《Baby boy》38


The weeks passed by slowly.

But my routine hasn't changed.

Work. Bed. Work. Bed. Work. Bed.

I was bored out of my mind, but attempted to keep busy.

We were all leaving to go to Illinois tomorrow, and I couldn't wait.

I was going to see my two favorite people. My mom, and Jay...

I was excited to say the least. I couldn't sleep. The nerves in my body were taking over and my mind was wide awake.

My body hurt and I was exhausted, but my mind didn't shut off.

I wonder if we will share a room. Oh god I hope Carly doesn't give birth while we're there. I wonder how my mom is. They better not have sex next door to me. I want chips.

My thoughts just spiraling down into everything.

I forced my eyes shut, and it felt like hours later till it was all finally dark.

"Come on, get up." A raspy voice said as they shook me lightly.

"Go away!" I groaned before rolling over and taking the comforter with me.

"You wanna see Trevor or stay here?" I heard a slight chuckle in their voice.

"But like... ew, mornings." I groaned, flipping back over onto my back.

My eyes opened slightly, the light hurting my eyes. I made out a vague figure of Daniel, and Carly standing next to him.

"Ugh, fine I'm up!" I rubbed my eyes and my eyes slowly adjusted to the light.

"We'll wait in the living room for you." Daniel said quietly before walking out of Carly's room with Carly.

I looked at the clock as it read 7:43am.

Oh god that's early...

I groaned as I got out of Carly's bed. Sitting up before I walked over to my bag on the floor.

I packed everything inside from the night before and fixed the pant legs on my sweats.

Trevor's blue sweatshirt hug over my body as I stood up.

I grabbed my suitcase that I packed the night before and my small school bag, and walked towards the living room.

"Well don't you look gorgeous." Carly chuckled.

My eyes were half open and I could tell I was giving her major RBF (resting bitch face).

She put her hands up in defense and smiled.

I looked away and didn't say anything. I rubbed my eyes with the blue sleeve and yawned. (GOD DAMMINT I YAWNED)

Daniel got up and walked over to me. "You can sleep in the truck. Trevor's driving separately."

I nodded my head lightly and just stared off into space. Blanking out.

I was brought out of it by the sound of suitcases rolling across the floor, Carly and Daniel walking towards the door.

I quickly grabbed my things and followed them out to the truck.

Daniels phone rang.

"What's up?.......... Oh yeah! We can stop there......... Don't worry about it, they are both fine. We will see you soon." He hung up. The conversation was short and simple.


"Where are we going?" Carly asked quietly while Daniel helped her into the back of the truck.

"The coffee stand. We are heading through the drive through and we will follow Trevor the rest of the way." Carly nodded. So it was him....

My face stayed blank but internally I was smiling.

I didn't even realize Daniel grabbed my stuff and put it in the back with everything else.

He put a tarp over the truck bed and cinched it down.

I stopped watching him and got into the back of the truck.

Closing the door, I saw Daniel get into the drivers seat.

No words were spoken before the country station was turned on and my eyes closed.


"Hey... hey..." Carly whispered and shook me awake.

My eyes opened slightly and I looked at her.

"You want anything to drink?"

I thought about it for a second. "16 ounce hot peppermint cocoa." I whispered before yawning.

I looked at the truck clock. 8:13am. Only 15 minutes of sleep...

I shifted my gaze to the front of the truck and saw a black truck in front. Trevor's truck.

Internally I smiled, shifting my gaze back over to Daniel.

The truck moved forward and Daniel ordered.

I didn't really listen, but was handed my drink a few minutes later.

I slowly slipped on the drink, the subtle hint of mint hitting after the sweet taste of the dark chocolate.

The warm drink slipped down my throat, and it relaxed me.

We drove off, following Trevor's truck.

Cars wizzing by.

My drink now gone.

The lights flying by created a trance for me.

My eyes grew heavier, and soon I was out.


The truck stopped, and the door slammed.

My eyes peaked open only to see a small gas station.

I looked out my window to see Trevor's truck and him facing the entrance. His back turned towards me as he leaned against the front.

I looked over at Carly, not to see her.

Both Daniel and Carly gone.

I figured she had to pee. I mean.... she's pregnant.

I blinked a few more times and passed out. Everything black again.

Pit stop.

We were about half way there.

We still had a while to go, about 7 more hours.

Daniel stopped to get lunch, Carly had to pee, and Jay? No clue. But he hasn't left the Truck.

I turned around to see no movement in the truck.

I spit the shells of the sunflower seeds into my red solo cup, walking over to the passenger side of Daniel's truck.

No movement.

I looked in the back to see a small blue blob.

I looked closer to see Jays head resting against the window. Baggy grey sweats, and my blue academy sweatshirt draping over his small body. The hood up made him look so cute.

I smiled as I turned back to my spot. Leaning against my truck.

