《Baby boy》30



I woke up alone. Laying on an unfamiliar bed, and sore.

I didn't want to be alone. No... no...no

I felt tears peak in my eyes and softly cried. "D-daddyyyy...." I whined, hoping he was close by.

I heard voices in the background and one voice coming closer. I hid myself under the covers, realizing I was exposed to whoever was out there.

"D-daddy...." I whined under the covers.

"Thanks for helping me T." Daniel said with a soft smile as I helped him make pancakes.

"No problem." He stayed silent for a while. Seeming to tumble his thoughts around his brain.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked stirring the mix together.

"Yeah... I just wanted to let you know. I had fun last night, more than I thought, but definitely a one time thing. As much fun as I had, I'm still straight. It was fun, but not really for me in the future. Yaknow? Gotta say, surprisingly like it up the ass... haha" He blurred his thoughts together. I barely picked up on what he jumbled together.

"I get it. I had fun as well. But whatever you're feeling, that's good for you. But if you ever wanna try it out again. You know who to go to." I said with a smile. Sitting on the counter before he poured the batter on a skillet.

"I know. But I'd rather stay straight. That got any curiosity out of my system." Daniel laughed a bit.

"I feel you." I got of the counter and got out the eggs Daniel collected earlier this morning, cracking the and scrambling them. "Oh by the way, thank you for picking up Jay's stuff from my apartment earlier. I appreciate it." I smiled.

"Well I don't want you or Jay walking around naked all day." He chuckled. I laughed with him, continuing to scramble the eggs.

"Hey, you should check and see if Jaylynn is awake." Daniel looked at me, putting some finished pancakes on a plate.

"Will do." I said while I stopped mixing.

I wiped my hands on my pants and walked to Daniels room where Jay slept, ready to see my baby.

"Hey princess- oh princess, I'm here..." I heard his voice, laced with concern. "What's wrong baby?" I held onto him while he combs through my hair with his fingers.

"Y-you... gone... I- I alone..." I choked out.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry. I was making you breakfast. But I wanted to see you, and see your cute little face." I looked up at his smile, feeling better.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at him. "R-really?"

"Mhm... there's breakfast in the kitchen. It's almost ready. And of course I wanted to see you. You're mine. All mine." He kissed my forehead and I smiled. He's mine.

"Let's go eat, alright?" He kissed my cheek before standing up. I pulled the covers over my chest, frowning.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Daddy! I's not dressed!" I whined.


"Baby... do you need help getting dressed or do you want to?" I thought about it for a second.

"Daddy hewp!" I cheered, dropping the covers to reach my arms out.

He responded by putting his hands under my arms and lifting me to his hip. I buried my face in his neck, smelling him. Daddy smells good... I relaxed in his arms, feeling happy.

"What do you wanna wear princess?"

"Daddy's stuff!" I cheered in his ear before he set me down. I covered myself, squirming around, not wanting him to look at me.

"No need to be embarrassed princess." He said kissing my cheek. I felt heat rush to my face, so I bowed my head, not want him to see me.

"Alright, arms up princess." I hesitated before slowly lifting my arms.

He pulled a large sweatshirt over my head, it hung well over my butt and past my hands. I felt safe.

I saw him squat down, digging through my bag that I thought I left at his house, but ignored it.

He pulled out just a pair of black shorts, standing up.

"Panties daddy!!!" I whined, pulling at the sleeves of the sweatshirt.

He chuckled a bit before bending down again and picking out a pink pair. My favorite. It was comfortable.

"Foot." He held it at my feet. I stuck both feet in before he pulled it up, pinching my butt.

"Dadddyyyyyyyyy! Ouchie!" I rubbed my butt, frowning.

"Daddy's sorry baby. Want me to kiss it better?" He smirked.

"No! Daddy!!!!" I whined.

"Use your words princess, please." He looked up at me, grabbing my hands.

"Daddy wanna touch me. I don't wanna." I frowned. "I promise I won't baby, I just want to kiss it better." He smiled.

"Fine." I turned around. He planted a gentle kiss where he pinched, it felt better already.

"All better?" I turned back around. I nodded my head.

"Alright princess. Pants." He held the shorts at my feet, slowly slipping in them.

He pulled them up before patting my butt lightly.

"Daddy no playing!!!" I frowned.

"Well you're grumpy this morning." He smiled before standing up.

"I hurts daddy!" I looked down at my bare feet.

"I know princess, that's my fault. We can have breakfast though to make you feel better."

"FOOD DADDY! I's hungry!" I bit my lip, chewing at the dead skin.

He laughed a bit before grabbing my hand and walking to the kitchen.

"Hey look who's up?" Daniel smiled. I looked down at my feet, pulling at the sleeves of the sweatshirt.

"How you feeling Jay?" Daniel asked before setting down the spoon he was cooking with.

"I's hurts." Daniel chuckled a bit.

"Sorry kiddo." He smiled a bit before going back to cooking. "How many eggs do you want? Fresh this morning." He looked at me smiling.

"This many!" I held up two fingers.

"Two it is." He smiled, platting three plates.


Daddy led me to the table, sitting down before putting me on his lap.

