《Baby boy》29-XXX


Threesome? Part 2.

Sorry, half storyline half sex. I'll put the warnings, Don't worry.

I drove with Lily in the passenger and Carly in the back.

It was odd she wanted to have a "girls night", but I was glad she did. After all, both me and Lily took a liking to her. But I know Daniel is good for her.

"You want to stop and get food before we head back to our apartment?" I said looking at both Lily and Carly in the rear view mirror.

"Yes please!" Carly sing songed in the back.

"Alright. What will it be then?" I questioned.

"Okay okay. Hear me out. Pickles and chocolate." Carly looked really excited about the weird food combination. I looked over at Lily questioningly, just for a second as she gave me the same look back.

"How about Chinese? Oooooo Mongolian!" Lily groaned in the passenger seat.

"Sounds good to me. Carly?" She pouted in the back seat.

"We can stop by the store for pickles and chocolate too." Carly's smile was back on her face. She's too adorable to say no to.


We stopped by the grocery store after eating at Panda Express. Don't judge, it's good.

Carly happily sat in the back slipping her chocolate bar in the pickle juice. I found her pick of food weird, but then again I didn't know much about her. I didn't know if that was normal of not, so I shrugged it off.

We pulled up to the back of the bar where my apartment was attached, and parked.

"Alright. Let's get tonight going!" I said as I exited the car. Both Lily and Carly stepping out with me.

Carly held her jar of pickles to her chest, still gnawing on her chocolate.

I grabbed Lily's hand, grabbing Carly's freehand and leading them both inside.

"Alright! What first?" I clapped my hands together looking at the both of them.

"I don't know. I don't do girls nights. The only girls nights I have is with you Abby, and that usually leads to sex." Lily said sarcastically.

"Ay!" I glared.

"It's true though. You can't deny it." I grumbled in response, knowing it was true. We really don't get out much.

"Well how about Netflix?" Carly suggested.

I shrugged looking at Lily. She shrugged. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

Lily walked happily over to the couch, messing with the TV. I sat down in the middle of the couch, scooting Lily on my lap, where she happily sat.

Carly sat down gently next to me, holding her jar of pickles. "You sure like pickles doncha?" Carly chuckled at my comment.

"Well, actually, I'm not usually the biggest fan of pickles..." I gave her a confused expression.

"What made you change your mind?" Lily looked away from the TV, listening in.

"Well, there was a reason behind that, and that's why I'm here...." Carly folded her hands in her lap, looking at her hands.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked quietly.

Carly took a deep breath. "Well, I'm pregnant." She smiled. "Honestly I was scared, now I'm excited... I get to spend my life with Daniel... with our baby..."

I saw a small tear peak at her eye. Her light eyes filled with joy.

"But I want to share that happiness you know?" I got confused by her comment, but she looked sincere.


"What do you mean?" Both me and Lily gave her confused looks.

"Well... I've been wanting to try this for a while... and I asked Daniel and he said he was cool with it..." me and Lily exchanges glances, looking confused.

Carly got on her knees, facing towards us on the couch.

She leaned forward and planted her lips on mine. Only for a few seconds. Not enough time for me to react.

She pulled away, looking at the both of us, blushing.

"I want to do that..." she bit her lip.

Lily looked at me, smiling. We both gave a single nod, both of us wanting this.


Lily got off my lap, slowly walking towards Carly, moving her hips with each stride.

She leaned down, grabbing Carly's chin with her fingers, pulling her face towards hers.

Lily softly planted a kiss on Carly's lips, going slow and steady. Carly quickly got into it, whining and whimpering for more.

I smiled at the thought.

I got up, reaching over, whispering in Lily's ear. "I'll be back baby. Mamas getting her toys."

Lily shivered, stopping the kiss between her and Carly. "Yes Ma'am..."

I shivered when she whispered in my ear. Such a turn on... Carly whimpered under me, wanting more.

"So impatient... aren't you pet?" Carly whined, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"Tell me what you want pet." I whispered in her ear, nibbling on her ear as she painted into my shoulder.

"Please... do anything you want to me. I-I just want you to touch me... please..." she whined into my shoulder, pulling and gripping on the back of my shirt.

I smiled as I kissed down her neck. She continued to squirm with each touch.

She wore a small blue, frilly skirt and a cute white crop top. Her white ballerina shoes poking out from under her skirt. She wasn't wearing a bra, either that or a very thin one, because as I looked down from her neck, her nipples poked through her shirt.

"Needy aren't you princess?" Carly nodded her head, not able to say anything.

I reached down under her skirt and rubbed her thigh, feeling her squirm under my hand.

"You wearing panties baby?" She froze for a moment before shaking her head no. "Good girl."

I felt Abby behind me, grazing my ass with her hand.

"Sit behind her." Abby said sternly.

I quickly got behind Carly, setting her between my legs. Abby sat across from her, holding one small pink item.

Abby leaned forward and kissed Carly gently. Slowly sinking into her.

Carly quickly got back into it, whining for more.

I started kissing down her neck, feeling her squirm. I slowly moved my hands over her hips, moving down slowly till I reached the bottom of her skirt. Slowly running my hands under her skirt, rubbing along her thighs.

Every movement of mine made her squirm. So sensitive... I went up further under her skirt until I reached that sweet spot. Hearing her moan as I rubbed on her clit.

"Fu~~~~" she slurred as I kept going.

"How you feelin' baby girl?" I whispered in her ear.

"S-so good~" she whipped her head back as she moaned her words. Such a good slut.