"Soobway!!!!" Carly looked happy as she gnawed on the small sandwich.


I could tell she was in her little space. It was nice to see her back to her normal self.

"Baby, be careful." Daniel looked slightly concerned as he attempted to hold her up.

He set her down on the curb and she silently ate her sandwich.

"Here's yours." He handed me mine and I smiled.

"Thanks." I unwrapped the sandwich and started eating.

"Don't you wanna wake sleeping beauty so he can eat?" I chuckled slightly, but still concerned. Has he been eating? Has he eaten today?

"No... Carly said he was up all night. I'm letting him sleep. He can eat when we get back on the road. But if he happens to wake, Ill put the sandwich in the truck." I smiled and nodded. Biting into the sandwich.

The truck door opened and it startled me.

I shot up and saw Daniel opening the door, putting a sandwich on the seat.

"Sorry to wake you... but here's lunch."

I rubbed my eyes and nodded.

I looked outside and saw everyone eating.

I stuck it out. Somehow I was still tired. But I grabbed my sandwich and walked outside.

I pulled on the hoodie strings and tightened them.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light outside as I closed the cab door.

Everyone looked at me. I ignored them.

I walked over to where Carly was and sat down next to her.

Unwrapping the sandwich and slowly started eating.

I stopped eating as soon as I heard the cab door open.

I looked over to see Jaylynn slowly walking out of the vehicle, holding his sandwich.

He looked up briefly, dull eyes. Completely blanking out.

He looked back down before sitting next to Carly and eating slowly.

I smiled. At least he's eating...

I started eating again, sometimes peaking glances at Jay to make sure he was okay.

Soon Daniel and I finished and Carly soon followed.

Jay still had a bit left, but he was still eating.

We sat and waited for Jay to finish.

Carly playing on Daniels phone, and I just watched Jay.

As soon as he finished, he walked straight to the cab, closed the door, and leaned his head on the window.

"Guess it's time to head out." Daniel chuckled and helped Carly up.

"Seems like it. See ya soon." I chuckled slightly, climbing into my truck.


I woke up and it looked like late afternoon.

Carly was singing along to some country song, Daniel smiling, and the town coming closer to my vision.

I rubbed my eyes and I felt better. Less tired than I was.

I sat up and stretched.

I looked around to see the town we were heading to getting closer and closer.

Only a few more minutes....

Daniel looked in the rear view mirror and smiled at me.

"Mornin sleepy!" He chuckled.

I waved slightly, the sweatshirt drooping over my hand.

He smiled and shook his head.

I looked out the window and watched the highway end, and the town begin.

We slowed down and followed the speed.

People passing and the town growing.

"Just a few more minutes. The hotels on the other side of town." Daniel said looking in the rear view mirror.

I nodded and looked back out the window.


Quite a few minutes passed before we finally pulled into the hotel.

It wasn't the hotel we went to last time, but it was still pretty nice looking from the outside.

"Alright, we're here." Daniel chirped as he put the truck in park.

He helped Carly out and I watched as Trevor got out of the truck to help.

I got out of the Truck and watched Daniel pull a wheelchair out of the bed.

He only used it for long distance walks. And since we might have to wait in the lobby, it made sense.

I lifted the the tarp and grabbed my stuff.

I rubbed my eyes after I set down my things on the ground.

I rolled my things over to where everyone was and we all walked to the doors.

Daniel and Carly stood between us... I looked over to see him not paying attention.

I took a deep breath and looked down at the ground.

"Hello! How may I help ya?" An older black lady smiled. Her wrinkled face smooshing her eyes together so you could no longer see them.

She was short and barely stood above the counter.

She gave me a mothering love type aura.

"Hi, two rooms for Shepherd?" The lady put on a small pair of glasses and searched through the old computer sitting on the desk.

"Oh, here ya are! 213 and 214." She smiled before walking to the back wall filled with keys.

"Here are you're keys. Enjoy your visit!" She smiled, her eyes disappearing again under her years of genuine smiles.

"Thank you ma'am." Daniel tipped his hat and smiled.

Daniel wheeled Carly into the elevator. Trevor and I followed.

We stood on the opposite sides of the elevator.

It was unspoken, but somehow I knew me and Trevor were going to share a room.

I downcast my head and smiled. I miss him...

The elevator stopped on the second floor, leaving the last two floors untouched.

We all walked down the long hall and looked for our rooms.

Two doors bunched opposite of each other every so often.

210... 211... 212... 213 and 14!

I smiled as we got to our doors that were side-by-side.

"Me and Carly will take 13. Here's your key, call if you need anything." Daniel smiled then winked at me. Like it was his plan all along.

Trevor held the key as we both watched them enter their room and close the door.

Trevor cleared his throat ('RONA) before unlocking our room and entering.

He set his stuff by the entrance near the kitchen island and looked around the room.

I set my stuff down next to his and stood behind him.

"Hi..." I squeaked out.


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