I'm glad." Well he didn't say he got a partner.... I bit my lip and looked away.

"What about you? How's everything?" I bit my lip, thinking it over. Should I make him jealous?

"Good... my father got 3 years... I've been happier since then." Better not... I don't wanna ruin my own chances.

"That's good to hear..." we didn't look at each other. Just stared off to the side.

Awkward silence.

"C-Can I... Umm.... never mind..." my face fell as I spoke. I felt too needy.

"Tell me, what is it?" His voice was sweet like honey. He spoke silk, making me calm down slightly.

"C-can I hug you...?" I pressed my lips together, my eyebrows furrowing. I don't think I could handle more rejection...

Without a word, his strong arms wrapped around me. Enveloping me in his warm embrace. I was surprised at first, not moving. I couldn't move. My body wouldn't move.

He dug his head into my neck, taking in every feeling. " I was hoping you'd ask..."

My body could finally move and I wrapped my arms around him so fast, pulling him in closer.

I felt tears peak in my eyes. But I was no were near sad.

Happy. I am so happy.

Just being here in his embrace was all I needed.

I stood on my toes and held onto him. Clinging to him for dear life.

"I missed you." He whispered into my neck, almost inaudible.

"I missed you too..." I smiled, whispering back. A tear slipped down my face and fell to his shirt.

I knew he felt it.

He pulled away, holding me by the shoulders.

"Why are you crying...?" He asked softly, wiping my tear away with his thumb.

"I'm just... happy..." I looked into his eyes. Mine watering, making my vision blurry.

He pulled me close again, holding me in his strong arms.

I missed this. I missed him.

He rubbed my head through the sweatshirt hood and rocked me back and forth.

I felt safe.

I didn't realize how much I truly missed him till I held him. I knew I missed him, but not to this extent.

It felt like my heart was finally full. Nothing missing.

I buried my nose into his head, kissing the top of my sweatshirt hood.

He held his hands to his chest, clutching my shirt in his hands. I held his head to my chest, trapping him in my embrace.


Right now? Sex was the furthest thing from being intimate.

Right now, his embrace was the most intense thing I could have felt. All our feelings somehow out in the open. Everything felt right. Like it was meant to be.

"C-can we talk...?" I looked down at Jay as he spoke softly into my shirt.

"Sure." I tightly smiled.

I slowly let go of him and he walked over to the couch. I followed close by.

I sat on the edge of the couch, turning my body slightly to face Jay. He sat in the middle, sitting in a little kid position. His legs in a frog or w type shape.

He bit his lip and I watched. God I want to kiss him...

"So.... um... did you uh... get a partner at all?" He looked anywhere but me.

I smiled. I saw the small green-eyed monster.

"No.... you?" I raised an eyebrow, looking at him as he downcast his eyes.

"N-no." I smiled. I still have a shot...

"H-how are you?" I chuckled. We already went though this but I could tell he was nervous. He really hasn't changed one bit.

"I'm good. There's one thing that would make me better though..." I looked him up and down as he stared at me.

"W-what's that?" I saw him visibly shrink, submitting naturally.

"Just a small boy that stole my hoodie." I smiled. "I missed you Jay..." I leaned on the back of the couch, sighing.

I felt him move, then I looked and he quickly straddled me.

"What are you doing?" I smirked a bit, looking at his lips.

"I missed you more." He bit his lip. I set my hands on his small waist, holding him still.

He leaned in, slowly. I knew what he was doing.

I put my hand up, setting my finger on his lips. He stopped.

"As much as I want this... let's take it slow." The look of disappointment crossed his eyes.

"I understand...." I moved my finger and his head sank.

I put my finger under his chin and lifted his face.

He looked at me, slightly confused as sad.

I leaned in and gave him a small sensual kiss. Feeling his soft lips once more.

He immediately kissed back and wrapped his hands around my neck, trying to deepen the kiss. I pulled away.

"S-Sorry...." he stuttered. I smiled. He was too cute.

"It's fine. Just be patient." He nodded his head and big his lip.

I knew the game he was playing.

He slowly moved his hips back and forth. Not enough to notice, unless you payed attention.

I grabbed his hips, keeping him in place.

"Not the type of slow I meant princess and you know it." He frowned, but a blush crept across his freckled face.

I pulled his face up with my finger, looking deep into my favorite thing. His gorgeous brown eyes.

"No." I said softly. He stopped altogether.


