《Baby boy》36



"T-Trevor...?" I froze. My eyes widened as I stared at him.

"I'm sorry Jay, I should have said something..." Daniel looked at me, apologizing.

"No... no. It's okay... I'm just surprised." I pressed my lips together. I shoved my hands in my pant pockets and looked down. Some of the loose hairs fell in front of my face.

"You look good...." Trevor said lightly.

"You don't look too bad yourself... officer." I smiled a bit, looking at him in uniform.

4 months later and I still think that uniform is hot. Damn I'm horny.

I just heard Trevor chuckle a bit.

"Thanks Danny. I'll see you guys soon." Trevor waved them off, looking at me.

I bit my lip out of habit and I watched him freeze for a second before walking back to his truck.

"Sorry I didn't say anything... I didn't know you followed me." Daniel rubbed the back of his neck.

"I said it was okay. It's not like we're on horrible terms.... but.... I guess it's just awkward now." I looked back down, keeping my hands in my pockets.

"Well... let's head inside. I got to cook dinner." Daniel swiftly turned around. "Hey baby, what do you wanna eat?"

Carly put down her book and looked up at the both of us.

"Homemade pizza?" Carly said with a question, and a little bit of hope.

"Anything for my babygirl." I smiled as Daniel walked to Carly, basically carrying her in the house.

They were in the house.

I looked back out were I vividly remember Trevor standing.

You look good.

I smiled.

"Hey! You comin?" Daniel called from the house.

"Yeah yeah.... I'm coming." I said with a smile.

I kept looking at the spot where he stood as I walked into the the house.

I miss him...

I smiled. Knowing maybe soon... I can finally talk to him.

Holy shit.

I drove down to the station before my shift started.

He's changed a lot.

Everything about him screamed confident.

He made me nervous. Even after all this time, he still managed to make me really nervous.

His long hair... I wanna pull it. NOPE BAD THOGHT TO HAVE BEFORE WORK!!!

I sighed as I drove to the station.

Everything was calm and quiet. But my brain didn't feel that way.

After months of think about him, trying to better myself, and finally getting to a point where I was okay to be alone, he has to pop into my life like it was nothing?!

I was a little disappointed by what he was wearing... I missed how cute he looked in a skirt, but despite it, he still looked.... so good...

I smiled the rest of the way to work.

I haven't felt this happy in a long time.

I missed smiling this big.

"He Bryant I- what the hells got you so happy man?!" Cole smiled as he patted my back.

"Oh Nothin. Just saw the man of my dreams."

"Alright man. You're staring to sound like me. You seriously need to get laid." Cole chuckled it off.


"Oh I will be. Just give it some time. I've got mad skills man. This will be easy." Ha. No it won't. Who the hell am I trying to fool?!

"Whatever you say man. Get the keys. Patrol tonight." Cole patted my back before pulling out his phone and texting someone.

I grabbed the cruiser keys and flung them around my finger.

"Let's go! I'm feelin preppy." I had a kick in my step as we both walked to the cruiser.

"I didn't know you could eat that much...." I watched as Carly downed 2 large pizzas by herself.

Honestly, I'd thought she'd pop.

"Oh shut it." She continued to eat.

"Hey be nice. And slow down baby, you'll get yourself sick..." Daniel cooed in her ear, a hint of concern lacing his voice.

Carly smiled instead of taking back. Damn. Well that hurt. I chuckled to myself. Always nice to him, but IM THE BAD GUY?!

I ate my third slice. Since it was homemade, they were pretty thin. So there wasn't much. But oh my god it was good.

My mind wandered as I ate. Everything just disappeared as I fell through my thoughts.

I kept picturing how that scene outside could have been different. Picturing different scenarios.

Scenario 1:

Trevor smiled as he stood in front of me, holding his arms out to me.

He got on his knees and held out his arms.

I ran to him, letting my hair down as I ran.

My hair flowing over the both of us as I crash into him and hold him as tight as I can.

"I love you..." he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I cried into his shoulder.

Scenario 2:

I followed Daniel, looking up to see Trevor.

Our eyes met as he stared at me with wide eyes.

Everything felt like it was in slow mode. Mostly because I wanted it to be.

Everything slowed as Trevor ran to me. Picking me up and spinning me around like the movies.

Holding me by my waist and having his arms outstretched.

My hair flowing over his face, covering both of our expressions from peeping eyes.

He slowly bent his arms and our lips met.

His lips were soft and eager. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

Okay, I like this scenario.

He kissed me with full passion.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him back, grinding myself against him.

"I want you so bad..." he kissed me, walking into the house and making it to the bed in no time.

"I want you..."

"HEY! You're drooling on your food!" I snapped out of my fantasy and saw Daniel and Carly starring me down, both looked pretty disturbed.

"What?!" I looked at the both of them.

Daniel gave me a glance down. I looked down and sure enough mini me was ready to go.