Abby moved forward, kissing away her moans. I felt Abby's hand on mine, brushing my fingers, only to move lower and put her fingers inside Carly, and that small pink vibrator. Immediately Carly broke her kiss with Abby and moaned loudly.


"So wet for us, aren't you?" Abby cooed in her ear. Carly moaned in response, unable to form a sentence. Abby turned on that vibrator to the medium setting, feeling Carly loose it in my arms.

"Fuckkkk, I-I can't..." Carly formed a tiny sentence.

"You can't what baby?" Abby cooed, knowing exactly what she was doing to Carly.

"I can't hold it... I-I'm gonna..." She whined.

I went faster, and Abby did the same. Carly squirmed in our arms, wiggling around until her whole body shook. I stopped slowly, but Abby kept going, making Carly go crazy. Turning the vibrator up higher.

"A-Abbyyyy..." Carly whined. "What baby?" Abby cooed in her ear, knowing exactly what she was doing to her.

"I'm s-sensitive..." She kept squirming in our arms, her whole body shaking.

"You want me to stop baby girl?" Abby asked with a high pitched tone. "N-no..." she continued to squirm in our grasp. Abby hummed in approval.

"What do you want baby girl?" Abby asked calmly, watching her every move, listening to every whine. "What do you want us to do?" She smirked.

I put my fingers back down to her clit, rubbing ever so softly. Feeling her squirm in my arms.

"Knulla mig hårdare!!!!" Me and Abby looked at each other dumbfounded. What language is that? Never mind that! That was hot!

I bit my lip, hearing her accent slip through her tongue as she spoke those words.

"What was that baby girl?" Abby asked confused.

"I said, fuck me harder! Pleaaaseeee!" She whined. Her accent hidden behind the English words.

"Knulla mig tills jag inte kan andas(fuck me until I can't breath)" Carly whined. I didn't understand a lick of what she was saying, but damn was it hot.

I didn't understand if she was speaking a native tongue, if she was just really good at faking a language, or just speaking what she learned. Either way, it was hot as hell.

"Baby, we don't know what your saying." Abby said calmly. Abby continuing to finger her, inserting another finger. Fitting three of her fingers inside of her. Listening to her whine.

"Jag vill ha er båda så dåligt! Skruva mig snälla!(I want you both so badly! Screw me please!)" Carly whined. The accent rolling off her tongue as she reached up behind her to grab my neck with both hands. Locking her fingers behind my neck, pulling me forward into her neck.

"I don't know what your saying baby, but keep going..." I said quietly into her neck, leaving marks all over her.

"Skita... skita... skita... skita....(shit)" she murmured under her breath.

I looked at Abby, giving her a confused look, but Abby just shrugged. Smiling. She looked at how fucked up Carly looked. Absolutely destroyed.

I knew Abby kept hitting her g-spot, because she kept twitching, moving, almost unable to control herself.

I've never played with anyone this sensitive before, but clearly she was turned on and wanting more.

"I can't...-FUCK!" She lets out a loud moan as she came all over our hands. Throwing her head back as her whole body shook. He whole body twitching, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she arched her back to her own orgasm.

"Such a good girl..." Abby whispered, turning off the vibrator.

Abby took her fingers out of Carly, licking up and down, sucking on her own fingers. "You taste just as good as I thought baby girl." Abby cooed. Carly still had her head on my shoulder. Completely done for.

I rubbed my fingers once over her lips, grabbing her juices between my fingers. She whimpered at the sensitivity before I put my fingers in my mouth, tasting her.

"She's right baby girl..." I kissed along her neck as she whimpered. "What's wrong baby?" I cooed in her ear.

"D-don't say stuff l-like that..." she said quietly. Almost breathlessly.

"Why not baby girl?" Me and Abby both said in sync.

"B-because it's e-embracing..." she stuttered. Me and Abby smiled at her.


"You're adorable baby girl." Abby cooed. Carly smiled, blushing harshly.

Abby slowly adjusted her skirt to wear she was covered. Abby pulled herself closer to Carly and me, sitting Carly in her lap and wrapping her legs around me.

It felt right to be here with the both of them. Like we found a perfect fit to our family. But I knew it wouldn't happen. This was a one time thing. Because we both knew how good Daniel was for her. And they were starting a family together. They were perfect together.

I kissed Carly's neck gently, planting the smallest kisses on the marks I had left. Carly let out a tiny moan. It was adorable.

"What language were you speaking baby girl?" Carly looked at her hands nervously, fiddling with her fingers.

"Swedish... it's my first language. I was born in Sweden, but moved to America my first year of high school. English was hard to learn, and I still struggle. You just never notice since I'm always a little when I speak." Me and Abby both nodded in understanding.

"I think your accent is adorable baby girl. You're adorable." Abby kissed her gently. Carly making the softest of noises with every movement.

"Where's my kiss...?" I pouted to Abby. Abby just chuckled as she pulled away from Carly.

She smashed her lips onto mine, immediately filling the space between my lips where hers fit perfectly.

She pressed her tongue against my lips, asking for access. I quickly granted as she dominated the kiss so easily. Making me want even more. But she pulled away, leaving me breathless.

"You get more when we're alone." She winked at me, making me blush.

Carly yawned as she leaned against Abby's shoulder. Abby rubbed her back.

"I's tired bee..." she spoke to Abby as her little side made its way forward.

"I know baby girl. Just go night night. Me and lily will be right here." Abby cooed softly as she held her in her arms.

Carly adjusted herself moving me to the side of her, so both me and her were in Abby's lap. I held her like a little spoon while Abby held us both. Running her fingers through our hair. Quickly putting both me and Carly to sleep.




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