"Alright people. Breakfast." Daniel said with a smile before handing us two plates. He went back to the kitchen and grabbed a third.

I looked at Daddy's plate and poked my fork at his eggs, eating off his plate.

"Hey, you have you're own plate baby." He laughed while pulling it away from me. I frowned, making a sad face. "What?" He asked with a chuckle

"Daddy, I wants!" I frowned.

"Baby, you have your plate. Do you want me to feed you?" I hummed thinking about it. Nodding my head.

He picked food from his plate, reaching his fork to my mouth. I opened my moth and took a bite of the eggs. He remembered the cheese...

I munched on the eggs happily, squirming around on his lap. He just chuckled as he kept feeding me.

Daniel just smiled at me occasionally as he picked at his food, looking at his phone.

"Who you texting?" Daddy asked.

"Carly. She said she was coming home soon." Daniel answered with a smile, looking at his phone as he replied.

"Good to hear. Now they can have a proper play date that was originally planned." Daddy chuckled.

"Carly coming?" I asked.

"Yeah baby, she'll be here soon." He held the fork in front of my moth, I shook my head no.

"Daddy, I's full." I held my moth closed.

"Baby, you barely ate. Please eat, for me." I shook my head no. My tummy didn't feel like eating.

"Baby. Please cooperate with me." I shook my head no. Danny looked at me funny, I didn't like it. I frowned.

"Baby. Please. Don't make this hard. Please eat your eggs at least." Daddy sighed.

"No.... I don't wanna eat no more." I said with a frown.

"Baby. Stop, I'm trying to be reasonable. Just please. Eat. Or do you want a spanking?"

"NO SPANKIES!" I shook my head. "Then please eat."

"But I don't wanna eat no more. No more daddy, don't make me." I frowned.

"You need to eat. This is your last warning." Daddy said with a stern tone.

"No, please don't make me!" I whined.

"That's it." Daddy scooted the chair out, picking me up and setting me on his hip. "We'll be in your room."

I looked at Danny who nodded.

"NO, NO SPANKIES! DADDY!!!!" I cried into his shoulder.

"I warned you baby, I'm sorry." He sat down on Danny's bed, holding me, attempting to adjust me.

"No, daddy please..... I'll eat.... I's sorryyyy..." I cried as I buried my face into his neck.

"Baby, please don't make this harder than it needs to be. You had your chance." He sighed as he rubbed my back. I cried onto his shirt, not knowing what to do.

He cooed, trying to calm me down.

"Baby, you aren't normally like this. What's wrong?" Daddy said with a worried tone.

"I don't know daddy.... I's just not happy..." I cried into his shoulder while he rubbed my back. I cried until there was no tears left, soaking his shirt. I only sniffles as he continued to rub my back.

"Please no spankies...." I whispered into his shoulder, gripping his shirt.

"I'm sorry baby, but you broke some rules. You have to have a punishment."

"B-but... i's said sorry..."

"I know you did baby. But you know the rules." I sniffled.

I was quiet while I got up, setting myself over his knees. I cried silently while I gripped the sheets.

Daddy sighed, staying silent for a moment.

"You'll be getting 10 swats for disobeying me and not taking care of yourself. Okay?"

I nodded, sniffling into the sheet. Daddy sighed again before pulling my shorts over my butt.

He rubbed my butt gently before laying the first smack. Each one making me feel worse.


Three. I sniffled.



Eight. I cried silent tears.


Ten. I felt more emotionally hurt than physically.

Daddy pulled my shorts up before making me straddle his lap, hugging him.

"You're okay baby.... you're okay." He cooed in my ear while I cried into his shoulder.

"I's sorry daddy...." I choked into his shoulder.

"I know baby. I forgive you." He hugged me tighter, pulling my head closer to him.

"Can you tell daddy what's wrong?" He said quietly.

"I.... I don't know Daddy.... I's just... not happy...." I couldn't form it into words. I wasn't sad but I wasn't happy. I wasn't anything. Just, empty. Like nothing really mattered right then.

"That's okay baby.... just please listen to me. You need to take care of yourself." I sniffled and nodded my head.

I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say or how to say it. I just had too many thoughts running through my head.

"Do you loves me daddy?" Daddy didn't say anything. He stayed quiet. It worried me. "Y-you don't love me do you..." I sniffled.

I felt Daddy panic under me, pulling me away from him, making me face him. Tears streamed down my face as I cried. I held my hands over my face trying to cover my tears. Daddy pulled my hands away, holding my face towards him.

"Daddy loves his baby. Don't you ever doubt that." He kissed my forehead, looking in my eyes.

"B-but... you didn't answer right away.... you hesy-Hess-hessa-" I frowned not knowing the word.


"That! You hesitited!" I frowned, letting the tears fall. "Daddy lying...."

"No baby no. Daddy Isn't lying." He wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Then why you hesitited?" I cried.

"Hesitated baby, hesitated. I'm sorry I did. You just caught me off guard, that's all." He smiled.

"I love you baby. Don't you ever forget that." I sniffed. "You mean it?"

"With all my heart baby." He kissed my forehead. Wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I love you daddy." He smiled. "Daddy loves you too baby."



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