"Ughh..." I sighed.

"Whatcha thinkin bout?!" Carly teased. "Trevorrrr?" She cooed from Daniels lap.

I just rolled my eyes.


"HA I WAS RIGHT!" Carly cheered.

"You would do the same with Daniel if you hadn't had sex in 4 months!" I sighed as I leaned back on the couch.

"Oh, I haven't had sex in longer. Probably since I first found out I was pregnant." Carly continued to eat.


"Yeah. I just haven't been healthy enough for that kind of activity." She shrugged like it was nothing.

I sighed. Poor Daniel.

"It's really not all that bad. Because I know by next month, we will have a pride and joy to raise together!" Daniel had a big smile on his face as he held Carly by her stomach.

He smiled even brighter and rubbed her stomach. "He kicked..." he smiled and held his hand in place.

"Okay, as cute as this is, your straight vibes are ruining my gay ones." I flipped my hair and fake pouted.

"So sorry your highness. Suck it up. I love my kid." I chuckled at his response.

"I better be the Godfather or I swear to god-" I held up a defensive hand.

"Duh, of course you are. You're my best friend!" Carly rolled her eyes.

"Good!" I smiled. "I'll be his favorite." I chuckled a bit.

Daniel rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Have you guys decided on a name?" I asked while leaning back in my seat. Attempting to get comfortable on the hard sofa.

"Sorta. We are trying to decide between a few names." Carly held her hand over Daniels that gently rested over the peak of her belly.

"Hit me with them." I said smiling.

"Well... I like Cater, but Daniel likes Cameron. But I'm also thinking about Jacob." I nodded my head, thinking about it.

"Personally, the day of birth is the best decision maker. I've heard from my mom that she didn't even have a name picked out for me, but just knew as soon as she saw me. She picked Freddy's out of a baby book though." I laughed at the thought. I was special. Ha Freddy.

"That's probably a good idea." Carly looked down at her stomach. "He's going to be a pain if he's anything like his father." Carly chuckled.

"Hey! I'm not that bad." Carly side eyed him.

"Oh really? You're worse than my little space sometimes. YOU CANT EVEN FOLD THE TOWELS RIGHT!!" Carly argued.

"There's a right way?!?! It's just folding!" I chuckled at the thought. Poor Carly.

"Besides the point. He'll still be just as handsome."

Daniel smiled.

I felt left out of the conversation.

This was something that was for them and them only.

I was happy for them, but this was a private conversation.

While they bickered and talked about the baby, I slipped out of the room.

I'll leave them to talk.

I went into Carly's room and laid on her bed. I stared at all the girly things and little space items.

The stuffies and pink colors made me feel at home.

Like I belonged.

I sat still, staring at the colors. I felt dull.

The fact that I was dressing exactly how my father wanted me to dress... It killed me.

I walked to Carly's closet and started sifting through her clothes.

We were exactly the same size, in everything. Shoes, dress, pants, everything.

It came in handy for things like this.

I peeled off my clothes and started putting on the outfit I chose.

I grabbed black combat pants that were baggy and comfortable, the gold buckled belt that went with it, a pink mesh shirt, a black choker and a silver chain, black velvet chunky heels.

I felt like myself.

It may not be girly, but it felt more like me.

I was in my own skin again.

"You look better in that then I do." I jumped when I saw Carly in the doorway.

She held her stomach and gripped the door frame.

"You shouldn't be standing you know..." I walked over to her, giving her a hand.

"I'm okay, really. I need exercise anyway." Carly laughed. I gripped her hand as she held onto me for complete balance.

We walked to her bed and she sat down. I sat down with her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It was you're guys conversation. As happy as I am for you, I'm not apart of this. As much as you try to include me. I'm jealous... really." I fiddled with my fingers in my lap.

"What's there to be jealous of?!" Carly sounded genuinely confused by my confession.

"You have a man that loves you. You have a baby on the way. You live together, and you both love each other. What's there not to be jealous of?" I chuckled half heartedly.

"This isn't about me... is it..." Carly spoke softly.

I shook my head no.

"He does love you... you know that right?" I bowed my head, letting my hair fall in front of my face. The few loose hairs tickled my face and neck.

"I just really miss him..." I said blankly.

"I know... you'll be together soon, I know it." Carly said with a cheer in her voice, but she still kept quiet.

"What if he has a partner though... he couldn't have possibly waited for me like I did for him... he has needs. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a partner..." I sniffled.

I rubbed my nose with the back of my hand. The tears welling in my eyes.

I didn't want to think about it... him moving on...

"He does not. He. Loves. You. There is no doubt about that Jay." She rubbed my back with her hand.

"You know... I should probably tell you this now. But I want you to come with me and Daniel on a vacation next month." She smiled as I looked over to her, keeping my head down.

"Trevor said he'd be there too. He wants to see you Jay." She smiled.

"He... He wants to see me?"



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