I felt bad for saying no, but I needed him to know that this time around I wasn't going to be jumping into everything and rushing. Yes I want to kiss him, but I don't want to take everything too far and ruin everything.

I wanted to take him on dates, show him off to people, kiss him in public to let everyone know he's mine. I wanted to do the romantic things I never got to do. I want to cook him dinner, feed him with candles and roses on the table. I want to foster a few dogs with him. I want to do everything.

I don't want him to be a "plaything". Because he's so much more and deserves the world.

He doesn't deserve to be treated like a whore, only ever thinking that the only thing I want is sex. Of course I want sex, but this? I want to do everything that I didn't the last time around.

I pulled jay into a hug. He dug his face into my neck and breathed slowly. Sniffles coming though every so often.

"What's wrong...?" I asked softly.

"D-do you not love me anymore...?" My brows furrowed with concern.

I pulled him away and held his shoulders. Tears streaming down his soft face.

"How could you ever think that? It hurts so much to know that you think I don't love you. I love you so much it's painful. But I don't want you to think I want you for sex. I want you because you're you. Don't you EVER think I don't love you...." he wiped his eyes. "I love you Jay.... I never stopped."

He sniffled, not looking at me.

"Then why don't you want me...?" He looked down at his lap. Tears dropping to his hands that laid on his lap.

"You don't deserve to be treated like a whore, only thinking that I want is sex. That's not how I should prove my love for you. I want you for more than just sex Jay. I want YOU! Your body is a huge bonus, but I want you. And you deserve better than to be treated like a play toy." He wiped his eyes and sniffed.

The tears streamed down harder than they did before.

I pulled him into a tight hug, holding his head in my neck.

He put his hands on my chest and gripped my shirt. He let out all his tears. His worries. Regrets. Everything.

"I-I'm Sorry...." he choked out.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked quietly.

"I shouldn't have ever left you, it was one of the worst mistakes of my life. Nothing between us is the same.... I missed you so much and I- I never changed. I acted like you were still my dom and continued to follow every rule in hopes you'd come back and know that I was perfect even when you weren't there... I feel so dependent on you and it hurts.... I- I can't..." his words jumbled together. His sentences blurring together.

"You are perfect Jay. Following the rules or not. What makes you perfect to me is you. The fact that you're you, makes you perfect in my eyes." He gripped my shirt tighter and held onto me.

"Y-you mean it?" He sobbed into my shoulder.

"Every word."

He continued to cry softly and I held him every second.

After a while all sounds stopped.

He fell asleep.

I don't understand how he can sleep so much after that long trip, but I guess he tired himself out.

I smiled as I pulled down his hoody and ran my fingers through his hair-

His hair.

I looked down and saw, his not long hair. What the fuck?!?!

I was shocked, but his small sleeping face made the difference disappear.

He looks adorable.

I smiled as I held him close.

I stood up and held his body to my chest, carefully carrying him to the bedroom.

I laid him down gently to the bed, seeing him so relaxed, snuggled in baggy grey sweats and my blue sweatshirt.

I smiled, backing away, wanting him to sleep.

"Mmm... daddy?" His small brown eyes peaked open and looked around for someone.

His eyes landed on me.

"Why's you go bye bye?" His face turns sad really fast.

I internally sighed. Just for tonight. "Daddy's right here pumpkin...." I walked towards him and put my hand on his face. Immediately he snuggled into my hand.

"Daddy stay..." he asked quietly. "Daddy's here.... I'm here..." I smiled and laid down next to him.

He climbed on top of me and laid on my chest.

"I's missed you daddy..." he said quietly while placing his small hand against my chest. Drawing figure 8s against my chest.

"I missed you too princess. Now go to sleep for daddy, okay?"

He yawned, squinting his eyes as he stared at the floor. Basically starring at nothing.

"Will daddy stay... forever?" He asked quietly as he yawned.

He closed his eyes and I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Daddy will be here as long as you want me here. I'll always be here to protect you, to hold you, to kiss your ouchies when you fall down. We'll have coloring dates, have tea parties with your stuffies, I'll even fight the monsters under your bed. I'll be here for all of it... I promise."

His light snores rang though my ears as I looked at his small face.

Every vision of our future together, I saw across his face. Everything playing out like a movie scene.

Buying a house... adopting a kid or two... coming home to kiss the love of my life and our precious kid.

I smiled.

Knowing that one day, I'll make him mine.

And I won't ever let him go again.



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